Subtractive Shading Envelope's Computational Workflow: Comparison
Please note this is a comparison between Version 2 by Rita Xu and Version 1 by Miktha Farid Alkadri.

This study proposes a voxel-based design approach based on the subtractive mechanism of shading envelopes and attributes information of point cloud data in tropical climates. In particular, the proposed method evaluates a volumetric sample of new buildings based on predefined shading performance criteria. With the support of geometric and radiometric information stored in point cloud such as position (XYZ), color (RGB), and reflection intensity (I), an integrated computational workflow between passive design strategy and 3D scanning technology is developed. It aims not only to compensate for some pertinent aspects of the current 3D site modelling such as vegetation and surrounding buildings but also to investigate surface characteristics of existing contexts such as visible sun vectors and material properties. These aspects are relevant for conducting a comprehensively environmental simulation while averting negative microclimatic impacts when locating the new building into the existing context. Ultimately, this study may support architects for taking decision-making in conceptual design stage based on the real contextual conditions.

  • voxel-design approach
  • shading envelopes
  • point cloud data
  • computational design method
  • passive design strategy
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