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Sankaewthong, S.; Miyata, K.; Horanont, T.; Xie, H.; Karnjana, J. Mimosa Kinetic Façade. Encyclopedia. Available online: (accessed on 01 July 2024).
Sankaewthong S, Miyata K, Horanont T, Xie H, Karnjana J. Mimosa Kinetic Façade. Encyclopedia. Available at: Accessed July 01, 2024.
Sankaewthong, Sukhum, Kazunori Miyata, Teerayut Horanont, Haoran Xie, Jessada Karnjana. "Mimosa Kinetic Façade" Encyclopedia, (accessed July 01, 2024).
Sankaewthong, S., Miyata, K., Horanont, T., Xie, H., & Karnjana, J. (2023, December 21). Mimosa Kinetic Façade. In Encyclopedia.
Sankaewthong, Sukhum, et al. "Mimosa Kinetic Façade." Encyclopedia. Web. 21 December, 2023.
Mimosa Kinetic Façade

In light of pressing global health concerns, the significance of indoor air quality in densely populated structures has been emphasized. The mimosa kinetic façade is an innovative design inspired by the adaptive responsiveness of the Mimosa plant to environmental stimuli. Traditional static architectural façades often hinder natural ventilation, leading to diminished air quality with potential health and cognitive repercussions. The Mimosa kinetic façade addresses these challenges by enhancing effective airflow and facilitating the removal of airborne contaminants. 

kinetic façade biomimicry air ventilation Mimosa pudica air change rate

1. Introduction

In the wake of recent global health challenges, the importance of understanding airborne transmission within densely populated structures such as office towers has been highlighted [1]. This heightened awareness has precipitated a paradigm shift, emphasizing the paramount importance of indoor air quality. Emerging from this exigency is the innovative Mimosa kinetic façade, a design inspired by the adaptive nature of the Mimosa pudica plant.
The Mimosa pudica, which is renowned for its outstanding responsiveness to environmental stimuli, offers a natural model for the adaptation of the kinetic façade. Traditional architectural features frequently obstruct natural ventilation because of their static façade [2][3]. This results in problems such as reduced air quality, which can worsen respiratory conditions and decrease mental abilities. Due to its dynamic adaptability, the Mimosa kinetic façade has the potential to completely transform this area by providing effective airflow, eliminating airborne contaminants, and keeping a consistent indoor temperature. In addition to its practical advantages, this façade provides a distinctive architectural component that gives buildings a unique aesthetic identity. Cross ventilation is emphasized in this design and is a crucial strategy for improving airflow, especially in areas with high occupancy. This reduces dependency on mechanical systems by purifying the air and assisting in temperature control [4][5].

2. Façade Design Research

In the realm of façade design and building architecture, numerous studies have pinpointed specific areas that necessitate further inquiry. The research on “Post-Occupancy Evaluation for Adaptive Façades [6]” underscores a notable absence of methodologies for assessing user interaction and satisfaction. Similarly, the study “Access to Daylight and View in Office Spaces [7]” acknowledges constraints arising from limited, potentially homogeneous participant groups, advocating for more inclusive and longitudinal investigations. A review on “Kinetic Façade Design for Visual and Thermal Comfort [8]” draws attention to the dearth of empirical data and the imperative for environmental impact evaluations. The paper titled “Performance Assessment of Adaptive Façade Systems [9]” identifies a lacuna in economic analysis and an incomplete understanding of the influence of user behavior on façade performance. Furthermore, the study “Adaptive Façade Systems [10][11][12]” emphasizes the paucity of information regarding market demands and the complexities entailed in integrating structural and energy aspects.
Moreover, research such as “Kinetic Facades in Hot, Dry Climates [13]” and “High Performance Building Façade Solutions [14]” exposes geographical focus limitations and the challenges of integrating these systems with existing building infrastructures, respectively. The paper “Adaptive Façade Definitions and Terms [15]” reveals an absence of comprehensive empirical data and a lack of focus on long-term sustainability. In “Solar Cooling Integrated Façades [16]”, researchers note a scarcity of real-world data and economic analysis. The study “Manufacturing Adaptive Façades with Standard Products [17]” points to a narrow focus on specific case studies and a dearth of real-world performance data.
Research studies on “Active Dynamic Windows for Buildings [18]” and “Automated Dynamic Facades—User Satisfaction and Interaction [19]” both identify gaps in real-world performance data and the need for extensive studies on long-term user perceptions. The paper on “Innovative Responsive Façade Elements Using Building Performance Simulation [20]” discusses a theoretical focus that lacks practical application data. Studies such as “Dynamic Façade Shading Typologies [21]” and “Transparent Building Envelopes—Innovative Technologies [22]” highlight limitations in shading position considerations and characterizations of dynamic performance, respectively.
Additionally, “Performance Prediction with Responsive Building Elements (RBEs) [23]” and “Energy Performance of Multiple-Skin Facades [9]” emphasize a focus on specific case studies and geographical limitations. The article on “Responsive Carrier Component Envelope (RCCE) [24]” and the paper “Geometry in Shading Systems and Biological Role Models [25]” accentuate structural challenges and theoretical discussions devoid of empirical validation. Papers such as “Thermal Performance of Active Envelopes [26]” and “Kinetic Photovoltaic Architecture in Performative Design [27]” discuss issues related to practical feasibility and long-term durability. “Climate Adaptive Building Shells (CABS) [28]” and a second study on “Automated Dynamic Facades—User Interaction [19]” reveal gaps in economic analysis and context-specific findings.
Finally, the study “Biology and Architecture Hybridization in French Architectural Offices [29]” indicates geographic limitations and a qualitative emphasis. Collectively, these gaps across various studies underscore the need for a multidisciplinary approach integrating user-centric design, technological innovation, environmental sustainability, and economic feasibility, which are vital for advancing the field of façade design and building architecture.

3. Ventilation Research

The selected studies on ventilation in the context of COVID-19 offer valuable insights but also present several limitations. For example, the study on infection risks in a Shenzhen outpatient building is confined to a specific healthcare context [30] and overlooks variables such as ventilation systems and occupant behavior. Research focusing on ventilation and air disinfection in office buildings [31] is predominantly simulation-based, lacking a thorough assessment of cost, safety, and environmental impact. The study on double-glazed façades with louvers in Isfahan, Iran [32] is geographically specific and reliant on static simulations. Investigations into cough droplet dynamics in hospital isolation rooms [33] and the role of ventilation in a German nursing home during a COVID-19 outbreak [34] are limited by their dependence on computational models and a lack of definitive evidence, respectively. The study of aerosol control in gyms during the pandemic [35] is hindered by a small sample size and does not conclusively link aerosol reduction to a decreased transmission risk. The review focusing on the physical office workplace and mental health [36] emphasizes the necessity for more comprehensive research methodologies. Agent-based simulations for epidemic risk assessment [37] and ventilation recommendations for COVID-19 mitigation [38] lack real-world validation and specificity. Finally, strategies for improving indoor air quality in HVAC systems during the COVID-19 pandemic [39] and the impact of airborne fine particle pollution on natural ventilation in Asian megacities [40] are constrained by their lack of practical case studies and geographical focus. These studies highlight the importance of broader, more practical, and diverse research for enhancing the effectiveness of ventilation strategies in various settings during pandemics.

4. Mimosa Kinetic Façade: A Convergence of Research Gaps

The “Mimosa Kinetic Façade: Bio-Inspired Ventilation Leveraging the Mimosa Pudica Mechanism for Enhanced Indoor Air Quality” addresses several identified gaps in both façade design and ventilation research. Regarding façade design, this biomimetic kinetic façade, inspired by the Mimosa pudica plant, not only considers aesthetic and structural factors, but also dynamically responds to environmental stimuli to optimize natural ventilation. This directly addresses the need for empirical data, environmental impact assessments, the integration of structural and energy aspects, and real-world performance data. The design’s responsiveness to environmental conditions positions the Mimosa kinetic façade as a user-centric and environmentally attuned solution.
In ventilation research, which is particularly relevant during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Mimosa kinetic façade introduces an innovative approach to natural ventilation, potentially mitigating airborne contaminants indoors. This addresses concerns about the lack of comprehensive assessments of ventilation systems and occupant behavior, the over-reliance on computational models, and the need for more practical and diverse research to enhance ventilation effectiveness. Utilizing the natural folding and unfolding mechanism of the Mimosa pudica, the façade design aims to improve air change rates and reduce CO2 levels, which are critical for addressing airborne transmission risks.

5. Ventilation Effect (Cross Ventilation)

The concept of ventilation, particularly cross ventilation, has long been recognized as an effective method for enhancing indoor air quality. Cross ventilation allows air to flow seamlessly from one side of a structure to another, replacing indoor air with fresher outdoor air as shown in Figure 1. This natural process not only disperses airborne contaminants such as dust and allergens, but also prevents the buildup of stagnant air, ensuring a healthier environment [41].
Figure 1. Impact of opening locations on cross-ventilation effect.
Drawing inspiration from nature, the research introduces a kinetic façade modeled after the Mimosa pudica, a plant known for its responsive movements. Just as the Mimosa pudica reacts to external stimuli by folding its leaves, the kinetic façade is designed to adapt to changing environmental conditions, optimizing the flow of air into the working space [2][3].
By integrating the principles of cross ventilation into this innovative façade design, several benefits are realized. The continuous flow of air is maintained, ensuring that airborne particles are effectively dispersed. As a passive ventilation method, the façade is energy efficient, reducing the reliance on mechanical systems that might recirculate contaminants. Furthermore, the design aids in maintaining lower indoor CO2 levels, which is crucial for the wellbeing and productivity of occupants. The kinetic façade also addresses humidity concerns by allowing moist indoor air to be replaced with drier outdoor air, preventing mold growth and further enhancing air quality [41][42].
Beyond air quality, this kinetic façade, which is inspired by Mimosa pudica and utilizes cross ventilation, offers thermal benefits. It naturally cools the working space, reducing the need for energy-intensive air conditioning systems and providing a comfortable environment for occupants [43].

Enhancing Building Ventilation: The Synergy of EBC Annex 62 and the Mimosa Kinetic Façade

The integration of EBC Annex 62 principles into the cross-ventilation concept, particularly via the application of the Mimosa kinetic façade inspired by the Mimosa pudica plant, significantly enhances the efficacy of natural ventilation strategies in architectural design. Annex 62 underscores the critical role of ventilative cooling, a concept that is seamlessly actualized via the dynamic adaptability inherent in the Mimosa kinetic façade. This façade, mirroring the responsive movements of the Mimosa pudica, is adept at optimizing airflow in response to varying environmental conditions, a strategy that resonates with the core tenets of Annex 62. It dynamically modulates in order to enable cross ventilation, facilitating the unimpeded flow of fresh air throughout the building, thereby supplanting the indoor air with a cleaner, outdoor counterpart. This mechanism is in direct alignment with the objectives of Annex 62, which advocates for the utilization of natural ventilation as a means to enhance indoor air quality while concurrently reducing energy consumption [44].
Incorporating the VC tool, as delineated in Annex 62, allows for precision tuning of the façade’s functionality, leveraging real-time climatic data and occupancy patterns. This tool is instrumental in evaluating the effectiveness of ventilative cooling, directing the façade’s adjustments to optimize cross ventilation under favorable conditions. Such strategic operation ensures the maintenance of a comfortable indoor environment, characterized by diminished levels of airborne particles and CO2, and effectively addresses issues of humidity and thermal comfort.
Moreover, the amalgamation of Annex 62 principles with the Mimosa kinetic façade fosters the development of energy-efficient buildings. This synergy significantly reduces the dependence on mechanical ventilation and air conditioning systems, thereby contributing to a reduction in energy consumption and operational expenses. This approach not only augments indoor air quality and occupant comfort, but also aligns with the sustainable building practices and energy efficiency standards emphasized in Annex 62.
In essence, the application of EBC Annex 62’s ventilative cooling strategies via the Mimosa kinetic façade presents a sophisticated, biomimetic solution to the challenges of indoor air quality and thermal comfort in modern buildings. This integration culminates in edifices that are not only conducive to the health and comfort of occupants, but are also emblematic of energy efficiency and environmental stewardship.


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