3.2. Piezoelectric and Thermoelectric Materials
Piezoelectric effect is the ability of some materials to produce an electrical charge in response to applied mechanical stress. This effect is reversible, and also includes the opposite behavior, that is, the generation of mechanical stress when an electric field is applied to the material. Since the first nanomaterials capable of showing this effect were reported, various high-performance materials have been developed with interesting applications from an energy point of view. ZnO nanowires (ZnO NWs) are characterized by a hexagonal structure with significant anisotropy along the c axis, and perpendicular to it, so the application of stresses on this material gives rise to a piezoelectric effect
[114][115][116][149,150,151]. When the curvature of the material is caused, a displacement of the cations and anions that form the nanowire structure takes place, which causes the appearance of a dipole that, macroscopically, will cause the appearance of an electrical potential.
In general, this effect can be observed in certain nanowires and nanobelts because, in this conformation, the materials can withstand great mechanical stresses. These materials include those based on ZnO, GaN, InN, CdTe, CdSe, and others, with really high efficiencies for practical purposes (i.e., 0.4V in ZnO
[115][150], 0.35V in GaN
[117][152], 0.3 V in CdTe
[118][153], 60 mV in InN
[119][154], or 137 mV in CdSe
[120][155]. Of these materials, ZnO is by far the easiest to obtain; it is eco-friendly with the environment, and the synthesis of large quantities can be obtained efficiently and at low temperature
[115][150]. Other materials with large piezoelectric coefficients include some ferroelectric nanowires such as Pb(Zr,Ti)O
3 [121][156], and BaTiO
3 [122][157]. Xu et al.
[123][158] reported high output voltages for Pb(Zr,Ti)O
3, with values as high as 0.7 V. In the case of BaTiO
3 nanotubes, with perovskite structure, output voltages of up to 5.5 V have been obtained, under a stress of 1 MPa
[124][159]. When this material is synthesized in the form of thin films by rf magnetron, the output voltages are certainly lower, with values that can reach 1V. Other interesting materials capable of presenting a high piezoelectric response are represented by composites. One of them is the NaNbO
3 nanowire PDMS polymer composite, with which up to 3.2 V has been obtained. Of all the materials described so far, vertically aligned Pb(Zr
3 nanowires with an output voltage of 209 V are one of the most efficient systems.
In contrast to the piezoelectric materials described above, capable of generating a voltage when subjected to mechanical stresses, there are some materials capable of converting temperature differences to electricity and vice versa. If we consider that the vast majority of energy consumption processes waste more than half of this in the form of heat, there is no doubt that having systems capable of transforming this heat into reusable energy would be very advantageous. Thermoelectricity is based on the Seebeck-effect, and is due to the different Fermi electron distribution as a function of temperature. Although this effect was initially observed in bimetal junctions, thermoelectric materials are now generally based on semiconductor alloys of Co, Bi, Te, Pb, or Sr. The process implies that a temperature difference occurs between the connected ends of p-type and n-type semiconductors, causing the free carriers to diffuse from the hot side to the cold side, generating a potential difference between both ends. Traditionally, 1D materials capable of exhibiting this effect have been dominated by bismuth. This semimetal, when found with low dimensionality, as in the case of nanowires, is characterized by a band structure and an appropriate electron distribution to show these effects
The basic property of the material that governs the efficiency of thermoelectric generators is the Figure of thermoelectric merit, defined as Z = S
2σ / κ, where S is the Seebeck coefficient, or thermoelectric power, and σ and κ are the electrical and thermal conductivity, respectively
[126][161]. Z is generally multiplied by the average temperature T to produce a number ZT, which is the parameter used to determine the efficiency of the material. The most advanced thermoelectric materials show a ZT > 3. In order to achieve this, the material is required to have high electrical conductivity (σ), and low thermal conductivity (κ), which is not obvious. One way to achieve materials with this double behavior is through the use of 1D-composites
[127][162]. In this sense, 1D organic composites have recently been developed with significant improvements. Among these, we can mention poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene): p-toluenesulfonic acid (PEDOT: p-TSA), which is synthesized on glass fiber. In this material, and after post-processing, S and especially σ experienced a significant increase, with a substantial improvement in behavior
[128][163]. Other nanostructured organic materials based on carbon nanotubes have shown power factors (PF) of up to 95
[129][164]. Materials based on PbTe-modified PEDOT nanotubes have also shown high values of S, although in these cases the electrical conductivity is low
[130][165]. Perhaps, future developments of thermoelectric materials will mainly include conductive polymers, whose doping will make it possible to control impurities and defects in the material, allowing to effectively regulate the carrier mobility.
3.3. Electrochemical Energy Storage
3.3.1. Batteries
Among the battery systems available today, rechargeable lithium ion batteries (LIBs) are the most common and the ones with higher commercial importance due to their outstanding energy density. However, state-of art LIBs are approaching their energy density boundary and new materials and structures are being developed to push this boundary further and meet the ever-increasing energy storage demand.
Batteries are usually characterized by high energy density but mediocre power density. Their limitations come from the energy storage mechanism, which is based on redox reactions that takes place in the volume of the electrode material. The incorporation of the metal ions into the bulk of the material requires the diffusion of the latter from the electrolyte to the reaction site, which is a process usually slow. This is the root of the low power density and there is currently a great effort being made to improve it. In this aspect, nanomaterials, and specifically 1D nanomaterials, are a big asset. Their high surface to volume ratio reduces the diffusion distances while their high aspect ratio assures good long-range conduction, dramatically improving their charge/discharge rates
[131][132][133][166,167,168] (see ).
Figure 130. Porous 1D nanostructures and potential applications in electrochemical energy storage. Reprinted with permission from reference
Another important issue for the batteries is cycle performance. High capacity materials tend to be mechanically unstable upon cycling because of the expansion and shrinking produced during the accommodation of the metal ions. This mechanical stress induces the pulverization of the active material which impacts the battery life by the loss of contact of the crumbled pieces. In this regard, the nano scale can also help to improve the stability of the materials, reducing the degradation by buffering the size changes and therefore increasing the lifetime of the devices
A number of other benefits can also be ascribed to the 1D nanomaterials in LIBs, such as good flexibility compared to 2D and 3D nanomaterials
[136][137][138][171,172,173], the capability to create porous or hollow structures
[131][166], or the possibility to create more complex structures that can easily be grown on thin films to form flexible, self-standing energy storage devices
One dimensional materials can be present in the LIBs fulfilling two different functions: as an active material or as a conductive material. The advantages and representative examples of 1D materials in both functionalities in LIBs are summarized in the following points.
One Dimensional Active Material
One dimensional nanostructures have recently received a significant attention in respect of their application in batteries. The advantages above mentioned have contributed to the development of an extensive variety of nanostructures (nanorods, nanowires, nanotubes, etc) for even a wider range of materials. gives a brief outlook of the variety and diversity of the materials and structures demonstrated in the literature.
Table 1. Examples of different 1D battery nanomaterials by structure and storage mechanism.
Nanorods |
Nanowires |
Nanotubes |
Nanocables |
3 ZnMnO3 [140][197] |
2 Si [135][170] |
1 g-CNTs [141][179] |
2 Cu-Si [142][198] |
950 mAh/g (0.5 A/g) 500 cycles |
1200 mAh/g (2 A/g) 500 cycles |
200 mAh/g (0.5 A/g) 400 cycles |
1500 mAh/g (1.4 A/g) 100 cycles |
3 ZnCo2O4 [143][199] |
2 Si [144][200] |
3 Co3O4 [145][201] |
1,2 SnO2-TiO2 [146][202] |
1050 mAh/g (0.4 A/g) 200 cycles |
900 mAh/g (0.2 C) 100 cycles |
1800 mAh/g (0.3 A/g) 100 cycles |
300 mAh/g (0.1 C) 50 cycles |
2 β-Sn [147][203] |
1 TiO2 [52] |
3 ZnMn2O4 [148][204] |
3 CNT@Fe3O4@C [149][205] |
600 mAh/g (0.2 C) 100 cycles |
350 mAh/g (0.02 A/g) 35 cycles |
670 mAh/g (0.2 A/g) 280 cycles |
700 mAh/g (2 A/g) 200 cycles |
3 α-Fe2O3 [150][206] |
2 Ge [151][207] |
2,3 SnO2-CuO [152][208] |
1 MWNT@LTO [153][209] |
970 mAh/g (0.5 C) 100 cycles |
900 mAh/g (0.5 C) 1100 cycles |
600 mAh/g (0.5 A/g) 100 cycles |
130 mAh/g (10 C) 100 cycles |
3 CuO [154][210] |
2,3 Zn2GeO4 [155][211] |
2 Si [156][212] |
2 Ni-Si [157][213] |
670 mAh/g (0.1 A/g) 150 cycles |
1200 mAh/g (0.1 C) 100 cycles |
600 mAh/g (12 C) 6000 cycles |
1100 mAh/g (0.5 C) 100 cycles |
3 V2O3 [158][214] |
3 WO3 [159][215] |
3 Zn4Sb3 [160][216] |
2,3 Ag@γ-Fe2O3 [161][217] |
200 mAh/g (0.1 C) 125 cycles |
660 mAh/g (0.28 C) 140 cycles |
450 mAh/g (0.1 A/g) 100 cycles |
890 mAh/g (0.1 C) 60 cycles |