教师特点与教学质量与评价: Comparison
Please note this is a comparison between Version 1 by Dunhong Yao and Version 3 by Lindsay Dong.

There is a correlation between teacher characteristics and the quality of teaching. Teacher characteristics have a significant impact on the quality of teaching and learning, highlighting the importance of teacher and curriculum characteristics in improving the quality of education. Other factors such as classroom interactions, communication skills, ability to maintain good relationships, teaching methods and cognitive and affective factors can also play a role in the quality of teaching.教师特征与教学质量之间存在相关性。教师特征显著影响教学质量,强调教师和课程特征对提高教育质量的重要性。其他因素,如教学互动、沟通技巧、保持良好关系的能力、教学方法以及认知和情感因素也可能在教学质量中发挥作用。

  • teaching quality
  • Teacher Characteristics
  • teaching evaluation

1. Introduction简介

Improving提高本科教育质量,需要改进课程教学。但是,教师和课程的教学质量各不相同。学者 the quality of undergraduate education requires improving teaching and learning across the curriculum. However, the quality of teaching varies from faculty to faculty and course to course. Scholars [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28] have investigated the relationship between the quality of course teaching and the educational background[1,2, degrees3, titles, gender, age, teaching experience, teaching content knowledge (PCK), technical knowledge (TK), and teaching methods of faculty members, gender, age, teaching experience, pedagogical content knowledge (PCK), technical pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK), teacher burnout, teaching style, academic performance, course difficulty, course type, and teaching evaluations, among other factors. These studies have shown that there is a complex relationship between course instructional quality and characteristics of the instructor and the course object. However, research has yet to reveal the nature and patterns of these relationships due to inadequate computer technology, insufficient data support, and theoretical and practical difficulties in integrating educational technology in the era of offline teaching.
The introduction of the new generation of information technology4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25, particularly artificial intelligence (AI)26, has had a significant impact on teaching and learning, making course informatics and teaching the norm and generating huge amounts of data. Computational pedagogy [29][30][31][32][33][34][35] is an educational research paradigm based on the computation of massive data27,28]研究以确定课程教学质量与教师的教育背景、学位、职称、性别、年龄、教学经验、教学内容知识(PCK)、技术教学内容知识(TPACK)、教师倦怠、教学风格、学术成就、课程难度、课程类型和教学评价等因素之间是否存在相关性。这些研究表明,课程教学质量与教师和课程对象特征之间存在复杂的关系。然而,由于计算技术不足、数据支撑不足,以及线下课堂教学时代教育技术整合的理论和实践困难,研究尚未揭示这些问题的性质和规律。
新一代信息技术的实施,特别是人工智能(AI)对课程教学产生了重大影响,使课程信息化建设和教学成为常态,产生了海量数据。计算教学法[29, which has become an important method for educational research. It aims to construct educational theories30, solve educational problems, reveal the laws of teaching and learning, explore the nature and laws of education in depth, and apply data, algorithms and technologies effectively in educational practice. This shift in the perspective and value of educational research provides new research methods and approaches to reveal the covariation between teacher characteristics and curriculum quality.31,32,33,34,35]是一种基于海量数据计算的教育研究范式,已成为教育研究的重要方法。它旨在构建教育理论;解决教育问题;揭示教与学的规律;深入探索教育的本质和规律;并在教育实践中有效地应用数据、算法和技术。这种教育研究视角和价值的转变为揭示教师特征与课程质量之间的协变提供了新的研究方法和途径。

2. Correlation between teacher characteristics and teaching quality and evaluation教师特征与教学质量与评价的相关性

(1)Teacher characteristics and teaching quality.教师特点和教学质量。
各种研究探讨了教师特征与教学质量之间的关系,以提高教育成果。Several studies have examined the relationship between teacher characteristics and teaching quality to improve educational outcomes. Saloviita et al [1] found a correlation between teacher burnout and teaching quality.aloviita等人[1]确定了教师倦怠与教学质量之间的相关性,Tan et al [2] found that teacher age had a significant effect on burnout. 等人[2]发现教师年龄对倦怠有显着影响。Palali et al [3] found a non-linear positive correlation between teacher scholarship and teaching quality. 等人[3]发现教师奖学金与教学质量之间存在非线性正相关关系。Sacre et al [4] showed that research active teachers had higher teaching quality. 等人[4]表明,研究活跃的教师表现出更高的教学质量。Kulgemeyer et al [5] found a correlation between teachers' 等人[5]发现教师的PCK and teaching quality. 与教学质量之间存在相关性。Li et al [6] observed variations in the 等人[6]观察到基于教师教育水平的PACK sub-dimension based on teachers' level of education. 子维度的变化。Ma et al [7] found significant differences in teaching quality between teachers with different academic titles.等人[7]发现不同学术头衔的教师之间的教学质量存在显著差异。Han [8] argued that students' ratings of teaching quality are not significantly affected by the gender of the teacher, but vary according to their title. [8]认为,学生对教学质量的评价不受教师性别的显著影响,而是根据他们的职称而变化。Deng et al [9] conducted an ANOVA test on student evaluations and found no significant differences between semesters or between instructors' titles. 等人[9]对学生评价进行了方差分析检验,发现不同学期或教师职称没有显著差异。Gabalán-Coello et al [10] analysed the determinants of teaching quality in a master's programme in engineering at a Colombian university and found that students valued the professor's teaching methods and research experience. These studies provide a solid scientific basis for exploring the relationship between teacher characteristics and teaching quality.等人[10]分析了哥伦比亚一所大学工程硕士课程教学质量的决定因素,发现学生重视教授的教学方法和研究经验。这些研究为探究教师特质与教学质量的关系提供了坚实的科学基础。
(2)Teacher characteristics and teaching evaluation.教师特点与教学评价。
Educational researchers are increasingly analysing the relationship between teacher characteristics and teaching evaluation data in order to improve the quality of teaching. Notable findings include 教育学者越来越多地分析教师特征与教学评价数据之间的关系,以提高教学质量。值得注意的发现包括Gordon et al.'s [11] observation that female teachers have lower teaching evaluation scores than male teachers, and 等人[11]的观察,即女教师的教学评价分数低于男教师。Santiesteban et al.'s [12] finding that gender bias in computer science teaching evaluations primarily affects the evaluation scores of professors and, to a lesser extent, student teachers. 等人[12]发现计算机科学教学评估中的性别偏见主要影响教授的评估结果,对学生教师的评估结果影响较小。Arrona-Palacios et al [13] found that students rarely consider gender when evaluating professors and prefer male teachers to recommend the best professors. 等人[13]指出,本科生在评估教授时很少考虑性别,而是更喜欢男教师推荐最好的教授。Flegl et al [14] found that experience had a greater impact on evaluation scores than gender, with age having a greater impact in some areas. [14]揭示了经验对评估结果的影响大于性别,年龄在某些领域的影响更大。Bianchini et al [15] found that students' evaluations of teaching effectiveness were influenced by faculty members' age, seniority, gender, and research output, with seniority having different effects and positively influencing the evaluation. 等人[15]发现,学生对教学效果的评价受教师年龄、资历、性别和研究成果的影响,资历对学科和研究成果的影响不同,对评价有正向影响。Bao et al [16] found that factors such as faculty titles could significantly influence students' evaluations. 等[16]发现,教师的职称等因素可以显著影响学生的评价。Joye et al [17] showed that faculty age and gender influenced their evaluation of teaching. 等人[17]表明,教师的年龄和性别会影响他们对教学的评价。Han et al [18] found that faculty education and titles had a significant effect on students' evaluation scores. However, their interaction is not insignificant. Tian et al [19] found that teachers' age, title, professional background and course credits had a positive effect on evaluation scores, while teachers' educational background had a negative effect on students' evaluations. In addition, the administrative position of the teachers evaluated had no effect on student evaluations. Using a one-way ANOVA, 等人[18]指出,教师的教育和职称对学生的评价分数有重大影响。然而,他们之间的互动并非微不足道。田等[19]发现,教师的年龄、职称、专业背景和课程学分对评价分数有正向影响,而教师的教育背景对学生评价有负面影响。此外,被评估教师的行政职位不影响学生的评估。使用单因素方差分析,Li et al [20] found that gender, age, and title of university faculty did not significantly affect student evaluation scores. 等人[20]确定大学教师的性别,年龄和头衔对学生的评价分数没有显着影响。然而,学术特征显着影响了评估分数,拥有硕士学位的教师和拥有博士学位的教师之间存在显着差异。Binderkrantz et al [21] found no gender bias in Danish universities, but that students tended to rate teachers of the same gender more highly, and that this gender preference may be related to students' different perceptions of teacher behaviour and characteristics. These studies provide insight into the relationship between teacher characteristics and teaching evaluations, and thus provide guidance for improving teaching quality.等人[21]发现丹麦大学中没有性别偏见,但学生倾向于对同性别教师的评价更高,这种性别偏好可能与学生对教师行为和特征的不同看法有关。这些研究为教师特征与教学评价之间的相关性提供了见解,从而指导了教学质量的提高。
3Other aspects.其他方面。
In addition to correlations between teacher characteristics and teaching quality and ratings, other researchers have examined the relationship between teacher characteristics and other aspects of teaching. For example, 除了教师特征与教学质量和评价之间的相关性外,其他学者也研究了教师特征与教学其他方面的关系。例如,Jaekel et al [22] found that teachers' communication skills, ability to maintain good relationships with students, and time spent in the classroom were strongly associated with ratings of teaching quality and students' learning experiences. 等人[22]发现,教师的沟通技巧,与学生保持良好关系的能力以及在课堂上花费的时间与教学质量评级和学生学习体验密切相关。Rodríguez-García et al [23] found that teachers' pedagogical approaches had a significant impact on students' reading achievement and that a positive teaching style was associated with higher achievement. 等人[23]发现教师的教学方法对学生的阅读成绩有重大影响,积极的教学风格与更高的成绩有关。Zhang et al [24] found that teachers' professional characteristics had a significant impact on job satisfaction, with professional collaboration and teaching self-efficacy being key factors. 等人[24]发现,教师的专业特征对工作满意度有显著影响,专业协作和教学自我效能感是关键因素。Aldahdouh et al [25] found that teachers' learning styles and background characteristics were associated with their ability to implement instructional changes during the 等人[25]发现,教师的学习风格和背景特征与他们在COVID-19 pandemic. 大流行期间实施教学改革的能力有关。Asare [26] found that teachers' cognitive and affective characteristics as well as their teaching practices had an impact on students' statistical learning anxiety and attitudes. [26]发现教师的认知和情感特征以及他们的教学实践对研究生的统计学习焦虑和态度有影响。Marici et al [27] found that teachers' appearance had an impact on students' attitudes towards learning and their evaluations of teachers and that students were more likely to accept more attractive teachers. Finally, 等人[27]发现,教师的外表对学生的学习态度和对教师的评价有影响,学生更有可能接受更有吸引力的老师。最后,Khokhlova et al [28] found that students showed gender bias in their ratings of the personality traits of male and female teachers, with male teachers scoring higher on facilitating learning and engagement.等人[28]发现,学生在男女教师的人格特质评级中表现出性别偏见,男教师在促进学习和参与方面得分更高。
In summary, there is a relationship between teacher characteristics and teaching quality. However, the inconsistency of the findings may be due to the limitations of the classical educational research paradigm, which breaks down complex objects into subordinate components. Empirical research with human subjects often faces challenges such as non-replicability, non-verifiability and limited applicability to real-world settings. Overcoming these difficulties is essential to ensure the consistency of research findings and to meet the needs of contemporary educational research.综上所述,教师特点与教学质量之间存在相关性。然而,研究结果的不一致可归因于经典教育科学研究范式的局限性,该范式将复杂对象分解为较低级别的组件。对人类受试者的实证研究经常面临挑战,例如不可重复性、不可验证性和对现实世界环境的有限适用性。克服这些困难对于确保研究成果的一致性和满足当代教育科学研究的需求至关重要。
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