Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Path Planning Method of Soft Actor
  • View Times: 45
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  • Release Date: 2024-09-18
  • autonomous underwater vehicle
  • optimal path planning
  • deep reinforcement learning
  • unknown underwater environment
  • particle swarm optimization
Training Process
Simulation Results
Video Introduction

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This research aims to solve the issue of the safe navigation of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) in an unknown underwater environment. AUV will encounter canyons, rocks, reefs, fish, and underwater vehicles that threaten its safety during underwater navigation. A game-based soft actor–critic (GSAC) path planning method is proposed in this review to improve the adaptive capability of autonomous planning and the reliability of obstacle avoidance in the unknown underwater environment. Considering the influence of the simulation environment, the obstacles in the simulation environment are regarded as agents and play a zero-sum game with the AUV. The zero-sum game problem is solved by improving the strategy of AUV and obstacles, so that the simulation environment evolves intelligently with the AUV path planning strategy. The proposed method increases the complexity and diversity of the simulation environment, enables AUV to train in a variable environment specific to its strategy, and improves the adaptability and convergence speed of AUV in unknown underwater environments. Finally, the Python language is applied to write an unknown underwater simulation environment for the AUV simulation testing. GSAC can guide the AUV to the target point in the unknown underwater environment while avoiding large and small static obstacles, canyons, and small dynamic obstacles. Compared with the soft actor–critic(SAC) and the deep Q-network (DQN) algorithm, GSAC has better adaptability and convergence speed in the unknown underwater environment. The experiments verifies that GSAC has faster convergence, better stability, and robustness in unknown underwater environments.

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Lu, H.; Wang, Z.; Qin, H.; Sui, Y. Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Path Planning Method of Soft Actor. Encyclopedia. Available online: (accessed on 27 September 2024).
Lu H, Wang Z, Qin H, Sui Y. Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Path Planning Method of Soft Actor. Encyclopedia. Available at: Accessed September 27, 2024.
Lu, Hao, Zhuo Wang, Hongde Qin, Yancheng Sui. "Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Path Planning Method of Soft Actor" Encyclopedia, (accessed September 27, 2024).
Lu, H., Wang, Z., Qin, H., & Sui, Y. (2024, September 18). Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Path Planning Method of Soft Actor. In Encyclopedia.
Lu, Hao, et al. "Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Path Planning Method of Soft Actor." Encyclopedia. Web. 18 September, 2024.
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