DNA-Coded Security Framework for Multimedia Data in Cloud
  • View Times: 40
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  • Release Date: 2023-05-10
  • chaos key generator
  • adaptive key generator
  • DNA encoding
  • image ciphering
  • neural networks
  • cloud storage
Video Introduction

This video is adapted from 10.3390/math11081769

Cloud services offer doctors and data scientists access to medical data from multiple locations using different devices (laptops, desktops, tablets, smartphones, etc.). Therefore, cyber threats to medical data at rest, in transit and when used by applications need to be pinpointed and prevented preemptively through a host of proven cryptographical solutions. The video integrates adaptive key generation, neural-based confusion and non-XOR, namely DNA diffusion, which offers a more extensive and unique key, adaptive confusion and unpredictable diffusion algorithm. Only authenticated users can store this encrypted image in cloud storage. The proposed security framework uses logistics, tent maps and adaptive key generation modules. The adaptive key is generated using a multilayer and nonlinear neural network from every input plain image. The Hopfield neural network (HNN) is a recurrent temporal network that updates learning with every plain image.

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Rengarajan, A.; Mahalingam, H.; Meikandan, P.V.; Thenmozhi, K.; Moria, K.M.; Lakshmi, C.; Chidambaram, N. DNA-Coded Security Framework for Multimedia Data in Cloud. Encyclopedia. Available online: https://encyclopedia.pub/video/video_detail/730 (accessed on 01 September 2024).
Rengarajan A, Mahalingam H, Meikandan PV, Thenmozhi K, Moria KM, Lakshmi C, et al. DNA-Coded Security Framework for Multimedia Data in Cloud. Encyclopedia. Available at: https://encyclopedia.pub/video/video_detail/730. Accessed September 01, 2024.
Rengarajan, Amirtharajan, Hemalatha Mahalingam, Padmapriya Velupillai Meikandan, Karuppuswamy Thenmozhi, Kawthar Mostafa Moria, Chandrasekaran Lakshmi, Nithya Chidambaram. "DNA-Coded Security Framework for Multimedia Data in Cloud" Encyclopedia, https://encyclopedia.pub/video/video_detail/730 (accessed September 01, 2024).
Rengarajan, A., Mahalingam, H., Meikandan, P.V., Thenmozhi, K., Moria, K.M., Lakshmi, C., & Chidambaram, N. (2023, May 10). DNA-Coded Security Framework for Multimedia Data in Cloud. In Encyclopedia. https://encyclopedia.pub/video/video_detail/730
Rengarajan, Amirtharajan, et al. "DNA-Coded Security Framework for Multimedia Data in Cloud." Encyclopedia. Web. 10 May, 2023.
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