Adaptive DoF-Control Interaction Methods for Assistive Robot Arms
  • View Times: 29
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  • Release Date: 2022-03-25
  • assistive robotics
  • human-robot interaction
  • augmented reality
  • virtual reality
  • visual cues
  • shared user control
Video Introduction

This video is adapted from 10.3390/technologies10010030

Robot arms are one of many assistive technologies used by people with motor impairments.Assistive robot arms can allow people to perform activities of daily living (ADL) involving graspingand manipulating objects in their environment without the assistance of caregivers. Suitable inputdevices (e.g., joysticks) mostly have two Degrees of Freedom (DoF), while most assistive robot armshave six or more. This results in time-consuming and cognitively demanding mode switches tochange the mapping of DoFs to control the robot. One option to decrease the difficulty of controllinga high-DoF assistive robot arm using a low-DoF input device is to assign different combinations ofmovement-DoFs to the device’s input DoFs depending on the current situation (adaptive control). Toexplore this method of control, researchers designed two adaptive control methods for a realistic virtual 3Denvironment. The researchers evaluated the methods against a commonly used non-adaptive control method thatrequires the user to switch controls manually. This was conducted in a simulated remote study thatused Virtual Reality and involved 39 non-disabled participants. The results show that the numberof mode switches necessary to complete a simple pick-and-place task decreases significantly whenusing an adaptive control type. In contrast, the task completion time and workload stay the same. Athematic analysis of qualitative feedback of participants suggests that a longer period of trainingcould further improve the performance of adaptive control methods.

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Pascher, M.; Kronhardt, K.; Rübner, S.; Frese, U.; Gerken, J. Adaptive DoF-Control Interaction Methods for Assistive Robot Arms. Encyclopedia. Available online: (accessed on 27 July 2024).
Pascher M, Kronhardt K, Rübner S, Frese U, Gerken J. Adaptive DoF-Control Interaction Methods for Assistive Robot Arms. Encyclopedia. Available at: Accessed July 27, 2024.
Pascher, Max, Kirill Kronhardt, Stephan Rübner, Udo Frese, Jens Gerken. "Adaptive DoF-Control Interaction Methods for Assistive Robot Arms" Encyclopedia, (accessed July 27, 2024).
Pascher, M., Kronhardt, K., Rübner, S., Frese, U., & Gerken, J. (2022, March 25). Adaptive DoF-Control Interaction Methods for Assistive Robot Arms. In Encyclopedia.
Pascher, Max, et al. "Adaptive DoF-Control Interaction Methods for Assistive Robot Arms." Encyclopedia. Web. 25 March, 2022.
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