Most Recent
This is a taxonomic list of viruses according to the most recent (2014) taxonomy release by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV), placed into the groups of the Baltimore classification system. Though not used by the ICTV, Baltimore classification, which groups viruses together based on how they produce mRNA, is used in conjunction with the ICTV's work in modern virus classification.
Order: Caudovirales
Order: Herpesvirales
Order: Ligamenvirales
Order: Unassigned
Family: Unassigned
Genus: Salterprovirus
His 1 virus
Order: Unassigned
Order: Mononegavirales
Family: Rhabdoviridae
Sub-Family: Unassigned
Genus: Vesiculovirus
Carajas virus
Chandipura virus
Cocal virus
Isfahan virus
Maraba virus
Piry virus
Vesicular stomatitis Alagoas virus
Vesicular stomatitis Indiana virus
Vesicular stomatitis New Jersey virus