Milled Dental Surface Integrity: Comparison
Please note this is a comparison between Version 2 by Bruce Ren and Version 1 by Nicolas LEBON.

Surface integrity is a multiphysics (biological, mechanical, optical, chemical, esthetic, etc.) and multiscale (from nm to mm) concept. It is defined as the residual signature left on the surface by the manufacturing or post-treatment process and permits correlating the process with the expected surface functionalities. Thanks to the advances made in mechanical engineering, the concept of surface integrity has been transposed to dentistry and oral science. The surface integrity concept transposed to fixed dental prostheses is presented in this article. The main components of surface integrity and their correlations within the triptych of surface integrity–process–clinical functionalities are presented.

  • surface integrity
  • dental prosthesis
  • manufacturing
  • functionalities
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ScholarVision Creations