Miklós Kásler: History
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Subjects: Others
  • oncology
  • miklós
  • oncologist

Basic Information

Miklós Kásler
Name: Miklós Kásler
(Mar 1950–)
Budapest, Hungary
Titles: Oncologist Professor Director of the National Institute of Oncology
Affiliation: Unknown
Honor: Unknown

1. Introduction

Miklós Kásler (born 1 March 1950) is a Hungarian oncologist, professor, director of the National Institute of Oncology, and since 2018 Minister of Human Resources.

2. Life

"Each result of science prooves that there is a spiritual existence in the world where everything can be traced back to."

His father, Dr István Kásler (born 1918, Déva (today Romania)) was a jurist and his mother, Aranka Boda (born 1923, Sárvár) was a pedagogue. On his father's side he has Bukovina German and Bukovina Székely ancestors from Andrásfalva (Romanian: Măneuți).[1]

He was born in Budapest, but the family moved to Sárvár, so he attended the primary and secondary schools there. Later he studied Medicine at the University of Szeged and graduated in 1974. Then he took exams in surgery (1978), oral surgery (1988), plastic and reconstructional surgery (1998) and oncology (2009).[2]

From 1969 he worked in the Institute of Medical Chemistry of the University of Szeged as demonstrator and from 1971 in the Microbiology Institute as a TDK member. He became a clinical physician in 1974 at the Nr 2 Surgeon Clinic and from 1978 instructor.

He came to the National Oncological Institute in 1981 where he became lecturer in 1984 and chief medical officer of the head-neck surgery department in 1986. He was nominated to director of the institute. He established the National Cancer Control Program for the heterogeneous medical care of cancer patients in 1993.[3][4]

Since 1994 he became professor at the Semmelweis University and Head of Department on three universities (Semmelweis University, University of Pécs, University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Târgu Mureș) since 1998. Since 2007 he was director of the oncological Department of the University of Pécs. His scientific degrees are doctoral candidate (1984), physician of MTA (2010), Member of the European Scientific and Artistic Academy (2017).[2]

During his scientific activity he wrote 16 professional books, 7 books, 76 book parts, more than 250 in and internationally published announcements and gave lectures on many national and international occasions on several instuitutes.

3. Public Activity

He always showed great interest in Hungarian history and historical fate questions. His opinion is that the human of today has lost his way and his values. A kind of moral interregnum is formed when a part of the old classical, through century defecated values is lost by the humans and is now looking for a way to the solution.

Starting from this discovery, he made a scientific talk show on M1 national television channel with similarly-thinking guests (writers, scientists, and philosophers) on a series of interviews about national fate with the title Nemzeti nagyvizit (English: National Great Visitation).

He was a special guest of the 777blog.hu christian public portal interview series on March 27, 2018 where he explained how the scientists serve God and science at the same time, so serving God through science. He also gave his point of view detailed on the issue:

Today there is a lot of knowledge that is not timeless. It would be important - thanks to God there is already examples - to teach ethics, religion, and religious morality. The Ten Commandments are not just religious instructions, not dogmas, but the most perfect code of law. My lawyer father - I also studied law - always said that if you do not break the Ten Commandments, you will never face the law or your fellow human beings. It is also a perfect code of ethics. I, as a doctor, say it is a public health program as well, because if it is obeyed, it is possible to avoid contagious sexually transmitted diseases, some cancerous diseases, but also a significant part of mental and vegetative diseases.

Professor Kásler was also member of an international research group which came up with a result on the controversial prehistory of Hungarians which confirmed the fact that the members of the Árpád dynasty are certainly from the Eurasian blood line, as genetic markers can be used to map the pharynx genetic history.[5] Researchers determined Béla III's genetic profile on his father's line. The research team concluded that Béla III's DNA fragment extracted from his bone belongs to the typically co-inherited R1a haplotype.[6][7] (R Group (M207): The most common haplogroup of Europe, Central Asia and India, including more than half of Hungarians.) Since three foreign laboratories have completed the genetic testing, the controlled result can not be denied. The DNA of the father-in-law of the chromosome of the king of King Árpád-domained can be classified into an haplotype that is very common amongst the peoples speaking in the Finno-Ugric language as well. [20] This is the most common haplogroup in different populations that speak Slavic, Indo-Iranian, Dravidian, Turkish, and Finno-Ugric languages.

On April 27, 2018 Zoltán Ónodi Szűcs declared that in the person of Miklós Kásler a practicing physician is going to be the Minister of Human Recources.[8]

4. Awards


  • Krompecher Medallion (1999)
  • Endre Mester Medallion (2001)
  • Aurél Réthy Medallion (2001)
  • Markusovszky Kórház Jubileum Plaque (2004)
  • László Batthyány-Strattmann Award (2005)
  • World Council of Hungarian Professors Pro Universitate et Scientia (2005)
  • Diploma Honori (University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Târgu Mureș, 2005)
  • Markusovszky Plaque (2006)
  • Doktor Honoris Causa (University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Târgu Mureș, 2006)
  • Order of Merit of the Republic of Hungary - Commander's Cross (2007)
  • Lajos Markusovszky Award (2008)
  • Prima Award (2008)
  • Lajos Markusovszky Award and Diploma (2010)
  • Honorary Citizen of Budapest (2011)
  • Orvosi Hetilap Markusovszky Lajos Award (2012)
  • Honorary Citizen of Sárvár (2012)
  • Diploma of Fellowship of Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow (2012)
  • Physician Weekly - Lajos Markusovszky Award (2013)
  • Order of Merit of the Republic of Hungary - Commander's Cross with Star (2015)
  • Conscience of the Hungarian Nation Award (2017)
  • Honorary Perpetual Member of the Hungarian Oncologist Society (2017)
  • Order of Saint Lazarus - Gold Medallion (2018)
  • Ministerial Recognition Certificate (2018)
  • Széchenyi Award (2018)

5. Works

  • Kásler Miklós: Az onkológia alapjai. Budapest: MEDICINA KÖNYVKIADÓ zRT. 2011. ISBN:978-963-226-345-8
  • Kásler Miklós: Nemzeti nagyvizit. Földesi Margit, Kővári Péter, Szabados György. Kairosz. 2014. ISBN:978-963-662-730-0
  • Géczi Lajos – Kásler Miklós: Prosztatarák - Gyakorlati kézikönyv. Budapest: ZAFÍR PRESS. 2014. ISBN:978-615-500-535-0
  • Kásler Miklós: A komplex onkodiagnosztika és onkoterápia irányelvei. Budapest: SEMMELWEIS KIADÓ. 2008. ISBN:978-963-987-911-9
  • Kásler Miklós: Onkoterápiás protokoll. Budapest: SPRINGER TUDOMÁNYOS KIADÓ. 1996. ISBN:9636990018
  • Dr. Igazvölgyi Katalin – Kásler Miklós – Dr. Szűcs Miklós: A rákról röviden: Veszélyeztető tényezők - korai felismerés - VESZÉLYEZTETŐ TÉNYEZŐK - KORAI FELISMERÉS. Budapest: SPRINGMED KIADÓ KFT. 2004. ISBN:9799639456166
  • Kásler Miklós – Dr. Pete Imre: Nőgyógyászati onkológia: Gyakorlati kézikönyv. Budapest: ZAFÍR PRESS. 2012. ISBN:9786155005282
  • Várszegi Asztrik – Kásler Miklós – Iván László: Gondolatok a „jó öregséghez”: Várszegi Asztrik és Kásler Miklós előadása, Iván László előszavával. Budapest: Gondolat kiadó. 2010. ISBN:978 963 693 297 8

6. Publications

  • Kásler, Miklós and Ottó, Szabolcs : Európai és hazai kihívások az onkológiában, Magyar Onkológia, 2008[10]

The content is sourced from: https://handwiki.org/wiki/Biography:Mikl%C3%B3s_K%C3%A1sler

Further Reading
In this part, we encourage you to list the link of papers wrote by the character, or published reviews/articles about his/her academic contributions.


  1. Sebestyén Ádám : A bukovinai székelység tegnap és ma http://users.atw.hu/bszekely/tema_pdf/tema.pdf
  2. "prof. Dr. Kásler Miklós - Országos Onkológiai Intézet". http://www.onkol.hu/hu/prof_dr_kasler_miklos. Retrieved 21 August 2018. 
  3. Nemzeti Rákkontroll Program http://www.oncol.hu/rtg/2016/nemzeti_rakellenes_program.pdf
  4. "Magyar Tudomány • 2014 8 •". http://www.matud.iif.hu/2014/08/14.htm. Retrieved 21 August 2018. 
  5. Kft., New Wave Media Group. "Tudománytörténeti tévedés lehet a magyarság finnugor eredete". http://www.origo.hu/tudomany/20180222-a-legujabb-genetikai-kutatasok-nem-tamasztjak-ala-a-nyelveszeti-alapu-finnugor-teoriat.html. Retrieved 21 August 2018. 
  6. Maciamo. "Haplogroup R1a (Y-DNA)". https://www.eupedia.com/europe/Haplogroup_R1a_Y-DNA.shtml. Retrieved 21 August 2018. 
  7. "Magyar Tudomány - 169. évf. (2008.) 10. sz. - EPA". http://epa.oszk.hu/00600/00691/00058/05.html. Retrieved 21 August 2018. 
  8. "Ónodi elköszönt, Kásler lesz a miniszter (Bővítve)". http://medicalonline.hu/cikk/onodi_elkoszont__kasler_lesz_a_miniszter. Retrieved 21 August 2018. 
  9. "Kásler Miklós - PIM Névtér". https://opac-nevter.pim.hu/record/-/record/PIM35801. Retrieved 21 August 2018. 
  10. "Európai és hazai kihívások az onkológiában - PDF". http://docplayer.hu/13165386-Europai-es-hazai-kihivasok-az-onkologiaban.html. Retrieved 21 August 2018. 
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