Antiviral Drugs against COVID-19: Comparison
Please note this is a comparison between Version 1 by Md. Jamal Hossain and Version 4 by Beatrix Zheng.

Several FDA-approved available antiviral drugs, alone or in combination, have been screened clinically for their extended use since the early phase of the current pandemic to find a safe and effective treatment option against COVID-19, and many clinical trials of these antiviral drugs are still ongoing. However, an in-depth understanding is required from current clinical literature reports to execute integrated approaches between computational and experimental methods to guarantee high success rates of repositioned drugs. Moreover, multiple challenges associated with repurposed drugs have been identified, including dose adjustments, route of administration, acute/chronic toxicity, appropriate delivery systems, etc..

  • coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
  • repurposing strategy
  • repurposed drugs
  • remdesivir
  • interferon type I
  • clinical trials



Human beings around the globe have been suffering from a devastating novel pandemic and public health emergency, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), for more than one and a half years due to the deadly and highly pathogenic severe acute respiratory coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection worldwide. Notably, no effective treatment strategy has been approved for the complete recovery of COVID-19 patients, though several vaccines have been rolled out around the world upon emergency use authorization. After the emergence of the COVID-19 outbreak globally, plenty of clinical investigations commenced to screen the safety and efficacy of several previously approved drugs to be repurposed against the SARS-CoV-2 pathogen. This concise review aims at exploring the current status of the clinical efficacy and safety profile of several antiviral medications for the treatment of patients with COVID-19 and other respiratory complications caused by SARS-CoV-2 infection. The paper covers all kinds of human studies (January 2020 to June 2021) except case reports/series to highlight the clear conclusion based on the current clinical evidence. Among the promising repositioned antivirals, remdesivir has been recommended in critical conditions to mitigate the fatality rate and improve clinical conditions. In addition, boosting the immune system is believed to be beneficial in treating COVID-19 patients, so interferon type I might exert immunomodulation through its antiviral effects by stimulating interferon-stimulated gene (ISG). However, more extensive clinical studies covering all ethnic groups globally are warranted based on current data to better understand the clinical efficacy of the currently proposed repurposed drugs against COVID-19.

1. Introduction

The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has created a lot of burden on the global medical system, public health, and economic and social life of human beings [1,2]. The causative pathogen identified for COVID-19 is called severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which emerged from viruses of unknown sources [3,4]. SARS-CoV-2 is a type of ß-coronavirus (β-CoV) that belongs to the coronavirus group. The human coronavirus group causes several outbreaks, including the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS-CoV) epidemic from 2002 to 2004 and the Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS-CoV) outbreak in the Middle East, Africa, and South Asia, and many more countries during 2012 [5,6]. Wuhan, China, was the first city for the occurrence of COVID-19, and after that, it spread all over the world, infecting around 218 million people together with over 4.5 million total deaths, according to the COVID-19 global case dashboard of the World Health Organization (WHO), by 29 August 2021 [7]. Based on the data from January 2020, the WHO declared COVID-19 a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC), which was followed by a pandemic on 11 March 2020 [8].

To date, no effective and approved antiviral treatment is available to fight against COVID-19. However, some recommendations are being practiced concurrently to manage individual patients’ needs, such as antipyretic drugs for fever, oxygen therapy for respiratory distresses, antimicrobial therapy with mechanical ventilation applied in some severe cases depending on the clinical condition of the patient, and so on [11,12]. Meanwhile, the drug repurposing strategy is being continuously used in COVID-19 treatment. Drug repurposing or drug repositioning is tactically a rapid process to identify new pharmacological indications rather than the original purpose of investigational, existing, already marketed or FDA-approved drugs for the treatment of diseases. This advantageous method provides a great benefit in circumventing some de novo drug design and development stages. Thus, the technique decreases scheduled periods of drug development, reduces failure risk, and protects funds from being wasted [13]. In addition, it is crucial for a drug to be effective, proportionally related to clinical efficacy, or to produce desired pharmacological activities for a specified indication in humans. A potential drug must be passed through efficacy trials to fulfill the principal requirements of clinical efficacy, including several human trial phases [14]. In other words, efficacy trials determine the possibility of an intervention to produce expected results under ideal circumstances or the degree of beneficial effects under real-world clinical settings [15,16].

More importantly, SARS-CoV-2 is the seventh member of the genus β- coronavirus and the Coronavirdiae family [17]. Genome sequencing of SARS -CoV-2 demonstrated that the virus is almost 79% and 50% identical with the previous two SARS-CoV and MERS coronaviruses, respectively [18]. So, it might be very convenient and rational to repurpose the currently available antiviral drugs used against the two previous viral pandemics (SARS and MERS CoV) or have evidence of previous experience. Furthermore, it has been perceived that drug repurposing has already become a “universal strategy” to face the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic because of several advantages it offers. These include fewer clinical trial steps, the availability of the formulation and distribution of the existing pharmaceutical supply, the possibility of more effective treatment of known combination therapy, the discovery of novel mechanisms of actions of old drugs or new classes of medicines, [19] and the elimination of “activation barriers” in the early stages of research, thus ensuring the rapid advancement of any project to disease-oriented research [20].

Several FDA-approved available antiviral drugs, alone or in combination, have been screened clinically for their extended use since the early phase of the current pandemic to find a safe and effective treatment option against COVID-19 [21,22], and many clinical trials of these antiviral drugs are still ongoing. However, an in-depth understanding is required from current clinical literature reports to execute integrated approaches between computational and experimental methods to guarantee high success rates of repositioned drugs. Moreover, multiple challenges associated with repurposed drugs have been identified, including dose adjustments, route of administration, acute/chronic toxicity, appropriate delivery systems, etc. [23,24]. Although many preliminary studies exhibited promising results, several extensive clinical investigations reported contradictory findings with significant adverse effects of these elongated applications of antiviral drugs. However, numerous clinical trials conducted with larger samples/patients have recently disclosed many mixed results, which needs careful study. Therefore, it is essential to review comprehensively the uses of repurposed drugs focusing on the therapeutic strategies, advantages, adverse drug reactions, and respective delivery approaches for instigating an instrumental battle against COVID-19. Likewise, it is also necessary to know the clear disease pathology and critical strategies to identify new drugs capable of protecting against highly contagious viral infections, including the SARS-CoV-2 infection [25]. This article summarizes the current understanding of clinical efficacy and the adverse drug reaction of various antiviral drugs used for SARS-CoV-2-infected patients across the world. Here, we also illustrated Figure 1 to represent the chemical structures of the seven repurposed antivirals drugs for use against COVID-19.

2. InMetroduction


Search and Data Collection

The oscientific articles putbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (blished from January 2020 to June 2021 on several repurposed antiviral drugs that had potentiality against COVID-19) has created a lot of burden on the global medical system, public health, and economic and social life of human beings were downloaded from various databases such as Google Scholar, Semantic Scholar, PubMed, Scopus, Europe PMC, ScienceDirect Journals, SpringerLink, Wiley, Taylor & Francis, and so on, with several preprint servers. We utilized several suitable keywords and used those words individually or in combination to find the data regarding the target topic. The keywords included “COVID-19”, “coronavirus diseases 2019”, “SARS-CoV-2”, “clinical trials”, “observational study”, “cohort study”, “safety and efficacy”, “remdesivir”, “favipiravir”, “lopinavir/ritonavir”, “interferons”, “arbidol”, “umifenovir”, “oseltamivir”, “darunavir”, and so [1][2]on. TWe included the causative pathogen identified for human studies designed as randomized or non-randomized, open-label, controlled clinical trials, and observational or cohort studies to find a clear understanding of the safety and efficacy of repurposed antiviral drugs against mild, moderate, and severe cases of COVID-19 is called severe acute respiratory syn. However, we excluded case reports or case series in this review paper. In addition, the current review rejected the data containing a limited number of subjects, weak statistical analysis, or vague conclusions.

2. Promising Antiviral Drugs against SARS-CoV-2: Results from Human Studies

3.1. Remdesivir (RDV)

Remdesivirome coronavirus 2 ( (RDV, GS-5734), a nucleoside monophosphate analog, has emerged as one of the most promising clinically investigated drugs to treat SARS-CoV-2), which emerged from viruses infection from the beginning phase of the COVID-19 outbreak. RDV was preliminarily developed for treating acute Ebola virus disease [26]. Mechanistically, RDV acts as a brofad-spectrum antiviral unknown sourcesdrug by inhibiting RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) enzyme from restricting viral replication, and it has already shown [3][4].its efficacy against SARS-CoV-21 and is a type of ß-coMERS-CoV through the improvement of lung infection [27,28].
Grein et al. [29] conducted avirus (β-CoV) that belongs cohort study on 61 patients hospitalized with severe COVID-19 who were administered RDV as a compassionate therapy for 10 days (200 mg on the first day and 100 mg for the next nine days) and observed clinical improvement in 68% of patients (n = 36 outo the of 53). Antinori et al. [30] conducted anotheronavirus group. The human coronavirus group causes several outbreaks, including open-label, prospective study in Italy on 35 patients (ICU = 18 and non-ICU = 17) and observed a more beneficial effect on non-ICU patients after 10 days of therapy of RDV. Although the study recognized some mentionable adverse effects like acute kidney injury and hypertransaminasemia for 22.8% and 42.8% of patients, respectively, the study findings recommended a larger randomized controlled clinical trial to evaluate the safety and efficacy of RDV against COVID-19. Pasquini et al. [31] assessed the efficacy of RDV on 51 ICU-admitted patientsevere acute respiratory sy of an average age of 67 years (IQR = 59.0–75.5), of which 25 were treated with the drug. The study reported that the RDV group showed a significantly lower fatality rate (56% vs. 92%, p = 0.001) and was associatedrome (SARS-CoV with better survival (OR 3.506; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.768–6.954; p < 0.001). epidemic from 2002 to 2004 and the Middle East respiratIn another prospective observational study conducted on 48 COVID-19 patients with dialysis-dependent end-stage renal disease, Aiswarya et al. [32] concluded that eary syndrome (MERS-CoV) ly treatment with RDV (within 48 h) appeared to shorten recovery and discharge time with safety and good tolerability. In a comparative analysis of 1130 patients (RDV = 312 and non-RDV = 818), Olender et al. [33] reported that the drutbreakg exhibited a 15.4% greater recovery rate than in the Middle Eas non-RDV cohort group and reduced mortality by 4.9% in severe COVID-19 patients.
A randomized, placebo-controlled, Africa,double-blind clinical trial (n = 1062; RDV = 541 and Splacebo = 521) coutnducted by Beigel et al. [28] showed Asia, and many more countries during 2012that those who took RDV exhibited lessened recovery time (10 days) than those with placebo (15 days), as well as a reduced mortality rate (RDV vs. placebo = 7.1% vs. 11.9%, respectively). Goldman et [5][6]al. [34] Wconduhan, China, was the first city for the occurrence of COVID-19cted a phase 3, open-level control trial that displayed the potent antiviral activity of RDV against SARS-CoV-2, with some adverse effects such as nausea (9%), worsening respiratory failure (8%), elevated alanine aminotransferase level (7%), and after tconstipation (7%). A retrospective comparative study was carried out by Garibaldi et al. [35], which presented the result of at, it spread all over the worl shorter improvement time in the test group than the control group. A large observational study evaluated no statistical difference in efficacy between the RDV and control group [36]. An open-level, randomized, infecting aclinical trial with RDV initiated by Wang et al. [37] repound 218 million people together with overrted no significant clinical benefits and suggested more extensive studies to confirm numerical reduction time for clinical improvement patients in the earlier stage. In another comparative study [38], 4.5no million total deaths, accstatistically significant difference was reported between clinical status and standard care. Another placebo-controlled, double-blinded, randomized trial conducted by Kalil et al. [39] demonstrding to the ated the potential activity of the antiviral drugs against COVID-19 global . Falcao et al. [40] conducted ase dashboard of the World Health Organn observational cohort study in Lisbon that compared remdesivir treatment to hydroxychloroquine treatment and their adverse effects. Hydroxychloroquine generated more adverse effects (47.5%) than RDV. In a real-life setting, the RDV regimen reduced hospitalization (WHO), by 29 August 2021in both intubated (1.4 days lass) and non-intubated (3.4 days less) patients, although it was not statistically significant [7][41]. A Based on the data frostudy compared the efficacy of remdesivir, convalescent plasma, and a combination of both, which eventually revealed a higher survival rate in patients receiving RDV only [42]. In addition, several more January 2020, the WHO declaredrandomized controlled clinical trials are undergoing to ensure the safety and efficacy of RDV against COVID-19 a Public Health Emergency of Internation. All the above-mentioned study findings and details of randomized characterizations of RDV and other antivirals drugs are tabulated in Table 1.
Table 1. Summary of the latest clinical trials and observational studies to investigate the safety and efficacy of several repurposed antiviral drugs against COVID-19.

3.2. Favipiravir (FPV)

Favipiravir (FPV, T-705, 6-fl Concern (PHEIC), which was followed by a uoro-3-hydroxypyrazine-2-carboxamide), a pyrazine analog, is another broad-spectrum RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) enzyme inhibitor that has been used in an extended pandemic on 11 March 2020platform to treat patients with COVID-19 in various countries around the world [111,112].
Cai et [8]al.
T [43] performed date, no effective and approved antiviralan open-level, controlled trial on 80 COVID-19 patients to evaluate the safety and efficacy of FPV in comparison with lopinavir-ritonavir (LPV/RTV) as a control. In this study, 35 patients were subjected to FPV treatment is available to fight against COVID-19. However, some recommendations are being practic(1600 mg on the first day and 600 mg twice daily for the next 19 days), 45 patients to LPV/RTV treatment (400 mg/100 mg twice daily), and both groups also received 5 million units of interferon (IFN)-α aerosol inhalation twice daily. In chest imaging, computed tomography (CT) demonstrated a substantial improvement rate with FPV compared to the LPV/RTV group (91.43% vs. 62.22%, respectively; p = 0.004) with several ad concurrently to manage individual verse consequences. FPV displayed relatively better therapeutic upshots in viral load reduction along with slower disease progression in this open-level controlled study. A randomized, multicenter, open-level phase 3 trial was undertaken on 150 patients’ needs, such as antip (FPV = 75 and control = 75) with mild to moderate severity of COVID-19 in India by Glenmark Pharmaceuticals. After 4 days, FPV exhibited statistically noteworthy upshots in refining clinical symptoms compared to the control group (69.8% vs. 44.9%, respectively) [46]. Recently, a clinical tretic drugs for fever, oxygen therapy fial on 50 patients with COVID-19 in Bangladesh (Dhaka trial) was accomplished, where FPV demonstrated significant viral clearance following 10 days of treatment (FPV = 96% and placebo = 52%) with a good safety profile [47]. Another respiratorytrospective cohort study conducted by Alamer et al. [49] showedistresses, antimicrobial therapy with that FPV reduced the median time of hospital discharge (FPV and SOC = 10 days vs. 15 days, respectively) and was associated with less progression to mechanical ventilation applied in some . However, the drug did not significantly influence the mortality rate of severe cases [49]. Zhao et al. [50] conductepending on the clinical condition of the pd a multicenter, open-labeled randomized trial on 55 SARS-CoV-2 re-positive patients (FPV = 36 and SOC = 19). They revealed that the FPV shortened the duration of viral shedding and significantly decreased C-reactive protein (CRP) levels compared to the control group.
An additient, and soonal study performed on [9][10].150 Mpatieanwhile,nts with mild to moderate COVID-19 (FPV and control = 1:1) reported that the drug repurposing strategy is being continuously significantly reduced the required median time to cessation of viral termination (5 days vs. 7 days, respectively) and clinical cure time (3 days vs. 5 days, respectively). However, the FPV group of patients showed more adverse drug reactions compared to the control group (36% vs. 8%, respectively) [51]. Another stusdy reported in Turkey that a 31-yed in COVID-19ar-old female receiving FPV treatment. Drug repur developed some neurotic disorders that were suspected to be caused by the drug [112]. Despite posing or drug repositioning is tacssessing excellent therapeutic profiles, FPV showed embryotoxic and teratogenic effects. Therefore, the Japanese Drug Safety Bureau provided strong warnings regarding the use of FPV in pregnant women [113]. Additiconally a rapid, Kaur et al. [114] procassess to identify newed the adverse drug events (ADEs) of FPV by analyzing the WHO pharmacologvigilance data set and concluded that FPV reduced inflammatory markers as well as offered clinical indicatimprovement for critically ill patients.
Moreover, an opens rather than the -level, randomized control trial conducted by Khamis et al. [72] forund no siginal purpose of investigational, existing, alnificant difference in therapeutic output of the drug plus inhaled interferon beta-1b in the treatment of hospitalized moderate-to-severe COVID-19 patients. Chen et al. [44] performeady marketed or FDA-approved dd an open-level, multicenter, and randomized controlled trial on 240 patients (FPV = 120, Arbidol (ARB) = 120) with COVID-19 and reported that FPV showed shorter latency recovery from fever and cough. Additionally, Lou et al. [45] conducted a rugandomized trial (ChiCTR2000029544) on 30 patients for the treatment of diseases. This advantageous method provides a great benefit in circumventing some(baloxavir marboxil = 10, FPV = 10, and control = 10) with COVID-19. After the 14 days of the experiment, the percentage of cessation of viral shedding was 70%, 77%, and 100%, respectively. Due to lack of time from the onset of symptoms to randomization, the baloxavir marboxil, and control groups did not confer clinical benefits against SARS-CoV-2 compared to the FPV group. Another retrospective study reported that the patients who received hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) alongside early treatment of FPV showed more PCR negativity and slower progression de novoof the disease [48]. However, Dabbougs et al. [69] reportedesign and development stages no significant difference among HCQ, FPV, and their combination therapy groups regarding beneficial effects against COVID-19.

3.3. Interferons (IFNs)

IFNs T(alphus, the technique decreases scheduled periods of drug development, reduces fa, beta, and gamma) are naturally occurring groups of cytokines that serve as natural barriers against foreign viruses, bacteria, mitogens, and tumor cell infections. When they are bound to the target receptors, a variety of genes become activated, which accounts for antiviral and antiproliferation, and immunomodulation activities [115]. The US FDA approved IFN-β to treat multilure risk, and protects ple sclerosis and hepatitis B and C infections [116]. A defuiciends from being wastcy state of interferon might elicit the SARS-CoV-2 infection, and several clinical trials have been started [11].since the Iinception addition, it is phase of the pandemic to evaluate the safety and efficacy of IFNs against COVID-19 [117].
An open-label prospecrutive cial for a drug tlinical trial was conducted by Meng et al. [52] to investigate the be effective, proportionally related tosafety and efficacy of rhIFN-α (recombinant human interferon-alpha) nasal drops with or without thymosin-α1 on medical professionals. The authors concluded that the rhIFN-α strictly protected medical staff with the augmented safeguards. A randomized multicenter clinical etrial was conducted by Li et al. [92] to evaluate the efficacy, or to produce desired pharmacf recombinant super compound-interferon (rSIFN-co) with traditional IFN in COVID-19 treatment, and the rSINF group showed better clinical improvement time (rSIFN = 11.5 days, IFN-alpha = 14 days), clinical improvement rate (rSIFN = 93.5%, IFN-alpha = 77.1%), radiological activities for a specified indicaimprovement time (rSIFN = 8 days, IFN-alpha = 10 days), and viral shedding time (rSIFN = 7 days, IFN-alpha = 10 days). Another randomized control trial was reported wherein IFN-alpha 2b exerted greater efficacy in the duration of hospitalization and viral clearance [53]. In another retrospection in huve study in China on 1401 patients with COVID-19 (T = 852 and C = 549), Yu et al. [54] showed improved virans. A potential l clearance and decreased hospital stay by using IFN-alpha 2b. In addition, IFN-lambda resulted in accelerated viral decline and better clinical improvement in a randomized control trial [55]. Additionally, Yuan et al. [118] assessed that the combination therapeug must be passed through efficacy trials ttic regimens of IFN-α with LPV/RTV or ribavirin or both options displayed favorable responses in contrast to COVID-19 infection. During the treatment of 77 hospitalized SARS-CoV-2-infected patients with IFN-α2b with or without arbidol (ARB), Zhou et al. [119] found fulfill the principal requa reduced duration of viral loading in the upper respiratory tract as well as less duration of inflammatory markers in the blood. In a multicenter retrospective cohort study, Wang et al. [120] exhibited that earements of clinily treatment with IFN-α2b decreased hospital fatality, although late treatment with IFN was associated with higher fatality in the case of patients with COVID-19.
Another randomized controlled trial e(IRCT20100228003449N28) on 81 patients with severe COVID-19 [109] assessed the efficacy, and safety of IFN beta-1a compared with a control group (n = 39; takincluding several hug medications only according to national guidelines). Although the primary result displayed no significant difference between the IFN and the control groups (p = 0.95) in time to clinican trial phasel response, early administration of IFN beta-1a greatly improved the discharge rate (odds [12]ratio (OR), 2.5; In other words, effi95% confidence interval (CI), 1.05 to 6.37) on day 14 and decreased the 28-day mortality rate (treatment vs. control = 19% vs. 43.6%, respectively; p = 0.015). Fu et al. [91] conducted acynother randomized, open-level clinical trials determine the possibility of an intervention to produc (ChiCTR2000030262) on 80 patients (experimental group = 40 and control group = 40) to evaluate the safety and efficacy of the combination of IFN-k plus TFF2 with standard of care (SOC) and SOC alone. In comparison between the two groups, the expected results underimental group shortened the viral RNA negative conversion time more than the control group (3.80 days, 95% CI = 2.07 to 5.53 vs. 7.40 days, 95% CI = 4.57 to 10.23, respectively; p = 0.031). Li et al. [93] compared ideal circumstances or the degree of beneficialthe efficacy among IFN-alpha, ribavirin (RBV), and the combination (IFN-alpha = 240, RBV = 814, combination = 227, and C = 756) in a retrospective cohort study, and no significant clinical improvement was observed in the combination group. Therefore, the authors suggested that this combination needs to be avoided during the treatment of COVID-19. In another randomized controlled clinical trial (n = 60; IFNβ1a = IFNβ1b = control = 20), Darazam et al. [94] found that IFN β-1a had a signifects under real-worldicant difference in time to clinical improvement compared to the control group. In contrast, INF β-1b exerted no significant influence on time to clinical settimprovement.

3.4. Lopinavir-Ritonavir (LPV/RTV)

Lopingavir (LPV) is usually prescribed [13][14].
Mfor the importantprevention of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) as well as, previously, SARS-CoV-2 is the seventh member and MERS-CoV infections, in combination with a lower dose of a ritonavir (RTV) booster. Mechanistically, LPV acts as a peptidomimetic inhibitor of the HIV-1 protease enzyme, whereas RTV plays a key role as a pharmacokinetics promoter of LPV by slowing down its hepatic metabolism of the genCYP3A4 enzyme, and thus increasing the plasma concentration and plasma half-life of LPV [121,122]. Because β-coronavirusof its potentiand tl effect on viral loading at the Coronavirdiaecellular fstamilge, initial therapy [15].of LPV/RTV in COVID-19 Gdenome sequencing of SARS-Cmonstrated a decrease in steroid usage and nosocomial infections depending on the SARS and MARS experiences [123].
In a retrospective cohoV-2rt destudy, Lee et al. [74] compared the clinical impronstrated that the virus ivement of LPV/RTV with HCQ in patients with mild to moderate COVID-19. In this study, the clinical failure rate was more common in the HCQ group than in the LPV/r group (41% (11/27) vs. 2% (1/45), respectively; p = 0.001) and the disease almost 79% and 5progression rate was 44% (12/27) and 18% (8/45), respectively (p = 0%.030). iFinally, the authors [74] concludend tical with the previouhat LPV/RTV was superior to HCQ in preventing the disease progression to severe COVID-19. Another cohort study carried out by Yu et al. [75] measured two SARS-CoV and MERShe effect of LPV/RTV on 128 enrolled COVID-19 patients divided into influenza A/B coinfected (n = 64) and non-infected (n = 64) groups. In this ronaviruseetrospective study, LPV/RTV displayed a significant difference in the median duration of viral shedding time in patients with influenza compared to non-influenza (17.0 vs. 12.0 days, respectivelyp < [16]0.001). SAmong the patients with co, it might be very cinfected with influenza, those who were treated with LPV/RTV showed pneumonia resolution within two weeks after the onset of symptoms (37% vs. 1%, respectively; p = 0.001). Another openvenient an-level randomized controlled platform clinical trial [85] on 5040 hospitalized COVID-19 patients (SOC = 3424 and LPV/RTV = 1616) prational to repurpoesented no significant difference in the 28-day fatality rate (LPV/RTV vs. SOC = 23% vs. 22%,, respectively rate ratio = 1.03, 95% CI = 0.91–1.17; p = 0.60). In this setudy, LPV/RTV did the currently available antiviral drugs used against the two prnot improve clinical outcomes by minimizing hospital stay, mechanical ventilation, or mortality rate. A retrospective study was conducted to observe whether the conventional dose of LPV/RTV used for HIV can be used in COVID-19 patients; it turns out dose tampering is a mandatory act to use the drug for the latter purpose [89]. Cao evt al. [74] conducted a randomized, controus viral pandemics (SARS anlled, open-label clinical trial (ChiCTR2000029308) on 199 patients (LPV/RTV = 99 and SOC = 100). Even though clinical improvement was observed (hazard ratio (HR) = 1.13, 95% CI = 0.95, 1.80), no significant difference was found in mortality rate at day 28 (LPV/RTV vs. SOC = 19.2% vs. 25%, respectively, absolute difference: −5.8, 95% CI = −17.3, –5.7).
Moreover, Kim et al. [73] conducted MERS CoV) or have evidence of previous experience. Fa retrospective study on 65 patients (LPV/RTV = 31, HCQ = 34) with mild to moderate COVID-19, and reported that LPV/RTV exhibited shorter viral clearance time (adjusted hazard ratio (aHR), 2.28; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.24 to 4.21) than HCQ treatment. However, no significant difference in clinical improvement was observed between the groups (median: 18 days vs. 21 days, respectively). In contrast, lymphopenia and hyperbilirubinemia were more frequent in the LPV/RTV group than the control group. Lecronier et al. [76] conducted a rthermore, etrospective study on 80 patients with COVID-19 divided into three groups (SOC = 22, LPV/r + SOC = 20, and HCQ + SCQ = 38 patients). At day 28, treatment escalation was observed (SOC = 41%, LPV/r + SOC = 50%, HCQ + SOC = 39%; p = 0.567) and no substantital difference has been perceived that was observed between these three groups in 28 ventilator-free days and the 14-day fatality rate.
In a studry condugcted by Lan et al. [77], the patients receiving lopurposing has alreadyinavir-ritonavir or an arbidol combination (LPV/RTV + ARB) displayed a 4.8% higher remedy rate and 1.5-day hospital stay compared to those who received LPV/RTV therapy only. Another retrospective study [78] become a “universal strategy” to face the challenges of thenducted on a total of 129 non-severe COVID-19 patients (SOC = 59, LPV/RTV = 51, and chloroquine, CQ = 19) found no significant difference in the improvement of prognosis of disease or shortening the clinical course. Similarly, in another cohort study on 156 hospitalized patients (median age, 72 years (IQR: 55.25–81)) with severe COVID-19 pandemic to compare the safety and efficacy of LPV/RTV (n = 47) with HCQ (n = 20), Karolyi et al. [79] obsecause rved no significant differences in mortality rate (8.5% vs. 15%, respectively; p = 0.418), ICU admissiofn rate (12.8% sevevs. 20%, respectively; p = 0.47), or hospital advastay (11 days vs. 9 days, respectively; p = 0.34).
In a non-randomized contages it offers. These include fewer clrolled trial, LPV/RTV showed a clinically effective and safety index for the enrolled COVID-19 patients. Here, 60 patients were involved in three groups (LPV/RTV = 20, Huashi Baidu Formula + LPV/RTV = 20, Huashi Baidu Formula = 20) and their clinical remission rates were 95% (19/20), 100% (20/20), and 100% (20/20), respectively. No significant differences were found among these three groups. However, these results urgently need to be confirmed further by well-designed prospective double-blinded randomized control clinical trial ss [80]. In addition, Li et al. [82] conducted a randomized control trial (NCT04252885) on 86 ps, the availabilityatients (LPV/RTV = 34, ARB = 35, and control = 17) with mild to moderate COVID-19. The difference in the median time of the formulation and distribnegative conversion rate of SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid, antipyresis, cough alleviation, and improvement of chest computed tomography (CT) was not significant (p > 0.05).
Hung et al. [83] conduction of the existing pharmaceutical supply, the possibility of more effective treatment of known coed a randomized, open-level, prospective, multicenter, phase II, controlled trial (NCT04276688) on 127 (combination group = 82 and control group = 41) hospitalized patients with COVID-19. The trial, randomized at a 2:1 ratio for 14 days, involved triple combination group therapy named LPV/RTV (400 mg/100 mg twice daily), IFN beta-1b (3 doses of 8 million IU on alternate days), and ribavirin (400 mg twice daily), and the control group was LPV/RTV (400 mg/100 mg twice daily). The required median time for negative COVID-19 results from the day of the onset of treatment for the combination group and control group was 7 days (IQR = 5–11) and 12 days (IQR = 8–15), respectively (hazard ration (HR) 4.37 (95% CI 1.86–10.24), p = 0.0010). Triple combination therapy, the disdepicted significantly lower recovery of nomedian time together with greater safety and efficacy than the control group with no mortality during the study. Huang et al. [84] performed an open-level, mechanisms of actions of old drurandomized, single-center, prospective clinical trial (ChiCTR2000029387) on patients with mild to moderate severity of COVID-19 divided into three groups (ribavirin (RBV) + I-a: LPV/RTV + IFN-a: ribavirin + LPV/r + IFN-a = 1:1:1). In this analysis, the median time of positive-to-negative conversion of SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid in LPV/RTV + IFN-a, RBV + IFN-a, and RBV + LPV + IFN-a groups was 61%, 51.5%, and 46.9%, respectively (p = 0.23). Though this or new classes of medicines,result showed no significant difference among these three groups, the combination therapy of RBV and LPV/RTV offered a significant increase in gastrointestinal adverse consequences. So, combination therapy of [17]RBV and LPV/r should the eliminatinot be relied on in COVID-19 patients. Arabi et al. [86] conducted of “activation barriers” in the early stages of research, thus ensuringa randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blinded adaptive clinical trial (NCT02845843) on 95 patients infected with MERS-CoV (intervention (LPV/RTV + recombinant IFN beta-1b) = 43 and placebo = 52) in nine sites in Saudi Arabia. In this analysis, the primary outcome at day 90 that accounted for the adaptive design yielded a risk difference of 19%. Intervention treatment contributed to a reduced probability of fatality (relative risk 0.19; 95% CI, 0.05 to 0.75) than the placebo with serious adverse responses, such as increased levels of liver enzymes.
A rethe rapid advancement of anyrospective analysis found that both CQ and LPV/RTV showed ineffectiveness in the case of severe COVID-19, whereas a combination of them enhanced mortality [87]. prAnoject to disease-orientether cohort study of non-critical COVID-19 patients receiving FPV (n = 154) and tresearchiple therapy (INF-beta 1b + RBV + LPV/RTV) showed that the triple therapy [18].
Sdecrevaseral FDd mortality [88]. A-dditionally, Qu et al. [110] assessed the therappeutic efficacy of LPV/RTV alone oroved available antiviral drugs, in combination with IFN, novaferon, and arbidol against 170 COVID-19 patients (male = 81 and female = 89), which resulted in the promising favorable consequence of LPV/RTV combined with novaferon than LPV/RTV alone or inany combination, has (LPV/RTV + IFN or LPV/RTV + IFN + arbidol, LPV/RTV + IFN + novaferon). Choi et al. [124] reported no significant difference in viral she been screendding between HCQ and LPV/RTV groups. A comparative randomized clinically for their extended use since the e trial between sofosbuvir/daclatasvir (SFV/DCV) and LPV/RTV was carried out where only the discharge rate was better in the LPV/RTV group; better survival rate and fewer complications were shown in the SFV/DCV group [125]. Similarly, pLepage et al. [89] and Schneider et asl. [90] conducted of the current pandemic to retrospective studies and found several preliminary results that warrant well-designed and more extensive randomized controlled clinical trials.

3.5. Arbidol (ARB)

Umifenovind a safe and effectiver, popularly known as arbidol (ARB), is a drug of choice in the prophylactic treatment optionf the influenza virus. It has recently been recommended against COVID-19 [19][20]due to its therapeutic benefits against the SARS-CoV-2 infection [126]. From the outset, Wang et al. [127] showed mthat ARB hany clinical trials of these antiviral drugs are still ongoind profound efficiency in inhibiting SARS-CoV-2 infection by interfering with virus entry (~75% inhibition) to host cells and post-entry (~55% inhibition) by blocking intracellular vesicle trafficking. Several clinical studies have been started to investigate its safety and efficacy against COVID-19.
Zhang et al. H[128] performed a retrowspever, an in-depth understanding is reqctive cohort study on 66 members in 27 families and 124 health care workers who were close to COVID-19 patients. The study reported that ARB could minimize the infection risk of SARS-CoV-2. Likewise, a cohort study explained that ARB treatment progressed the hospital discharge rate and decreased the mortality rate by 7.5%. [56]. In addition, Xu et al. [129] described that ARB accelered from currentated the viral clearance and is clinical literature reports to execute integrated approaches blly effective for COVID-19 infection. Moreover, prophylactic therapy of ARB could reduce the incidence of COVID-19 infection but not the hospitalization rate in health care providers [61]. Additionally, a retwrospeen computational active cohort study (ChiCTR2000030931) carried out by Huang et al. [102] noted experimental methods to guarantee high success rates that ARB reduced the viral shedding interval and declined the hospitalization duration rate. In another retrospective cohort study, ARB showed decreased fatality rate in severe COVID-19 patients [62]. Additiofnally, Deng et al. [97] reposrted that the combitioned drugs. Moreover, nation therapy of ARB with LPV/RTV demonstrated significant efficiency compared to LPV/RTV monotherapy in terms of viral clearance at the 7th day (75% vs. 35%, respectively; p < 0.05). Furthermulore, another retrospective cohort study [98] replorted that the challenges associated with repurposed drugs haombination therapy (Shufeng Jiedu capsules + ARB) had notable clinical safety, efficacy, and a higher recovery time compared to the control therapy.
Moreover, been identified,a retrospective non-randomized multicenter cohort study [103] iconcluding dose adjustmed that ARB/IFN-2b could be prescribed to ameliorate COVID-19 pneumonia in mild patients, route of administrathough the therapy was ineffective at accelerating virus clearance. In addition, acute/cn open-label controlled clinical trial [104] observed that ARB significantly impronic toxicity, aved clinical and laboratory conditions compared to LPV/RTV. Additionally, Zhu et al. [58] recommended that ARB monotherapy has more effectiveness in viral clearance comproared to LPV/RTV. Another study [59] demonstrated that adjuvant therapy combined with ARB might riate delivery elieve fever and accelerate the recovery time. Moreover, another study [100] found faster curative efficacystems, etc by using a combined treatment of ARB along with Lianhua Qingwen granules (80.95% vs. 64.86%, respectively; p < 0.05). [21][22].In addition, Alsthough many preliminudies have shown that ARB and moxifloxacin therapy in severe COVID-19 patients is correlated with lowering the viral load and fatal inflammation [101]. Another retrospective cohort study was conducted to compary studies exhibe the efficacy of ARB, LPV/RTV, and oseltamivir, wherein the ARB group dominated due to its lower fatality rate and higher viral clearance [60]. Furthermore, Li et al. [106] concluded that ARB was supromising results, several extenerior to HCQ in terms of duration of hospital stay and SARS-CoV-2 negative conversion. Moreover, a randomized control trial proved the higher benefit in using ARB over HCQ, as it was responsible for the improvement of clinical symptoms and recovery rate [105].
A retrospective cl cohort study conducted by Fang et al. [95] manifested that combinical investigations reported ed medication (traditional Chinese medicine called Lianhuaqingwen + ARB) did not accelerate the recovery of severe COVID-19 patients. Similarly, a retrospective observational study (ChiCTR2000030391) [99] concluded tradictory findings with significant ahat the combined medication (ARB + Shufeng Jiedu Capsules) did not show any noticeable effect compared to a single administration. Another study conducted by Yadegarinia et al. [130] assessed that ARB could not cure severseely infected patients, but it was effects of these elive in mild to moderate conditions. Similarly, Chen et al. [131] repongrted thated appl the antiviral medications of anti did not shorten the clearance of viral drugs. However, nRNA in acute patients. Moreover, Wen et al. [96] found that ARB comerousbined with LPV/RTV could not improve clinical trials conducted witcondition and did not reduce the time to convert the nucleic acid of SARS-CoV-2 to negative. Likewise, Lian et al. [57] discovered that larger samples/patients have recentlyARB might not accelerate viral clearance, and treatment led to a longer hospitalization rate compared to standard care. Furthermore, a randomized controlled multicenter trial (ChiCTR2000030254) [44] concluded that ARB did not sclosed manhow any notable recovery rate at day 7 (FPV = 71/116 and ARB = 62/120; p = 0.1396). So far, a variety of mixed results, which needs careful study. Thereforerandomized phase IV clinical studies, for instance, NCT04260594, NCT04255017, NCT04254874, NCT04350684, and so on, are now under investigation to evaluate the safety and efficacy of ARB combination therapy or a standard/control therapy.

3.6. Oseltamivir

Oseltamivir, commonly known as Tamit is essential to review comprehensiveflu, is a first-line antiviral treatment formerly used to treat and prevent flu A and flu B. It inhibits the distribution of neuraminidase on the surface of the influenza virus in the human body [132,133]. An initial study the uses of repurposed drugs focin Wuhan reported that several patients were treated with oseltamivir as an empirical therapy before SARS-CoV-2 was detected, but no positive result was found [134]. Although osing eltamivir monotherapy has not shown any significant effect against COVID-19 [135], numerous clin the therapeutic strategiical trials are still taking it into consideration to evaluate the efficacy of oseltamivir against COVID-19 infection [136].
An observational study s, advantages, adverse drug reactions,howed that early exposure to oseltamivir significantly reduced ventilation duration, hospital/ICU stay, and overall fatality rate compared to late exposure among critically ill patients with influenza pneumonia [64]. Tan et al. [63] conducted rea retrospective delivery appanalysis on 333 patients with COVID-19 and reported that oseltamivir significantly reduced hospital stay (p = 0.0096) over oaches for instigating an instrumental bther groups (LPV/RTV, ARB, corticosteroids). This trial also showed that a combined treatment of oseltamivir with hydroxychloroquine might be prudent in patients with COVID-19. Chiba et al. [107] performed anottle against her study that included 16 healthcare providers suspected of having COVID-19. Likewise, it is also necessary to know and their cohabitation families without hypoxia. The authors concluded that early administration of oseltamivir plus antibacterial therapy might reduce the duration of fever in outpatients suspected to have COVID-19 without hypoxia.
On the other cleahand, a real-world observational study [137] performed disease pathology and on 395,343 patients led to the observation that oseltamivir is associated with increased mortality in the general population (HR = 1.72, 95% CI: 1.61–1.84), ambulatory patients (HR = 4.79, 95% CI:4.01–5.75), non-critical strategies to identify newpatients (HR = 2.05, 95% CI: 1.88–2.23), and pregnant patients (HR = 8.35, 95% CI:1.77–39.30), as well as hospitalized (HR = 1.13, 95% CI: 1.01–1.26) and critical patients (HR = 1.22, 95% CI:1.05–1.43). Similarly, Chen et al. [131] condrugs capable of protecting against highly contagious viral infections, including theucted another cohort study on 284 patients and described that oseltamivir did not shorten viral RNA clearance, particularly in non-serious patients. Moreover, several clinical trials (for instance, NCT04303299, NCT04516915, NCT04338698, and so on) are ongoing to evaluate the effectiveness of oseltamivir in treating SARS-CoV-2 infection.

3.7. Darunavir (DRV)

Darunavir [23].(DRV) is a second-generation protease inhibitor extensively used to treat HIV infection Twithis artic cobicistat as a pharmacokinetic booster [138,139]. Several studie summarizes the curres reported that DRV could inhibit COVID-19 enzymatic proteins by inhibiting the chymotrypsin-like protease of SARS-CoV-2 [139,140].
Deng et al. [65] evalunderstanding of clinical efficacy and the adverse drug reaction of vaated the safety and efficacy of darunavir/cobicistat (DRV/c) in COVID-19-infected patients in Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University. They worked on a total of 66 patients (DRV/c = 32 and control group = 34) and found that the nucleic acid conversion duration was significantly shorter in the DRV/c group from the onset of symptoms to admission within three days (7.9 ± 6.7 days) than above three days (15.9 ± 7.1 days) (p = 0.01). Meriglier et al. [108] condus antiviral drugs used fcted another study on 46 patients (HCQ + DRV/RTV = 25 and HCQ + LPV/RTV = 21) and found that the combination therapy of HCQ and DRV/RTV showed ECG abnormalities, mostly in older (age = 70) patients with hypertension, chronic cardiovascular disease, and kidney failure.
In another report, Kim et al. [66] observed 110 critically ill hospitalized SARS-CoV-2-infected patients (DRV-c group = 14 across the world. Here, we also illustratednd control = 96) in Korea. After 1:2 propensity-score matched analysis, DRV-c group also showed a lower fatality rate Figure 1than the co represntrols (OR 0.07, 95% CI 0.01–0.52, p = 0.009). Chen et al. [67] conducthed a randomize chemical structures of the seven repurposed antivd open-label trial (NCT04252274) on 30 patients (DRV/c = 15 and control = 15) with SARS-CoV-2-infected patients. The difference of negative PCR conversion rate in between two groups at day 7 was 13.3% (DRV/c vs. control = 9/15 (60.0%) vs. 7/15 (46.7%), respectively; p = 0.72). At day 3, viral clearance was drugs for use against COVID-1920% (3/15) in both groups and at day 5, the difference of negative PCR conversion rate between the two groups was 6.7% (DRV/c vs. control = 26.7% (4/15) vs. 20% (3/15), respectively).
Figure 1. Chemical structures of the selected most promising antiviral drugs against COVID-19.

24. Discussion and Concluding Remarks

The new emergence of such a deadly virus needs potential agents to control it. It can be noted that mass vaccination is not easily affordable in many developing and underdeveloped countries immediately or before 2024 [24][141]. Additionally, over-populated countries might face some critical situations to ensure vaccines for all people due to vaccine insufficiency, and it might take longer to eradicate the outbreak. Moreover, the delta variant of concern has shown to be several times more resistant against vaccine-induced immunity [25][142]. This crucial situation calls for effective treatment tools/antiviral agents to fight against the deadly infectious disease. This review mainly focuses on the efficiency and adverse effects of repurposing antiviral drugs potentially used to treat COVID-19.
Various drugs are being used as repurposing drugs, as there is no drug or effective treatment strategy against COVID-19. Therefore, the most promising seven antiviral drugs were taken under consideration to evaluate their efficacy and also their adverse effects in various levels of COVID-19 patients.
The very first drug and most widely used one was RDV. Though several studies mentioned above showed reduced mortality, shorter hospital stay, and better improvement of symptoms, several studies have been reported it to be insignificant in the case of COVID-19 patients’ recovery. Notably, the Macaque experiment stated that RDV was only efficient in viral clearance from the lower respiratory tract, not the upper one [26][143]. Another randomized controlled study conducted by Wang et al. [27][37] suggested no efficacy of RDV on the respiratory tract, neither upper nor lower. We can conclude by evaluating the above data that RDV might be effective for severe patients in mitigating the fatality rate and improvement of clinical conditions. The WHO has recommended RDV against in non-severe patients, which might match with the current findings.
FPV has shown great efficacy in this crucial situation, yet it is not patient-friendly due to its high dose. The studies discussed above revealed that FPV is a potential cure for COVID-19, both in severe and mild cases. Chen et al. [28][44] reported a positive effect of FPV compared to ARB, as the former showed better improvement of symptoms like cough, pyrexia, and difficulty breathing. The drug is beneficial in alleviating symptoms, reducing viral load and hospital stay, but still, it is considered risky due to severe side effects like teratogenicity and embryotoxicity [29][144]. This drug was very effective against H1N1 virus, which is also an RNA virus and has shown potential antiviral effects, perhaps most efficient in viral clearance. There has been no toxicity detected for its huge loading dose, but some adverse effects have been reported; cardiovascular complications, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and kidney injuries are the common ones. Several studies also compared the efficacy among FPV, hydroxychloroquine, chloroquine, and IFN, which had minimal significant difference. LPV/RTV combination was also a drug of choice for COVID-19 in the early stages of the pandemic. However, this combination proved to be insignificant in most of the cases studied, with some exceptions. The combination rather became the reason behind serious complications like diarrhea, gastrointestinal disturbance, electrolyte imbalance, and severe acute kidney injury in patients with both severe and mild COVID-19.
INF therapy is one of the promising treatments for COVID-19 now. Several subcategories of INF are known, such as IFN-alpha 1a, IFN-alpha 1b, IFN-beta 1a, IFN-beta 1b, IFN-gamma, and IFN-lambda. All have shown a variety of efficacy without severe side effects. They have worked to the betterment of patients’ condition and reduced the fatality rate among severe patients. Several studies were also carried out to evaluate and compare the potentials of these variants. Recombinant IFN has proven to be more potent than traditional ones. An efficient therapy known as triple therapy is a combination of IFN/LPV/r/RBV that has shown amazing results. Type I interferons (IFN-I, IFN-α, and IFN-ß) are immunomodulatory drugs that can induce antiviral effects and may induce pro-inflammatory activity, which has turned out to be beneficial for early treatment of COVID-19 [30][145]. Combination with other antiviral agents may mitigate the adverse effects as well as improve the clinical condition of the patients.
ARB has shown noteworthy effects in alleviating symptoms of COVID-19 and shortening the time for converting the PCR result from positive to negative. The potential antiviral agent works well both alone and in combination with various other agents like HCQ, RBV, and IFN. Antibiotic therapy alongside ARB is just the icing on the cake, showing prompt activity in quick recovery and reduction of fatality rate. It has proved to be more efficacious than other drugs like LPV/RTV and HCQ. All these have made it a potential agent in this pandemic situation. We can add oseltamivir to this list, but the drug showed great positive effects in severe patients when used early. Darunavir is emerging as a potent antiviral drug by lowering the mortality rate and hospital stay, but more studies are required to extensively verify its safety profile.
HCQ, LPV/RTV, and many other drugs, which were thought to be a treatment option earlier, are already banned by the WHO. FPV, ARB, and oseltamivir are in the pool of acceptable drugs for COVID-19, but there are still many randomized trials going on to assess their safety profiles. RDV is recommended in severe conditions considering its adverse effects that require limited use of the drug. Boosting the immune system is believed to be beneficial, so IFN type I might exert immunomodulation through its antiviral effects by stimulating interferon-stimulated gene (ISG).
As patients with COVID-19 might face multiple pathological dysfunctions, they must be prescribed multi-drug therapies [31][146]. Moreover, several pieces of evidence have demonstrated that combination therapy is superior to monotherapy, as the multiple drugs might heal by acting on multiple receptors [32][147]. Particularly, combination therapy in COVID-19 has become an excellent choice to wrestle against the disease. Several diagnoses revealed that secondary infections have become of paramount importance as an after-effect of COVID-19, and have some saddening consequences. A combination of potential antivirals with antibiotics is used to fight the secondary infections produced due to lessened immunity, along with the viral infection [33][148]. Interferon uses an immunomodulator that has served well for COVID-19, and its combination with antiviral agents gives the best results. Moreover, the combination lowers the time taken to reduce viral shedding significantly [34][149]. The mechanism could be the dual action of antivirals and immunomodulatory agents; one weakens the virus, and the latter strengthens the immunity so the body can recover faster, through confirmation or justification of this mechanism is yet to be provided. However, to define the exact mechanism and efficacy profile of the stated combinations in the current review, more precise investigation with larger data and evidence might be required.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, M.J.H.; methodology, M.J.H., T.J., S.R.B., U.R., S.M., M.O.R., M.R.I., M.L.N., M.A.I. and T.B.E.; software, M.J.H., T.J., S.R.B., U.R., S.M., M.O.R., M.R.I., M.L.N., M.A.I. and T.B.E.; validation, M.J.H., T.J., S.R.B., U.R., S.M., M.O.R., M.R.I., M.L.N., M.A.I. and T.B.E.; formal analysis, M.J.H., T.J., S.R.B., U.R., S.M., M.O.R., M.R.I., M.L.N., M.A.I. and T.B.E.; investigation, M.J.H. and T.B.E.; resources, M.J.H., T.J., S.R.B., U.R., S.M., M.O.R., M.R.I., M.L.N., M.A.I. and T.B.E.; data curation, M.J.H., T.J., S.R.B., U.R., S.M., M.O.R., M.R.I., M.L.N., M.A.I. and T.B.E.; writing—original draft preparation, M.J.H., T.J., S.R.B., U.R. and S.M.; writing—review and editing, M.J.H., S.M., M.O.R., M.R.I., M.L.N., M.A.I. and T.B.E.; visualization, M.J.H., T.J., S.R.B., U.R., S.M., M.O.R., M.R.I., M.L.N., M.A.I. and T.B.E.; supervision, M.J.H. and T.B.E.; project administration, M.J.H. and T.B.E.; funding acquisition, T.B.E. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This work was conducted with the individual funding of all authors.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Available data are presented in the manuscript and reference list.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.


RDV  remdesivir
FPV  favipiravir
LPV-RTV  lopinavir-ritonavir
INF  interferon
rhIFN-α  recombinant human interferon alpha
rSIFN  recombinant super compound interferon
TFF2  trefoil factor 2
ARB  arbidol
DRV  darunavir
DRV/c  darunavir/cobicisitat
HCQ  hydroxychloroquine
CQ  chloroquine
RCT  randomized controlled trial
LHQW  Lianhuaqingwen
LQ  Lianhua Qingwen
CP  convalescent plasma
BCN  baricitinib
RBV  ribavirin
SFV/DCV  sofosbuvir/daclatasvir
N  number
T  treatment (group)
C  control (group)
SOC  standard of care
CT  computed tomography
IV  intravenous
NA  not available
SC  subcutaneous
GI  gastrointestinal
95% CI  95% confidence interval
HR  hazard ratio
OR  odds ratio
RR  relative risk
ROA  route of administration
ADR  adverse drug reaction
ADRS  acute respiratory distress syndrome
ALT  alanine aminotransferase
RdRp  RNA-dependent RNA polymerase
IQR  interquartile range
PCR  polymerase chain reaction
ECG  electrocardiogram


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