Metaverse and Extended Realities in Immersive Journalism
  • View Times: 47
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  • Release Date: 2023-11-08
  • systematic literature review
  • immersive journalism
  • metaverse
  • immersive technologies
  • extended reality
  • communication
  • methodology
Video Introduction

This video is adapted from 10.3390/mti7100096

Immersive journalism is a new form of media communication that uses extended reality systems to produce its content. Despite the possibilities it offers, its use is still limited in the media due to the lack of systematised and scientific knowledge regarding its application. This is a problem because it is a very powerful technology that changes the way audiences receive information and can be used both for new forms of storytelling that generate greater user engagement and for very sophisticated disinformation, which is why it is really important to study it.

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