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There is no clear consensus on operative hand instrumentation. In general, there is one hand instrument that completes one task. Consequently, numerous instruments are required for the placement, shaping and carving of a restora- tion. This reduces clinical efficiency, increases cost and may generate frustration.
A novel dental hand instrument has been developed. The instrument (GTI) can complete several tasks. The in- strument was assessed in a laboratory setting with amalgam, composite and glass-ionomer restorations on dentoform teeth.
Results indicated that class II amalgam and composite restorations were significantly faster than conventional in- strumentation (P<0.05). Differences in restoration quality were not statistically significant. Cost was significantly reduced as the GTI could perform the task of 9 conventional instruments.
The GTI is an industry-translated, novel medical device that offers the clinician an alternative to standard instrumentation. Further investigations are required with increased samples sizes, clinical assessment and expanded utility.