How the Brain Becomes the Mind?
  • View Times: 72
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  • Release Date: 2022-10-31
  • brain state
  • Carnot cycle
  • emotions
  • consciousness
Video Introduction

This video is adapted from 10.3390/e24101498

The neural systems’ electric activities are fundamental for the phenomenology of consciousness. Sensory perception triggers an information/energy exchange with the environment, but the brain’s recurrent activations maintain a resting state with constant parameters. Therefore, perception forms a closed thermodynamic cycle. In physics, the Carnot engine is an ideal thermodynamic cycle that converts heat from a hot reservoir into work, or inversely, requires work to transfer heat from a low- to a high-temperature reservoir (the reversed Carnot cycle). Researchers analyze the high entropy brain by the endothermic reversed Carnot cycle. Its irreversible activations provide temporal directionality for future orientation. A flexible transfer between neural states inspires openness and creativity. In contrast, the low entropy resting state parallels reversible activations, which impose past focus via repetitive thinking, remorse, and regret. The exothermic Carnot cycle degrades mental energy. Therefore, the brain’s energy/information balance formulates motivation, sensed as position or negative emotions.

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