Landscape Assessment and Economic Accounting in Wind Farm Programming: Two Cases in Sicily: History Edit
Subjects: Energy & Fuels

In recent years, the scientific interest for the economic and landscape impact of wind farms has increased. This paper presents a useful GIS tool which allows helping policymakers and investors to identify promising areas for wind power generation as well as landscape impact and financial and economic sustainability of wind farms. The results of the research carried out for exploring the potential for wind energy in two territorial contexts of Sicily region are presented with the particular look at the possibilities of economic developing, stakeholders' opportunities and obstacles in the policy, legal and regulatory framework.

The case presented in this study is an opportunity to explore the different energy-economic potential of two Sicilian territorial contexts – in many ways opposites – in the light of their formal resilience, with the aim of providing local administrations (regional and provincial) contents, objectives and tools of the process of selection, evaluation and planning of energy policies in sensitive landscapes.

The tools used in this proposal are: the GIS spatial analysis for the selection of the suitable areas according to the restricted areas, the road network and the built-up areas; the Discounted Cash Flow Analysis taking into account the revenues depending on the different producibility of each plant areas due to the foreseen windiness; the IMO-DRSA relational pattern, a Decision Making path aimed at the construction of the rules that allow the administrators to implement policies based on shared decisions.


  • Wind Energy
  • Landscape Impact
  • GIS Tools, Economic
  • Economic-Financial Valuation
  • DRSA Decision Making


Geographical frame and orography of Enna and Siracusa provinces

 Flow chart of the decision making process.

Suitable areas in the Province of Siracusa