Dual-Domain Image Encryption in Unsecure Medium
  • View Times: 50
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  • Release Date: 2023-04-06
  • encryption
  • chaotic maps
  • integer wavelet transform
  • statistical attack
  • keyspace
Video Introduction

This video is adapted from 10.3390/math11020457

With the growing demand for digitalization, multimedia data transmission through wireless networks has become more prominent. These multimedia data include text, images, audio, and video. Therefore, a secure method is needed to modify them so that such images, even if intercepted, will not be interpreted accurately. Such encryption is proposed with a two-layer image encryption scheme involving bit-level encryption in the time-frequency domain. The top layer consists of a bit of plane slicing the image, and each plane is then scrambled using a chaotic map and encrypted with a key generated from the same chaotic map.

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