Forest-Based Initiatives: Comparison
Please note this is a comparison between Version 2 by Rita Xu and Version 1 by Ilaria Doimo.

Research Highlights: This review gives an overview of existing literature on the emerging

topic of human wellbeing-forest contact nexus and provides a preliminary framework linking forests

to wellbeing by highlighting key variables a ecting this relationship. Background and Objectives:

Existing literature reveals the psychological, physiological and social wellbeing benefits of contact

with forest ecosystems; however, the role of forests in this relationship remains largely unexplored.

The objectives of this review are twofold: (i) to provide an overview of the contributions of forest

experiences to human wellbeing and the related interplay with forest ecosystems and (ii) to identify

knowledge gaps to inform future research and systematize information available for forest managers

and planners to support the development of e ective forest-based initiatives. Materials and Methods:

A scoping review was performed with a five-phase method integrating a systematic approach on

Scopus, Web of Science and PubMed databases and snowball search. Studies were analyzed using a

descriptive-analytical method. Results: Overall, 93 papers were included in the review. These are

mainly from health-related sciences providing limited information for forest managers, planners

and practitioners. Four main underlying variables of the forest-wellbeing relationship are identified:

interaction, forest features, sensorial dimension of the forest and individual traits and reactions.

Conclusions: Forest-based initiatives provide good opportunities for supporting public health and

time spent in contact with forests seems to have a “health-bonus”. Whether and to what extent

forest management can contribute to this is still poorly investigated. There is the need to better

study causal relationships between specific forest features, type of interactions, frequency and “dose”

of experiences, individual reactions and needs and wellbeing e ects to maximize benefits from

forest-based initiatives.

Research Highlights: This review gives an overview of existing literature on the emerging topic of human wellbeing-forest contact nexus and provides a preliminary framework linking forests to wellbeing by highlighting key variables a ecting this relationship. Background and Objectives: Existing literature reveals the psychological, physiological and social wellbeing benefits of contact with forest ecosystems; however, the role of forests in this relationship remains largely unexplored. The objectives of this review are twofold: (i) to provide an overview of the contributions of forest experiences to human wellbeing and the related interplay with forest ecosystems and (ii) to identify knowledge gaps to inform future research and systematize information available for forest managers and planners to support the development of e ective forest-based initiatives. Materials and Methods: A scoping review was performed with a five-phase method integrating a systematic approach on Scopus, Web of Science and PubMed databases and snowball search. Studies were analyzed using a descriptive-analytical method. Results: Overall, 93 papers were included in the review. These are mainly from health-related sciences providing limited information for forest managers, planners and practitioners. Four main underlying variables of the forest-wellbeing relationship are identified: interaction, forest features, sensorial dimension of the forest and individual traits and reactions. Conclusions: Forest-based initiatives provide good opportunities for supporting public health and time spent in contact with forests seems to have a “health-bonus”. Whether and to what extent forest management can contribute to this is still poorly investigated. There is the need to better study causal relationships between specific forest features, type of interactions, frequency and “dose” of experiences, individual reactions and needs and wellbeing e ects to maximize benefits from forest-based initiatives.

  • forest therapy
  • forests
  • woodlands
  • wellbeing
  • forest and health
  • shinrin yoku
  • forest bathing
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  159. Park, B.-J.B.J.; Furuya, K.; Kasetani, T.; Takayama, N.; Kagawa, T.; Miyazaki, Y. Psychological evaluations of forest environment and the physical variables. For. Med. 2013, 37–54, ISBN: 978-162618462-6
  160. Shin, W.S.; Shin, C.S.; Yeoun, P.S. The influence of forest therapy camp on depression in alcoholics. Environ. Health Prev. Med. 2012, 17, 73–76, doi:10.1007/s12199-011-0215-0.
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  163. Savoia, C.; Schiffrin, E.L. Inflammation in hypertension. Curr. Opin. Nephrol. Hypertens. 2006, 15, 152–158.
  164. Jia, B.B.; Yang, Z.X.; Mao, G.X.; Lyu, Y.D.; Wen, X.L.; Xu, W.H.; Lyu, X.L.; Cao, Y.B.; Wang, G.F. Health Effect of Forest Bathing Trip on Elderly Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Biomed. Environ. Sci. 2016, 29, 212–218, doi:10.3967/bes2016.026.
  165. Han, J.-W.; Choi, H.; Jeon, Y.-H.; Yoon, C.-H.; Woo, J.-M.; Kim, W. The effects of forest therapy on coping with chronic widespread pain: Physiological and psychological differences between participants in a forest therapy program and a control group. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2016, 13, doi:10.3390/ijerph13030255.
  166. Yu, Y.-M.; Lee, Y.-J.; Kim, J.-Y.; Yoon, S.-B.; Shin, C.-S. Effects of forest therapy camp on quality of life and stress in postmenopausal women. Forest Sci. Technol. 2016, 12, 125–129, doi:10.1080/21580103.2015.1108248.
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