Encyclopedia Video Production Service

20 Mar 2024

Today, we are thrilled to announce the launch of our professional video production services.

Do you find yourself admiring the professionally crafted video abstracts in your colleagues' articles? Are you eager to showcase your own cutting-edge research to a broader audience? Do you face challenges in effectively conveying complex knowledge to students in a dynamic and visually appealing way?

Now, Encyclopedia MDPI offers all users a complimentary trial to bring your research or knowledge to life! During this stage of testing, our service is completely free. We prioritize user experience and feedback over revenue. Click the following link to apply:



1. For video production inquiries, kindly provide us with your email address and name in the application form. Upon clicking the "submit" button, our team will promptly reach out to you.

2. We also provide free script-writing service for those who are pressed for time. Simply provide us with your requirements, and we will handle the script development process. Rest assured, you will have the opportunity to review and provide feedback at each stage of the script and video creation process.

3. To access our extensive library of example videos, please navigate to the Encyclopedia Video Section.

    Video Production Service