
Dear Colleagues,

Climate Change in its more general definition refers to a change in the state of the climate that can be identified by changes in the mean and/or variability of its properties and, that persists for extended periods of time. Climate change can be caused by natural internal processes or an external factor, such as variations in the solar cycles or, human activities that drive permanent changes in the composition of the atmosphere and, consequently, in the natural resource management. The impacts of climate change, in some cases already visible and in others foreseeable, are manifold, for example, increase in global average temperature, droughts, erosion of biodiversity, proliferations of extreme weather events, etc. All of these impacts already cause and will continue to cause negative consequences on the living conditions of humanity. One of the spheres which results to be more interrelated and connected with climate change is the economic sector: on the one hand, some of our economic activities contribute to aggravate climate change, but on the other hand, climate change affects negatively our economic activities. For instance, food production keeps an intense cause/effect relationship with climate change. Agriculture and animal breeding, especially in their industrial forms, are two of the activities that contribute the most to the greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time, these activities can be highly affected by the effects of climate change, which in many cases can be translated into the reduction of agricultural productivity, deterioration of livelihoods and drop in food security and nutrition levels. Last but not least, the far-reaching effects of climate changes on the agroecosystems are visible in the evolution of migration flows since migrations can be often an adaptation strategy to climate change that can generate both increase in livelihoods or increase in pressure on scarce natural resources, and thus, exacerbate tensions between migrants and host communities on resource rights and land tenure.

The climate change and global economy entry collection will cover the mentioned above topics and many other interesting aspects written by specialists, scientists, researchers, professionals and environmental activists.

  • Climate Change and Agriculture
  • Climate Change and Circular Economy
  • Climate Change and Ecological Economics
  • Climate Change and Migration
  • Climate Change and Sustainable Development
  • Climate Change and Poverty
  • Climate Change and Economic Inequality
  • Climate Change and Rural Communities
  • Climate Change and Natural Resources
  • Climate Change and Economic Growth
  • Climate Change and Gender

Dr. Daniel Durán Sandoval
Prof. Dr. Gemma Durán Romero
Dr. Francesca Uleri
Dr. Ana M. López
Collection Editors

Please click here to find Guidelines for Submissions.

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Daniel Durán Sandoval

Institution: Faculty of Engineering and Business, Universidad de las Américas, Av. República 71, Santiago, Chile

Interests: development economics; sustainable development; circular economy; ecological economics; political ecology; climate change; environmental studies; food security; history of economic thought; philosophy of economics

Gemma Durán-Romero

Institution: Estructura Económica, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain

Interests: international economics; sustainable development; environmental economics; circular economy and innovation; climate change

Francesca Uleri

Institution: Faculty of Education, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Bressanone, Italy

Interests: sustainable agriculture; food security; rural sociology; climate change; migration studies; political ecology

Ana López

Institution: Instituto L.R. Klein, UUniversidad Autónoma de Madrid, 28049 Madrid, Spain

Interests: economic activity; economic indicators; regional modelling; digital economy; digitisation; circular economy and innovation; climate change; globalisation; development economics

Topic Review Peer Reviewed
Research Trends in Resilience and Vulnerability Studies
While the definition of resilience is disputed or even fuzzy, due in no small part to the diversity of its applications, the concept generally involves the ability to withstand and bounce back from shocks; vulnerability as a related concept involves the tendency to suffer from shocks, given existing characteristics that may prevent resilient responses. Vulnerabilities put individuals, groups, and societies at greater risk and disadvantage, suggesting a need not only for disaster response and recovery, but mitigation and preparedness. Resilience and vulnerability research has recently focused on the role of government, the COVID-19 pandemic, and flood hazards; topics of interest have also included resilience of rural and urban areas, development and sustainability, and displacement and migration.
  • 507
  • 19 Oct 2023
Topic Review Peer Reviewed
Food, Climate Change, and the Challenge of Innovation
Climate change is a shift in the climate’s condition that lasts for an extended period, usually decades or longer, and that may be detected by changes in the mean and variability of its parameters. The full spectrum of players and their related value-adding activities, that are a part of the food supply chain, including the disposal of food items derived from agriculture, forestry, or fisheries, are collectively called food systems. Food systems are a component of their larger economic, social, and environmental contexts. Finally, food security is the condition in which all individuals consistently have physical and financial access to adequate safe, nutritious food that satisfies their dietary needs and food choices for an active and healthy life. Climate change and its relationships with food systems and security are complex since food systems significantly contribute to climate change. However, climate change impacts food systems unpredictably, leading to food insecurity through adverse impacts on the four dimensions of food security: utilization, access, food availability, and stability. Climate change adaptation plans are urgent and include measures such as flood and climate protection, waste management and recycling, climate-smart agriculture, and analytical climatic conditions innovation equipment on agricultural processes and activities. Nevertheless, addressing the climate crisis and its adverse impacts on food security through the activation and promotion of innovation needs reliable information and intervention in many different but interconnected fields, such as institutional design, philanthropy, novel partnerships, finance, and international cooperation. In this context, this paper analyses the relationship between climate change, agriculture, and global–local strategies to ensure food security and also discusses policies’ role in fostering innovation for supporting local agro-food systems and their capacity to sustain societal needs.
  • 832
  • 19 Oct 2023
Topic Review Peer Reviewed
Impacts of Climate Change on Rural Communities: Vulnerability and Adaptation in the Global South
Climate change has resulted in negative impacts upon rural communities, notably in the Global South; these impacts expose vulnerabilities that exist on individual and societal levels, necessitating consideration of adaptive capacity given the climate change threat, as well as the role of government in responding to hazards, and encouraging resilience and sustainability.
  • 954
  • 19 Oct 2023