Vulstan James Shedura: Comparison
Please note this is a comparison between Version 5 by Vulstan James Shedura and Version 9 by Vulstan James Shedura.
  • Hepatitis B virus Hepatitis B virus
  • Seroprevalence
  • Hepatitis B virus
  • Syphilis
  • Vulstan

1. Introduction

Vulstan James Shedura is tra ined as a Field Epidemiologist holding a Master’s degree in Epidemiology and Laboratory Management at the Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS), and  as a Medical Laboratory Scientist holding a Bachelor’s degree from International Medical and Technological University (IMTU). He studied a total of three online diplomas in Leadership and Management, Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), and Project management at the Kenyan WATSAN training institute. He has studied more than 100 certified short courses (physical and Virtual), Mainly in Public health, Epidemiology, infectious diseases, Leadership and Management, Quality management systems, Project management, Health systems strengthening, Health economy, PHEOC, Business, Teaching Methodology for health care professionals, GLP, GCP, and Scientific writing. He has participated in presentations at national and international scientific conferences, mainly, at the 9th MUHAS Scientific Conference, 10th MUHAS Scientific Conference, 8th Tanzania Health Summit, 9th Tanzania Health Summit, International Conference of AIDS and STI’s in Africa (ICASA 2021), the 5th International conference of African Society for Laboratory Medicine (ASLM 2021), the 52nd World Union conference on Lung health -2021, the 26th Annual Pradanya international conference -2022, the 10th European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP) Forum-2021,and the 1st Africa Health Agenda international conference (AHAIC)-2021 and the 8th African Field Epidemiology Network (AFENET) Scientific Conference-2023. Currently, he has made 5 publications about influenza, HIV, syphilis, and HBV infection via the peer-review process. He has participated in the evaluation of the National influenza sentinel surveillance system in Tanzania and the analysis of influenza data. He has been working for strengthening COVID-19 surveillance in Tanzania, especially in Dodoma and Mtwara regions. He conducted an operational survey on people’s attitudes, knowledge, and perception of the COVID-19 vaccine uptake in the Kilimanjaro region, Tanzania. He has attended various workshops in preparation, and reviewing of National guidelines used in the health sector. He has worked on the Seroprevalence of Hepatitis B virus, and Syphilis infections among the pregnant women population in the Mtwara region. He has been working in the Laboratory department and teaching medical students for more than 6 years under USAID Boresha Afya Southern Zone, Benjamin Mkapa Foundation, and Southern Zone referral hospital in Mtwara region respectively. He is currently the head of the Ddepartment of Clinical Research, Training, and Consultancy at the Southern Zone Referral Hospital, in the Mtwara Region, Tanzania.

Vulstan James Shedura is an Epidemiologistis an Epidemiologist,Medical Laboratory Scientist, Medical Laboratory Scientist, annd Medical Researcher. He is also a Catholic traditionalist, a Member of the Sant’Egidio Community, and a Member of OPUS DEI. He was born on Thursday, 24th October 1991 at St. Luke's Bwambo health center, located in Bwambo -RC village in the Eeastern same district of Kilimanjaro region in Tanzania. The residents are mainly Pare tribe, though other tribes have also made their settlements in the same district.  Father’s name is James Shedura Mnkeni and Mother’s name is Anjela Maua Juma. Father was a primary school teacher and their mother a peasant. From parents, there are seven children, three boys, and four girls. He is the fifth-born child and the last boy in the family. Other children include;are Salome James Shedura, Gabriel James Shedura, Joseph James Shedura, Mariam James Shedura, Crisencia James Shedura as well as Thecla James Shedura.

2. Personal Life

Early School life (1996-1997)

The early school life of Vulstan James Shedura started at kindergarten where he bstartegand in the year 1996 when he had five years old until the end of 1997.

Primary School life (1998-2004)

His pPrimary school life started in 1998 at Kwamshitu Primary SchoolKwamshitu primary school in Same District, Kilimanjaro region at the age of seven years old until 2004 when he completed his primary education.

Sacramental life

Vulstan James SheduraVulstan Shedura is a Catholic Christian baptized on Monday, 4th April 1994 at the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Immaculate conception-Bwambo Parish inwambo parish in Kilimanjaro region by Fr. Vulstan Marisa (who gave him his name after baptism), through then the Spiritual life of Vulstan was molded day after day due to great catechesis from Catechists, Priests and Nuns; some of them were; Sister Thecla, Sister Florentinna as well as Fr. Valence Mruma. All of these enabled him to receive the sacrament of the Holy Communion on Sunday, 2nd June 2002, and the Sacrament of Confirmation on Sunday, 16th January 2005. On Wednesday, 4th October 2023, He Married Dr. Christine Hyasint Paul via receiving the Sacrament of Matrimony at the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Immaculate conception-Bwambo Parish. The Mass being led by Fr. Dr. Beda Bernard Kiure. 

Early seminary life (2005)

As Vulstan’s brothers, his parents gallowed him to gove him an opportunity of going to Chanjale Seminary, one of the famous junior seminaries in the diocese of the same, Tanzania.

His seminary life started by attending a preparatory year at the Dido-Vocation Training Centre in 2005. In the seminary under the leadership of the rector Fr. Clement Mtei. In VTC Dido he was well trained in all aspects of formation which are spiritual, intellectual, physical, and social- interrelationships.

Seminary life (2006-2009)

In the year 2006, he started to attend form one class at Chanjale Seminary under the leadership of the Rector Fr. Lucas Mdee. At the seminary, he was so impressed with the prayers, Hymns, Psalter, English mass, and English songs. The motivational speeches of the Rector (Fr. Lucas Mdee) gave him more strength to encounter seminary life with zeal and confidence.

He completed Ordinary level education at the seminary, and duriong graduation day on 24th October 2009, he was awardgifted a certificate for zeal and constancy in academics at the seminary.

Post-Seminary life (2009-2010)

After completing an ordinary level, he was selected by Fr. Christopher MboyaFr. Mboya who was the Rector of Dido- Vocation Training CenterTC at the time, to assist in the work of providing integrated formation.

Advanced secondary life (2010-2012)

He attended Tosamaganga high school in 2010 with Advanced Science Studies in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.

Post-advance secondary life (2012)

After advanced school, he was selected by Fr. Fr. Br. Moses MbwamboBr. Moses Mbwambo to assist in teaching activities at St. Stephen Secondary School which is nearby Chanjale Seminary prior to his university studies.

University life (2012-2015)

He attended the International Medical and Technological University (IMTU) for a Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Technology.

Post-university life (2016-2017)

After university, he went for an internship program at Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre (KCMC) for a full year from October 2015 to November 2016. he continued volunteering from November 2016 to July 2017.

Job life (2017-2021)

Worked with USAID Boresha Afya southern zone from July 2017 to March 2019 as a Medical Laboratory Scientist in the Mtwara region. He also worked with Benjamin Mkapa Foundation in the same post from March 2019 to January 2021.

Further Specializationy (2020-2022).

From September 2020 to September 2022, He attended further studies at the Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) for the MSc in Eepidemiology and Laboratory Management. He graduated with his Master's studies on December 3, 2022. He was awarded MUHAS Prize as the best final-year student in MSc in Epidemiology and Laboratory Management (MSc. ELM), during the MUHAS prize celebration ceremony conducted at MUHAS on December 2, 2022.

Job life (2022-Date)

On July 2022, he was employed by the government under the Ministry of Health of Tanzania aat the Southern Zone Referral Hospital in the Mtwara region. He worked as an Epidemiologist and Medical Laboratory Scientist. He also works as the head of the Department of Clinical Research, Training, and Consultancy at the Southern Zone Referral Hospital, Mtwara Region, Tanzania.

Hobbies and Life Interests

Vulstan likes Saint quotes and is committed to becoming a Saint.

His Motto: in Latin: “Cum amore et misericordia elegit nos” translated in English as “With Love and Compassion He has chosen us

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