Risk assessment on benzene exposure among gasoline station workers: History Edit

Benzene is human carcinogen presented in gasoline (1% by volume). It is also found in the vehicle exhaust. The aim of this study was to assess health risk of inhalation exposure to benzene among gasoline stations workers. The ambient benzene concentration was measured by personal sampling from 150 gasoline station workers (137 fueling workers and 13 cashiers). Additional data of working characteristics was collected by interviews and on-site observation. All workers were non-smokers and passive smoking was limited. Risk assessment of inhalation exposure was determined using U.S.EPA, and showed a high risk of adverse health effect (HQ >1) in 51.33% of workers. The cancer risk was increased from 1.35 x10-8 to 1.52 x10-4, and 70.67% of the workers had a lifetime cancer risk (>IUR; 2.2 x10-6). A significant higher risk was found in fueling workers compared to cashiers, and in workers of inner zone (suburban and urban), compared to rural zone of gasoline stations. All risk estimations were based upon a single measurement in eight hours working period assumed for all working days in the year (250 days). The increased health risk suggests health surveillance for workers in order to protection of exposure to benzene.  In addition to benzene, the VOCs presented in gasoline may influence health outcome.

  • benzene
  • cashier
  • cancer risk
  • fueling
  • human health risk