Oxytocin can also produce negative behaviors such as aggression
[56][89], and such effects are susceptible to individual and sex-specific influences. The OXT+ PVN–CeL projection helps to distinguish between positive and negative emotional states
[57][92]. Inhibition of OXT+ projections to the CeL suppresses fear-subsiding behavior
[58][93]. Oxytocin in the lateral septum of female mice can promote aggressive behavior in a manner that depends on environmental factors
[59][94]. Oxytocin administration into the BNST causes unstressed mice to display social anxiety behaviors.
3.3. Sexual Dimorphism of Oxytocinin Social Behavior
Sexually dimorphic behaviors may result from sex-specific patterns of activity in the social-behavior-related brain areas. Sexual dimorphism should be considered when investigating the oxytocin system because OXTR expression is regulated by sex hormones, though there are no evident neuroanatomical differences in the distribution of OXT and OXTR expression. There have been reports describing sex-differentiated OXT+ fibers in the MPOAi of Mongolian gerbils, where females have a higher OXT+ cell density than males
[60][61][62][63][96,97,98,99], and this sex difference may result from differences in axonal transport or behavioral response speed. The OXTR+ mPFC interneurons have obvious sexual dimorphism in social behavior; activation of these neurons causes anxiety in males but promotes social behavior in females
4. Effects of ELS on the Oxytocin System and Central Nervous System
ELS is a stress-induced deficit in social behavior that is closely related to limbic abnormalities that cause chronic activation of physiologic stress responses
[36][56]. The term “early life” is frequently used to characterize several developmental periods, such as prenatal, early postnatal (until weaning on postnatal day 21), and puberty (postnatal day 25–35 in rodents). Experience shapes neural circuits during crucial periods of development, allowing individuals to adapt their behaviors to their surroundings in a unique way
[66][102]. During this period, the nervous system is extremely sensitive to specific environmental stimuli
[67][103], and this sensitivity is necessary for the normal formation of neural circuits and biological learning.
In humans, the effects of ELS are similar to those in children born to mothers who experience adverse living circumstances during pregnancy, children in orphanages, and children who are abused in childhood. ELS can be studied more easily by observing animal models, and there are many ELS mouse models; common models include maternal separation/maternal deprivation and limited bedding and nesting. Maternal separation is widely used to simulate ELS through repeated separations from the mother over prolonged periods. Maternal separation can induce depression-like and anxiety-like behaviors in rodents
[68][69][106,107]. The ELS pups will activate the HPA axis after long-term separation from their mothers, causing corticosterone levels to rise, and these inflammation episodes may develop over time into chronic inflammation
4.1. Effects of ELS on the Oxytocin System
The oxytocin system is crucial to social behavior, and its disturbance can have far-reaching implications. In prairie voles, it has been demonstrated that increased parental care causes hypomethylation of the oxytocin receptor gene
[71][111]. Female rats raised by attentive mothers who frequently licked or groomed their paws showed significant OXTR binding
[72][112]. During development, slow, gentle stroking can elicit pleasurable sensations and social rewards by activating C-tactile fibers
[73][113]. This stroking also acutely activates hypothalamic OXT+ neurons and promotes OXT release, and parental care modulates hypothalamic oxytocin concentrations in rat pups
[74][114]. Deprivation of touch and social interaction can lead to irreversible deficits in emotional, social, and cognitive behavior
4.2. Abnormalities in Oxytocin System Altered by ELS Correlated with Glial Cells
The complex mammalian central nervous system results, in part, from the varied cell types formed during development; oxytocin may regulate cell growth, differentiation, and contact with other cells
[76][129]. ELS can cause neuroinflammation that damages the developing brain, which then enters an overactivated state that can also be induced by bacterial, environmental chemicals, or neuronal injury or death
[77][130]. Astrocytes are the primary cell type implicated in the neuroinflammatory response; they account for 20–40% of all glial cells, and the brain’s balance of nutrient delivery and metabolism is dependent on astrocytes. While astrocytes contain many small fibers that penetrate into the local environment and react to various stimuli, neurons have distinctive dendrites and axons that allow long-distance projections
[78][131]. While astrocyte calcium transients can last anywhere from minutes to hours, neuronal electrical activity lasts only a few milliseconds
[78][131]. Optogenetic photostimulation of CeA axon terminals causes the release of OXT, which creates calcium transients in adjacent astrocytes
[79][39]. In the hippocampus, mPFC, and ACC, ELS decreases the number of astrocytes
[80][81][132,133]. Microglia are also important to the neuroinflammatory response; microglia secrete the pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1, TNF-α, and C1q to activate astrocytes
[82][134]. Microglia are highly sensitive to the neural environment, and although there is evidence that OXT affects microglia responsiveness in neuroinflammation, the mechanism of this influence is unclear
[29][36]. Glial cells have functions beyond support; astrocytes and microglia release neuromodulators, and oligodendrocytes produce myelin that facilitates neurotransmission and neuronal oscillations
5. Potential Therapy Strategies of Oxytocin in ELS-Related Neuropsychiatric Disorders
Early-life stress can impair social behavior and contribute to a variety of stress-related diseases. Oxytocin is released into several brain regions closely associated with stress-related disorders, such as the amygdala, hypothalamus, hippocampus, and NAc. Social rewards are important for social interaction, and social reward disorder is closely related to neuropsychiatric disorders in stress-related diseases. Oxytocin is closely connected to social reward and plays an important role in stress-related neurological disorders. At present, oxytocin has been studied in numerous clinical trials of social disorders-related diseases. Dysregulation of dopaminergic signaling is associated with a variety of neuropsychiatric and neurological disorders, including ASD, Parkinson’s disease, and depression
For these reasons, oxytocin has been investigated clinically as a treatment for these stress-induced mental disorders, though oxytocin does not easily cross the blood-brain barrier. Delivery of oxytocin has been attempted via intranasal administration, though details have not been confirmed
[52][84]. Intranasal oxytocin can reach CSF and blood circulation, though it is unclear that oxytocin can reach concentrations in the brain that would produce clinically meaningful behavioral effects; microdialysis methods are questionable and have not been performed in humans. However, a recently developed mechanism enables oxytocin transport from the periphery to the central nervous system. After intranasal, subcutaneous, or intravenous administration, oxytocin level rises in the amygdala, hypothalamus, and other regions because RAGE, a membrane-associated receptor of advanced glycation end products, binds to and transports peripheral oxytocin via endothelial cells
5.1. Autism Spectrum Disorder
ASD is characterized by limitations in repetitive behavioral patterns, poor social interaction, and negligible perception. Both ASD and antisocial disorder have deficits of empathy and social cognition deficits. Because OXTR is distributed primarily in social-behavior-connected brain regions, such as the olfactory bulbs, lateral septum, and piriform cortex, oxytocin may regulate social behavior in ASD
[89][147]. Children with ASD have lower plasma oxytocin levels but higher precursor levels than healthy controls, suggesting that oxytocin processing may contribute to ASD
[90][148]. Autism may be connected to dysfunction of the amygdala, a major component of the cortico–striatal–thalamo–limbic system and emotional circuit involved in regulating emotional stress; oxytocin treatment can reduce amygdala activity and the fear response
Clinical trials have examined the potential of oxytocin as a treatment for ASD, but the findings have been conflicting. In one study, 32 ASD children aged 6–12 years were given intranasal oxytocin for 4 weeks, and this treatment improved the social skills of ASD children
[92][150], while a study of 16 ASD patients aged 12–19 showed that oxytocin treatment improved emotion recognition
Though clinical studies indicate the therapeutic potential of oxytocin for social-disorder-related diseases such as ASD, the mechanism of these effects is still unclear. Social behaviors can be studied in rodent models to measure defects related to brain function and disease.
Numerous animal studies have connected ASD and oxytocin, and clinical studies suggest a connection between ASD and inflammation; ASD patients have increased levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the brain (e.g., TNF-α, IFN-γ, and IL-6)
[94][169]. In ASD animal models, microglia activation and increased peripheral and central TNF-α, IL-1β, and IL-6 have been observed
[95][170], and the anti-inflammatory effects of oxytocin may play a role in this. Plasma oxytocin levels of male ASD patients are negatively correlated with the inflammation-related molecule IFN-γ-induced protein-16
A disorder of the central oxytocin system was found in Cntnap2 knock-out mice. A central hypothesis of ASD etiology is that long-term developmental disconnection causes abnormal resting-state functional connectivity, and this long-range disconnection may result from developmental events
[98][178]. Patients with ASD have reduced functional connectivity in the cerebellum, fusiform gyrus, and occipital brain, and have lower levels of medium- and short-range functional connectivity in the posterior cingulate cortex and mPFC, indicating the distance-dependence of ASD dysfunction
5.2. Schizophrenia
Schizophrenia is a neurodevelopmental condition with genetic predispositions and an origin connected to stress during critical periods of development
[100][181]; the condition has positive symptoms (delusions, hallucinations, thinking abnormalities), negative symptoms (anhedonia, sadness, social isolation, faulty thinking), and cognitive dysfunction
[101][182]. Previous studies have identified oxytocinergic dysfunction in people with schizophrenia, and single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the
OXT gene contribute to schizophrenia vulnerability
[102][183]. Thus, there has been growing interest in the use of oxytocin as a treatment for schizophrenia
Social cognitive dysfunction leads to exacerbated delusions, anhedonia, diminished motivation, and disengagement from social interactions, which further leads to comorbid depression
[103][104][105][185,186,187]. Mice with knock-outs of either
OXT [106][107][108][188,189,190] or
OXTR [90][104][148,186] have deficits in social recognition, and oxytocin supplementation to the preoptic region rescues these deficits
5.3. Social Anxiety Disorders
Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is characterized by social fear, avoidance, cognitive dysfunction, and life interference, and oxytocin inhibits the amygdala’s response to fear signals, slows maladaptive cognition toward exposed tasks and reduces negative self-evaluation after social stress. In healthy subjects, intranasal administration of synthetic OXT reduces anxiety levels and broadly promotes human social behavior
6. Conclusions
Early-life stress contributes to many social disorders by altering OXT and OXTR expression in adulthood. Complex social interactions and behaviors are governed by many neural circuits and neuromodulators, and oxytocin plays a crucial role in the mother–infant relationship and stress-induced neuropsychiatric disorders. The impact of oxytocin administration depends on patient gender, brain region, dosage, and experimental paradigms for ELS. Oxytocin is mainly being considered for the treatment of ASD; studies of oxytocin treatment for stress-related neuropsychiatric disorders have produced inconsistent results, but further study of this inconsistency is warranted. Oxytocin signaling may play a more limited role than previously thought in attachment behaviors that may be too essential to rely on simplistic regulation, and other regulatory pathways may compensate for defective oxytocin signaling. This may also explain the mixed results of oxytocin treatment for stress-related neuropsychiatric disorders.