Guidelines of Entries in Encyclopedia: History Edit
Subjects: Others

1. General introduction

2. Types of entry topics

3. How to finish a entry in Encyclopedia

4. How to revise published entries

5. How to comment on published entries

6. Copyright of entry content


  • Encyclopedia,Entry

1. General introduction

Encyclopedia is an online reference created and curated by active scholars. It aims to highlight the latest research results as well as providing benchmark information for researchers and the general public interested in accurate and advanced knowledge on specific topics. Detail could be read from About page.


2. Types of entry topics

Latest advance or review: Authors could conclude the new achievement on one topic as an new entry here, just like a review paper or a mini review paper. It could be a conclusion for a research field, or a conclusion for a research group, or even for some researchers;

Definition: This could be new discoveries, including but not limited to new technologies, new organisms, new models, new methodologies, new molecules or materials, new theories, new galaxy or stars, etc. It could be a general introduction or a detail introduction, including but not limited to the origin, development history, milestone, leading figures or related personage, current status, forecast, etc. Any related scientific points could be concluded here.

Research project: Authors could also show their project proposals as well as expected results here. This  is a kind of  pre-report about the research work in the near future. This would be very helpful to collect suggestions from other scientists as well as to avoid repeated researching work on the same topic in different researcher groups.

Conjecture: Similar with research project, authors could announce some future research topics or possible achievement, influence, challenges, or even application without solid experiment data supporting.