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Doshi, A. Carbon Steel Flange Manufacturer in Dubai - MA. Encyclopedia. Available online: (accessed on 30 June 2024).
Doshi A. Carbon Steel Flange Manufacturer in Dubai - MA. Encyclopedia. Available at: Accessed June 30, 2024.
Doshi, Ashish. "Carbon Steel Flange Manufacturer in Dubai - MA" Encyclopedia, (accessed June 30, 2024).
Doshi, A. (2024, June 29). Carbon Steel Flange Manufacturer in Dubai - MA. In Encyclopedia.
Doshi, Ashish. "Carbon Steel Flange Manufacturer in Dubai - MA." Encyclopedia. Web. 29 June, 2024.
Carbon Steel Flange Manufacturer in Dubai - MA

In the bustling metropolis of Dubai, where precision and reliability are paramount in industrial sectors, Metalloy International emerges as a leading manufacturer and exporter of carbon steel flanges. With a steadfast commitment to quality and innovation, Metalloy International serves diverse industries including oil and gas, petrochemicals, construction, and more.

Why Choose Metalloy International?

Metalloy International distinguishes itself with a legacy of excellence in manufacturing carbon steel flanges that meet global standards. As a trusted ASTM A694 F60 socket weld flange supplier in Dubai, we offer a comprehensive range of products including CS blind flanges, ASTM A105 flanges, carbon steel A694 F65 weld neck flanges, and more.

Our Product Range

Our product portfolio caters to various industrial needs:

  • ASTM A694 F60 Socket Weld Flanges: Designed for high-pressure applications, ensuring secure joint connections.

  • CS Blind Flanges: Ideal for sealing pipelines or pressure vessel openings, facilitating easy maintenance and inspection.

  • ASTM A105 Flanges: Known for their versatility and durability, suitable for a wide range of applications.

  • Carbon Steel A694 F65 Weld Neck Flanges: Featuring a tapered hub for reducing stress concentrations, ensuring long-term reliability.

  • CS ASTM A694 F60 RTJ Flanges: Designed with ring-type joints for critical applications requiring high pressure and temperature resistance.

  • LTCS Socket Weld Flanges: Specifically designed for low-temperature environments, providing reliable sealing and robust performance.

  • Low-Temperature Carbon Steel A350 LF2 Slip-On Flanges: Easy to install and maintain, ideal for cryogenic applications.

Manufacturing Excellence

At Metalloy International, our manufacturing facilities in Dubai are equipped with advanced technology and machinery to ensure precision and efficiency in production. We adhere strictly to international quality standards and conduct rigorous testing procedures to guarantee the performance and reliability of our products.

Quality Assurance

Quality is ingrained in every aspect of our operations:

  • Dimensional Accuracy: Ensuring precise adherence to specifications and tolerances.

  • Material Testing: Verifying the chemical composition and mechanical properties of raw materials.

  • Visual and Surface Inspection: Detecting any imperfections or defects that may affect performance.

  • Non-Destructive Testing (NDT): Employing techniques like ultrasonic testing and radiography to ensure structural integrity.

  • Pressure Testing: Simulating real-world conditions to validate strength and durability.

Industry Applications

Metalloy International's carbon steel flanges find applications across diverse sectors:

  • Oil and Gas: Essential for upstream exploration, refining processes, and downstream distribution.

  • Petrochemicals: Supporting safe and efficient fluid handling in chemical processing plants.

  • Construction: Used in infrastructure projects for reliable piping systems.

Customer Focus

We prioritize customer satisfaction by offering tailored solutions that meet specific project requirements. Our dedicated sales and technical support teams provide prompt assistance and expert guidance throughout the procurement process, ensuring a seamless experience from inquiry to delivery.

Global Reach

While based in Dubai, Metalloy International serves global markets with a commitment to timely delivery and competitive pricing. Our strategic location enables us to efficiently meet the needs of international clients, supported by a robust logistics network and partnerships with leading freight carriers.

Environmental Responsibility

Metalloy International upholds environmental sustainability by adhering to eco-friendly practices and complying with regulatory standards. We invest in technologies that minimize environmental impact and promote a greener future.


Metalloy International stands as a beacon of reliability and innovation in the realm of carbon steel flange manufacturing in Dubai. Whether you require ASTM A105 flanges, CS blind flanges, or specialized LTCS socket weld flanges, Metalloy International is your trusted partner for superior quality and service.

Explore our complete range of products and capabilities on our website here. Contact us today to discover how Metalloy International can support your next project as the leading CS weld neck flange manufacturer in Dubai.


In the bustling metropolis of Dubai, where precision and reliability are paramount in industrial sectors, Metalloy International emerges as a leading manufacturer and exporter of carbon steel flanges. With a steadfast commitment to quality and innovation, Metalloy International serves diverse industries including oil and gas, petrochemicals, construction, and more.

Why Choose Metalloy International?

Metalloy International distinguishes itself with a legacy of excellence in manufacturing carbon steel flanges that meet global standards. As a trusted ASTM A694 F60 socket weld flange supplier in Dubai, we offer a comprehensive range of products including CS blind flanges, ASTM A105 flanges, carbon steel A694 F65 weld neck flanges, and more.

Our Product Range

Our product portfolio caters to various industrial needs:

  • ASTM A694 F60 Socket Weld Flanges: Designed for high-pressure applications, ensuring secure joint connections.

  • CS Blind Flanges: Ideal for sealing pipelines or pressure vessel openings, facilitating easy maintenance and inspection.

  • ASTM A105 Flanges: Known for their versatility and durability, suitable for a wide range of applications.

  • Carbon Steel A694 F65 Weld Neck Flanges: Featuring a tapered hub for reducing stress concentrations, ensuring long-term reliability.

  • CS ASTM A694 F60 RTJ Flanges: Designed with ring-type joints for critical applications requiring high pressure and temperature resistance.

  • LTCS Socket Weld Flanges: Specifically designed for low-temperature environments, providing reliable sealing and robust performance.

  • Low-Temperature Carbon Steel A350 LF2 Slip-On Flanges: Easy to install and maintain, ideal for cryogenic applications.

Manufacturing Excellence

At Metalloy International, our manufacturing facilities in Dubai are equipped with advanced technology and machinery to ensure precision and efficiency in production. We adhere strictly to international quality standards and conduct rigorous testing procedures to guarantee the performance and reliability of our products.

Quality Assurance

Quality is ingrained in every aspect of our operations:

  • Dimensional Accuracy: Ensuring precise adherence to specifications and tolerances.

  • Material Testing: Verifying the chemical composition and mechanical properties of raw materials.

  • Visual and Surface Inspection: Detecting any imperfections or defects that may affect performance.

  • Non-Destructive Testing (NDT): Employing techniques like ultrasonic testing and radiography to ensure structural integrity.

  • Pressure Testing: Simulating real-world conditions to validate strength and durability.

Industry Applications

Metalloy International's carbon steel flanges find applications across diverse sectors:

  • Oil and Gas: Essential for upstream exploration, refining processes, and downstream distribution.

  • Petrochemicals: Supporting safe and efficient fluid handling in chemical processing plants.

  • Construction: Used in infrastructure projects for reliable piping systems.

Customer Focus

We prioritize customer satisfaction by offering tailored solutions that meet specific project requirements. Our dedicated sales and technical support teams provide prompt assistance and expert guidance throughout the procurement process, ensuring a seamless experience from inquiry to delivery.

Global Reach

While based in Dubai, Metalloy International serves global markets with a commitment to timely delivery and competitive pricing. Our strategic location enables us to efficiently meet the needs of international clients, supported by a robust logistics network and partnerships with leading freight carriers.

Environmental Responsibility

Metalloy International upholds environmental sustainability by adhering to eco-friendly practices and complying with regulatory standards. We invest in technologies that minimize environmental impact and promote a greener future.


Why Choose Metalloy International?

Metalloy International has built a solid reputation based on decades of experience and a dedication to delivering superior products that exceed industry standards. As a trusted ASTM A694 F60 socket weld flange supplier in Dubai, we offer an extensive range of flange solutions tailored to meet various operational requirements. Our product lineup includes:

  • CS Blind Flanges: Essential for sealing off pipelines or vessel openings, facilitating easy access for inspection or maintenance.

  • ASTM A105 Flanges: Renowned for their versatility and reliability across a wide range of industrial applications.

  • Carbon Steel A694 F65 Weld Neck Flanges: Featuring a tapered hub design that reduces stress concentrations and enhances durability.

  • CS ASTM A694 F60 RTJ Flanges: Engineered with ring-type joints to withstand high pressures and temperatures, ideal for critical applications.

  • LTCS Socket Weld Flanges: Specifically designed for low-temperature environments, ensuring secure joint connections.

  • Low-Temperature Carbon Steel A350 LF2 Slip-On Flanges: Easy to install and maintain, perfect for cryogenic applications.

Our Manufacturing Excellence

Metalloy International operates cutting-edge manufacturing facilities in Dubai equipped with state-of-the-art machinery and technology. Our production processes are streamlined to ensure efficiency without compromising on quality. From sourcing the finest raw materials to the final inspection, every step is meticulously monitored by our skilled workforce and stringent quality assurance team.

Quality Assurance

Quality is ingrained in our corporate culture at Metalloy International. We adhere to rigorous quality control measures to guarantee the integrity and performance of our products:

  • Dimensional Accuracy: Ensuring precise adherence to specified dimensions and tolerances.

  • Material Testing: Conducting comprehensive tests to verify the chemical composition and mechanical properties of raw materials.

  • Visual and Surface Inspection: Detecting any surface defects or imperfections that may affect functionality.

  • Non-Destructive Testing (NDT): Utilizing advanced techniques such as ultrasonic testing and radiography to identify internal flaws without altering the structure.

  • Pressure Testing: Simulating real-world conditions to assess the flanges' ability to withstand varying pressures.

Industry Applications

Metalloy International's carbon steel flanges play a crucial role in numerous industrial applications:

  • Oil and Gas: From exploration and extraction to refining and distribution, our flanges ensure reliable performance under demanding conditions.

  • Petrochemicals: Essential for the safe and efficient transport of fluids and gases in chemical processing plants.

  • Power Generation: Used in boilers, turbines, and heat exchangers to maintain operational efficiency and safety.

  • Construction: Supporting infrastructure projects with robust piping solutions that meet stringent quality and safety standards.

Customer-Centric Approach

At Metalloy International, customer satisfaction is our priority. We collaborate closely with our clients to understand their specific requirements and provide customized solutions that meet their operational needs and project timelines. Our dedicated sales and technical support teams offer expert guidance and assistance throughout the procurement process, ensuring a seamless experience from inquiry to delivery.


Environmental Responsibility

Metalloy International is committed to sustainable practices that minimize our environmental footprint. We adhere strictly to environmental regulations and promote eco-friendly initiatives across our operations. By investing in energy-efficient technologies and waste reduction strategies, we contribute to a greener future while supporting the sustainability goals of our stakeholders.


In conclusion, Metalloy International stands as a beacon of reliability and innovation in the carbon steel flange manufacturing industry in Dubai. Whether you require ASTM A105 flanges, CS blind flanges, or specialized LTCS socket weld flanges, Metalloy International is your trusted partner for superior quality and service.

Explore our complete range of products and capabilities on our website here. Contact us today to discover how Metalloy International can support your next project as the leading CS weld neck flange manufacturer in Dubai

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Update Date: 29 Jun 2024
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