Central Asian Food Personalized Dietary Interventions
  • View Times: 17
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  • Release Date: 2023-04-13
  • nutritional intervention
  • food classification
  • Central Asian food
  • dietary assessment
  • food recognition
  • AI
  • Central Asia
Video Introduction

This video is adapted from 10.3390/nu15071728

It is common for people to take photographs of every beverage, snack, or meal they eat and then post these photographs on social media platforms. Leveraging these social trends, real-time food recognition and reliable classification of these captured food images can potentially help replace some of the tedious recording and coding of food diaries to enable personalized dietary interventions.

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Karabay, A.; Bolatov, A.; Varol, H.A.; Chan, M. Central Asian Food Personalized Dietary Interventions. Encyclopedia. Available online: https://encyclopedia.pub/video/video_detail/711 (accessed on 01 September 2024).
Karabay A, Bolatov A, Varol HA, Chan M. Central Asian Food Personalized Dietary Interventions. Encyclopedia. Available at: https://encyclopedia.pub/video/video_detail/711. Accessed September 01, 2024.
Karabay, Aknur, Arman Bolatov, Huseyin Atakan Varol, Mei-Yen Chan. "Central Asian Food Personalized Dietary Interventions" Encyclopedia, https://encyclopedia.pub/video/video_detail/711 (accessed September 01, 2024).
Karabay, A., Bolatov, A., Varol, H.A., & Chan, M. (2023, April 13). Central Asian Food Personalized Dietary Interventions. In Encyclopedia. https://encyclopedia.pub/video/video_detail/711
Karabay, Aknur, et al. "Central Asian Food Personalized Dietary Interventions." Encyclopedia. Web. 13 April, 2023.
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