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Pratiwi, R. Analytical Methods for Codeine Determination. Encyclopedia. Available online: (accessed on 05 May 2024).
Pratiwi R. Analytical Methods for Codeine Determination. Encyclopedia. Available at: Accessed May 05, 2024.
Pratiwi, Rimadani. "Analytical Methods for Codeine Determination" Encyclopedia, (accessed May 05, 2024).
Pratiwi, R. (2021, March 10). Analytical Methods for Codeine Determination. In Encyclopedia.
Pratiwi, Rimadani. "Analytical Methods for Codeine Determination." Encyclopedia. Web. 10 March, 2021.
Analytical Methods for Codeine Determination

Codeine is derived from morphine, an opioid analgesic, and has weaker analgesic and sedative effects than the parent molecule. This weak opioid is commonly used in combination with other drugs for over-the-counter cough relief medication. Due to the psychoactive properties of opioid drugs, the easily obtained codeine often becomes subject to misuse. Codeine misuse has emerged as a concerning public health issue due to its associated adverse effects such as headache, nausea, vomiting, and hemorrhage. Thus, it is very important to develop reliable analytical techniques to detect codeine for both quality control of pharmaceutical formulations and identifying drug misuse in the community. This review aims to provide critical outlooks on analytical methods napplicable to the determination of codeine.

Codeine drug analysis colorimetry spectrophotometry electrochemistry chromatography capillary electromigration

A rapid and selective colorimetric method for the detection of codeine sulfate has been developed using unmodified gold nanoprobes by Lodha et al. [19]. Citrate-stabilized gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) were synthesized and could react with codeine sulfate to produce a green color. The kinetics of AuNPs aggregation in the presence of codeine sulfate were obtained by measuring the absorbance and color intensity at the red, green, and blue channels as well as the total RGB. The results showed that there is a significant change in absorbance intensity from 520 to 582 nm upon increasing the concentration of codeine sulfate [19].

While limitations exist within the discussed colorimetric methods, they are still useful techniques for screening samples in large quantities, especially for those in resource-limited settings. In addition, it is possible to improve selectivity or even embedding specificity into the colorimetric approach by using specific recognition elements such as enzymes, antibodies, aptamers, or molecularly imprinted polymers [20][21][22][23]. However, as the assay complexity may increase with these specific recognition elements integrated, one should consider the cost-to-benefit ratio for the intended assay application.


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