Cyber-Physical System: History
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Cyber-Physical System (CPS) is a symbol of the fourth industrial revolution (4IR) by integrating physical and computational processes which can associate with humans in various ways. In short, the relationship between Cyber networks and the physical component is known as CPS, which is assisting to incorporate the world and influencing our ordinary life significantly. In terms of practical utilization of CPS interacting abundant difficulties. CPS is involved in modern society very vastly with many uptrend perspectives. All the new technologies by using CPS are accelerating our journey of innovation. Researchers have explained the research areas of 14 important domains of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) including aircraft transportation systems, battlefield surveillance, chemical production, energy, agriculture (food supply), healthcare, education, industrial automation, manufacturing, mobile devices, robotics, transportation, and vehicular. 

  • 3C
  • 5C
  • NIFU
  • Cyber Physical System
  • 14 domains of CPS

1. Introduction

The Cyber-Physical System (CPS) is the key concept of Industry 4.0, which the German government advocates for to develop smart factories and fetch in the 4th industrial revolution. When an NFS session was organized in Austin, Texas, the United States in 2006, the concept of CPS officially emerged [1]. Industry 1.0 was about mechanization and steam power, and then mass production and assembly line which was known as Industry 2.0, and digitalization and automation are Industry 3.0, and finally, Industry 4.0 is planned for the distributed engender through shared amenities in the combined global industrial structure for on-demand manufacturing to succeed personalization and resource efficiency [2]. It has far-reaching consequences for both producers and consumers. The term Industry 4.0 refers to a trend in industrial automation that incorporates some new technologies to improve worker health at work, as well as plant productivity and quality.
The smart factory approach is part of Industry 4.0 and is divided into three categories including smart production, smart services, and smart energy. From the previous statement, it is clear that energy conservation is a concern in any sort of factory. This is because the end product must be produced at a low cost while maintaining high quality. As a result, energy conservation boosts productivity and maybe creates job opportunities. The Cyber-Physical System is a major idea in Industry 4.0. [3]. CPS are advanced technologies that connect physical reality operations with computing and network infrastructure [4]. With typically integrated devices, which are supposed to function like independent devices, CPS focuses on connecting multiple devices [5]. A CPS comprises a monitoring system, generally, one or even more microcontrollers that regulate and transmit the information acquired from the sensors and actuators required to deal with the actual environment. A communication interface is also required for such embedded systems to share information with other embedded systems or the cloud. The most significant element of a CPS is information interchange, because information may be connected and analyzed centrally. A CPS, to look at it another way, is an embedded system that can communicate with other devices via a network. The Internet of things [6] is a term used to describe CPS that are hooked up to the internet. With integrated technology, the Internet of Things (IoT) will connect all the company’s elements, machinery, and Goods.
Herein, the research areas of 14 important domains of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are explained, including aircraft transportation systems, battlefield surveillance, chemical production, energy, agriculture (food supply), healthcare, education, industrial automation, manufacturing, mobile devices, robotics, transportation, and vehicular. Challenges and future direction are demonstrated. Almost all articles have limitations on security, data privacy, and safety. Several projects and new dimensions are mentioned where CPS is the key integration. Consequently, the researchers and academicians will be benefited to update the CPS workspace and it will help them with more research on a specific topic of CPS. 
The common acronyms used in CPS field are tabulated in Table 1.
Table 1. Used and known Acronym about Cyber Physical System.
Acronym Full Form Acronym Full Form
CPS Cyber Physical System NFS National Science Foundation
IOT Internet of Things IOS Internet of Services
IOD Internet of Data OCS Oriented Cuckoo Search
3C Computing, Communication, Control IDS Intrusion Detection Systems
RTLS Real-Time Location Sensing WoT Web of Things
NoC Network-On-Chip KF Kalman Filter
ACPS Aviation Cyber Physical System UAVs Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
CPPS Cyber Physical Production System ECPS Energy Cyber Physical System
PHEVs Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles HESS Hybrid Energy Storage System
SeDS Sensor-Drone-Satellite ICT Information & Communication Technology
MDR Monitoring detecting responding CCP Collaborative Control Protocol
MCPS Medical Cyber-Physical System EHR Electronic Health Record
MPPT maximum power point tracking IASs Industrial automation systems
ICPS Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems IAS Industrial Automation and Software
CPSSs Cyber-physical product-service systems RE Requirements Engineering
PHM prognostics and health management DTs Digital Twins
TCPS Transportation Cyber-Physical Systems DEDR Dynamic En-route Decision real-time Route
CF car-following EV Electric Vehicle
ITS Intelligent Transportation Systems FC Fog Computing
SA Smart Agriculture SCSAS Smartphone based construction site safety awareness system
3C Computation, Communication, and Control 5C Connection, Conversion, Cyber, Cognition and Configuration
    NIFU Network, Intelligence, Functionality, and User friendliness)

This entry is adapted from the peer-reviewed paper 10.3390/systems11040208


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