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HandWiki. Air Nautique. Encyclopedia. Available online: (accessed on 09 September 2024).
HandWiki. Air Nautique. Encyclopedia. Available at: Accessed September 09, 2024.
HandWiki. "Air Nautique" Encyclopedia, (accessed September 09, 2024).
HandWiki. (2022, November 14). Air Nautique. In Encyclopedia.
HandWiki. "Air Nautique." Encyclopedia. Web. 14 November, 2022.
Air Nautique

The Super Air Nautique line-up of Nautique Boats is Correct Craft's crossover-wakeboarding focused model; the boat is outfitted for wakeboarding with a tower and ballast tanks from the factory. Furthermore, some Super Air Nautiques are in V-drive format, which creates a bigger wake for the rider. The first Air Nautique was built in 1997; it was built on the existing Sport Nautique Hull and had an automatic rear ballast system (Launch Control System or "LCS"). Other notable "landmarks" included Correct Craft's patented "Flight Control Tower", which was essentially a modified fishing tower. In 2019 Nautique released the Super Air Nautique G23 Paragon, this new release is the most expensive boat Nautique has created and is aimed at being the most luxurious experience on the water. In 2013 the Super Air Nautique has moved from being primarily for wakeboarding but now also wakesurfing. This has come with the addition of wake-plates located on the stern of the boat and ventilation systems that direct the exhaust into the propeller jet stream. The new features that Nautique has added is known as the Nautique Surf System (NSS).

wakeboarding crossover-wakeboarding propeller jet

1. Wakeboarding

In 1997, Nautique introduced a new innovative hull design, and Total Surface Control. Introducing the first wakeboard specific boat, the Air Nautique offers a Flight Control Tower and internal ballast tanks as standard features for big air.[1]

2. Wakesurfing

In 2013 Nautique started shifting their Super Air Nautiques to gear towards Wake Surfers as well as wakeboarders. 2013 Nautique introduced the (NSS).[1]

2.1. Nautique Surf System

The Nautique Surf System (NSS) consists of three major components: Ballast, Wake Plates,[2] and fresh air exhaust system.[3] The ballast tanks increase the weight of the boat while the wake plates redirect water to create a larger and smoother wave on one side of the boat.[4] The exhaust is pointed downward directly in the water path of the propeller, this sends the carbon monoxide exhaust far behind the surfer that is riding behind the boat.[5][6]

3. Models

Model (2022) Length (ft) Dry Weight (lbs) Max Factory Ballast (lbs) Total Weight with Ballast, without Fuel or Passengers (lbs) Horse Power (HP) Torque (ft-lbs) Passengers Notes
Super Air Nautique 210 (discontinued) 21 4200 1750 5950 400 / 355 / 450 400 / 405 / 465 12 The last year of production was 2021.
Super Air Nautique 230 (discontinued) 23 4650 2100 6750 400 / 355 / 450 400 / 405 / 465 15 The last year of production was 2021.
GS20 20 4500 1850 6350 400 / 355 / 450 400 / 405 / 465 12 Redesigned flight tower for 2022.
GS22 22 4750 2950 7700 400 / 355 / 450 400 / 405 / 465 15 Redesigned flight tower for 2022.
GS22E 22 5900 1850 7750 195 325 15 Redesigned flight tower for 2022.

Electric 2-3 Hour Battery Life, Charge Time AC: 10 Hours, DC: 4 Hours, Supercharger: 1.5 hours

GS24 24 5100 3200 8300 400 / 355 / 475 400 / 405 / 465 16 Redesigned flight tower for 2022.
G21 21 5800 2250 8050 450 / 475 / 600 / 370(diesel) 465 / 500 / 608 / 595(diesel) 14 Added supplemental ballast and redesigned flight tower to 2022.
G23 23 6000 2200 or 3650 with supplemental ballast option 8200 or 9650 with supplemental ballast option 450 / 475 / 600 / 370(diesel) 465 / 500 / 608 / 595(diesel) 16 Added supplemental ballast and redesigned flight tower to 2022.
G25 25 6400 2200 or 3650 with supplemental ballast option 8600 or 10,050 with supplemental ballast option 450 / 475 / 600 / 370(diesel) 465 / 500 / 608 / 595(diesel) 19 Added supplemental ballast and redesigned flight tower to 2022.
Paragon G23 23 7200 2200 9400 600 608 16  
Paragon G25 25 7400 2200 9600 600 608 19  
S23 23 5500 3150 or 3650 with supplemental ballast option 8150 or 8650 with supplemental ballast option 400 / 355 / 450 / 475 / 600 400 / 405 / 465 / 500 / 608 16 Introduced in August 2021[7]
S21 21 5200 2650 7850 400 / 355 / 450 / 475 / 600 400 / 405 / 465 / 500 / 608 14 Introduced in September 2021[8]
Ski Nautique 20 2945 400 3345 400 / 355 / 450 400 / 405 / 465 7  
Ski Nautique 200 20 3400 NA 3400 400 / 355 / 450 400 / 405 / 465 9 Based on the Ski Nautique hull with an open-bow design.


3.1. 210 and 230

The Super Air Nautique 210 and 230 are Narrow body wake boats, they are distinguishable by their streamline hull and pointed bow. These boats are tailored more towards wakeboarding but also features the Nautique Surf System. The last year of 210 and 230 production was 2021.

3.2. G-Series

The Super Air Nautique G series is a wide body boat designed to produce a larger surfing wake. The boat comes in 3 lengths all weighing above 5000 lbs.[11] In 2022 the G-Series boat's full ballast weight became heavier than the Paragon model with the addition of supplemental ballast and a telescoping flight tower.

3.3. S-Series

In August of 2021 Nautique introduced a new line of boats with the S23.[12] The boat reintroduces a pointed bow, a feature that was discontinued with the end of the 210 and 230. As of October 22, 2021 there are two available lengths, 23 and 21 feet, but it is possible but unlikely that Nautique will introduce a 25 foot version (this is due to Nautique previously only offering 21 and 23 versions of the pointed bow design, the 210 and 230).

3.4. Paragon

The Super Air Nautique Paragon was announced in 2019. It is the first boat Nautique has built that has a dry weight of over 7000lbs. This boat is considered a more luxury G-Series and also comes with increase performance.[13] Added weight comes from telescoping flight tower and recliner seats positioned in the transom of the boat. The paragon also has a different prop from the traditional G-Series Models.

4. Manufacturing

Nautique announced in January, 2021 that they will be increasing their manufacturing capabilities and workforce. To do this, the company purchased a 300 000 square-foot facility just down the road from their current manufacturing facilties. Nautique also plans to invest heavily into innovative products in order to stay ahead of competition with the ever-increasing demand for wakeboats.[14]

5. In Media

In July 2019, entrepreneur and social media "influencer" Kylie Jenner posted an Instagram photo of her on a Nautique Boat to her 140 million followers. CEO of Correct Craft Bill Yeargin said "I did a little a Google research and apparently Kylie charges $1 million for a social media posting and we got it for free. That was nice of her. It is exponentially beyond anything that has happened for our industry in social media before. We don't pay influncers to promote our brands so when one does just because they enjoy being on the boat the benefits to us are huge.[15] As of January 2020 the Jenner's post received 5,012,930 likes and 25,525 comments.

In Feb of 2021 Kim Kardashian West was seen on a Super Air Nautique G25 in the Turks and Caicos Islands. North West, Daughter of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West was seen wakesurfing behind the Nautique.[16]

6. Team Nautique

6.1. Wakeboarders

  • Noal Flegel
  • Danny Harf
  • Tony Iacconi
  • Zahra Kell
  • Jeff Mckee
  • Shaun Murray
  • Cory Teunissen
  • Rusty Malinoski

6.2. Wake Surfers

  • John Akerman
  • Jodi Grassman
  • Drew Drennan

6.3. Wake Skaters

  • Scott Byerly

6.4. Water Skiers

  • Josh Briant
  • Jacinta Carroll
  • Breanne Dodd
  • Ryan Dodd
  • Marion Ellis
  • Scot Ellis
  • Pato Font
  • Anna Gay
  • Erika Lang
  • Whitney McClintock
  • Robert Pigozzi
  • Neily Ross
  • Jon Travers



  1. "Our History | Nautique Boats". 
  2. "Wake adjustment system for boats". 
  3. "Super Air Nautique G23 Wakesurf Review" (in en). 
  4. "First Look: Nautique Surf System". 
  6. "Nautique Surf System" (in en). 
  7. "Super Air Nautique S23". 
  8. "The All-New 2022 Super Air Nautique S21" (in en-US). 2021-09-08. 
  9. "Super Air Nautique G23 Paragon" (in English). 
  11. "2020 G Series" (in en). 
  12. "Super Air Nautique G23". 
  13. "Nautique Releases G23 Paragon" (in en). 
  14. "Nautique to Increase Manufacturing Facility and Workforce | Nautique Boats". 
  15. "Keeping Up with the Kardashians - Trade Only Today". 
  16. "From luxury yachts to private beachfront mansions: This is how much it costs to vacation like a Kardashian". 
  17. "Team Nautique - Wakeboarding, Wakesurfing, Wakeskating, and Water Skiing | Nautique Boats". 
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Update Date: 14 Nov 2022
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