Protein and Compounds from Microalgae: Comparison
Please note this is a comparison between Version 1 by Daniela Castiglia and Version 2 by Beatrix Zheng.

Algal species still show unrevealed and unexplored potentiality for the identification of new compounds. Photosynthetic organisms represent a valuable resource to exploit and sustain the urgent need of sustainable and green technologies. Particularly, unconventional organisms from extreme environments could hide properties to be employed in a wide range of biotechnology applications, due to their peculiar alleles, proteins, and molecules. In this review we report a detailed dissection about the latest and advanced applications of protein derived from algae. Furthermore, the innovative use of modified algae as bio-reactors to generate proteins or bioactive compounds was discussed. The latest progress about pharmaceutical applications, including the possibility to obtain drugs to counteract virus (as SARS-CoV-2) were also examined. 

  • microalgae
  • diatoms
  • biodiesel
  • synthetic biology
  • extreme environments
  • recombinant protein
  • vaccines

1. Introduction

In recent years, public opinion, research community, and commercial stakeholders paid great attention to green and sustainable biotechnologies; these are not anymore considered a luxury, but a necessity in all countries. Actually, the current world population is estimated in 7.8 billion people, and an increase is expected of about 2 billions in the next 30 years (UN; ; accessed on 1 July 2021); therefore, it is essential to develop sustainable biotechnologies and strategies to face the increased food demand with a reduced impact on natural environment. Plants and algae possess still untouched possibilities; thus, these organisms are emerging as formidable sustainable tools with a number of advantages over the conventional biotechnologies [1][2][3][4][1,2,3,4].

Since 1980s, plants emerged as one of the most promising production platforms for recombinant proteins and for the valuable production of bio-compounds [5][6][5,6]. The agricultural scale cultivation represents a cost-effective method to produce recombinant proteins as well as an innovative approach to reduce risks of product contamination [2]. Encouraging results in the production of recombinant proteins and molecules for pharmaceutical applications were preliminarily obtained using higher plants [7]. On the other hand, the intensive exploitation of cropland represents a severe constraint influencing the environment utilization, CO 2 emission, chemical pollution, and water quality and availability [8].

At the same time, microalgae overcome a number of limitations of plants, emerging as effective biotechnological platforms and giving added value by the exploitation of bioactive compounds obtained from these biomasses [9][10][9,10]. Microalgae are characterized for being unicellular and their versatile metabolism, representing efficient and economic platforms to gather organics compounds such as proteins, lipids, pigments, sterols, and carbohydrates for a number of commercial applications such as nutraceutical, pharmaceutical and for biofuels [11][12][11,12]. This group includes photosynthetic prokaryotes (e.g., cyanobacteria) or eukaryotes, which are able to live in diversified environments [9]. As consequence, a number of microalgae species are currently cultivated for commercial and industrial aims, and more than 75% of this production is related to healthier supplements for human consumption [10].

In this review, we analyze some recent examples about the utilization of photosynthetic organisms from marine environments, as bio-factories. Furthermore, we reported a survey of the latest and advanced applications of proteins and bioactive compounds from microalgae.

2. Microalgae Engineering to Obtain Platforms for Biocompounds Productions

Thus, a number of strategies have been used to hyperaccumulate fatty acids and/or triacylglycerol (TAG) content ( Table 1 ). Phaeodactylum tricornutum and Thalassiosira pseudonana engineered strains were obtained modifying TAG biosynthetic pathways. In this context, critical enzymes are glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase (GPAT), lysophosphatidic acid acyl- transferase (LPAAT), and acyl-CoA:diacylglycerol acyltransferase (DGAT). These enzymes regulate fatty acid and TAG biosynthetic pathways in plants and microalgae [13][14][15][22,23,24]. The overexpression of GPAT is effective to obtain suitable strains for biofuel production ( Table 1 ). Both isoforms GPAT1 and GPAT2 were overexpressed in P. tricornutum resulting in a 2.9- and 2.3-fold change increased lipid content, respectively [16][17][19,20]. Interestingly, the overexpression of GPAT2 regulated the natural expression of LPAT and DGAT, causing an enhanced effect on total lipid content [17][20]. Interestingly, this strain was also reported as better tolerant to abiotic stress, namely salinity and chilling [17][20]. A similar approach was recently used in Neochloris oleoabundans where the plastidial Neo LPAAT1 and endoplasmic reticulum-located Neo DGAT2 were co-overexpressed. This strategy increased the TAG content of about 2-fold compared to wild type; furthermore, engineered strain reporting no effects on algal biomass [18][25]. Significant results were obtained using heterologous expression, mutagenesis in situ and knockdown strategies of genes related to the lipid biosynthetic pathway. Trentecoste et al. [19][26] and Barka et al. [20][27], developed specific lipase knockout strains of T. pseudonana and P. tricornutum, respectively. The suppression of TAG lipase in these two diatoms significantly increased the lipid content. Interestingly both did not show effects on growth [12][19][20][12,26,27]. TALEN-based genome editing technique was used in P. tricornutum strain [21][28] reporting modification in Pt TES1, a hotdog-fold thioesterase involved in acyl-CoA hydrolysis. This modification lead to a 1.7-fold change increase of TAG content [21][28]. Successful editing results were obtained by using CRISP/CAS9 approach on P. tricornutum and T. pseudonana . These preliminary results opened new perspectives to obtain improved microalgae strains using this technique [22][23][24][29,30,31].

An increase in lipids content has been obtained by modifying different microalgal pathways. LEAFY COTYLEDON1 from Arabidopsis thalian (At LEC1) represents a key transcription factor involved in plants lipid metabolism [25][32]. Liu et al. [26][33] demonstrated that the endogenous expression of At LEC1 improves fatty acids and total lipids content in Chlorella ellipsoidea both under mixotrophic and autotrophic culture conditions. These differences between wild type and the engineered algal strain were related to an enhanced regulation of key enzymes namely ACCase, GPDH, PDAT1, and DGAT1 [26][33]. Another interesting example of the transfer of genes from A. thaliana in microalgae showed the heterologous overexpression of 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate synthase from A. thaliana in Nannochloropsis oceanica . This strain reported an improved CO 2 fixation, thus increasing biomass, lipids, and carbohydrates productions upon different nutritional and stressed conditions [27][34]. Particularly, Nannochloropsis represented a further model used as platform for biofuel production from microalgae [27][28][29][30][34,35,36,37]. In the last year a number of papers have been published about the genetic manipulation of Nannochloropsis , particularly focused on the increase on lipid and fatty acids content. Different approaches, namely overexpression [29][36], endogenous expression [30][37], and insertional mutagenesis [31][38] were successfully used in Nannochloropsis . For example, Jeon et al. [29][36] overexpressed the NADP-dependent malic enzyme ( Ns ME1) in Nannochloropsis salina. This enzyme is an important NADPH supplier, playing the central role in the C4-like cycle of microalgae. The overexpressed strain showed an increased fatty acid and lipids contents compared with wild type, up to 53% and 38%, respectively [29][36].

Analogous to phycoerythrin, astaxanthin is a desirable product for human consumption. This is mainly produced by the green microalga Haematococcus pluvialis in response to adverse conditions namely excess of light, salinity, and nutrient starvation [32][51]. A number of mutagenesis approaches were used on H. pluvialis using physical and chemical mutagens such as UV radiation, ethyl methanesulphonate (EMS), diethyl sulphate (DES) and other. In some case desirable improved strains were obtained showing high growth rates at the vegetative stage and high astaxanthin accumulation rates at the encystment stage [32][51]. In recent years, genetic engineering approaches were also obtained in H. pluvialis . For example, Waissman-Levy et al. [33][52], manipulated the nuclear genome of H. pluvialis by insertion of the hexose uptake protein (HUP1) gene from the green microalga Parachlorella kesslerii . The engineered strain was able to grow upon heterotrophy conditions in glucose-supplemented media [33][52].

Table 1. List of microalgae engineered strainsTable 1

Host OrganismsGeneDonor OrganismEnzymeApproachEffectsReferences
Phaeodactylum tricornutumPtGPAT2P. tricornutumGlycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase 2OverexpressionHyperaccumulation of TAG[17]
Phaeodactylum tricornutumPtPGMP. tricornutumPhosphoglucomutaseOverexpressionIncreased synthesis of chrysolaminarin[12]
Phaeodactylum tricornutumOsElo5O. tauriΔ5-elongaseEndogenous expressionImproved accumulation of EPA and DHA—dark cultivation[34]
Phaeodactylum tricornutumPpGTP. patensGlucose transporterEndogenous expressionImproved accumulation of EPA and DHA—dark cultivation[34]
Phaeodactylum tricornutumPtTL_TAG lipaseKnockdownHyperaccumulation of TAG[20]
Thalassiosira pseudonanaTpTL_TAG lipaseKnockdownHyperaccumulation of TAG[19]
Phaeodactylum tricornutumPtDGAT2BP. tricornutum2 acyl-CoA:diacylglycerol acyltransferaseEndogenous overexpressionIncreased DHA and TAG content[35]
Phaeodactylum tricornutumPtG6PDHP. tricornutumGlucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenaseOverexpressionEnhanced lipid and w-3 accumulation[36]
Phaeodactylum tricornutumAnPhyAA. nigerPhytaseEndogenous expressionImproved accumulation of EPA and DHA[37]
Phaeodactylum tricornutumEcAppAE. coliPhytaseEndogenous expressionImproved accumulation of EPA and DHA[37]
Phaeodactylum tricornutumPtMCATP. tricornutumMalonyl CoA-acyl carrier protein transacylaseOverexpressionImproved accumulation of EPA[38]
Phaeodactylum tricornutumPtFAD5bP. tricornutumFatty acid desaturase 5bOverexpressionImproved accumulation of EPA[38]
Phaeodactylum tricornutumPtGPAT1P. tricornutumGlycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferaseOverexpressionIncreased lipid content[16]
Phaeodactylum tricornutumPtLPAAT1P. tricornutumLysophosphatidic acid acyltransferaseOverexpressionIncreased lipid content[16]
Phaeodactylum tricornutumPtPTPP. tricornutumPlastidial pyruvate transporterOverexpressionIncreased production of biomass and lipids[39]
Phaeodactylum tricornutumPtTES1_Hotdog-fold thioesteraseTALEN- mutagenesisHyperaccumulation of TAG[21]
Chlorella ellipsoideaAtLEC1A. thalianaLeafy cotyledon 1 transcription factorEndogenous expressionLipid overexpression[26]
Synechocystis sp.SaACCS. albaAcetyl-CoA carboxylaseEndogenous expressionLipid overexpression[40]
Chlamydomonas reinhardtiiCrGAPDHCh. reinhardtiiGlyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenaseOverexpressionEnhanced carbon fixation[41]
Chlorella vulgarisCvNR_Nitrate reductaseCRISP-cas9 editingReduced growth upon specific conditions[42]
Chlorella vulgarisCvAPT_Adenine phosphoribosyltransferaseCRISP-cas9 editingReduced growth upon specific conditions[42]
Nannochloropsis oceanicaAtDXSA. thaliana1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate synthaseEndogenous expressionImproved CO2 absorption, biomass and lipids[27]
Nannochloropsis salinaNsMEN. salinaMalic enzymeOverexpressionIncreased production of lipids and fatty acids[28]
Nannochloropsis salinaCrLCIACh. reinhardtiiAnion transporterEndogenous expressionIncreased production of fatty acids[29]
Nannochloropsis oceanicaNoAPL-Apetala 2 like transcription factorInsertional mutagenesisIncreased production of lipids[30]
Chlamydomonas reinhardtiiCrSBP1C. reinhardtiiSedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphataseOverexpressionPhotosynthetic and growth rates improvement[43]
Neochloris oleoabundansNoGPAT_Glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferaseOverexpressionIncreased lipid content[18]
Neochloris oleoabundansNoLPAAT_Lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferaseOverexpressionIncreased lipid content[18]
Porphyridium purpureumPpCHS1_Chlorophyll synthaseCRISP-cas9 editingIncreased phycoerythrin content[44]
Haematococcus pluvialisPkHUP1Parachlorella kessleriiHexose uptake proteinEndogenous overexpressionDark cultivation[33]
Chlorella pyrenoidosaPtG6PDHP. tricornutumGlucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenaseEndogenous overexpressionIncreased lipid content[31]
Chlorella pyrenoidosaNoG6PDHN. oceanicaGlucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenaseEndogenous overexpressionIncreased lipid content[31]


3. Microalgae Engineering for the Production of Pharmacological Proteins

Microalgae represent an important biotechnology resource for the production of recombinant proteins for pharmacological applications. Successful results were reported by the genetic manipulation of microalgae for the production of antigens for vaccines, antibodies, immunotoxins, hormones, and antimicrobial agents [45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55][56][57][58][59][60][61][62][63][64][65][66][67][68][69][70][71][72][73][59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87]. Strategies and techniques have been developed for the exploitation of microalgae as expression systems for a number of advanced genetic toolkits [48][49][50][51][62,63,64,65].

Recombinant protein production was attained by engineering both nuclear and chloroplast microalgal genomes [52][66]. Chloroplast manipulation produces a high level of transgene expression [52][53][54][55][56][57][66,67,68,69,70,71], but the recombinant proteins obtained could be not always subjected to critical post-translation modifications (PTMs), thus affecting their activity and functionality [49][63]. On the other hand, nuclear transformation produced a lower protein accumulation, but retained PTMs, such as N-glycosylation [45][53][59,67]. Furthermore, nuclear manipulation provided tools for the targeting of proteins into specific subcellular compartments or secreting them into culture media [58][72] while regulatory elements (promoters and terminators) and selectable markers were tested to identify improved strategies for higher levels of recombinant protein [74][59][15,73].

Recently, the utilization of different engineering strategies, many biopharmaceutical compounds have been effectively produced in microalgae, and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii has been widely used for this type of applications.

Table 2. List of pharmaceutical products obtained by engineered microalgae

List of pharmaceutical products obtained by engineered microalgae (Table 2)

Organism hostProductApplicationTransformation MethodLocalizationOutcomeExpression YieldsReferences
Ch. reinhardtiiE2 proteinSwine fever virus vaccineBiolisticChloroplastStrong immunogenic response in mice1.5–2% TSP[60]
Ch. reinhardtiiVP28White spot syndrome virus vaccineGlass beadChloroplastShrimp survival up to 87%ND[61]
D. salinaVP28White spot syndrome virus vaccineGlass beadChloroplast59% protection rate78 mg/100 culture[62]
Ch. reinhardtiiVP28  Chloroplast Up to 10% TSP[55]
Ch. reinhardtiiAntiviral dsRNAYellow head virus RNAi-based vaccineGlass beadsChloroplastReduced mortalityUp to 16 ng dsRNA/L culture[63]
Ch. reinhardtiidsRNA-YHVYellow head virus antiviralGlass beadsNucleus22% Shrimp survival45 ng/100-mL culture[64]
Chlorella sp.AMPs Scy-hepcA. hydrophila bacteria oral antibioticsElectroporationNucleusIn vitro inhibitory effects on A. hydrophila; in vivo S. macrocephalusUp to 0.078%TSP[65]
H. pluvialisPiscidin-4 peptideAntibacterial activityBiolisticChloroplastStable expressionND[67]
Nannochloropsis spOmpK fragment geneVibrio species oral vaccine NucleusFifth generation stable immunogenic peptide productionND[66]
Ch. reinhardtiiMytichitin-A peptideAntibacterial activityElectroporationNucleusHigh inhibition of bacteria growth (MIC assays); No toxicity on HEK293 cells.0.28% TSP[46]
Ch. reinhardtiiSARS-CoV-2-RBDAntigen proteins against SARS-CoV-2Geminiviral vectorTransientELISA assay showed specific binding with the anti-RBD antibody1.14 µg/g[69]
Ch. vulgarisSARS-CoV-2-RBDAntigen proteins against SARS-CoV-2Geminiviral vectorTransientELISA assay showed specific binding with the anti-RBD antibody1.161 µg/g[69]
Ch. reinhardtiiSARS-CoV-2-RBDAntigen proteins against SARS-CoV-2ElectroporationTransientBind human ACE2 receptor0.1% TSP[70]
Ch. reinhardtiiHuman Interferon-αChronic viral diseases and cancers treatAgrobacteriumNucleusIn vivo e in vitro antitumoral activity, anticancer proprieties, antiviral activityND[68]
Ch. reinhardtii,Human interleukin-2Interleukin productionAgrobacteriumNucleusELISA assay showed biological activity, high stabilityUp to 0.94% TSP[58]
D. salina; C. vulgarisHuman interleukin-2Interleukin productionAgrobacteriumNucleusELISA assay showed biological activity, high stabilityUp to 0.59% TSP[58]
Schizochytrium sp.ZK antigenZika virus oral vaccineAlgevir technologyTransientIgG and IgA productionUp to 365.3 μg g−1 FW[71]
Schizochytrium sp.LTB:RAGE antigenAlzheimer’s disease vaccineAlgevir technologyTransientELISA assay showed high stability up to of 60 °CUp to 380 μg g−1 FW[72]
Ch. reinhardtii,PfCelTOS antigenMalaria antigen for diagnosis testsBiolisticChloroplastStable expressionND[50]
Schizochytrium sp.Multiepitope protein (BCB)Breast cancer vaccineAlgevir technologyTransientTumor cell line 4T1 reactivity; IgG production in mice immunized with BCBUp to 637 μg/g[73]
P. tricornutumHepatitis B AntibodyAntibodies against Hepatitis BBiolisticNucleusBinding FcγRI2 mg/L[57]
P. tricornutumMonoclonal antibodiesAntibodies against Marburg virusBiolisticNucleusElisa assay showed binding efficiency1300 ng/ml[75]
T. pseudonanaAntibody for EA1Biosensor for anthracis detectionBiolisticNucleusDetection of detected EA1 epitope in lysed sporesND[47]

Table 2

4. Extremophilic Microalgae as Bioreactors

A renewed attention has been focused on organisms from extreme environments [76][77][93,94]. This is particularly true for microalgae, which show a wide range survival capabilities under extreme and stress conditions, namely hypersalinity, high and low temperatures or toxic heavy metals levels [77][78][79][80][94,95,96,97]. The use of extremophilic microalgae showed notable benefits for various applications [76][81][93,98]. Commercial cultivations of microalgae are usually obtained by growth in photobioreactors and open ponds [39][81][54,98]. On the other hand, industrial biotechnology requires elevated temperatures, difficult sterilization procedures, and expensive downstream processing which benefit from the use of thermophilic microalgae [82][83][99,100]. Extreme operating conditions tolerate by specific microalgae strains were proposed to improve these industrial processes, thus overcoming contaminations, loss of biomass, meteorological constraints, and others [77][84][85][94,101,102]. Example of biotechnological applications are the cultivation of Chlorella to mitigate the effects of industrial pollution, by absorbing CO 2; the use of Arthrospira platensis for bioremediation of contaminated effluents; the utilization of a number of microalgal species for biofuel productions [83][100].

Thermophilic microalgae cultivated in large-scale open ponds are able to produce bulk amount of lipids, which can be utilised for biodiesel production technology [86][103]. Particularly, in recent years increasing attention were posed on the regulation of fatty acid dehydrogenase (FAD) in freeze resistant microalgae [45][87][88][59,104,105]. This studies contributed to both elucidation of the regulation of algal membrane assembly, and fatty acid metabolism. Promising results were obtained using the Δ12FAD from Chlamydomonas sp. ICE-L [45][59] and the Δ5FAD from Lobosphaera incise [88][105]. Both enzymes showed cold-resistant mechanisms to adapt their biochemical functions. Δ12FAD from Chlamydomonas sp. ICE-L contributes to membrane fluidity for adaptation to Antarctic extreme environment; Δ5FAD contributes to arachidonic acid synthesis, thus avoiding the risk of photodamage upon chilling. A number of snow algae were tested for their ability to produce lipid species in low temperatures [89][106]. These analysis reported an enriched production of unsaturated fatty acyl chains, especially C18:1n-9 and C18:3n-3, thus indicating these species as good candidates to improve the yields of microalgal biomass and oil products at low temperatures [89][106].

Thermophillic microalgae are studied for the applications of phycobiliproteins [90][107], a group of water-soluble proteins linked to chromophores, involved in light-harvesting processes. Phycobiliproteins find use in a wide range of commercial purposes (e.g., colorant for food and textile industries) and the exploitation of these proteins would give additional value [80][97]. A number of industrial processes require temperatures exceeding the stability of proteins from mesophiles [90][107]. Phycocianins from the cyanobacterium A. platensis are actually produced as dye in food industries but high temperatures (62 °C) limited their use [91][108]. Different authors proposed the use of phycocianins from the thermoacidophilic red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae to overcome this problem [80][92][97,109]. The temperatures and pH tolerability of phycocianins from Cyanidioschyzon merolae were recently characterized by Yoshida et al. [79][96], confirming their thermotolerant properties. Similar evaluations were reported for phycobiliproteins in textile industry where the use of mesophiles proteins at high temperatures resulted in a decrease of color intensity [80][97].

A number of extromophilic microalgae were recently characterized for the ability in the production of bio-compounds with high economic interest [81][98]. For example, the snow green algae namely Chlamydomonas nivalis , Raphidonema sp., and Chloromonas sp. showed ability in the production of astaxanthin, α-Tocopherol, xanthophylles, and glycerol [93][94][95][110,111,112]. On the other hand, the heat tolerant green alga Desmodesmus and the acidophilic red alga Galdieria sulphuraria were tested for the production of lutein and blue pigment phycocianin, respectively [96][97][113,114]. These results demonstrate the unexplored potential represented by microalgae from extreme environments, thus encouraging the characterization of new species.

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