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Nie, H. Hongguang Nie. Encyclopedia. Available online: (accessed on 30 June 2024).
Nie H. Hongguang Nie. Encyclopedia. Available at: Accessed June 30, 2024.
Nie, Hongguang. "Hongguang Nie" Encyclopedia, (accessed June 30, 2024).
Nie, H. (2023, May 16). Hongguang Nie. In Encyclopedia.
Nie, Hongguang. "Hongguang Nie." Encyclopedia. Web. 16 May, 2023.
Hongguang Nie
Lung injury Ion transport Epithelial sodium channel

1. Introduction

Hongguang Nie, female, professor and doctoral supervisor of the Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine, College of Basic Medical Science, China Medical University. Chairman of the Professional Committee of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative medicine, Liaoning Society of Cell Biology; Committee Member of the Stem Cell and Immunology Professional Committee of Liaoning Immunological Society; High level and top-notch talent in Shenyang.

2. Scholar Background

Ever since graduation from China Medical University in1994, I have been working in the Department of Paediatrics in the 4th hospital, China Medical University for seven years. During my graduate study, I have mastered the technique of isolating cardiac myocytes and airway smooth muscle cells of rats, recording KATP, L-type calcium currents using whole-cell configuration of patch clamp. I also mastered the technique of PCR, electron microscopy, and so on. During April 2003 to March 2004, I have been a Visiting Scholar in Second Physiology, Department of Medicine, Kagoshima University, Japan. During my study in Kagoshima, my major was electrophysiology of cardiac myocytes using singe-channel recording method and whole-cell configuration of patch clamp and I completed the studies of ‘Different effects of CaM and CaMKⅡ on Ca2+-dependent facilitation and inactivation of cardiac L-type Ca2+ channels’. Meanwhile, I mastered the technique of sodium current recording and action potential measurement of nerve cell membrane. Meanwhile, I have been a Postdoctoral fellow at the University of Texas Medical Health Center for one year from August 2007 to August 2008. My postdoctoral topic was about the ion transport in lung. From January 2013 to January 2014, I was a Visiting Scholar in the Department of Cell Biology, University of Oklahoma, United States. At present, my focus is on the relationship between lung injury and stem cell therapy. I am the editor in chief of the textbook "Introduction to Stimulants in Competitive Sports", and as the deputy editor, I have written one undergraduate textbook "Pharmaceutical Management" and one undergraduate textbook "Drug Treatment and Diseases", respectively. The main teaching courses are "Ion Channels and Diseases", "Common Experimental Techniques for Metabolic Diseases", and so on. I have been in charge of four projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and one project of Natural Science Foundation of Liaoning Province and I have published more than 60 scientific research papers, more than 40 have been included in SCI. As the co-first author, I completed the high-quality paper 'Kim S, Nie H, Nesin V, Tran U, Outeda P, Bai CX, Keeling J, Maskey D, Watnick T, Wessely O, Tsiokas L. The polycystin complex mediates Wnt/Ca2+ signalling. Nat Cell Biol. 2016, 18(7):752-64', with an impact factor higher than 20 scores. As the applicant, I won one second prize for scientific and technological progress in Liaoning Province and one utility model patent was approved. I have good ideological and political qualities, as well as a noble professional ethics. I have been engaged in graduate education for a long time and am willing to contribute all my efforts to it. Till now, nearly 20 my doctoral/master's students have been trained and graduated.

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Name: Hongguang Nie
Born: Jun 1973
Title: Professor
Affiliation: Unknown
Honor: Unknown
Subjects: Respiratory System
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Update Date: 16 Jun 2023
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