List of ASTM International Standards (E): History
Please note this is an old version of this entry, which may differ significantly from the current revision.

This is a list of ASTM International standards for "Materials for Specific Applications".

  • materials
  • astm
  • applications

1. List

1.1. E1-E999

  • E1 - 14(2020) Specification for ASTM Liquid-in-Glass Thermometers
  • E1-POR - 14(2020) Especificação padrão para Termômetros de líquidos de vidro ASTM
  • E1-SP - 14(2020) Especificación de estándar para termómetros ASTM de líquido en vidrio
  • E3 - 11(2017) Guide for Preparation of Metallographic Specimens
  • E3-RU-RU - 11(2017) Стандартное руководство по подготовке металлографических образцов
  • E4 - 20 Practices for Force Verification of Testing Machines
  • E4-RU-RU - 20 Стандартное практическое руководство по верификации усилия испытательных машин
  • E6 - 15e3 Terminology Relating to Methods of Mechanical Testing
  • E7 - 17 Terminology Relating to Metallography
  • E7-RU-RU - 17 Стандартная терминология, касающаяся металлографии
  • E8/E8M - 16ae1 Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials
  • E9 - 19 Test Methods of Compression Testing of Metallic Materials at Room Temperature
  • E9-RU-RU - 19 Стандартные методы для испытаний на сжатие металлических материалов при комнатной температуре
  • E10 - 18 Test Method for Brinell Hardness of Metallic Materials
  • E10-RU-RU - 18 Стандартный метод испытаний для определения твердости по Бринеллю металлических материалов
  • E11 - 20 Specification for Woven Wire Test Sieve Cloth and Test Sieves
  • E18 - 20 Test Methods for Rockwell Hardness of Metallic Materials
  • E18-RU-RU - 20 Стандартные методы испытаний для определения твердости по Роквеллу металлических материалов
  • E21 - 20 Test Methods for Elevated Temperature Tension Tests of Metallic Materials
  • E23 - 18 Test Methods for Notched Bar Impact Testing of Metallic Materials
  • E28 - 18 Test Methods for Softening Point of Resins Derived from Pine Chemicals and Hydrocarbons, by Ring-and-Ball Apparatus
  • E29 - 13(2019) Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to Determine Conformance with Specifications
  • E29-RU-RU - 13(2019) Стандартное практическое руководство по применению значащих цифр в данных испытаний для определения соответствия техническим условиям
  • E32 - 15 Practices for Sampling Ferroalloys and Steel Additives for Determination of Chemical Composition
  • E45 - 18a Test Methods for Determining the Inclusion Content of Steel
  • E45-RU-RU - 18a Стандартные методы испытаний для определения содержания включений в сталь
  • E50 - 17 Practices for Apparatus, Reagents, and Safety Considerations for Chemical Analysis of Metals, Ores, and Related Materials
  • E53 - 07(2013) Test Method for Determination of Copper in Unalloyed Copper by Gravimetry
  • E55 - 11(2017) Practice for Sampling Wrought Nonferrous Metals and Alloys for Determination of Chemical Composition
  • E60 - 11(2016) Practice for Analysis of Metals, Ores, and Related Materials by Spectrophotometry
  • E60-RU-RU - 11(2016) Стандартное практическое руководство по анализу металлов, руд и схожих материалов с помощью спектрофотометрии
  • E69 - 15 Test Method for Combustible Properties of Treated Wood by the Fire-Tube Apparatus
  • E70 - 19 Test Method for pH of Aqueous Solutions With the Glass Electrode
  • E70-RU-RU - 19 Стандартный метод испытания для определения показателя рН водных растворов с помощью стеклянного электрода
  • E72 - 15 Test Methods of Conducting Strength Tests of Panels for Building Construction
  • E73 - 13 Practice for Static Load Testing of Truss Assemblies
  • E74 - 18e1 Practices for Calibration and Verification for Force-Measuring Instruments
  • E74-RU-RU - 18e1 Стандартные практические руководства по калибровке и верификации силоизмерительных приборов
  • E77 - 14e1 Test Method for Inspection and Verification of Thermometers
  • E77-SP - 14e1
  • E77-POR - 14e1 Método de ensaio padrão para Inspeção e verificação de termômetros
  • E81 - 96(2017) Test Method for Preparing Quantitative Pole Figures
  • E82/E82M - 14(2019) Test Method for Determining the Orientation of a Metal Crystal
  • E83 - 16 Practice for Verification and Classification of Extensometer Systems
  • E84 - 20 Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials
  • E88 - 11(2017) Practice for Sampling Nonferrous Metals and Alloys in Cast Form for Determination of Chemical Composition
  • E90 - 09(2016) Test Method for Laboratory Measurement of Airborne Sound Transmission Loss of Building Partitions and Elements
  • E92 - 17 Test Methods for Vickers Hardness and Knoop Hardness of Metallic Materials
  • E92-RU-RU - 17 Стандартные методы испытаний металлических материалов на твердость по Виккерсу и Кнупу
  • E94/E94M - 17 Guide for Radiographic Examination Using Industrial Radiographic Film
  • E94/E94M-RU-RU - 17 Стандартное руководство для рентгенографического исследования с помощью рентгеновской пленки промышленного назначения
  • E95 - 68(2016) Specification for Cell-Type Oven with Controlled Rates of Ventilation
  • E96/E96M - 16 Test Methods for Water Vapor Transmission of Materials
  • E100 - 19 Specification for ASTM Hydrometers
  • E100-POR - 19 Especificação padrão para Densímetros ASTM
  • E100-SP - 19 Especificación estándar para densímetros ASTM
  • E102/E102M - 93(2016) Test Method for Saybolt Furol Viscosity of Bituminous Materials at High Temperatures
  • E103 - 17 Practice for Rapid Indentation Hardness Testing of Metallic Materials
  • E104 - 20a Practice for Maintaining Constant Relative Humidity by Means of Aqueous Solutions
  • E105 - 16 Practice for Probability Sampling of Materials
  • E108 - 20a Test Methods for Fire Tests of Roof Coverings
  • E110 - 14 Test Method for Rockwell and Brinell Hardness of Metallic Materials by Portable Hardness Testers
  • E111 - 17 Test Method for Young’s Modulus, Tangent Modulus, and Chord Modulus
  • E111-RU-RU - 17 Стандартный метод испытания для определения модуля Юнга, касательного модуля и секущего модуля
  • E112 - 13 Test Methods for Determining Average Grain Size
  • E112-RUS - 13 Методы определения среднего размера зерна металлических материалов
  • E114 - 20 Practice for Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo Straight-Beam Contact Testing
  • E119 - 20 Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials
  • E122 - 17 Practice for Calculating Sample Size to Estimate, With Specified Precision, the Average for a Characteristic of a Lot or Process
  • E123 - 02(2018) Specification for Apparatus for Determination of Water by Distillation
  • E124 - 94(2016) Specification for Weighing and Drying Apparatus for Microchemical Analysis
  • E125 - 63(2018) Reference Photographs for Magnetic Particle Indications on Ferrous Castings
  • E125-RU-RU - 63(2018) Стандартные эталонные фотографии для индикаторных следов при магнитопорошковой дефектоскопии отливок из черных металлов
  • E126 - 19 Test Method for Inspection, Calibration, and Verification of ASTM Hydrometers
  • E127 - 20 Practice for Fabrication and Control of Flat Bottomed Hole Ultrasonic Standard Reference Blocks
  • E128 - 99(2019) Test Method for Maximum Pore Diameter and Permeability of Rigid Porous Filters for Laboratory Use
  • E131 - 10(2015) Terminology Relating to Molecular Spectroscopy
  • E132 - 17 Test Method for Poisson’s Ratio at Room Temperature
  • E133 - 92(2016) Specification for Distillation Equipment
  • E135 - 20b Terminology Relating to Analytical Chemistry for Metals, Ores, and Related Materials
  • E136 - 19a Test Method for Assessing Combustibility of Materials Using a Vertical Tube Furnace at 750 °C
  • E139 - 11(2018) Test Methods for Conducting Creep, Creep-Rupture, and Stress-Rupture Tests of Metallic Materials
  • E140 - 12B(2019)e1 Hardness Conversion Tables for Metals Relationship Among Brinell Hardness, Vickers Hardness, Rockwell Hardness, Superficial Hardness, Knoop Hardness, Scleroscope Hardness, and Leeb Hardness
  • E140-RU-RU - 12b(2019)e1 Стандартные таблицы пересчета значений твердости металлов для соотношений значений твердости по Бринеллю, твердости по Виккерсу, твердости по Роквеллу, поверхностной твердости, твердости по Кнупу, твердости по склероскопу и твердости по Либу
  • E141 - 10(2018) Practice for Acceptance of Evidence Based on the Results of Probability Sampling
  • E143 - 13 Test Method for Shear Modulus at Room Temperature
  • E143-RU-RU - 13 Стандартный метод испытания для определения модуля сдвига при комнатной температуре
  • E144 - 14(2020) Practice for Safe Use of Oxygen Combustion Vessels
  • E145 - 19 Specification for Gravity-Convection and Forced-Ventilation Ovens
  • E147 - 61(2017) Specification for Apparatus for Microdetermination of Nitrogen by Kjeldahl Method
  • E154/E154M - 08a(2019) Test Methods for Water Vapor Retarders Used in Contact with Earth Under Concrete Slabs, on Walls, or as Ground Cover
  • E155 - 20 Reference Radiographs for Inspection of Aluminum and Magnesium Castings
  • E159 - 17 Test Method for Loss of Mass in a Reducing Gas Atmosphere for Cobalt, Copper, Tungsten, and Iron Powders (Hydrogen Loss)
  • E161 - 17 Specification for Electroformed Material and Test Sieves
  • E162 - 16 Test Method for Surface Flammability of Materials Using a Radiant Heat Energy Source
  • E164 - 19 Practice for Contact Ultrasonic Testing of Weldments
  • E164-RU-RU - 19 Стандартное практическое руководство по проведению контактного ультразвукового испытания сварных соединений
  • E165/E165M - 18 Practice for Liquid Penetrant Testing for General Industry
  • E165/E165M-RU-RU - 18 Стандартное практическое руководство по капиллярной дефектоскопии для общепромышленного применения
  • E168 - 16 Practices for General Techniques of Infrared Quantitative Analysis
  • E169 - 16 Practices for General Techniques of Ultraviolet-Visible Quantitative Analysis
  • E170 - 20 Terminology Relating to Radiation Measurements and Dosimetry
  • E171/E171M - 11(2020) Practice for Conditioning and Testing Flexible Barrier Packaging
  • E176 - 18ae1 Terminology of Fire Standards
  • E177 - 20 Practice for Use of the Terms Precision and Bias in ASTM Test Methods
  • E178 - 16a Practice for Dealing With Outlying Observations
  • E179 - 17 Guide for Selection of Geometric Conditions for Measurement of Reflection and Transmission Properties of Materials
  • E181 - 17 Test Methods for Detector Calibration and Analysis of Radionuclides
  • E185 - 16 Practice for Design of Surveillance Programs for Light-Water Moderated Nuclear Power Reactor Vessels
  • E185-RU-RU - 16 Стандартное практическое руководство по разработке программ обследования корпусов легководных ядерных реакторов
  • E186 - 20 Reference Radiographs for Heavy-Walled (2 to 412 in. (50.8 to 114 mm)) Steel Castings
  • E190 - 14 Test Method for Guided Bend Test for Ductility of Welds
  • E190-RU-RU - 14 Стандартный метод испытания на управляемый изгиб для определения пластичности сварных швов
  • E191 - 64(2017) Specification for Apparatus For Microdetermination of Carbon and Hydrogen in Organic and Organo-Metallic Compounds
  • E192 - 20 Reference Radiographs of Investment Steel Castings for Aerospace Applications
  • E193 - 94(2017) Specification for Laboratory Glass Micropipets
  • E194 - 20 Test Method for Acid-Insoluble Content of Copper and Iron Powders
  • E196 - 06(2018) Practice for Gravity Load Testing of Floors and Low Slope Roofs
  • E200 - 16 Practice for Preparation, Standardization, and Storage of Standard and Reagent Solutions for Chemical Analysis
  • E200-RUS - 16 Стандартная методика приготовления, титрования и хранения стандартных и реактивных растворов для химического анализа
  • E202 - 18 Test Methods for Analysis of Ethylene Glycols and Propylene Glycols
  • E203 - 16 Test Method for Water Using Volumetric Karl Fischer Titration
  • E203-RUS - 16 Стандартный метод испытаний для определения содержания воды с помощью объемного титрования по методу Карла Фишера
  • E203-POR - 16 Método de ensaio padrão para Água utilizando titulação volumétrica de Karl Fischer
  • E203-SP - 16 Método de prueba estándar para determinación de agua mediante titulación volumétrica de Karl Fischer
  • E205 - 96(2016) Specification for Glass and Oxygen Combustion Flask
  • E207 - 08(2015)e1 Test Method for Thermal EMF Test of Single Thermoelement Materials by Comparison with a Reference Thermoelement of Similar EMF-Temperature Properties
  • E208 - 20 Test Method for Conducting Drop-Weight Test to Determine Nil-Ductility Transition Temperature of Ferritic Steels
  • E209 - 18 Practice for Compression Tests of Metallic Materials at Elevated Temperatures with Conventional or Rapid Heating Rates and Strain Rates
  • E210 - 63(2016) Specification for Microscope Objective Thread
  • E211 - 82(2016) Specification for Cover Glasses and Glass Slides for Use in Microscopy
  • E213 - 20 Practice for Ultrasonic Testing of Metal Pipe and Tubing
  • E213-RU-RU - 20 Стандартное практическое руководство по ультразвуковым испытаниям металлических труб и трубных изделий
  • E215 - 16 Practice for Standardizing Equipment and Electromagnetic Examination of Seamless Aluminum-Alloy Tube
  • E220 - 19 Test Method for Calibration of Thermocouples By Comparison Techniques
  • E220-RU-RU - 19 Стандартный метод испытаний для калибровки термопар сопоставительными методиками
  • E222 - 17 Test Methods for Hydroxyl Groups Using Acetic Anhydride Acetylation
  • E223 - 16 Test Methods for Analysis of Sulfuric Acid
  • E223-RU-RU - 16 Стандартные методы испытания для анализа серной кислоты
  • E224 - 16 Test Methods for Analysis of Hydrochloric Acid
  • E228 - 17 Test Method for Linear Thermal Expansion of Solid Materials With a Push-Rod Dilatometer
  • E228-RU-RU - 17 Стандартный метод испытания для определения линейного теплового расширения монолитных материалов с помощью дилатометра с толкателем
  • E230/E230M - 17 Specification for Temperature-Electromotive Force (emf) Tables for Standardized Thermocouples
  • E230/E230M-RU-RU - 17 Стандартные технические условия на таблицы температурно-электродвижущей силы (эдс) для стандартизованных термопар
  • E235/E235M - 19 Specification for Type K and Type N Mineral-Insulated, Metal-Sheathed Thermocouples for Nuclear or for Other High-Reliability Applications
  • E236 - 66(2017) Specification for Apparatus for Microdetermination of Alkoxyl Groups
  • E237 - 02(2019) Specification for Laboratory Glass Microvolumetric Vessels (Volumetric Flasks and Centrifuge Tubes)
  • E238 - 17a Test Method for Pin-Type Bearing Test of Metallic Materials
  • E241 - 20 Guide for Limiting Water-Induced Damage to Buildings
  • E242 - 15(2020) Reference Radiographs for Appearances of Radiographic Images as Certain Parameters are Changed
  • E243 - 18 Practice for Electromagnetic (Eddy Current) Examination of Copper and Copper-Alloy Tubes
  • E246 - 10(2015) Test Methods for Determination of Iron in Iron Ores and Related Materials by Dichromate Titrimetry
  • E246-RUS - 10(2015) Стандартный метод определения содержания железа в железных рудах и родственных материалах двухромовокислым титрованием
  • E247 - 01(2015)e1 Test Method for Determination of Silica in Manganese Ores, Iron Ores, and Related Materials by Gravimetry
  • E248 - 12 Test Method for Determination of Manganese in Manganese Ores by Pyrophosphate Complexed Permanganate Potentiometric Titrimetry
  • E251 - 20a Test Methods for Performance Characteristics of Metallic Bonded Resistance Strain Gages
  • E252 - 06(2013) Test Method for Thickness of Foil, Thin Sheet, and Film by Mass Measurement
  • E252-RU-RU - 06(2013) Стандартный метод испытания для определения толщины фольги, тонких листов и пленки путем измерения массы
  • E253 - 20a Terminology Relating to Sensory Evaluation of Materials and Products
  • E255 - 07(2014) Practice for Sampling Copper and Copper Alloys for the Determination of Chemical Composition
  • E259 - 06(2015) Practice for Preparation of Pressed Powder White Reflectance Factor Transfer Standards for Hemispherical and Bi-Directional Geometries
  • E260 - 96(2019) Practice for Packed Column Gas Chromatography
  • E261 - 16 Practice for Determining Neutron Fluence, Fluence Rate, and Spectra by Radioactivation Techniques
  • E262 - 17 Test Method for Determining Thermal Neutron Reaction Rates and Thermal Neutron Fluence Rates by Radioactivation Techniques
  • E263 - 18 Test Method for Measuring Fast-Neutron Reaction Rates by Radioactivation of Iron
  • E264 - 19 Test Method for Measuring Fast-Neutron Reaction Rates by Radioactivation of Nickel
  • E265 - 15(2020) Test Method for Measuring Reaction Rates and Fast-Neutron Fluences by Radioactivation of Sulfur-32
  • E266 - 17 Test Method for Measuring Fast-Neutron Reaction Rates by Radioactivation of Aluminum
  • E272 - 19 Reference Radiographs for High-Strength Copper-Base and Nickel-Copper Alloy Castings
  • E273 - 20 Practice for Ultrasonic Testing of the Weld Zone of Welded Pipe and Tubing
  • E274/E274M - 15(2020) Test Method for Skid Resistance of Paved Surfaces Using a Full-Scale Tire
  • E275 - 08(2013) Practice for Describing and Measuring Performance of Ultraviolet and Visible Spectrophotometers
  • E275-RUS - 08(2013) Стандартная методика описания и измерения технических характеристик спектрофотометров в ультрафиолетовой и видимой области спектра
  • E276 - 13 Test Method for Particle Size or Screen Analysis at No. 4 (4.75-mm) Sieve and Finer for Metal-Bearing Ores and Related Materials
  • E278 - 01(2015)e1 Test Method for Determination of Phosphorus in Iron Ores by Phosphomolybdate Coprecipitation and Nitric Acid Titrimetry
  • E279 - 18 Test Method for Determination of Abrasion Resistance of Iron Ore Pellets, Lump, and Sinter by the Tumbler Test
  • E280 - 15(2019)e1 Reference Radiographs for Heavy-Walled (412 to 12 in. (114 to 305 mm)) Steel Castings
  • E280-RU-RU - 15(2019)e1 Стандартные эталонные рентгенограммы толстостенных (от 4 ½ дo 12 дюймов (от 114 дo 305 мм)) стальных отливок
  • E283/E283M - 19 Test Method for Determining Rate of Air Leakage Through Exterior Windows, Skylights, Curtain Walls, and Doors Under Specified Pressure Differences Across the Specimen
  • E284 - 17 Terminology of Appearance
  • E285 - 08(2020) Test Method for Oxyacetylene Ablation Testing of Thermal Insulation Materials
  • E287 - 02(2019) Specification for Laboratory Glass Graduated Burets
  • E288 - 10(2017) Specification for Laboratory Glass Volumetric Flasks
  • E289 - 17 Test Method for Linear Thermal Expansion of Rigid Solids with Interferometry
  • E290 - 14 Test Methods for Bend Testing of Material for Ductility
  • E291 - 18 Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Caustic Soda and Caustic Potash (Sodium Hydroxide and Potassium Hydroxide)
  • E291-RU-RU - 18 Стандартные методы испытаний для анализа химического состава каустической соды и поташа (гидроксида натрия и гидроксида калия)
  • E292 - 18 Test Methods for Conducting Time-for-Rupture Notch Tension Tests of Materials
  • E292-RU-RU - 18 Стандартные методы испытаний материалов для определения времени до разрыва при растяжении образца с надрезом
  • E295 - 82(2019) Test Method for Measured Speed of Oil Diffusion Pumps
  • E296 - 70(2020) Practice for Ionization Gage Application to Space Simulators
  • E298 - 17a Test Methods for Assay of Organic Peroxides
  • E299 - 17a Test Method for Trace Amounts of Peroxides In Organic Solvents
  • E299-RU-RU - 17a Стандартный метод испытания для определения следовых количеств пероксидов в органических растворителях
  • E300 - 03(2017) Practice for Sampling Industrial Chemicals
  • E300-RUS - 03(2017) Стандартная методика отбора проб промышленных химических продуктов
  • E303 - 93(2018) Test Method for Measuring Surface Frictional Properties Using the British Pendulum Tester
  • E305 - 13 Practice for Establishing and Controlling Atomic Emission Spectrochemical Analytical Curves
  • E305-RU-RU - 13 Стандартное практическое руководство по созданию и управлению атомно-эмиссионными спектрохимическими аналитическими кривыми
  • E307 - 72(2019) Test Method for Normal Spectral Emittance at Elevated Temperatures
  • E308 - 18 Practice for Computing the Colors of Objects by Using the CIE System
  • E309 - 16 Practice for Eddy Current Examination of Steel Tubular Products Using Magnetic Saturation
  • E309-RU-RU - 16 Стандартное практическое руководство по токовихревой дефектоскопии стальных трубных изделий с использованием магнитного насыщения
  • E310 - 15(2019)e1 Reference Radiographs for Tin Bronze Castings
  • E313 - 20 Practice for Calculating Yellowness and Whiteness Indices from Instrumentally Measured Color Coordinates
  • E313-RU-RU - 20 Стандартное практическое руководство по расчету индексов желтизны и белизны по координатам цвета, измеренным с помощью приборов
  • E314 - 16 Test Methods for Determination of Manganese in Iron Ores by Pyrophosphate Potentiometry and Periodate Spectrophotometry Techniques
  • E316 - 17 Test Method for Determination of Iron in Manganese Ores by Hydrogen Sulfide Reduction-Dichromate Titrimetry
  • E317 - 16 Practice for Evaluating Performance Characteristics of Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo Testing Instruments and Systems without the Use of Electronic Measurement Instruments
  • E317-RUS - 16 Стандартная методика определения эксплуатационных характеристик ультразвуковых эхо импульсных измерительных приборов и систем без использования электронной измерительной аппаратуры
  • E319 - 85(2014) Practice for the Evaluation of Single-Pan Mechanical Balances
  • E321 - 20 Test Method for Atom Percent Fission in Uranium and Plutonium Fuel (Neodymium-148 Method)
  • E322 - 12 Test Method for Analysis of Low-Alloy Steels and Cast Irons by Wavelength Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry
  • E322-RUS - 12 Стандартный метод анализа низколегированных сталей и чугуна с помощью рентгенофлуоресцентной спектрометрии с дисперсией по длинам волн
  • E323 - 11(2016) Specification for Perforated-Plate Sieves for Testing Purposes
  • E324 - 16 Test Method for Relative Initial and Final Melting Points and the Melting Range of Organic Chemicals
  • E328 - 13 Test Methods for Stress Relaxation Tests for Materials and Structures
  • E328-RU-RU - 13 Стандартные методы испытаний на релаксацию напряжений материалов и конструкций
  • E329 - 20 Specification for Agencies Engaged in Construction Inspection, Testing, or Special Inspection
  • E330/E330M - 14 Test Method for Structural Performance of Exterior Windows, Doors, Skylights and Curtain Walls by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference
  • E331 - 00(2016) Test Method for Water Penetration of Exterior Windows, Skylights, Doors, and Curtain Walls by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference
  • E334 - 01(2013) Practice for General Techniques of Infrared Microanalysis
  • E334-RU-RU - 01(2013) Стандартные практические указания по общим методам инфракрасного спектрального микроанализа
  • E336 - 20 Test Method for Measurement of Airborne Sound Attenuation between Rooms in Buildings
  • E337 - 15 Test Method for Measuring Humidity with a Psychrometer (the Measurement of Wet- and Dry-Bulb Temperatures)
  • E340 - 15 Practice for Macroetching Metals and Alloys
  • E340-RUS - 15 Стандартная методика макротравления металлов и сплавов
  • E341 - 08(2020) Practice for Measuring Plasma Arc Gas Enthalpy by Energy Balance
  • E342 - 11(2016) Test Method for Determination of Chromium Oxide in Chrome Ores by Permanganate Titrimetry
  • E344 - 20 Terminology Relating to Thermometry and Hydrometry
  • E345 - 16 Test Methods of Tension Testing of Metallic Foil
  • E349 - 06(2019)e1 Terminology Relating to Space Simulation
  • E350 - 18 Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Carbon Steel, Low-Alloy Steel, Silicon Electrical Steel, Ingot Iron, and Wrought Iron
  • E350-RU-RU - 18 Стандартные методы испытаний для химического анализа углеродистой стали, низколегированной стали, электротехнической стали, литого железа и кованого железа
  • E351 - 18 Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Cast Iron—All Types
  • E352 - 18 Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Tool Steels and Other Similar Medium- and High-Alloy Steels
  • E352-RU-RU - 18 Стандартные методы испытаний для химического анализа инструментальных сталей и других подобных средне- и высоколегированных сталей
  • E353 - 19 Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Stainless, Heat-Resisting, Maraging, and Other Similar Chromium-Nickel-Iron Alloys
  • E354 - 14 Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of High-Temperature, Electrical, Magnetic, and Other Similar Iron, Nickel, and Cobalt Alloys
  • E354-RU-RU - 14 Стандартные методы химического анализа жаропрочных, электропроводящих, магнитных и других подобных сплавов железа, никеля и кобальта
  • E355 - 96(2014) Practice for Gas Chromatography Terms and Relationships
  • E355-RUS - 96(2014) Стандартная методика для газохроматографических терминов и соотношений
  • E359 - 17 Test Methods for Analysis of Soda Ash (Sodium Carbonate)
  • E363 - 16 Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Chromium and Ferrochromium
  • E367 - 16 Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Ferroniobium
  • E372 - 13 Test Method for Determination of Calcium and Magnesium in Magnesium Ferrosilicon by EDTA Titration
  • E376 - 19 Practice for Measuring Coating Thickness by Magnetic-Field or Eddy Current (Electromagnetic) Testing Methods
  • E377 - 08(2020) Practice for Internal Temperature Measurements in Low-Conductivity Materials
  • E381 - 20 Method of Macroetch Testing Steel Bars, Billets, Blooms, and Forgings
  • E382 - 20 Test Method for Determination of Crushing Strength of Iron Ore Pellets and Direct-Reduced Iron
  • E384 - 17 Test Method for Microindentation Hardness of Materials
  • E384-RU-RU - 17 Стандартный метод испытания для определения твердости материалов при помощи микроиндентора
  • E385 - 16 Test Method for Oxygen Content Using a 14-MeV Neutron Activation and Direct-Counting Technique
  • E387 - 04(2014) Test Method for Estimating Stray Radiant Power Ratio of Dispersive Spectrophotometers by the Opaque Filter Method
  • E388 - 04(2015) Test Method for Wavelength Accuracy and Spectral Bandwidth of Fluorescence Spectrometers
  • E389 - 13 Test Method for Particle Size or Screen Analysis at No. 4 (4.75-mm) Sieve and Coarser for Metal-Bearing Ores and Related Materials
  • E390 - 20 Reference Radiographs for Steel Fusion Welds
  • E393 - 19 Test Method for Measuring Reaction Rates by Analysis of Barium-140 From Fission Dosimeters
  • E394 - 15 Test Method for Iron in Trace Quantities Using the 1,10-Phenanthroline Method
  • E394-RUS - 15 Стандартный метод определения содержания железа в следовых количествах с помощью 1,10-фенантролина
  • E396 - 17 Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Cadmium
  • E398 - 20 Test Method for Water Vapor Transmission Rate of Sheet Materials Using Dynamic Relative Humidity Measurement
  • E399 - 20 Test Method for Linear-Elastic Plane-Strain Fracture Toughness of Metallic Materials
  • E399-RU-RU - 20 Стандартный метод испытаний по определению вязкости разрушения металлических материалов в линейно-упругом плоскодеформированном состоянии
  • E405 - 04(2018) Test Methods for Wear Testing Rotary Operators for Windows
  • E406 - 19 Practice for Using Controlled Atmospheres in Atomic Emission Spectrometry
  • E407 - 07(2015)e1 Practice for Microetching Metals and Alloys
  • E407-RUS - 07(2015)e1 Стандартная методика микротравления металлов и сплавов1
  • E408 - 13(2019) Test Methods for Total Normal Emittance of Surfaces Using Inspection-Meter Techniques
  • E410 - 17a Test Method for Moisture and Residue in Liquid Chlorine
  • E411 - 17a Test Method for Trace Quantities of Carbonyl Compounds with 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine
  • E411-RU-RU - 17a Стандартный метод испытания для определения следовых количеств карбонильных соединений с помощью 2,4-динитрофенилгидразина
  • E413 - 16 Classification for Rating Sound Insulation
  • E415 - 17 Test Method for Analysis of Carbon and Low-Alloy Steel by Spark Atomic Emission Spectrometry
  • E415-RUS - 17 Стандартный метод анализа углеродистой и низколегированной стали с помощью искровой атомно-эмиссионной спектрометрии1
  • E422 - 05(2016) Test Method for Measuring Heat Flux Using a Water-Cooled Calorimeter
  • E423 - 71(2019) Test Method for Normal Spectral Emittance at Elevated Temperatures of Nonconducting Specimens
  • E424 - 71(2015) Test Methods for Solar Energy Transmittance and Reflectance (Terrestrial) of Sheet Materials
  • E426 - 16 Practice for Electromagnetic (Eddy Current) Examination of Seamless and Welded Tubular Products, Titanium, Austenitic Stainless Steel and Similar Alloys
  • E430 - 19 Test Methods for Measurement of Gloss of High-Gloss Surfaces by Abridged Goniophotometry
  • E431 - 96(2016) Guide to Interpretation of Radiographs of Semiconductors and Related Devices
  • E432 - 91(2017)e1 Guide for Selection of a Leak Testing Method
  • E433 - 71(2018) Reference Photographs for Liquid Penetrant Inspection
  • E433-RU-RU - 71(2018) Стандартные контрольные фотографии для капиллярной дефектоскопии
  • E434 - 10(2020) Test Method for Calorimetric Determination of Hemispherical Emittance and the Ratio of Solar Absorptance to Hemispherical Emittance Using Solar Simulation
  • E436 - 03(2014) Test Method for Drop-Weight Tear Tests of Ferritic Steels
  • E436-RUS - 03(2014) Стандартный метод испытаний ферритных сталей на разрыв падающим грузом
  • E438 - 92(2018) Specification for Glasses in Laboratory Apparatus
  • E439 - 17 Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Beryllium
  • E445/E445M - 15(2019) Test Method for Stopping Distance on Paved Surfaces Using a Passenger Vehicle Equipped with Full-Scale Tires
  • E446 - 20 Reference Radiographs for Steel Castings Up to 2 in. (50.8 mm) in Thickness
  • E449 - 18 Test Methods for Analysis of Calcium Chloride
  • E452 - 02(2018) Test Method for Calibration of Refractory Metal Thermocouples Using a Radiation Thermometer
  • E454 - 12(2016) Specification for Industrial Perforated Plate and Screens (Square Opening Series)
  • E455 - 19 Test Method for Static Load Testing of Framed Floor or Roof Diaphragm Constructions for Buildings
  • E456 - 13A(2017)e4 Terminology Relating to Quality and Statistics
  • E457 - 08(2020) Test Method for Measuring Heat-Transfer Rate Using a Thermal Capacitance (Slug) Calorimeter
  • E458 - 08(2020) Test Method for Heat of Ablation
  • E459 - 05(2016) Test Method for Measuring Heat Transfer Rate Using a Thin-Skin Calorimeter
  • E460 - 12 Practice for Determining Effect of Packaging on Food and Beverage Products During Storage
  • E463 - 14a Test Method for Determination of Silica in Fluorspar by Silico-Molybdate Visible Spectrophotometry
  • E465 - 11(2017) Test Methods for Determination of Manganese (IV) in Manganese Ores by Redox Titrimetry
  • E466 - 15 Practice for Conducting Force Controlled Constant Amplitude Axial Fatigue Tests of Metallic Materials
  • E466-RU-RU - 15 Стандартное практическое руководство по проведению испытаний металлических материалов на усталость в осевом направлении в условиях регулируемого усилия и постоянной амплитуды
  • E467 - 08(2014) Practice for Verification of Constant Amplitude Dynamic Forces in an Axial Fatigue Testing System
  • E467-RU-RU - 08(2014) Стандартное практическое руководство по верификации динамических усилий с постоянной амплитудой в системе для испытания на усталость при осевой нагрузке
  • E468 - 18 Practice for Presentation of Constant Amplitude Fatigue Test Results for Metallic Materials
  • E468-RU-RU - 18 Стандартное практическое руководство по представлению результатов испытания на усталость с постоянной амплитудой для металлических материалов
  • E471 - 96(2016) Test Method for Obtaining Char Density Profile of Ablative Materials by Machining and Weighing
  • E473 - 18 Terminology Relating to Thermal Analysis and Rheology
  • E475 - 16 Test Method for Assay of Di-tert-Butyl Peroxide Using Gas Chromatography
  • E477 - 20 Test Method for Laboratory Measurements of Acoustical and Airflow Performance of Duct Liner Materials and Prefabricated Silencers
  • E478 - 08(2017) Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Copper Alloys
  • E481 - 16 Test Method for Measuring Neutron Fluence Rates by Radioactivation of Cobalt and Silver
  • E482 - 16 Guide for Application of Neutron Transport Methods for Reactor Vessel Surveillance
  • E487 - 20 Test Methods for Constant-Temperature Stability of Chemical Materials
  • E488/E488M - 18 Test Methods for Strength of Anchors in Concrete Elements
  • E490 - 00a(2019) Solar Constant and Zero Air Mass Solar Spectral Irradiance Tables
  • E491 - 73(2020) Practice for Solar Simulation for Thermal Balance Testing of Spacecraft
  • E492 - 09(2016)e1 Test Method for Laboratory Measurement of Impact Sound Transmission Through Floor-Ceiling Assemblies Using the Tapping Machine
  • E493/E493M - 11(2017) Practice for Leaks Using the Mass Spectrometer Leak Detector in the Inside-Out Testing Mode
  • E494 - 20 Practice for Measuring Ultrasonic Velocity in Materials by Comparative Pulse-Echo Method
  • E496 - 14e1 Test Method for Measuring Neutron Fluence and Average Energy from 3H(d,n) 4He Neutron Generators by Radioactivation Techniques
  • E498/E498M - 11(2017) Practice for Leaks Using the Mass Spectrometer Leak Detector or Residual Gas Analyzer in the Tracer Probe Mode
  • E499/E499M - 11(2017) Practice for Leaks Using the Mass Spectrometer Leak Detector in the Detector Probe Mode
  • E501 - 08(2020) Specification for Standard Rib Tire for Pavement Skid-Resistance Tests
  • E502 - 07(2013) Test Method for Selection and Use of ASTM Standards for the Determination of Flash Point of Chemicals by Closed Cup Methods
  • E505 - 15 Reference Radiographs for Inspection of Aluminum and Magnesium Die Castings
  • E506 - 17a Test Method for Mercury in Liquid Chlorine
  • E507 - 13 Test Method for Determination of Aluminum in Iron Ores by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
  • E508 - 13 Test Method for Determination of Calcium and Magnesium in Iron Ores by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
  • E509/E509M - 14 Guide for In-Service Annealing of Light-Water Moderated Nuclear Reactor Vessels
  • E511 - 07(2020) Test Method for Measuring Heat Flux Using a Copper-Constantan Circular Foil, Heat-Flux Transducer
  • E512 - 94(2020) Practice for Combined, Simulated Space Environment Testing of Thermal Control Materials with Electromagnetic and Particulate Radiation
  • E514/E514M - 20 Test Method for Water Penetration and Leakage Through Masonry
  • E515 - 11(2018) Practice for Leaks Using Bubble Emission Techniques
  • E516 - 95a(2013) Practice for Testing Thermal Conductivity Detectors Used in Gas Chromatography
  • E517 - 19 Test Method for Plastic Strain Ratio r for Sheet Metal
  • E518/E518M - 15 Test Methods for Flexural Bond Strength of Masonry
  • E519/E519M - 20 Test Method for Diagonal Tension (Shear) in Masonry Assemblages
  • E519/E519M - 20 Test Method for Diagonal Tension (Shear) in Masonry Assemblages
  • E520 - 08(2015)e1 Practice for Describing Photomultiplier Detectors in Emission and Absorption Spectrometry
  • E521 - 16 Practice for Investigating the Effects of Neutron Radiation Damage Using Charged-Particle Irradiation
  • E523 - 16 Test Method for Measuring Fast-Neutron Reaction Rates by Radioactivation of Copper
  • E524 - 08(2020) Specification for Standard Smooth Tire for Pavement Skid-Resistance Tests
  • E526 - 17e1 Test Method for Measuring Fast-Neutron Reaction Rates by Radioactivation of Titanium
  • E527 - 16 Practice for Numbering Metals and Alloys in the Unified Numbering System (UNS)
  • E527-RU-RU - 16 Стандартное практическое руководство по нумерации металлов и сплавов в Унифицированной системе нумерации (UNS)
  • E529 - 04(2018) Guide for Conducting Flexural Tests on Beams and Girders for Building Construction
  • E531 - 13 Practice for Surveillance Testing of High-Temperature Nuclear Component Materials
  • E534 - 18 Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Sodium Chloride
  • E535 - 19 Practice for Preparation of Fire-Test-Response Standards
  • E536 - 16 Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Zinc and Zinc Alloys
  • E537 - 20 Test Method for Thermal Stability of Chemicals by Differential Scanning Calorimetry
  • E538 - 17a Test Methods for Mercury in Caustic Soda (Sodium Hydroxide) and Caustic Potash (Potassium Hydroxide)
  • E538-RU-RU - 17a Стандартные методы испытания для определения ртути в едком натре (гидроксид натрия) и едком калии (гидроксид калия)
  • E539 - 19 Test Method for Analysis of Titanium Alloys by Wavelength Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry
  • E542 - 01(2012) Practice for Calibration of Laboratory Volumetric Apparatus
  • E542-SP - 01(2012)
  • E542-POR - 01(2012) Prática padrão para Calibração do aparelho volumétrico de laboratório
  • E543 - 15 Specification for Agencies Performing Nondestructive Testing
  • E543-RU-RU - 15 Стандартные технические условия на агентства, выполняющие неразрушающий контроль
  • E544 - 18 Practice for Referencing Suprathreshold Odor Intensity
  • E545 - 19 Test Method for Determining Image Quality in Direct Thermal Neutron Radiographic Examination
  • E546 - 14(2020) Test Method for Frost/Dew Point of Sealed Insulating Glass Units
  • E547 - 00(2016) Test Method for Water Penetration of Exterior Windows, Skylights, Doors, and Curtain Walls by Cyclic Static Air Pressure Difference
  • E549 - 87(2018) Guide for Preparing Field Sprayer Calibration Procedures
  • E550 - 87(2019) Guide for Preparing Granular Pesticide Ground Applicator Calibration Procedures
  • E556/E556M - 11(2020) Test Method for Calibrating a Wheel Force or Torque Transducer Using a Calibration Platform (User Level)
  • E557 - 12(2020) Guide for Architectural Design and Installation Practices for Sound Isolation between Spaces Separated by Operable Partitions
  • E561 - 20 Test Method for KR Curve Determination
  • E562 - 19e1 Test Method for Determining Volume Fraction by Systematic Manual Point Count
  • E563 - 11(2016) Practice for Preparation and Use of an Ice-Point Bath as a Reference Temperature
  • E564 - 06(2018) Practice for Static Load Test for Shear Resistance of Framed Walls for Buildings
  • E566 - 19 Practice for Electromagnetic (Eddy Current/Magnetic Induction) Sorting of Ferrous Metals
  • E566-RU-RU - 19 Стандартное практическое руководство по электромагнитной сортировке (вихревым током / магнитной индукцией) черных металлов
  • E569/E569M - 20 Practice for Acoustic Emission Monitoring of Structures During Controlled Stimulation
  • E570 - 20 Practice for Flux Leakage Examination of Ferromagnetic Steel Tubular Products
  • E571 - 19 Practice for Electromagnetic (Eddy-Current) Examination of Nickel and Nickel Alloy Tubular Products
  • E572 - 13 Test Method for Analysis of Stainless and Alloy Steels by Wavelength Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry
  • E572-RU-RU - 13 Стандартный метод анализа нержавеющей и легированной стали с использованием волнодисперсионной рентгенофлуоресцентной спектрометрии
  • E573 - 01(2013) Practices for Internal Reflection Spectroscopy
  • E574 - 19 Specification for Duplex, Base Metal Thermocouple Wire With Glass Fiber or Silica Fiber Insulation
  • E575 - 05(2018) Practice for Reporting Data from Structural Tests of Building Constructions, Elements, Connections, and Assemblies
  • E576 - 14(2020) Test Method for Frost/Dew Point of Sealed Insulating Glass Units in the Vertical Position
  • E578 - 07(2013) Test Method for Linearity of Fluorescence Measuring Systems
  • E579 - 04(2015) Test Method for Limit of Detection of Fluorescence of Quinine Sulfate in Solution
  • E580/E580M - 20 Practice for Installation of Ceiling Suspension Systems for Acoustical Tile and Lay-in Panels in Areas Subject to Earthquake Ground Motions
  • E581 - 17a Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Manganese-Copper Alloys
  • E582 - 07(2013)e1 Test Method for Minimum Ignition Energy and Quenching Distance in Gaseous Mixtures
  • E585/E585M - 18 Specification for Compacted Mineral-Insulated, Metal-Sheathed, Base Metal Thermocouple Cable
  • E587 - 15(2020) Practice for Ultrasonic Angle-Beam Contact Testing
  • E588 - 03(2020) Practice for Detection of Large Inclusions in Bearing Quality Steel by the Ultrasonic Method
  • E592 - 20 Guide to Obtainable ASTM Equivalent Penetrameter Sensitivity for Film Radiography of Steel Plates 14 to 2 in. (6 to 51 mm) Thick with X-Rays and 1 to 6 in. (25 to 152 mm) Thick with Cobalt-60
  • E594 - 96(2019) Practice for Testing Flame Ionization Detectors Used in Gas or Supercritical Fluid Chromatography
  • E595 - 15 Test Method for Total Mass Loss and Collected Volatile Condensable Materials from Outgassing in a Vacuum Environment
  • E596 - 96(2016) Test Method for Laboratory Measurement of Noise Reduction of Sound-Isolating Enclosures
  • E598 - 08(2020) Test Method for Measuring Extreme Heat-Transfer Rates from High-Energy Environments Using a Transient, Null-Point Calorimeter
  • E601 - 20 Guide for Measuring Electromotive Force (EMF) Stability of Base-Metal Thermoelement Materials With Time in Air
  • E603 - 17 Guide for Room Fire Experiments
  • E604 - 18 Test Method for Dynamic Tear Testing of Metallic Materials
  • E605/E605M - 19 Test Methods for Thickness and Density of Sprayed Fire-Resistive Material (SFRM) Applied to Structural Members
  • E605/E605M-FRCA - 19 Méthodes d’essai standard pour l’épaisseur et densité du matériau ignifuge pulvérisé (SFRM) appliquées aux éléments de structure
  • E606/E606M - 19e1 Test Method for Strain-Controlled Fatigue Testing
  • E606/E606M-RU-RU - 19e1 Стандартный метод испытаний на усталость, управляемую деформацией
  • E608/E608M - 13(2019) Specification for Mineral-Insulated, Metal-Sheathed Base Metal Thermocouples
  • E608/E608M-RU-RU - 13(2019) Стандартные технические условия на термопары из неблагородных металлов с минеральной изоляцией в металлической оболочке
  • E609 - 19 Terminology Relating to Pesticides
  • E617 - 18 Specification for Laboratory Weights and Precision Mass Standards
  • E618 - 07(2018) Test Method for Evaluating Machining Performance of Ferrous Metals Using an Automatic Screw/Bar Machine
  • E619 - 17 Practice for Evaluating Foreign Odors and/or Flavors from Paper Packaging
  • E620 - 18 Practice for Reporting Opinions of Scientific or Technical Experts
  • E631 - 15 Terminology of Building Constructions
  • E633 - 13 Guide for Use of Thermocouples in Creep and Stress-Rupture Testing to 1800 °F (1000 °C) in Air
  • E634 - 18 Practice for Sampling of Zinc and Zinc Alloys for Analysis by Spark Atomic Emission Spectrometry
  • E636 - 20 Guide for Conducting Supplemental Surveillance Tests for Nuclear Power Reactor Vessels
  • E637 - 05(2016) Test Method for Calculation of Stagnation Enthalpy from Heat Transfer Theory and Experimental Measurements of Stagnation-Point Heat Transfer and Pressure
  • E640 - 06(2019) Test Method for Preservatives in Water-Containing Cosmetics
  • E641 - 01(2012)e1 Methods for Testing Hydraulic Spray Nozzles Used in Agriculture
  • E642 - 19 Practice for Determining Application Rates and Distribution Patterns from Aerial Application Equipment
  • E643 - 15 Test Method for Ball Punch Deformation of Metallic Sheet Material
  • E644 - 11(2019) Test Methods for Testing Industrial Resistance Thermometers
  • E645 - 18 Practice for Evaluation of Microbicides Used in Cooling Water Systems
  • E646 - 16 Test Method for Tensile Strain-Hardening Exponents (n -Values) of Metallic Sheet Materials
  • E647 - 15e1 Test Method for Measurement of Fatigue Crack Growth Rates
  • E647-RU-RU - 15e1 Стандартный метод испытания для измерения скоростей роста усталостной трещины
  • E648 - 19ae1 Test Method for Critical Radiant Flux of Floor-Covering Systems Using a Radiant Heat Energy Source
  • E649 - 17a Test Method for Bromine in Chlorine
  • E650/E650M - 17 Guide for Mounting Piezoelectric Acoustic Emission Sensors
  • E659 - 15 Test Method for Autoignition Temperature of Chemicals
  • E659-RUS - 15 Стандартный метод определения температуры самовозгорания химических веществ
  • E660 - 90(2015) Practice for Accelerated Polishing of Aggregates or Pavement Surfaces Using a Small-Wheel, Circular Track Polishing Machine
  • E661 - 03(2015)e1 Test Method for Performance of Wood and Wood-Based Floor and Roof Sheathing Under Concentrated Static and Impact Loads
  • E662 - 19 Test Method for Specific Optical Density of Smoke Generated by Solid Materials
  • E664/E664M - 15(2020)e1 Practice for the Measurement of the Apparent Attenuation of Longitudinal Ultrasonic Waves by Immersion Method
  • E666 - 14 Practice for Calculating Absorbed Dose From Gamma or X Radiation
  • E667 - 98(2017) Specification for Mercury-in-Glass, Maximum Self-Registering Clinical Thermometers
  • E668 - 20 Practice for Application of Thermoluminescence-Dosimetry (TLD) Systems for Determining Absorbed Dose in Radiation-Hardness Testing of Electronic Devices
  • E670 - 09(2020) Test Method for Testing Side Force Friction on Paved Surfaces Using the Mu-Meter
  • E671 - 98(2016) Specification for Maximum Permissible Thermal Residual Stress in Annealed Glass Laboratory Apparatus
  • E672 - 87(2019)e1 Specification for Disposable Glass Micropipets
  • E674 - 12(2016) Specification for Industrial Perforated Plate and Screens (Round Opening Series)
  • E675 - 02(2019) Specification for Interchangeable Taper-Ground Stopcocks And Stoppers
  • E676 - 02(2019) Specification for Interchangeable Taper-Ground Joints
  • E677 - 94(2016) Specification for Interchangeable Spherical Ground Joints
  • E678 - 07(2013) Practice for Evaluation of Scientific or Technical Data
  • E679 - 19 Practice for Determination of Odor and Taste Thresholds By a Forced-Choice Ascending Concentration Series Method of Limits
  • E680 - 79(2018) Test Method for Drop Weight Impact Sensitivity of Solid-Phase Hazardous Materials
  • E681 - 09(2015) Test Method for Concentration Limits of Flammability of Chemicals (Vapors and Gases)
  • E682 - 92(2019) Practice for Liquid Chromatography Terms and Relationships
  • E683 - 91(2021) Practice for Installation and Service of Solar Space Heating Systems for One- and Two-Family Dwellings
  • E685 - 93(2013) Practice for Testing Fixed-Wavelength Photometric Detectors Used in Liquid Chromatography
  • E689 - 20 Reference Radiographs for Ductile Iron Castings
  • E690 - 15(2020) Practice for In Situ Electromagnetic (Eddy Current) Examination of Nonmagnetic Heat Exchanger Tubes
  • E691 - 19e1 Practice for Conducting an Interlaboratory Study to Determine the Precision of a Test Method
  • E693 - 17 Practice for Characterizing Neutron Exposures in Iron and Low Alloy Steels in Terms of Displacements Per Atom (DPA)
  • E694 - 18 Specification for Laboratory Glass Volumetric Apparatus
  • E695 - 03(2015)e1 Test Method of Measuring Relative Resistance of Wall, Floor, and Roof Construction to Impact Loading
  • E696 - 07(2018) Specification for Tungsten-Rhenium Alloy Thermocouple Wire
  • E697 - 96(2019) Practice for Use of Electron-Capture Detectors in Gas Chromatography
  • E698 - 18 Test Method for Kinetic Parameters for Thermally Unstable Materials Using Differential Scanning Calorimetry and the Flynn/Wall/Ozawa Method
  • E699 - 16 Specification for Agencies Involved in Testing, Quality Assurance, and Evaluating of Manufactured Building Components
  • E701 - 80(2018) Test Methods for Municipal Ferrous Scrap
  • E702 - 85(2015) Specification for Municipal Ferrous Scrap
  • E703 - 20 Practice for Electromagnetic (Eddy Current) Sorting of Nonferrous Metals
  • E704 - 19 Test Method for Measuring Reaction Rates by Radioactivation of Uranium-238
  • E705 - 18 Test Method for Measuring Reaction Rates by Radioactivation of Neptunium-237
  • E706 - 16 Master Matrix for Light-Water Reactor Pressure Vessel Surveillance Standards
  • E708 - 79(2017) Specification for Waste Glass as a Raw Material for the Manufacture of Glass Containers
  • E709 - 15 Guide for Magnetic Particle Testing
  • E709-RU-RU - 15 Стандартное руководство по магнитно-порошковой дефектоскопии
  • E714 - 94(2015) Specification for Disposable Glass Serological Pipets
  • E715 - 80(2016) Specification for Gravity-Convection and Forced-Circulation Water Baths
  • E716 - 16 Practices for Sampling and Sample Preparation of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys for Determination of Chemical Composition by Spark Atomic Emission Spectrometry
  • E720 - 16 Guide for Selection and Use of Neutron Sensors for Determining Neutron Spectra Employed in Radiation-Hardness Testing of Electronics
  • E721 - 16 Guide for Determining Neutron Energy Spectra from Neutron Sensors for Radiation-Hardness Testing of Electronics
  • E722 - 19 Practice for Characterizing Neutron Fluence Spectra in Terms of an Equivalent Monoenergetic Neutron Fluence for Radiation-Hardness Testing of Electronics
  • E723 - 13(2019) Practice for Evaluation of Antimicrobials as Preservatives for Aqueous-Based Products Used in the Paper Industry (Bacterial Spoilage)
  • E724 - 98(2012) Guide for Conducting Static Acute Toxicity Tests Starting with Embryos of Four Species of Saltwater Bivalve Molluscs
  • E725 - 96(2020) Test Method for Sampling Granular Carriers and Granular Pesticides
  • E726 - 01(2015) Test Method for Particle Size Distribution of Granular Carriers and Granular Pesticides
  • E727/E727M - 08(2013)e1 Test Methods for Determining Bulk Density of Granular Carriers and Granular Pesticides
  • E728 - 91(2020) Test Method for Resistance to Attrition of Granular Carriers and Granular Pesticides
  • E729 - 96(2014) Guide for Conducting Acute Toxicity Tests on Test Materials with Fishes, Macroinvertebrates, and Amphibians
  • E732 - 80(2018) Specification for Disposable Pasteur-Type Pipet
  • E734 - 80(2015) Specification for Disposable Glass Blood Sample Capillary Tube (Microhematocrit)
  • E736/E736M - 19 Test Method for Cohesion/Adhesion of Sprayed Fire-Resistive Materials Applied to Structural Members
  • E739 - 10(2015) Practice for Statistical Analysis of Linear or Linearized Stress-Life (S-N) and Strain-Life (ε-N) Fatigue Data
  • E740/E740M - 03(2016) Practice for Fracture Testing with Surface-Crack Tension Specimens
  • E741 - 11(2017) Test Method for Determining Air Change in a Single Zone by Means of a Tracer Gas Dilution
  • E744 - 07(2015) Practice for Evaluating Solar Absorptive Materials for Thermal Applications
  • E746 - 18 Practice for Determining Relative Image Quality Response of Industrial Radiographic Imaging Systems
  • E747 - 18 Practice for Design, Manufacture and Material Grouping Classification of Wire Image Quality Indicators (IQI) Used for Radiology
  • E747-RU-RU - 18 Стандартное практическое руководство по проектированию, изготовлению и классификации по группам материалов проволочных индикаторов качества изображения (IQI), используемых в рентгенологии
  • E748 - 19 Guide for Thermal Neutron Radiography of Materials
  • E749/E749M - 17 Practice for Acoustic Emission Monitoring During Continuous Welding
  • E750 - 15(2020) Practice for Characterizing Acoustic Emission Instrumentation
  • E751/E751M - 17 Practice for Acoustic Emission Monitoring During Resistance Spot-Welding
  • E754 - 80(2014)e1 Test Method for Pullout Resistance of Ties and Anchors Embedded in Masonry Mortar Joints
  • E756 - 05(2017) Test Method for Measuring Vibration-Damping Properties of Materials
  • E759/E759M - 92(2020) Test Method for Effect of Deflection on Sprayed Fire-Resistive Material Applied to Structural Members
  • E760/E760M - 92(2020) Test Method for Effect of Impact on Bonding of Sprayed Fire-Resistive Material Applied to Structural Members
  • E761/E761M - 92(2020) Test Method for Compressive Strength of Sprayed Fire-Resistive Material Applied to Structural Members
  • E766 - 14(2019) Practice for Calibrating the Magnification of a Scanning Electron Microscope
  • E768 - 99(2018) Guide for Preparing and Evaluating Specimens for Automatic Inclusion Assessment of Steel
  • E768-RU-RU - 99(2018) Стандартное руководство по подготовке и оценке образцов для испытания для автоматической оценки включений в сталь
  • E772 - 15 Terminology of Solar Energy Conversion
  • E775 - 15 Test Methods for Total Sulfur in the Analysis Sample of Refuse-Derived Fuel
  • E776 - 16 Test Method for Determination of Forms of Chlorine in Refuse-Derived Fuel
  • E777 - 17a Test Method for Carbon and Hydrogen in the Analysis Sample of Refuse-Derived Fuel
  • E778 - 15 Test Methods for Nitrogen in Refuse-Derived Fuel Analysis Samples
  • E779 - 19 Test Method for Determining Air Leakage Rate by Fan Pressurization
  • E780 - 17 Test Method for Measuring the Insulation Resistance of Mineral-Insulated, Metal-Sheathed Thermocouples and Mineral-Insulated, Metal-Sheathed Cable at Room Temperature
  • E781 - 86(2015) Practice for Evaluating Absorptive Solar Receiver Materials When Exposed to Conditions Simulating Stagnation in Solar Collectors With Cover Plates
  • E782 - 95(2015) Practice for Exposure of Cover Materials for Solar Collectors to Natural Weathering Under Conditions Simulating Operational Mode
  • E783 - 02(2018) Test Method for Field Measurement of Air Leakage Through Installed Exterior Windows and Doors
  • E784 - 89(2017) Specification for Clamps, Utility, Laboratory, and Holders, Buret and Clamp
  • E785 - 81(2017) Specification for Crucibles, Ignition, Laboratory, Metal
  • E786 - 81(2017) Specification for Dishes, Evaporating, Platinum
  • E787 - 81(2017) Specification for Disposable Glass Micro Blood Collection Pipets
  • E788 - 97(2019) Specification for Pipet, Blood Diluting
  • E790 - 15 Test Method for Residual Moisture in Refuse-Derived Fuel Analysis Samples
  • E791 - 08(2016) Test Method for Calculating Refuse-Derived Fuel Analysis Data from As-Determined to Different Bases
  • E793 - 06(2018) Test Method for Enthalpies of Fusion and Crystallization by Differential Scanning Calorimetry
  • E794 - 06(2018) Test Method for Melting And Crystallization Temperatures By Thermal Analysis
  • E794-RU-RU - 06(2018) Стандартный метод испытания для определения температур плавления и кристаллизации с помощью термического анализа
  • E795 - 16 Practices for Mounting Test Specimens During Sound Absorption Tests
  • E797/E797M - 15 Practice for Measuring Thickness by Manual Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo Contact Method
  • E797/E797M-RU-RU - 15 Стандартное практическое руководство по измерению толщины с помощью ручного ультразвукового эхоимпульсного контроля контактным методом
  • E798 - 16 Practice for Conducting Irradiations at Accelerator-Based Neutron Sources
  • E799 - 03(2020)e1 Practice for Determining Data Criteria and Processing for Liquid Drop Size Analysis
  • E800 - 20 Guide for Measurement of Gases Present or Generated During Fires
  • E801 - 16 Practice for Controlling Quality of Radiographic Examination of Electronic Devices
  • E802 - 19 Reference Radiographs for Gray Iron Castings Up to 412 in. (114 mm) in Thickness
  • E803 - 20 Test Method for Determining the L/D Ratio of Neutron Radiography Beams
  • E805 - 12a(2017) Practice for Identification of Instrumental Methods of Color or Color-Difference Measurement of Materials
  • E806 - 17a Test Method for Carbon Tetrachloride and Chloroform in Liquid Chlorine by Direct Injection (Gas Chromatographic Procedure)
  • E808 - 01(2016) Practice for Describing Retroreflection
  • E809 - 08(2013) Practice for Measuring Photometric Characteristics of Retroreflectors
  • E810 - 20 Test Method for Coefficient of Retroreflection of Retroreflective Sheeting Utilizing the Coplanar Geometry
  • E811 - 09(2020)e1 Practice for Measuring Colorimetric Characteristics of Retroreflectors Under Nighttime Conditions
  • E814 - 13a(2017) Test Method for Fire Tests of Penetration Firestop Systems
  • E815 - 17b Test Method for Determination of Calcium Fluoride in Fluorspar by EDTA Complexometric Titrimetry
  • E816 - 15 Test Method for Calibration of Pyrheliometers by Comparison to Reference Pyrheliometers
  • E821 - 16 Practice for Measurement of Mechanical Properties During Charged-Particle Irradiation
  • E822 - 92(2015) Practice for Determining Resistance of Solar Collector Covers to Hail by Impact With Propelled Ice Balls
  • E824 - 10(2018)e1 Test Method for Transfer of Calibration From Reference to Field Radiometers
  • E825 - 98(2016) Specification for Phase Change-Type Disposable Fever Thermometer for Intermittent Determination of Human Temperature
  • E826 - 14 Practice for Testing Homogeneity of a Metal Lot or Batch in Solid Form by Spark Atomic Emission Spectrometry
  • E829 - 16 Practice for Preparing Refuse-Derived Fuel (RDF) Laboratory Samples for Analysis
  • E831 - 19 Test Method for Linear Thermal Expansion of Solid Materials by Thermomechanical Analysis
  • E832 - 81(2019) Specification for Laboratory Filter Papers
  • E832-RUS - 81(2019) Стандартная спецификация на лабораторную фильтровальную бумагу1
  • E833 - 14 Terminology of Building Economics
  • E834 - 09(2015) Practice for Determining Vacuum Chamber Gaseous Environment Using a Cold Finger
  • E837 - 20 Test Method for Determining Residual Stresses by the Hole-Drilling Strain-Gage Method
  • E839 - 11(2016)e1 Test Methods for Sheathed Thermocouples and Sheathed Thermocouple Cable
  • E840 - 95(2013) Practice for Using Flame Photometric Detectors in Gas Chromatography
  • E841 - 12a Test Method for Determination of Copper in Iron Ores and Related Materials by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
  • E844 - 18 Guide for Sensor Set Design and Irradiation for Reactor Surveillance
  • E848 - 94(2016) Guide for Safety and Health Requirements Relating to Occupational Exposure to Water-Insoluble Chromates
  • E853 - 18 Practice for Analysis and Interpretation of Light-Water Reactor Surveillance Neutron Exposure Results
  • E854 - 19 Test Method for Application and Analysis of Solid State Track Recorder (SSTR) Monitors for Reactor Surveillance
  • E855 - 08(2013) Test Methods for Bend Testing of Metallic Flat Materials for Spring Applications Involving Static Loading
  • E857 - 05(2019) Practice for Conducting Subacute Dietary Toxicity Tests with Avian Species
  • E859/E859M - 93(2020) Test Method for Air Erosion of Sprayed Fire-Resistive Materials (SFRMs) Applied to Structural Members
  • E860 - 07(2013)e2 Practice for Examining And Preparing Items That Are Or May Become Involved In Criminal or Civil Litigation
  • E861 - 13(2021) Practice for Evaluating Thermal Insulation Materials for Use in Solar Collectors
  • E864 - 20 Practice for Surface Preparation of Aluminum Alloys to Be Adhesively Bonded in Honeycomb Shelter Panels
  • E865 - 20 Specification for Structural Film Adhesives for Honeycomb Sandwich Panels
  • E866 - 19 Specification for Corrosion-Inhibiting Adhesive Primer for Aluminum Alloys to Be Adhesively Bonded in Honeycomb Shelter Panels
  • E867 - 06(2020) Terminology Relating to Vehicle-Pavement Systems
  • E870 - 82(2019) Test Methods for Analysis of Wood Fuels
  • E871 - 82(2019) Test Method for Moisture Analysis of Particulate Wood Fuels
  • E872 - 82(2019) Test Method for Volatile Matter in the Analysis of Particulate Wood Fuels
  • E873 - 82(2019) Test Method for Bulk Density of Densified Particulate Biomass Fuels
  • E874 - 19 Practice for Adhesive Bonding of Aluminum Facings to Nonmetallic Honeycomb Core for Shelter Panels
  • E875 - 20 Practice for Evaluation of Fungal Control Agents as Preservatives for Aqueous-Based Products Used in the Paper Industry
  • E877 - 13 Practice for Sampling and Sample Preparation of Iron Ores and Related Materials for Determination of Chemical Composition and Physical Properties
  • E878 - 12 Test Method for Determination of Titanium in Iron Ores and Related Materials by Diantipyrylmethane Ultraviolet Spectrophotometry
  • E879 - 20 Specification for Thermistor Sensors for General Purpose and Laboratory Temperature Measurements
  • E881 - 92(2015) Practice for Exposure of Solar Collector Cover Materials to Natural Weathering Under Conditions Simulating Stagnation Mode
  • E882 - 10(2016)e1 Guide for Accountability and Quality Control in the Chemical Analysis Laboratory
  • E882-RUS - 10(2016)e1 Стандартное руководство по отслеживаемости и контролю качества в химико-аналитической лаборатории
  • E883 - 11(2017) Guide for Reflected–Light Photomicrography
  • E884 - 82(2012) Practice for Sampling Airborne Microorganisms at Municipal Solid-Waste Processing Facilities
  • E887 - 15 Test Method for Silica in Refuse-Derived Fuel (RDF) and RDF Ash
  • E889 - 82(2014) Test Method for Composition or Purity of a Solid Waste Materials Stream
  • E890 - 94(2015) Specification for Disposable Glass Culture Tubes
  • E894 - 18 Test Method for Anchorage of Permanent Metal Railing Systems and Rails for Buildings
  • E898 - 20 Practice for Calibration of Non-Automatic Weighing Instruments
  • E900 - 15e2 Guide for Predicting Radiation-Induced Transition Temperature Shift in Reactor Vessel Materials
  • E903 - 20 Test Method for Solar Absorptance, Reflectance, and Transmittance of Materials Using Integrating Spheres
  • E905 - 87(2021) Test Method for Determining Thermal Performance of Tracking Concentrating Solar Collectors
  • E906/E906M - 17 Test Method for Heat and Visible Smoke Release Rates for Materials and Products Using a Thermopile Method
  • E908 - 98(2018) Practice for Calibrating Gaseous Reference Leaks
  • E910 - 18 Test Method for Application and Analysis of Helium Accumulation Fluence Monitors for Reactor Vessel Surveillance
  • E911 - 98(2015) Specification for Glass Stopcocks with Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Plugs
  • E915 - 19 Test Method for Verifying the Alignment of X-Ray Diffraction Instrumentation for Residual Stress Measurement
  • E917 - 17e1 Practice for Measuring Life-Cycle Costs of Buildings and Building Systems
  • E918 - 19 Practice for Determining Limits of Flammability of Chemicals at Elevated Temperature and Pressure
  • E920 - 97(2019) Specification for Commercially Packaged Laboratory Apparatus
  • E921 - 97(2016) Specification for Export Packaged Laboratory Apparatus
  • E923 - 97(2019) Specification for Glass Westergren Tube, Reusable
  • E925 - 09(2014) Practice for Monitoring the Calibration of Ultraviolet-Visible Spectrophotometers whose Spectral Bandwidth does not Exceed 2 nm
  • E927 - 19 Classification for Solar Simulators for Electrical Performance Testing of Photovoltaic Devices
  • E928 - 19 Test Method for Purity by Differential Scanning Calorimetry
  • E930 - 18 Test Methods for Estimating the Largest Grain Observed in a Metallographic Section (ALA Grain Size)
  • E930-RU-RU - 18 Стандартные методы испытаний для определения зерен наибольшего размера, наблюдаемых в плоскости металлографического шлифа (размер зерен ALA)
  • E932 - 89(2013) Practice for Describing and Measuring Performance of Dispersive Infrared Spectrometers
  • E934 - 94(2015) Specification for Serological Pipet, Disposable Plastic
  • E935 - 13e1 Test Methods for Performance of Permanent Metal Railing Systems and Rails for Buildings
  • E937/E937M - 93(2020) Test Method for Corrosion of Steel by Sprayed Fire-Resistive Material (SFRM) Applied to Structural Members
  • E942 - 16 Guide for Investigating the Effects of Helium in Irradiated Metals
  • E943 - 08(2014) Terminology Relating to Biological Effects and Environmental Fate
  • E944 - 19 Guide for Application of Neutron Spectrum Adjustment Methods in Reactor Surveillance
  • E945 - 12 Test Method for Determination of Zinc in Zinc Ores and Concentrates by EDTA Complexometric Titrimetry
  • E947 - 83(2015) Specification for Sampling Single-Phase Geothermal Liquid or Steam for Purposes of Chemical Analysis
  • E948 - 16(2020) Test Method for Electrical Performance of Photovoltaic Cells Using Reference Cells Under Simulated Sunlight
  • E950/E950M - 09(2018) Test Method for Measuring the Longitudinal Profile of Traveled Surfaces with an Accelerometer-Established Inertial Profiling Reference
  • E953/E953M - 16 Practice for Fusibility of Refuse-Derived Fuel (RDF) Ash
  • E956 - 83(2015) Classification for Municipal-Mixed Nonferrous Metals (MNM)
  • E957 - 03(2019) Terminology Relating to Geothermal Energy
  • E958 - 13 Practice for Estimation of the Spectral Bandwidth of Ultraviolet-Visible Spectrophotometers
  • E959 - 83(2018) Test Method for Characterizing the Performance of Refuse Size-Reduction Equipment
  • E960 - 93(2013) Specification for Laboratory Glass Beakers
  • E961 - 97(2013) Specification for Blood Sedimentation Tube, Wintrobe, Glass, Reusable
  • E964 - 15(2020)e1 Practice for Measuring Benefit-to-Cost and Savings-to-Investment Ratios for Buildings and Building Systems
  • E965 - 15(2019) Test Method for Measuring Pavement Macrotexture Depth Using a Volumetric Technique
  • E966 - 18a Guide for Field Measurements of Airborne Sound Attenuation of Building Facades and Facade Elements
  • E967 - 18 Test Method for Temperature Calibration of Differential Scanning Calorimeters and Differential Thermal Analyzers
  • E967-RU-RU - 18 Стандартный метод испытания для температурной калибровки дифференциальных сканирующих калориметров и дифференциальных термоанализаторов
  • E968 - 02(2014) Practice for Heat Flow Calibration of Differential Scanning Calorimeters
  • E968-RUS - 02(2014) Стандартная методика калибровки теплового потока дифференциальных сканирующих калориметров
  • E969 - 02(2019) Specification for Glass Volumetric (Transfer) Pipets
  • E970 - 17 Test Method for Critical Radiant Flux of Exposed Attic Floor Insulation Using a Radiant Heat Energy Source
  • E971 - 11(2019) Practice for Calculation of Photometric Transmittance and Reflectance of Materials to Solar Radiation
  • E972 - 96(2021) Test Method for Solar Photometric Transmittance of Sheet Materials Using Sunlight
  • E973 - 16(2020) Test Method for Determination of the Spectral Mismatch Parameter Between a Photovoltaic Device and a Photovoltaic Reference Cell
  • E975 - 13 Practice for X-Ray Determination of Retained Austenite in Steel with Near Random Crystallographic Orientation
  • E976 - 15 Guide for Determining the Reproducibility of Acoustic Emission Sensor Response
  • E977 - 05(2019) Practice for Thermoelectric Sorting of Electrically Conductive Materials
  • E979 - 20 Practice for Evaluation of Antimicrobial Agents as Preservatives for Invert Emulsion and Other Water Containing Hydraulic Fluids
  • E981 - 19 Test Method for Estimating Sensory Irritancy of Airborne Chemicals
  • E982 - 94(2015) Specification for Laboratory Glass Test Tubes
  • E983 - 19 Guide for Minimizing Unwanted Electron Beam Effects in Auger Electron Spectroscopy
  • E984 - 12(2020) Guide for Identifying Chemical Effects and Matrix Effects in Auger Electron Spectroscopy
  • E986 - 04(2017) Practice for Scanning Electron Microscope Beam Size Characterization
  • E987 - 88(2017) Test Methods for Deglazing Force of Fenestration Products
  • E989 - 18 Classification for Determination of Single-Number Metrics for Impact Noise
  • E990 - 13 Specification for Core-Splice Adhesive for Honeycomb Sandwich Structural Panels
  • E991 - 16 Practice for Color Measurement of Fluorescent Specimens Using the One-Monochromator Method
  • E995 - 16 Guide for Background Subtraction Techniques in Auger Electron Spectroscopy and X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
  • E996 - 19 Practice for Reporting Data in Auger Electron Spectroscopy and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
  • E997 - 15 Test Method for Evaluating Glass Breakage Probability Under the Influence of Uniform Static Loads by Proof Load Testing
  • E998 - 19 Test Method for Structural Performance of Architectural Glass Products Under the Influence of Uniform Static Loads
  • E999 - 20 Guide for Controlling the Quality of Industrial Radiographic Film Processing

1.2. E1000-E1999

  • E1000 - 16 Guide for Radioscopy
  • E1001 - 16 Practice for Detection and Evaluation of Discontinuities by the Immersed Pulse-Echo Ultrasonic Method Using Longitudinal Waves
  • E1001-RU-RU - 16 Стандартное практическое руководство по обнаружению и оценке несплошностей на основе иммерсионного эхоимпульсного ультразвукового метода с использованием продольных волн
  • E1002 - 11(2018) Practice for Leaks Using Ultrasonics
  • E1003 - 13(2018) Practice for Hydrostatic Leak Testing
  • E1004 - 17 Test Method for Determining Electrical Conductivity Using the Electromagnetic (Eddy Current) Method
  • E1005 - 16 Test Method for Application and Analysis of Radiometric Monitors for Reactor Vessel Surveillance
  • E1006 - 13 Practice for Analysis and Interpretation of Physics Dosimetry Results from Test Reactor Experiments
  • E1007 - 19 Test Method for Field Measurement of Tapping Machine Impact Sound Transmission Through Floor-Ceiling Assemblies and Associated Support Structures
  • E1010 - 16 Practice for Preparation of Disk Specimens of Steel and Iron by Remelting for Spectrochemical Analysis
  • E1012 - 19 Practice for Verification of Testing Frame and Specimen Alignment Under Tensile and Compressive Axial Force Application
  • E1012-RU-RU - 19 Стандартное практическое руководство по верификации испытательного стенда и центровке образцов при приложении к ним осевых растягивающих и сжимающих усилий
  • E1014 - 12 Guide for Measurement of Outdoor A-Weighted Sound Levels
  • E1016 - 07(2020) Guide for Literature Describing Properties of Electrostatic Electron Spectrometers
  • E1018 - 20e1 Guide for Application of ASTM Evaluated Cross Section Data File
  • E1019 - 18 Test Methods for Determination of Carbon, Sulfur, Nitrogen, and Oxygen in Steel, Iron, Nickel, and Cobalt Alloys by Various Combustion and Inert Gas Fusion Techniques
  • E1019-RUS - 18 Стандартные методы определения содержания углерода, серы, азота и кислорода в стальных, железных, никелевых и кобальтовых сплавах с помощью различных методик сжигания и плавки в инертном газе
  • E1020 - 13e1 Practice for Reporting Incidents that May Involve Criminal or Civil Litigation
  • E1021 - 15(2019) Test Method for Spectral Responsivity Measurements of Photovoltaic Devices
  • E1022 - 94(2013) Guide for Conducting Bioconcentration Tests with Fishes and Saltwater Bivalve Mollusks
  • E1023 - 84(2014) Guide for Assessing the Hazard of a Material to Aquatic Organisms and Their Uses
  • E1025 - 18 Practice for Design, Manufacture, and Material Grouping Classification of Hole-Type Image Quality Indicators (IQI) Used for Radiography
  • E1030/E1030M - 15 Practice for Radiographic Examination of Metallic Castings
  • E1032 - 19 Practice for Radiographic Examination of Weldments Using Industrial X-Ray Film
  • E1034 - 95(2020) Specification for Nuclear Facility Transient Worker Records
  • E1035 - 18 Practice for Determining Neutron Exposures for Nuclear Reactor Vessel Support Structures
  • E1036 - 15(2019) Test Methods for Electrical Performance of Nonconcentrator Terrestrial Photovoltaic Modules and Arrays Using Reference Cells
  • E1037 - 15 Test Method for Measuring Particle Size Distribution of RDF-5
  • E1038 - 10(2019) Test Method for Determining Resistance of Photovoltaic Modules to Hail by Impact with Propelled Ice Balls
  • E1040 - 10(2020) Specification for Physical Characteristics of Nonconcentrator Terrestrial Photovoltaic Reference Cells
  • E1042 - 02(2014) Classification for Acoustically Absorptive Materials Applied by Trowel or Spray
  • E1043 - 00(2016) Specification for Pipets, Milk and Cream Examination
  • E1044 - 96(2018) Specification for Glass Serological Pipets (General Purpose and Kahn)
  • E1045 - 00(2016) Specification for Pipet, Sahli Hemoglobin
  • E1046 - 85(2015) Specification for Glass Westergren Tube, Disposable
  • E1047 - 85(2015) Specification for Blood Sedimentation Tube, Wintrobe, Glass, Disposable
  • E1048 - 88(2015) Specification for Color-Coding Pipets or Containers Coated With Anticoagulants
  • E1049 - 85(2017) Practices for Cycle Counting in Fatigue Analysis
  • E1050 - 19 Test Method for Impedance and Absorption of Acoustical Materials Using a Tube, Two Microphones and a Digital Frequency Analysis System
  • E1052 - 20 Practice to Assess the Activity of Microbicides against Viruses in Suspension
  • E1053 - 20 Practice to Assess Virucidal Activity of Chemicals Intended for Disinfection of Inanimate, Nonporous Environmental Surfaces
  • E1054 - 08(2013) Test Methods for Evaluation of Inactivators of Antimicrobial Agents
  • E1056 - 13(2021) Practice for Installation and Service of Solar Domestic Water Heating Systems for One- and Two-Family Dwellings
  • E1057 - 15(2020)e1 Practice for Measuring Internal Rate of Return and Adjusted Internal Rate of Return for Investments in Buildings and Building Systems
  • E1061 - 01(2014) Specification for Direct-Reading Liquid Crystal Forehead Thermometers
  • E1064 - 16 Test Method for Water in Organic Liquids by Coulometric Karl Fischer Titration
  • E1064-RUS - 16 Стандартный метод определения содержания воды в органических жидкостях с помощью кулонометрического титрования по методу Карла Фишера
  • E1064-POR - 16 Método de ensaio padrão para Água em líquidos orgânicos por titulação coulométrica de Karl Fischer
  • E1064-SP - 16 Método de prueba estándar para determinación de agua en líquidos orgánicos mediante titulación culombimétrica de Karl Fischer
  • E1065/E1065M - 20 Practice for Evaluating Characteristics of Ultrasonic Search Units
  • E1065/E1065M-RU-RU - 20 Стандартное практическое руководство по оценке характеристик ультразвуковых искательных головок
  • E1066/E1066M - 19 Practice for Ammonia Colorimetric Leak Testing
  • E1067/E1067M - 18 Practice for Acoustic Emission Examination of Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Resin (FRP) Tanks/Vessels
  • E1070 - 17a Test Method for Determination of Phosphorus in Iron Ores by Phospho-Molybdenum-Blue Spectrophotometry
  • E1074 - 15(2020)e1 Practice for Measuring Net Benefits and Net Savings for Investments in Buildings and Building Systems
  • E1077 - 14 Test Methods for Estimating the Depth of Decarburization of Steel Specimens
  • E1077-RU-RU - 14 Стандартный метод испытаний для оценки глубины обезуглероживания стальных образцов
  • E1078 - 14(2020) Guide for Specimen Preparation and Mounting in Surface Analysis
  • E1079 - 16 Practice for Calibration of Transmission Densitometers
  • E1082 - 90(2017) Test Method for Measurement of Vehicular Response to Traveled Surface Roughness
  • E1083 - 00(2017) Test Method for Sensory Evaluation of Red Pepper Heat
  • E1084 - 86(2015) Test Method for Solar Transmittance (Terrestrial) of Sheet Materials Using Sunlight
  • E1085 - 16 Test Method for Analysis of Low-Alloy Steels by Wavelength Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry
  • E1086 - 14 Test Method for Analysis of Austenitic Stainless Steel by Spark Atomic Emission Spectrometry
  • E1086-RU-RU - 14 Стандартный метод испытания для анализа аустенитной нержавеющей стали с использованием атомной эмиссионной спектрометрии с искровым источником
  • E1091 - 13 Specification for Nonmetallic Honeycomb Core for Use in Shelter Panels
  • E1092 - 91(2016) Specification for Glass Micro Folin Pipet, Disposable
  • E1093 - 91(2019) Specification for Glass Prothrombin Pipet, Disposable
  • E1094 - 04(2015) Specification for Pharmaceutical Glass Graduates
  • E1095 - 99(2016) Specification for Common Laboratory Glass Funnels
  • E1096 - 86(2018) Specification for Laboratory Glass Separatory Funnels
  • E1097 - 12(2017) Guide for Determination of Various Elements by Direct Current Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry
  • E1097-RU-RU - 12(2017) Стандартное руководство по определению различных элементов методом атомно-эмиссионной спектрометрии с плазмой постоянного тока
  • E1102 - 91(2015) Terminology Relating to Agricultural Chemical Application
  • E1104 - 98(2016) Specification for Clinical Thermometer Probe Covers and Sheaths
  • E1105 - 15 Test Method for Field Determination of Water Penetration of Installed Exterior Windows, Skylights, Doors, and Curtain Walls, by Uniform or Cyclic Static Air Pressure Difference
  • E1106 - 12(2017) Test Method for Primary Calibration of Acoustic Emission Sensors
  • E1107 - 15 Test Method for Measuring the Throughput of Resource-Recovery Unit Operations
  • E1108 - 86(2017) Test Method for Determination of the Recovery of a Product in a Materials Separation Device
  • E1109 - 19 Test Method for Determining the Bulk Density of Solid Waste Fractions
  • E1110 - 06(2019) Classification for Determination of Articulation Class
  • E1111/E1111M - 14 Test Method for Measuring the Interzone Attenuation of Open Office Components
  • E1112 - 00(2018) Specification for Electronic Thermometer for Intermittent Determination of Patient Temperature
  • E1114 - 09(2014) Test Method for Determining the Size of Iridium-192 Industrial Radiographic Sources
  • E1115 - 11(2017) Test Method for Evaluation of Surgical Hand Scrub Formulations
  • E1116 - 98(2019) Test Method for Emulsification Characteristics of Pesticide Emulsifiable Concentrates
  • E1118/E1118M - 16(2020) Practice for Acoustic Emission Examination of Reinforced Thermosetting Resin Pipe (RTRP)
  • E1119 - 09(2015)e1 Specification for Industrial Grade Ethylene Glycol
  • E1120 - 16 Specification for Liquid Chlorine
  • E1121 - 15(2020)e1 Practice for Measuring Payback for Investments in Buildings and Building Systems
  • E1123 - 86(2016) Practices for Mounting Test Specimens for Sound Transmission Loss Testing of Naval and Marine Ship Bulkhead Treatment Materials
  • E1124 - 10(2016) Test Method for Field Measurement of Sound Power Level by the Two-Surface Method
  • E1125 - 16(2020) Test Method for Calibration of Primary Non-Concentrator Terrestrial Photovoltaic Reference Cells Using a Tabular Spectrum
  • E1127 - 08(2015) Guide for Depth Profiling in Auger Electron Spectroscopy
  • E1129/E1129M - 19 Specification for Thermocouple Connectors
  • E1130 - 16 Test Method for Objective Measurement of Speech Privacy in Open Plan Spaces Using Articulation Index
  • E1131 - 20 Test Method for Compositional Analysis by Thermogravimetry
  • E1132 - 13e1 Practice for Health Requirements Relating to Occupational Exposure to Respirable Crystalline Silica
  • E1133 - 86(2016) Practice for Performance Testing of Packaged Laboratory Apparatus for United States Government Procurements
  • E1135 - 19 Test Method for Comparing the Brightness of Fluorescent Penetrants
  • E1136 - 19 Specification for P195/75R14 Radial Standard Reference Test Tire
  • E1137/E1137M - 08(2020) Specification for Industrial Platinum Resistance Thermometers
  • E1137/E1137M-SP - 08(2020) Especificación de estándar para termómetros industriales de resistencia de platino
  • E1137/E1137M-POR - 08(2020) Especificação padrão para Termômetros de resistência de platina industrial
  • E1139/E1139M - 17 Practice for Continuous Monitoring of Acoustic Emission from Metal Pressure Boundaries
  • E1140 - 95(2017) Practice for Testing Nitrogen/Phosphorus Thermionic Ionization Detectors for Use In Gas Chromatography
  • E1142 - 15(2020) Terminology Relating to Thermophysical Properties
  • E1143 - 05(2019) Test Method for Determining the Linearity of a Photovoltaic Device Parameter with Respect To a Test Parameter
  • E1146 - 16 Specification for Muriatic Acid (Technical Grade Hydrochloric Acid)
  • E1151 - 93(2019) Practice for Ion Chromatography Terms and Relationships
  • E1153 - 14e1 Test Method for Efficacy of Sanitizers Recommended for Inanimate, Hard, Nonporous Non-Food Contact Surfaces
  • E1154 - 14 Specification for Piston or Plunger Operated Volumetric Apparatus
  • E1155M - 14 Test Method for Determining FF Floor Flatness and FL Floor Levelness Numbers (Metric)
  • E1155 - 20 Test Method for Determining FF Floor Flatness and FL Floor Levelness Numbers
  • E1157 - 87(2018)e1 Specification for Sampling and Testing of Reusable Laboratory Glassware
  • E1159 - 15(2020)e1 Specification for Thermocouple Materials, Platinum-Rhodium Alloys, and Platinum
  • E1160 - 13(2021) Guide for On-Site Inspection and Verification of Operation of Solar Domestic Hot Water Systems
  • E1161 - 09(2014) Practice for Radiologic Examination of Semiconductors and Electronic Components
  • E1162 - 11(2019) Practice for Reporting Sputter Depth Profile Data in Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS)
  • E1163 - 10(2019) Test Method for Estimating Acute Oral Toxicity in Rats
  • E1164 - 12(2017)e1 Practice for Obtaining Spectrometric Data for Object-Color Evaluation
  • E1165 - 12(2017) Test Method for Measurement of Focal Spots of Industrial X-Ray Tubes by Pinhole Imaging
  • E1166 - 00(2019) Guide for Network Level Pavement Management
  • E1167 - 15 Guide for Radiation Protection Program for Decommissioning Operations
  • E1168 - 95(2020) Guide for Radiological Protection Training for Nuclear Facility Workers
  • E1169 - 20 Practice for Conducting Ruggedness Tests
  • E1170 - 97(2017) Practices for Simulating Vehicular Response to Longitudinal Profiles of Traveled Surfaces
  • E1171 - 15(2019) Test Methods for Photovoltaic Modules in Cyclic Temperature and Humidity Environments
  • E1172 - 16 Practice for Describing and Specifying a Wavelength Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometer
  • E1173 - 15 Test Method for Evaluation of Preoperative, Precatheterization, or Preinjection Skin Preparations
  • E1174 - 13 Test Method for Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Health Care Personnel Handwash Formulations
  • E1175 - 87(2015) Test Method for Determining Solar or Photopic Reflectance, Transmittance, and Absorptance of Materials Using a Large Diameter Integrating Sphere
  • E1177 - 20 Specification for Engine Coolant Grade Glycol
  • E1179 - 13(2019) Specification for Sound Sources Used for Testing Open Office Components and Systems
  • E1180 - 08(2014) Practice for Preparing Sulfur Prints for Macrostructural Evaluation
  • E1181 - 02(2015) Test Methods for Characterizing Duplex Grain Sizes
  • E1181-RU-RU - 02(2015) Стандартные методы испытаний для определения характеристик размеров сдвоенных зерен
  • E1184 - 10(2016) Practice for Determination of Elements by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
  • E1184-RU-RU - 10(2016) Стандартное практическое руководство по определению элементов с использованием атомно-абсорбционной спектрометрии с графитовой печью
  • E1185 - 15(2020)e1 Guide for Selecting Economic Methods for Evaluating Investments in Buildings and Building Systems
  • E1186 - 17 Practices for Air Leakage Site Detection in Building Envelopes and Air Barrier Systems
  • E1188 - 11(2017) Practice for Collection and Preservation of Information and Physical Items by a Technical Investigator
  • E1189 - 00(2016) Specification for Micro-Burets (Koch Style)
  • E1190 - 11(2018) Test Methods for Strength of Power-Actuated Fasteners Installed in Structural Members
  • E1191 - 03a(2014) Guide for Conducting Life-Cycle Toxicity Tests with Saltwater Mysids
  • E1192 - 97(2014) Guide for Conducting Acute Toxicity Tests on Aqueous Ambient Samples and Effluents with Fishes, Macroinvertebrates, and Amphibians
  • E1193 - 20 Guide for Conducting Daphnia magna Life-Cycle Toxicity Tests
  • E1194 - 17 Test Method for Vapor Pressure
  • E1197 - 12 Guide for Conducting a Terrestrial Soil-Core Microcosm Test
  • E1198 - 19 Practice for Sampling Zooplankton with Pumps
  • E1199 - 19 Practice for Sampling Zooplankton with a Clarke-Bumpus Plankton Sampler
  • E1200 - 19 Practice for Preserving Zooplankton Samples
  • E1201 - 19 Practice for Sampling Zooplankton with Conical Tow Nets
  • E1207 - 14 Guide for Sensory Evaluation of Axillary Deodorancy
  • E1208 - 16 Practice for Fluorescent Liquid Penetrant Testing Using the Lipophilic Post-Emulsification Process
  • E1209 - 18 Practice for Fluorescent Liquid Penetrant Testing Using the Water-Washable Process
  • E1209-RU-RU - 18 Стандартное практическое руководство по методу капиллярной дефектоскопии с использованием флуоресцентного водосмываемого пенетранта
  • E1210 - 16 Practice for Fluorescent Liquid Penetrant Testing Using the Hydrophilic Post-Emulsification Process
  • E1211/E1211M - 17 Practice for Leak Detection and Location Using Surface-Mounted Acoustic Emission Sensors
  • E1212 - 17 Practice for Establishing Quality Management Systems for Nondestructive Testing Agencies
  • E1213 - 14(2018) Practice for Minimum Resolvable Temperature Difference for Thermal Imaging Systems
  • E1214 - 11(2018) Guide for Use of Melt Wire Temperature Monitors for Reactor Vessel Surveillance
  • E1215 - 93(2017) Specification for Trailers Used for Measuring Vehicular Response to Road Roughness
  • E1216 - 11(2016) Practice for Sampling for Particulate Contamination by Tape Lift
  • E1217 - 11(2019) Practice for Determination of the Specimen Area Contributing to the Detected Signal in Auger Electron Spectrometers and Some X-Ray Photoelectron Spectrometers
  • E1218 - 04(2012) Guide for Conducting Static Toxicity Tests with Microalgae
  • E1219 - 16 Practice for Fluorescent Liquid Penetrant Testing Using the Solvent-Removable Process
  • E1220 - 16 Practice for Visible Penetrant Testing Using Solvent-Removable Process
  • E1220-RU-RU - 16 Стандартное практическое руководство по цветной капиллярной дефектоскопии с применением жидкости, смываемой растворителем
  • E1221 - 12A(2018)e1 Test Method for Determining Plane-Strain Crack-Arrest Fracture Toughness, KIa, of Ferritic Steels
  • E1222 - 90(2016) Test Method for Laboratory Measurement of the Insertion Loss of Pipe Lagging Systems
  • E1225 - 20 Test Method for Thermal Conductivity of Solids Using the Guarded-Comparative-Longitudinal Heat Flow Technique
  • E1226 - 19 Test Method for Explosibility of Dust Clouds
  • E1228 - 17 Test Method for Assay of Peroxy Esters—Catalyzed Iodometric Procedure
  • E1229 - 16 Specification for Calcium Hypochlorite
  • E1231 - 19 Practice for Calculation of Hazard Potential Figures of Merit for Thermally Unstable Materials
  • E1232 - 07(2019) Test Method for Temperature Limit of Flammability of Chemicals
  • E1233/E1233M - 14 Test Method for Structural Performance of Exterior Windows, Doors, Skylights, and Curtain Walls by Cyclic Air Pressure Differential
  • E1234 - 12(2020) Practice for Handling, Transporting, and Installing Nonvolatile Residue (NVR) Sample Plates Used in Environmentally Controlled Areas for Spacecraft
  • E1235 - 12(2020)e1 Test Method for Gravimetric Determination of Nonvolatile Residue (NVR) in Environmentally Controlled Areas for Spacecraft
  • E1237 - 20 Guide for Installing Bonded Resistance Strain Gages
  • E1241 - 05(2013) Guide for Conducting Early Life-Stage Toxicity Tests with Fishes
  • E1242 - 97(2014) Practice for Using Octanol-Water Partition Coefficient to Estimate Median Lethal Concentrations for Fish Due to Narcosis
  • E1245 - 03(2016) Practice for Determining the Inclusion or Second-Phase Constituent Content of Metals by Automatic Image Analysis
  • E1245-RUS - 03(2016) Стандартная методика определения содержания включений или компонентов вторичной фазы в металлах методом автоматического анализа изображений
  • E1247 - 12(2017) Practice for Detecting Fluorescence in Object-Color Specimens by Spectrophotometry
  • E1248 - 90(2017) Practice for Shredder Explosion Protection
  • E1249 - 15 Practice for Minimizing Dosimetry Errors in Radiation Hardness Testing of Silicon Electronic Devices Using Co-60 Sources
  • E1250 - 15(2020) Test Method for Application of Ionization Chambers to Assess the Low Energy Gamma Component of Cobalt-60 Irradiators Used in Radiation-Hardness Testing of Silicon Electronic Devices
  • E1251 - 17a Test Method for Analysis of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys by Spark Atomic Emission Spectrometry
  • E1252 - 98(2013)e1 Practice for General Techniques for Obtaining Infrared Spectra for Qualitative Analysis
  • E1252-RUS - 98(2013)e1 Стандартная методика применения общих методов регистрации инфракрасных спектров для качественного анализа проб
  • E1253 - 13 Guide for Reconstitution of Irradiated Charpy-Sized Specimens
  • E1254 - 13(2018) Guide for Storage of Radiographs and Unexposed Industrial Radiographic Films
  • E1255 - 16 Practice for Radioscopy
  • E1256 - 17 Test Methods for Radiation Thermometers (Single Waveband Type)
  • E1257 - 16 Guide for Evaluating Grinding Materials Used for Surface Preparation in Spectrochemical Analysis
  • E1258 - 88(2018) Test Method for Airflow Calibration of Fan Pressurization Devices
  • E1259 - 18 Practice for Evaluation of Antimicrobials in Liquid Fuels Boiling Below 390 °C
  • E1260 - 03(2020) Test Method for Determining Liquid Drop Size Characteristics in a Spray Using Optical Nonimaging Light-Scattering Instruments
  • E1262 - 88(2018) Guide for Performance of Chinese Hamster Ovary Cell/Hypoxanthine Guanine Phosphoribosyl Transferase Gene Mutation Assay
  • E1264 - 19 Classification for Acoustical Ceiling Products
  • E1265 - 04(2013) Test Method for Measuring Insertion Loss of Pneumatic Exhaust Silencers
  • E1266 - 20 Practice for Processing Mixtures of Lime, Fly Ash, and Heavy Metal Wastes in Structural Fills and Other Construction Applications
  • E1268 - 19 Practice for Assessing the Degree of Banding or Orientation of Microstructures
  • E1268-RU-RU - 19 Стандартное практическое руководство по оценке степени полосчатости или ориентации микроструктур
  • E1269 - 11(2018) Test Method for Determining Specific Heat Capacity by Differential Scanning Calorimetry
  • E1270 - 88(2014) Test Method for Equal Arm Balances
  • E1272 - 02(2019) Specification for Laboratory Glass Graduated Cylinders
  • E1273 - 88(2019) Specification for Color Coding of Reusable Laboratory Pipets
  • E1274 - 18 Test Method for Measuring Pavement Roughness Using a Profilograph
  • E1277 - 14 Test Method for Analysis of Zinc-5 % Aluminum-Mischmetal Alloys by ICP Emission Spectrometry
  • E1281 - 15 Guide for Nuclear Facility Decommissioning Plans
  • E1282 - 11(2016) Guide for Specifying the Chemical Compositions and Selecting Sampling Practices and Quantitative Analysis Methods for Metals, Ores, and Related Materials
  • E1282-RU-RU - 11(2016) Стандартное руководство по установлению химического состава и выбору практических руководств по отбору проб и методов количественного анализа для металлов, руд и родственных материалов
  • E1289 - 08(2016) Specification for Reference Specimen for Sound Transmission Loss
  • E1292 - 94(2016) Specification for Gravity Convection and Forced Ventilation Incubators
  • E1293 - 02(2019) Specification for Glass Measuring Pipets
  • E1295 - 01(2013) Guide for Conducting Three-Brood, Renewal Toxicity Tests with Ceriodaphnia dubia
  • E1297 - 18 Test Method for Measuring Fast-Neutron Reaction Rates by Radioactivation of Niobium
  • E1299 - 96(2016) Specification for Reusable Phase-Change-Type Fever Thermometer for Intermittent Determination of Human Temperature
  • E1300 - 16 Practice for Determining Load Resistance of Glass in Buildings
  • E1302 - 13(2017) Guide for Acute Animal Toxicity Testing of Water-Miscible Metalworking Fluids
  • E1303 - 95(2017) Practice for Refractive Index Detectors Used in Liquid Chromatography
  • E1304 - 97(2020) Test Method for Plane-Strain (Chevron-Notch) Fracture Toughness of Metallic Materials
  • E1306 - 17 Practice for Preparation of Metal and Alloy Samples for Chemical Analysis by Electric Arc Remelting
  • E1307 - 18 Practice for Surface Preparation and Structural Adhesive Bonding of Precured, Nonmetallic Composite Facings to Structural Core for Flat Shelter Panels
  • E1311 - 14(2018) Practice for Minimum Detectable Temperature Difference for Thermal Imaging Systems
  • E1312 - 18 Practice for Electromagnetic (Eddy Current) Examination of Ferromagnetic Cylindrical Bar Product Above the Curie Temperature
  • E1316 - 20a Terminology for Nondestructive Examinations
  • E1317 - 19 Test Method for Flammability of Surface Finishes
  • E1318 - 09(2017) Specification for Highway Weigh-In-Motion (WIM) Systems with User Requirements and Test Methods
  • E1319 - 98(2014) Guide for High-Temperature Static Strain Measurement
  • E1320 - 20 Reference Radiographs for Titanium Castings
  • E1321 - 18 Test Method for Determining Material Ignition and Flame Spread Properties
  • E1323 - 15(2020) Guide for Evaluating Laboratory Measurement Practices and the Statistical Analysis of the Resulting Data
  • E1324 - 16 Guide for Measuring Some Electronic Characteristics of Ultrasonic Testing Instruments
  • E1324-RUS - 16 Стандартное руководство по измерению некоторых электронных характеристик ультразвуковых приборов для испытаний
  • E1325 - 16 Terminology Relating to Design of Experiments
  • E1326 - 20 Guide for Evaluating Non-culture Microbiological Tests
  • E1327 - 07(2018) Test Method for Evaluation of Antimicrobial Handwash Formulations by Utilizing Fingernail Regions
  • E1331 - 15(2019) Test Method for Reflectance Factor and Color by Spectrophotometry Using Hemispherical Geometry
  • E1332 - 16 Classification for Rating Outdoor-Indoor Sound Attenuation
  • E1333 - 14 Test Method for Determining Formaldehyde Concentrations in Air and Emission Rates from Wood Products Using a Large Chamber
  • E1335 - 08(2017) Test Methods for Determination of Gold in Bullion by Fire Assay Cupellation Analysis
  • E1336 - 11(2017) Test Method for Obtaining Colorimetric Data From a Visual Display Unit by Spectroradiometry
  • E1337 - 19 Test Method for Determining Longitudinal Peak Braking Coefficient (PBC) of Paved Surfaces Using Standard Reference Test Tire
  • E1338 - 09(2015) Guide for Identification of Metals and Alloys in Computerized Material Property Databases
  • E1341 - 16(2020) Practice for Obtaining Spectroradiometric Data from Radiant Sources for Colorimetry
  • E1345 - 98(2019) Practice for Reducing the Effect of Variability of Color Measurement by Use of Multiple Measurements
  • E1346 - 16 Practice for Bulk Sampling, Handling, and Preparing Edible Vegetable Oils for Sensory Evaluation
  • E1347 - 06(2020) Test Method for Color and Color-Difference Measurement by Tristimulus Colorimetry
  • E1348 - 15e1 Test Method for Transmittance and Color by Spectrophotometry Using Hemispherical Geometry
  • E1349 - 06(2018) Test Method for Reflectance Factor and Color by Spectrophotometry Using Bidirectional (45°:0° or 0°:45°) Geometry
  • E1350 - 18 Guide for Testing Sheathed Thermocouples, Thermocouple Assemblies, and Connecting Wires Prior to, and After Installation or Service
  • E1351 - 01(2020) Practice for Production and Evaluation of Field Metallographic Replicas
  • E1352 - 16 Test Method for Cigarette Ignition Resistance of Mock-Up Upholstered Furniture Assemblies
  • E1353 - 16 Test Methods for Cigarette Ignition Resistance of Components of Upholstered Furniture
  • E1354 - 17 Test Method for Heat and Visible Smoke Release Rates for Materials and Products Using an Oxygen Consumption Calorimeter
  • E1355 - 12(2018) Guide for Evaluating the Predictive Capability of Deterministic Fire Models
  • E1356 - 08(2014) Test Method for Assignment of the Glass Transition Temperatures by Differential Scanning Calorimetry
  • E1358 - 97(2019) Test Method for Determination of Moisture Content of Particulate Wood Fuels Using a Microwave Oven
  • E1359 - 17 Guide for Auditing and Evaluating Capabilities of Nondestructive Testing Agencies
  • E1360 - 05(2019) Practice for Specifying Color by Using the Optical Society of America Uniform Color Scales System
  • E1361 - 02(2014)e1 Guide for Correction of Interelement Effects in X-Ray Spectrometric Analysis
  • E1362 - 15(2019) Test Methods for Calibration of Non-Concentrator Photovoltaic Non-Primary Reference Cells
  • E1363 - 18 Test Method for Temperature Calibration of Thermomechanical Analyzers
  • E1364 - 95(2017) Test Method for Measuring Road Roughness by Static Level Method
  • E1366 - 11(2016) Practice for Standardized Aquatic Microcosms: Fresh Water
  • E1367 - 03(2014) Test Method for Measuring the Toxicity of Sediment-Associated Contaminants with Estuarine and Marine Invertebrates
  • E1368 - 14 Practice for Visual Inspection of Asbestos Abatement Projects
  • E1369 - 15(2020)e1 Guide for Selecting Techniques for Treating Uncertainty and Risk in the Economic Evaluation of Buildings and Building Systems
  • E1370 - 14 Guide for Air Sampling Strategies for Worker and Workplace Protection
  • E1374 - 18e1 Guide for Office Acoustics and Applicable ASTM Standards
  • E1377 - 99(2016) Specification for Laboratory Glass Kjeldahl Flasks
  • E1378 - 99(2016) Specification for Laboratory Glass Multiple Neck Distilling/Boiling Flasks
  • E1379 - 90(2016) Specification for Laboratory Glass Dewar Flask
  • E1380 - 90(2015) Specification for Color Coding of Laboratory Pipets with Multiple Graduations, 0.1 mL and Larger, But Excluding Disposable Prothrombin and Disposable Micropipets
  • E1382 - 97(2015) Test Methods for Determining Average Grain Size Using Semiautomatic and Automatic Image Analysis
  • E1382-RU-RU - 97(2015) Стандартные методы испытания для определения среднего размера зерна с использованием полуавтоматического и автоматического анализа изображений
  • E1386 - 15 Practice for Separation of Ignitable Liquid Residues from Fire Debris Samples by Solvent Extraction
  • E1388 - 17 Practice for Static Headspace Sampling of Vapors from Fire Debris Samples
  • E1390 - 12(2016) Specification for Illuminators Used for Viewing Industrial Radiographs
  • E1391 - 03(2014) Guide for Collection, Storage, Characterization, and Manipulation of Sediments for Toxicological Testing and for Selection of Samplers Used to Collect Benthic Invertebrates
  • E1395 - 90(2017) Test Method for Sensory Evaluation of Low Heat Chilies
  • E1396 - 90(2017) Test Method for Sensory Evaluation of Oleoresin Capsicum
  • E1399/E1399M - 97(2017) Test Method for Cyclic Movement and Measuring the Minimum and Maximum Joint Widths of Architectural Joint Systems
  • E1402 - 13(2018) Guide for Sampling Design
  • E1403 - 97(2019) Specification for Laboratory Glass Boiling Flasks
  • E1404 - 94(2019) Specification for Laboratory Glass Conical Flasks
  • E1404-RU-RU - 94(2019) Стандартные технические условия на конические лабораторные стеклянные колбы
  • E1405 - 98(2016) Specification for Laboratory Glass Distillation Flasks
  • E1406 - 95(2016) Specification for Laboratory Glass Filter Flasks
  • E1409 - 13 Test Method for Determination of Oxygen and Nitrogen in Titanium and Titanium Alloys by Inert Gas Fusion
  • E1411 - 16 Practice for Qualification of Radioscopic Systems
  • E1412 - 19 Practice for Separation of Ignitable Liquid Residues from Fire Debris Samples by Passive Headspace Concentration with Activated Charcoal
  • E1413 - 19 Practice for Separation of Ignitable Liquid Residues from Fire Debris Samples by Dynamic Headspace Concentration onto an Adsorbent Tube
  • E1414/E1414M - 16 Test Method for Airborne Sound Attenuation Between Rooms Sharing a Common Ceiling Plenum
  • E1415 - 91(2012) Guide for Conducting Static Toxicity Tests With Lemna gibba G3
  • E1416 - 16a Practice for Radioscopic Examination of Weldments
  • E1417/E1417M - 16 Practice for Liquid Penetrant Testing
  • E1417/E1417M-RU-RU - 16 Стандартное практическое руководство по капиллярной дефектоскопии
  • E1418 - 16 Practice for Visible Penetrant Testing Using the Water-Washable Process
  • E1418-RU-RU - 16 Стандартное практическое руководство по капиллярной дефектоскопии с применением процесса промывки водой
  • E1419/E1419M - 15a(2020) Practice for Examination of Seamless, Gas-Filled, Pressure Vessels Using Acoustic Emission
  • E1421 - 99(2015)e1 Practice for Describing and Measuring Performance of Fourier Transform Mid-Infrared (FT-MIR) Spectrometers: Level Zero and Level One Tests
  • E1421-RUS - 99(2015)e1 Стандартная методика описания и измерения рабочих характеристик спектрометров, выполняющих преобразование Фурье в средней инфракрасной области спектра (FT-MIR): испытания нулевого и первого уровня
  • E1423 - 14 Practice for Determining Steady State Thermal Transmittance of Fenestration Systems
  • E1424 - 91(2016) Test Method for Determining the Rate of Air Leakage Through Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors Under Specified Pressure and Temperature Differences Across the Specimen
  • E1425 - 14 Practice for Determining the Acoustical Performance of Windows, Doors, Skylight, and Glazed Wall Systems
  • E1426 - 14(2019)e1 Test Method for Determining the X-Ray Elastic Constants for Use in the Measurement of Residual Stress Using X-Ray Diffraction Techniques
  • E1428 - 15a Test Method for Evaluating the Performance of Antimicrobials in or on Polymeric Solids Against Staining by Streptomyce species (A Pink Stain Organism)
  • E1432 - 19 Practice for Defining and Calculating Individual and Group Sensory Thresholds from Forced-Choice Data Sets of Intermediate Size
  • E1438 - 11(2019) Guide for Measuring Widths of Interfaces in Sputter Depth Profiling Using SIMS
  • E1439 - 12(2019) Guide for Conducting the Frog Embryo Teratogenesis Assay-Xenopus (FETAX)
  • E1440 - 91(2012) Guide for Acute Toxicity Test with the Rotifer Brachionus
  • E1441 - 19 Guide for Computed Tomography (CT)
  • E1441-RU-RU - 19 Стандартное руководство по компьютерной томографии (КТ)
  • E1444/E1444M - 16e1 Practice for Magnetic Particle Testing
  • E1444/E1444M-RUS - 16e1 Стандартная методика магнитопорошковой дефектоскопии
  • E1445 - 08(2015) Terminology Relating to Hazard Potential of Chemicals
  • E1445-RUS - 08(2015) Стандартная терминология по потенциальной опасности химических веществ
  • E1446 - 13 Test Method for Chemical Analysis of Refined Gold by Direct Current Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry
  • E1447 - 09(2016) Test Method for Determination of Hydrogen in Titanium and Titanium Alloys by Inert Gas Fusion Thermal Conductivity/Infrared Detection Method
  • E1447-RU-RU - 09(2016) Стандартный метод испытаний для определения содержания водорода в титане и титановых сплавах посредством метода определения коэффициента теплопроводности при плавке в инертном газе/инфракрасного обнаружения
  • E1448/E1448M - 09(2015) Practice for Calibration of Systems Used for Measuring Vehicular Response to Pavement Roughness
  • E1449 - 92(2019) Guide for Supercritical Fluid Chromatography Terms and Relationships
  • E1450 - 16 Test Method for Tension Testing of Structural Alloys in Liquid Helium
  • E1453 - 20 Guide for Storage of Magnetic Tape Media that Contains Analog or Digital Radioscopic Data
  • E1455 - 17 Practice for Obtaining Colorimetric Data from a Visual Display Unit Using Tristimulus Colorimeters
  • E1457 - 19e1 Test Method for Measurement of Creep Crack Growth Times in Metals
  • E1458 - 12(2016) Test Method for Calibration Verification of Laser Diffraction Particle Sizing Instruments Using Photomask Reticles
  • E1459 - 13(2018) Guide for Physical Evidence Labeling and Related Documentation
  • E1461 - 13 Test Method for Thermal Diffusivity by the Flash Method
  • E1462 - 12(2018) Test Methods for Insulation Integrity and Ground Path Continuity of Photovoltaic Modules
  • E1463 - 92(2012) Guide for Conducting Static and Flow-Through Acute Toxicity Tests With Mysids From the West Coast of the United States
  • E1473 - 16 Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Nickel, Cobalt and High-Temperature Alloys
  • E1473-RU-RU - 16 Стандартные методы химического анализа сплавов на основе никеля, кобальта и жаропрочных сплавов
  • E1474 - 20a Test Method for Determining the Heat Release Rate of Upholstered Furniture and Mattress Components or Composites Using a Bench Scale Oxygen Consumption Calorimeter
  • E1475 - 13(2018) Guide for Data Fields for Computerized Transfer of Digital Radiological Examination Data
  • E1476 - 04(2014) Guide for Metals Identification, Grade Verification, and Sorting
  • E1476-RU-RU - 04(2014) Стандартное руководство по идентификации, верификации марки и сортировке металлов
  • E1477 - 98A(2017)e1 Test Method for Luminous Reflectance Factor of Acoustical Materials by Use of Integrating-Sphere Reflectometers
  • E1478 - 97(2015) Practice for Visual Color Evaluation of Transparent Sheet Materials
  • E1479 - 16 Practice for Describing and Specifying Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometers
  • E1480 - 92(2013) Terminology of Facility Management (Building-Related)
  • E1481 - 00a(2014)e1 Terminology of Railing Systems and Rails for Buildings
  • E1482 - 12(2017) Practice for Use of Gel Filtration Columns for Cytotoxicity Reduction and Neutralization
  • E1486 - 14 Test Method for Determining Floor Tolerances Using Waviness, Wheel Path and Levelness Criteria
  • E1486M - 14 Test Method for Determining Floor Tolerances Using Waviness, Wheel Path and Levelness Criteria (Metric)
  • E1488 - 12(2018) Guide for Statistical Procedures to Use in Developing and Applying Test Methods
  • E1489 - 08(2019) Practice for Computing Ride Number of Roads from Longitudinal Profile Measurements Made by an Inertial Profile Measuring Device
  • E1490 - 19 Guide for Two Sensory Descriptive Analysis Approaches for Skin Creams and Lotions
  • E1491 - 06(2019) Test Method for Minimum Autoignition Temperature of Dust Clouds
  • E1492 - 11(2017) Practice for Receiving, Documenting, Storing, and Retrieving Evidence in a Forensic Science Laboratory
  • E1494 - 18 Practice for Testing Physical Properties of Friable Surfacing Materials
  • E1495/E1495M - 17 Guide for Acousto-Ultrasonic Assessment of Composites, Laminates, and Bonded Joints
  • E1497 - 17 Practice for Selection and Safe Use of Water-Miscible and Straight Oil Metal Removal Fluids
  • E1498 - 92(2012) Guide for Conducting Sexual Reproduction Tests with Seaweeds
  • E1499 - 16 Guide for Selection, Evaluation, and Training of Observers
  • E1502 - 16 Guide for Use of Fixed-Point Cells for Reference Temperatures
  • E1503 - 14 Test Method for Conducting Outdoor Sound Measurements Using a Digital Statistical Sound Analysis System
  • E1504 - 11(2019) Practice for Reporting Mass Spectral Data in Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS)
  • E1508 - 12a(2019) Guide for Quantitative Analysis by Energy-Dispersive Spectroscopy
  • E1509 - 12(2017) Specification for Room Heaters, Pellet Fuel-Burning Type
  • E1510 - 95(2013)e1 Practice for Installing Fused Silica Open Tubular Capillary Columns in Gas Chromatographs
  • E1511 - 93(2017) Practice for Testing Conductivity Detectors Used in Liquid and Ion Chromatography
  • E1512 - 01(2015) Test Methods for Testing Bond Performance of Bonded Anchors
  • E1513/E1513M - 93(2020) Practice for Application of Sprayed Fire-Resistive Materials (SFRMs)
  • E1514 - 98(2017)e1 Specification for Structural Standing Seam Steel Roof Panel Systems
  • E1515 - 14 Test Method for Minimum Explosible Concentration of Combustible Dusts
  • E1518 - 05(2019) Practice for Evaluation of Physical Compatibility of Pesticides in Aqueous Tank Mixtures by the Dynamic Shaker Method
  • E1519 - 16(2020) Terminology Relating to Agricultural Tank Mix Adjuvants
  • E1520 - 99(2015) Test Method for Particle Counts Per Pound of Granular Carriers and Dry-Applied Granular Formulations
  • E1521 - 19 Test Method for Liquid Holding Capacity of Granular Carriers
  • E1522 - 93(2019) Specification for Autoclavable Protective Coatings on Laboratory Glassware
  • E1523 - 15 Guide to Charge Control and Charge Referencing Techniques in X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy
  • E1525 - 02(2014) Guide for Designing Biological Tests with Sediments
  • E1527 - 13 Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process
  • E1528 - 14e1 Practice for Limited Environmental Due Diligence: Transaction Screen Process
  • E1529 - 16e1 Test Methods for Determining Effects of Large Hydrocarbon Pool Fires on Structural Members and Assemblies
  • E1530 - 19 Test Method for Evaluating the Resistance to Thermal Transmission by the Guarded Heat Flow Meter Technique
  • E1534 - 93(2019) Test Method for Determination of Ash Content of Particulate Wood Fuels
  • E1537 - 16 Test Method for Fire Testing of Upholstered Furniture
  • E1542 - 20b Terminology Relating to Occupational Health and Safety
  • E1543 - 14(2018) Practice for Noise Equivalent Temperature Difference of Thermal Imaging Systems
  • E1545 - 11(2016) Test Method for Assignment of the Glass Transition Temperature by Thermomechanical Analysis
  • E1546 - 15 Guide for Development of Fire-Hazard-Assessment Standards
  • E1547 - 09(2017) Terminology Relating to Industrial and Specialty Chemicals
  • E1548 - 09(2017) Practice for Preparation of Aerospace Contamination Control Plans
  • E1549/E1549M - 13(2016) Specification for ESD Controlled Garments Required in Cleanrooms and Controlled Environments for Spacecraft for Non-Hazardous and Hazardous Operations
  • E1551 - 16(2020) Specification for a Size 4.00-8 Smooth Tread Friction Test Tire
  • E1552 - 15 Test Method for Determining Hafnium in Zirconium and Zirconium Alloys By Direct Current Plasma—Atomic Emission Spectrometry
  • E1554/E1554M - 13(2018) Test Methods for Determining Air Leakage of Air Distribution Systems by Fan Pressurization
  • E1555 - 20 Specification for Structural Paste Adhesive for Sandwich Panel Repair
  • E1556 - 20 Specification for Epoxy Resin System for Composite Skin, Honeycomb Sandwich Panel Repair
  • E1557 - 09(2020)e1 Classification for Building Elements and Related Sitework—UNIFORMAT II
  • E1558 - 09(2014) Guide for Electrolytic Polishing of Metallographic Specimens
  • E1559 - 09(2016) Test Method for Contamination Outgassing Characteristics of Spacecraft Materials
  • E1560 - 18 Test Method for Gravimetric Determination of Nonvolatile Residue From Cleanroom Wipers
  • E1561 - 20 Practice for Analysis of Strain Gage Rosette Data
  • E1562 - 00(2013) Guide for Conducting Acute, Chronic, and Life-Cycle Aquatic Toxicity Tests with Polychaetous Annelids
  • E1563 - 98(2012) Guide for Conducting Static Acute Toxicity Tests with Echinoid Embryos
  • E1564 - 00(2019) Guide for Design and Maintenance of Low-Temperature Storage Facilities for Maintaining Cryopreserved Biological Materials
  • E1565 - 00(2019) Guide for Inventory Control and Handling of Biological Material Maintained at Low Temperatures
  • E1566 - 00(2019) Guide for Handling Hazardous Biological Materials in Liquid Nitrogen
  • E1568 - 13 Test Method for Determination of Gold in Activated Carbon by Fire Assay Gravimetry
  • E1568-RU-RU - 13 Стандартный метод испытания для определения содержания золота в активированном угле посредством пробирно-гравиметрического метода
  • E1570 - 19 Practice for Fan Beam Computed Tomographic (CT) Examination
  • E1571 - 11(2016)e1 Practice for Electromagnetic Examination of Ferromagnetic Steel Wire Rope
  • E1573 - 18 Test Method for Measurement and Reporting of Masking Sound Levels Using A-Weighted and One-Third-Octave-Band Sound Pressure Levels
  • E1574 - 98(2014) Test Method for Measurement of Sound in Residential Spaces
  • E1575 - 18 Practice for Pressure Water Cleaning and Cutting
  • E1578 - 18 Guide for Laboratory Informatics
  • E1582 - 17 Test Method for Temperature Calibration of Thermogravimetric Analyzers
  • E1582-RU-RU - 17 Стандартный метод испытания для температурной калибровки термогравиметрических анализаторов
  • E1583 - 17 Practice for Evaluating Laboratories Engaged in Determination of Lead in Paint, Dust, Airborne Particulates, and Soil Taken From and Around Buildings and Related Structures
  • E1584 - 17 Test Method for Assay of Nitric Acid
  • E1587 - 17 Test Methods for Chemical Analysis of Refined Nickel
  • E1588 - 20 Practice for Gunshot Residue Analysis by Scanning Electron Microscopy/Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry
  • E1589 - 05(2015) Test Method for Evaluation of First Aid Antiseptic Drug Products
  • E1590 - 17 Test Method for Fire Testing of Mattresses
  • E1591 - 20 Guide for Obtaining Data for Fire Growth Models
  • E1592 - 05(2017) Test Method for Structural Performance of Sheet Metal Roof and Siding Systems by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference
  • E1593 - 13 Guide for Assessing the Efficacy of Air Care Products in Reducing the Perception of Indoor Malodor
  • E1594 - 16 Guide for Expression of Temperature
  • E1597 - 10(2019) Test Method for Saltwater Pressure Immersion and Temperature Testing of Photovoltaic Modules for Marine Environments
  • E1600 - 15 Test Methods for Determination of Gold in Cyanide Solutions
  • E1601 - 19 Practice for Conducting an Interlaboratory Study to Evaluate the Performance of an Analytical Method
  • E1602 - 03(2017) Guide for Construction of Solid Fuel Burning Masonry Heaters
  • E1603/E1603M - 11(2017) Practice for Leakage Measurement Using the Mass Spectrometer Leak Detector or Residual Gas Analyzer in the Hood Mode
  • E1604 - 20 Guide for Behavioral Testing in Aquatic Toxicology
  • E1605 - 19 Terminology Relating to Lead in Buildings
  • E1606 - 20 Practice for Electromagnetic (Eddy Current) Examination of Copper and Aluminum Redraw Rod for Electrical Purposes
  • E1610 - 18 Guide for Forensic Paint Analysis and Comparison
  • E1611 - 00(2013) Guide for Conducting Sediment Toxicity Tests with Polychaetous Annelids
  • E1612/E1612M - 94(2017) Specification for Preformed Architectural Compression Seals for Buildings and Parking Structures
  • E1613 - 12 Test Method for Determination of Lead by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES), Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (FAAS), or Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (GFAAS) Techniques
  • E1614 - 94(2013) Guide for Procedure for Measuring Ionizing Radiation-Induced Attenuation in Silica-Based Optical Fibers and Cables for Use in Remote Fiber-Optic Spectroscopy and Broadband Systems
  • E1615 - 16 Test Method for Iron in Trace Quantities Using the FerroZine Method
  • E1617 - 09(2019) Practice for Reporting Particle Size Characterization Data
  • E1618 - 19 Test Method for Ignitable Liquid Residues in Extracts from Fire Debris Samples by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  • E1619 - 11(2016) Test Method for Chronic Oral Toxicity Study in Rats
  • E1620 - 97(2016) Terminology Relating to Liquid Particles and Atomization
  • E1621 - 13 Guide for Elemental Analysis by Wavelength Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry
  • E1623 - 16 Test Method for Determination of Fire and Thermal Parameters of Materials, Products, and Systems Using an Intermediate Scale Calorimeter (ICAL)
  • E1627 - 19 Practice for Sensory Evaluation of Edible Oils and Fats
  • E1629 - 12(2020) Practice for Determining the Impedance of Absolute Eddy-Current Probes
  • E1634 - 11(2019) Guide for Performing Sputter Crater Depth Measurements
  • E1635 - 06(2019) Practice for Reporting Imaging Data in Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS)
  • E1637 - 98(2017)e1 Specification for Structural Standing Seam Aluminum Roof Panel Systems
  • E1638 - 18 Terminology Relating to Sieves, Sieving Methods, and Screening Media
  • E1640 - 18 Test Method for Assignment of the Glass Transition Temperature By Dynamic Mechanical Analysis
  • E1640-RU-RU - 18 Стандартный метод испытания для определения температуры стеклования динамическим механическим анализом
  • E1641 - 18 Test Method for Decomposition Kinetics by Thermogravimetry Using the Ozawa/Flynn/Wall Method
  • E1642 - 00(2016) Practice for General Techniques of Gas Chromatography Infrared (GC/IR) Analysis
  • E1643 - 18a Practice for Selection, Design, Installation, and Inspection of Water Vapor Retarders Used in Contact with Earth or Granular Fill Under Concrete Slabs
  • E1644 - 17 Practice for Hot Plate Digestion of Dust Wipe Samples for the Determination of Lead
  • E1645 - 20a Practice for Preparation of Dried Paint Samples by Hotplate or Microwave Digestion for Subsequent Lead Analysis
  • E1646 - 95(2018) Test Method for Water Penetration of Exterior Metal Roof Panel Systems by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference
  • E1647 - 16 Practice for Determining Contrast Sensitivity in Radiology
  • E1648 - 20 Reference Radiographs for Examination of Aluminum Fusion Welds
  • E1652 - 15 Specification for Magnesium Oxide and Aluminum Oxide Powder and Crushable Insulators Used in the Manufacture of Base Metal Thermocouples, Metal-Sheathed Platinum Resistance Thermometers, and Noble Metal Thermocouples
  • E1653 - 94(2013) Guide for Specifying Dynamic Characteristics of Optical Radiation Transmitting Fiber Waveguides
  • E1654 - 94(2013) Guide for Measuring Ionizing Radiation-Induced Spectral Changes in Optical Fibers and Cables for Use in Remote Raman FiberOptic Spectroscopy
  • E1655 - 17 Practices for Infrared Multivariate Quantitative Analysis
  • E1655-RUS - 17 Стандартные методики проведения многомерного количественного анализа в инфракрасной области спектра
  • E1656/E1656M - 11(2016) Guide for Classification of Automated Pavement Condition Survey Equipment
  • E1657 - 98(2019) Practice for Testing Variable-Wavelength Photometric Detectors Used in Liquid Chromatography
  • E1659 - 12 Test Methods for Coating Mass and Chemical Analysis of Zinc-Nickel Alloy Electrolytically Coated on Steel Sheet
  • E1660 - 95a(2018) Classification for Serviceability of an Office Facility for Support for Office Work
  • E1661 - 95a(2018) Classification for Serviceability of an Office Facility for Meetings and Group Effectiveness
  • E1662 - 95a(2018) Classification for Serviceability of an Office Facility for Sound and Visual Environment
  • E1663 - 03(2019) Classification for Serviceability of an Office Facility for Typical Office Information Technology
  • E1664 - 19 Classification for Serviceability of an Office Facility for Layout and Building Factors
  • E1665 - 95a(2018) Classification for Serviceability of an Office Facility for Facility Protection
  • E1666 - 95a(2018) Classification for Serviceability of an Office Facility for Work Outside Normal Hours or Conditions
  • E1667 - 95a(2018) Classification for Serviceability of an Office Facility for Image to the Public and Occupants
  • E1668 - 95a(2018) Classification for Serviceability of an Office Facility for Amenities to Attract and Retain Staff
  • E1669 - 95a(2018) Classification for Serviceability of an Office Facility for Location, Access and Wayfinding
  • E1670 - 95a(2018) Classification for Serviceability of an Office Facility for Management of Operations and Maintenance
  • E1671 - 95a(2018) Classification for Serviceability of an Office Facility for Cleanliness
  • E1672 - 12(2020) Guide for Computed Tomography (CT) System Selection
  • E1673 - 96(2017) Test Method for Percent Suspensibility
  • E1675 - 20 Practice for Sampling Two-Phase Geothermal Fluid for Purposes of Chemical Analysis
  • E1676 - 12 Guide for Conducting Laboratory Soil Toxicity or Bioaccumulation Tests with the Lumbricid Earthworm Eisenia Fetida and the Enchytraeid Potworm Enchytraeus albidus
  • E1677 - 19 Specification for Air Barrier (AB) Material or Assemblies for Low-Rise Framed Building Walls
  • E1678 - 15 Test Method for Measuring Smoke Toxicity for Use in Fire Hazard Analysis
  • E1679 - 13(2019) Practice for Setting the Requirements for the Serviceability of a Building or Building-Related Facility, and for Determining What Serviceability is Provided or Proposed
  • E1680 - 16 Test Method for Rate of Air Leakage through Exterior Metal Roof Panel Systems
  • E1681 - 03(2020) Test Method for Determining Threshold Stress Intensity Factor for Environment-Assisted Cracking of Metallic Materials
  • E1682 - 08(2018) Guide for Modeling the Colorimetric Properties of a CRT-Type Visual Display Unit
  • E1683 - 02(2014)e1 Practice for Testing the Performance of Scanning Raman Spectrometers
  • E1684/E1684M - 19 Specification for Miniature Thermocouple Connectors
  • E1685 - 20 Practice for Measuring the Change in Length of Bolts Using the Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo Technique
  • E1686 - 16 Guide for Applying Environmental Noise Measurement Methods and Criteria
  • E1687 - 19 Test Method for Determining Carcinogenic Potential of Virgin Base Oils in Metalworking Fluids
  • E1688 - 19 Guide for Determination of the Bioaccumulation of Sediment-Associated Contaminants by Benthic Invertebrates
  • E1689 - 20 Guide for Developing Conceptual Site Models for Contaminated Sites
  • E1690 - 08(2016) Test Method for Determination of Ethanol Extractives in Biomass
  • E1692 - 95a(2018) Classification for Serviceability of an Office Facility for Change and Churn by Occupants
  • E1693 - 95(2018) Classification for Serviceability of an Office Facility for Protection of Occupant Assets
  • E1694 - 95a(2018) Classification for Serviceability of an Office Facility for Special Facilities and Technologies
  • E1695 - 20 Test Method for Measurement of Computed Tomography (CT) System Performance
  • E1696 - 15 Test Method for Field Measurement of Raised Retroreflective Pavement Markers Using a Portable Retroreflectometer
  • E1697 - 05(2020) Test Method for Unipolar Magnitude Estimation of Sensory Attributes
  • E1698 - 95(2017) Practice for Testing Electrolytic Conductivity Detectors (ELCD) Used in Gas Chromatography
  • E1699 - 14(2020) Practice for Performing Value Engineering (VE)/Value Analysis (VA) of Projects, Products and Processes
  • E1700 - 16 Classification for Serviceability of an Office Facility for Structure and Building Envelope
  • E1701 - 95(2018) Classification for Serviceability of an Office Facility for Manageability
  • E1703/E1703M - 10(2015) Test Method for Measuring Rut-Depth of Pavement Surfaces Using a Straightedge
  • E1704 - 95(2018) Guide for Specifying Acoustical Performance of Sound-Isolating Enclosures
  • E1705 - 15 Terminology Relating to Biotechnology
  • E1706 - 20 Test Method for Measuring the Toxicity of Sediment-Associated Contaminants with Freshwater Invertebrates
  • E1708 - 20 Practice for Electronic Interchange of Color and Appearance Data
  • E1709 - 16e2 Test Method for Measurement of Retroreflective Signs Using a Portable Retroreflectometer at a 0.2 Degree Observation Angle
  • E1710 - 18 Test Method for Measurement of Retroreflective Pavement Marking Materials with CEN-Prescribed Geometry Using a Portable Retroreflectometer
  • E1711 - 20 Guide for Measurement of Behavior During Fish Toxicity Tests
  • E1714 - 07(2013) Guide for Properties of a Universal Healthcare Identifier (UHID)
  • E1719 - 12(2018) Test Method for Vapor Pressure of Liquids by Ebulliometry
  • E1721 - 01(2020) Test Method for Determination of Acid-Insoluble Residue in Biomass
  • E1725 - 19 Test Methods for Fire Tests of Fire-Resistive Barrier Systems for Electrical System Components
  • E1726 - 20 Practice for Preparation of Soil Samples by Hotplate Digestion for Subsequent Lead Analysis
  • E1727 - 20 Practice for Field Collection of Soil Samples for Subsequent Lead Determination
  • E1728/E1728M - 20 Practice for Collection of Settled Dust Samples Using Wipe Sampling Methods for Subsequent Lead Determination
  • E1729 - 20 Practice for Field Collection of Dried Paint Samples for Subsequent Lead Determination
  • E1730 - 19 Specification for Rigid Foam for Use in Structural Sandwich Panel Cores
  • E1731 - 11(2018) Test Method for Gravimetric Determination of Nonvolatile Residue from Cleanroom Gloves
  • E1732 - 19e1 Terminology Relating to Forensic Science
  • E1733 - 95(2014) Guide for Use of Lighting in Laboratory Testing
  • E1734 - 16a Practice for Radioscopic Examination of Castings
  • E1735 - 19 Practice for Determining Relative Image Quality Response of Industrial Radiographic Imaging Systems from 4 to 25 MeV
  • E1736 - 15 Practice for Acousto-Ultrasonic Assessment of Filament-Wound Pressure Vessels
  • E1736-RU-RU - 15 Стандартные практические указания по акустикоультразвуковому анализу герметичных сосудов, изготовленных намоткой нити
  • E1739 - 95(2015) Guide for Risk-Based Corrective Action Applied at Petroleum Release Sites
  • E1740 - 20a Test Method for Determining the Heat Release Rate and Other Fire-Test-Response Characteristics of Wall Covering or Ceiling Covering Composites Using a Cone Calorimeter
  • E1742/E1742M - 18 Practice for Radiographic Examination
  • E1745 - 17 Specification for Plastic Water Vapor Retarders Used in Contact with Soil or Granular Fill under Concrete Slabs
  • E1746 - 17a Test Method for Sampling and Analysis of Liquid Chlorine for Gaseous Impurities
  • E1746-RU-RU - 17a Стандартный метод испытания для отбора проб и анализа жидкого хлора на газообразные примеси
  • E1747 - 95(2019) Guide for Purity of Carbon Dioxide Used in Supercritical Fluid Applications
  • E1748 - 95(2017) Test Method for Evaluating the Engagement Between Windows and Insect Screens as an Integral System
  • E1749 - 18 Terminology Relating to Rigid Wall Relocatable Shelters
  • E1750 - 10(2016) Guide for Use of Water Triple Point Cells
  • E1751/E1751M - 20 Guide for Temperature Electromotive Force (emf) Tables for Non-Letter Designated Thermocouple Combinations
  • E1753 - 19 Practice for Use of Qualitative Chemical Spot Test Kits for Detection of Lead in Dry Paint Films
  • E1754 - 17a Test Method for Determination of Low Levels of Water in Liquid Chlorine By Infrared Spectrophotometry
  • E1755 - 01(2020) Test Method for Ash in Biomass
  • E1756 - 08(2020) Test Method for Determination of Total Solids in Biomass
  • E1757 - 19 Practice for Preparation of Biomass for Compositional Analysis
  • E1758 - 01(2020) Test Method for Determination of Carbohydrates in Biomass by High Performance Liquid Chromatography
  • E1760 - 16 Guide for Unrestricted Disposition of Bulk Materials Containing Residual Amounts of Radioactivity
  • E1765 - 16e1 Practice for Applying Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to Multiattribute Decision Analysis of Investments Related to Projects, Products, and Processes
  • E1766 - 15 Test Method for Determination of Effectiveness of Sterilization Processes for Reusable Medical Devices
  • E1767 - 11(2017) Practice for Specifying the Geometries of Observation and Measurement to Characterize the Appearance of Materials
  • E1768 - 95(2013) Guide for Ventilatory Behavioral Toxicology Testing of Freshwater Fish
  • E1770 - 19 Practice for Optimization of Instrumentation for Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
  • E1773 - 18 Practice for Sealing Rigid Wall Tactical Shelters with Polysulfide Based Sealants
  • E1774 - 17 Guide for Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducers (EMATs)
  • E1775 - 20 Guide for Evaluating Performance of On-Site Extraction and Field-Portable Electrochemical or Spectrophotometric Analysis for Lead
  • E1776 - 16 Guide for Development of Fire-Risk-Assessment Standards
  • E1777 - 09(2019) Guide for Prioritization of Data Needs for Pavement Management
  • E1778 - 98a(2019) Terminology Relating to Pavement Distress
  • E1780 - 12 Guide for Measuring Outdoor Sound Received from a Nearby Fixed Source
  • E1781/E1781M - 20 Practice for Secondary Calibration of Acoustic Emission Sensors
  • E1782 - 14 Test Method for Determining Vapor Pressure by Thermal Analysis
  • E1783/E1783M - 96(2017) Specification for Preformed Architectural Strip Seals for Buildings and Parking Structures
  • E1786 - 17a Test Method for Determination of Low Levels of Water in Liquid Chlorine by On-Line Infrared Spectrophotometry
  • E1787 - 16 Test Method for Anions in Caustic Soda and Caustic Potash (Sodium Hydroxide and Potassium Hydroxide) by Ion Chromatography
  • E1788 - 16 Test Method for Acidity in Acrylonitrile
  • E1790 - 04(2016)e1 Practice for Near Infrared Qualitative Analysis
  • E1790-RU-RU - 04(2016)e1 Стандартное практическое руководство по качественному анализу в ближней инфракрасной области спектра
  • E1791 - 96(2014) Practice for Transfer Standards for Reflectance Factor for Near-Infrared Instruments Using Hemispherical Geometry
  • E1792 - 20 Specification for Wipe Sampling Materials for Lead in Surface Dust
  • E1793 - 19 Practice for Preparation of Aluminum Alloy for Bonding in Foam and Beam Type Transportable Shelters
  • E1794 - 13 Specification for Adhesive for Bonding Foam Cored Sandwich Panels (200 °F Elevated Humidity Service), Type II Panels
  • E1795 - 20a Specification for Non-Reinforced Liquid Coating Encapsulation Products for Leaded Paint in Buildings
  • E1796 - 20 Guide for Selection and Use of Liquid Coating Encapsulation Products for Leaded Paint in Buildings
  • E1797 - 12(2017)e1 Specification for Reinforced Liquid Coating Encapsulation Products for Leaded Paint in Buildings
  • E1799 - 12(2018) Practice for Visual Inspections of Photovoltaic Modules
  • E1800 - 13 Specification for Adhesive for Bonding Foam Cored Sandwich Panels (160 °F Elevated Humidity Service), Type I Panels
  • E1801 - 15 Practice for Adhesive Bonding of Aluminum Facings in Foam and Beam Type Shelters
  • E1802 - 12(2018) Test Methods for Wet Insulation Integrity Testing of Photovoltaic Modules
  • E1803 - 14 Test Methods for Determining Strength Capacities of Structural Insulated Panels
  • E1804 - 16 Practice for Performing and Reporting Cost Analysis During the Design Phase of a Project
  • E1805 - 13 Test Method for Determination of Gold in Copper Concentrates by Fire Assay Gravimetry
  • E1806 - 18 Practice for Sampling Steel and Iron for Determination of Chemical Composition
  • E1806-RU-RU - 18 Стандартное практическое руководство по отбору проб стали и чугуна для определения химического состава
  • E1808 - 96(2015) Guide for Designing and Conducting Visual Experiments
  • E1810 - 20 Guide for Evaluating Odor and Taste of Fish Suspected of Contamination
  • E1814 - 14 Practice for Computed Tomographic (CT) Examination of Castings
  • E1815 - 18 Test Method for Classification of Film Systems for Industrial Radiography
  • E1815-RU-RU - 18 Стандартный метод испытания для классификации пленочных систем для промышленной радиографии
  • E1816 - 18 Practice for Measuring thickness by Pulse-Echo Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducer (EMAT) Methods
  • E1817 - 08(2014) Practice for Controlling Quality of Radiological Examination by Using Representative Quality Indicators (RQIs)
  • E1819 - 15 Guide for Environmental Monitoring Plans for Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities
  • E1820 - 20b Test Method for Measurement of Fracture Toughness
  • E1821 - 08(2020) Test Method for Determination of Carbohydrates in Biomass by Gas Chromatography
  • E1822 - 17 Test Method for Fire Testing of Stacked Chairs
  • E1823 - 20b Terminology Relating to Fatigue and Fracture Testing
  • E1824 - 19 Test Method for Assignment of a Glass Transition Temperature Using Thermomechanical Analysis: Tension Method
  • E1825 - 17 Guide for Evaluation of Exterior Building Wall Materials, Products, and Systems
  • E1826 - 20 Specification for Low Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Corrosion-Inhibiting Adhesive Primer for Aluminum Alloys to Be Adhesively Bonded
  • E1827 - 11(2017) Test Methods for Determining Airtightness of Buildings Using an Orifice Blower Door
  • E1829 - 14(2020) Guide for Handling Specimens Prior to Surface Analysis
  • E1830 - 15(2019) Test Methods for Determining Mechanical Integrity of Photovoltaic Modules
  • E1832 - 08(2017) Practice for Describing and Specifying a Direct Current Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometer
  • E1833 - 07a(2013)e1 Practice for Sampling of Blister Copper in Cast Form for Determination of Chemical Composition
  • E1834 - 18 Test Method for Analysis of Nickel Alloys by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
  • E1834-RU-RU - 18 Стандартный метод испытания для анализа никелевых сплавов с помощью атомно-абсорбционной спектрометрии с графитовой печью
  • E1835 - 14 Test Method for Analysis of Nickel Alloys by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
  • E1835-RU-RU - 14 Стандартный метод испытания для анализа никелевых сплавов посредством пламенной атомно-абсорбционной спектрометрии
  • E1836/E1836M - 09(2016) Practice for Building Floor Area Measurements for Facility Management
  • E1837 - 96(2014) Test Method to Determine Efficacy of Disinfection Processes for Reusable Medical Devices (Simulated Use Test)
  • E1838 - 17 Test Method for Determining the Virus-Eliminating Effectiveness of Hygienic Handwash and Handrub Agents Using the Fingerpads of Adults
  • E1839 - 20 Practice for Efficacy of Slimicides for the Paper Industry—Bacterial and Fungal Slime
  • E1840 - 96(2014) Guide for Raman Shift Standards for Spectrometer Calibration
  • E1841 - 04(2012) Guide for Conducting Renewal Phytotoxicity Tests With Freshwater Emergent Macrophytes
  • E1843 - 20 Guide for Sexual Violence Investigation, Examination, and Evidence Collection Protocol
  • E1844 - 08(2020) Specification for a Size 10 × 4–5 Smooth-Tread Friction Test Tire
  • E1845 - 15 Practice for Calculating Pavement Macrotexture Mean Profile Depth
  • E1847 - 96(2013) Practice for Statistical Analysis of Toxicity Tests Conducted Under ASTM Guidelines
  • E1848 - 20 Guide for Selecting and Using Ecological Endpoints for Contaminated Sites
  • E1849 - 96(2013) Guide for Fish and Wildlife Incident Monitoring and Reporting
  • E1850 - 04(2019) Guide for Selection of Resident Species as Test Organisms for Aquatic and Sediment Toxicity Tests
  • E1851 - 15 Test Method for Electromagnetic Shielding Effectiveness of Durable Rigid Wall Relocatable Structures
  • E1852 - 19 Test Method for Determination of Low Levels of Antimony in Carbon and Low-Alloy Steel by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
  • E1854 - 19 Practice for Ensuring Test Consistency in Neutron-Induced Displacement Damage of Electronic Parts
  • E1855 - 20 Test Method for Use of 2N2222A Silicon Bipolar Transistors as Neutron Spectrum Sensors and Displacement Damage Monitors
  • E1856 - 13 Guide for Evaluating Computerized Data Acquisition Systems Used to Acquire Data from Universal Testing Machines
  • E1857 - 97(2013)e1 Guide for Selection of Cleaning Techniques for Masonry, Concrete, and Stucco Surfaces
  • E1858 - 08(2015)e1 Test Methods for Determining Oxidation Induction Time of Hydrocarbons by Differential Scanning Calorimetry
  • E1858-RUS - 08(2015)e1 Стандартные методы определения индукционного периода окисления углеводородов с помощью дифференциальной сканирующей калориметрии
  • E1859/E1859M - 11(2020) Test Method for Friction Coefficient Measurements Between Tire and Pavement Using a Variable Slip Technique
  • E1860 - 13(2018) Test Method for Elapsed Time Calibration of Thermal Analyzers
  • E1862 - 14(2018) Practice for Measuring and Compensating for Reflected Temperature Using Infrared Imaging Radiometers
  • E1863 - 18 Test Method for Analysis of Acrylonitrile by Gas Chromatography
  • E1865 - 97(2013) Guide for Open-Path Fourier Transform Infrared (OP/FT-IR) Monitoring of Gases and Vapors in Air
  • E1866 - 97(2013) Guide for Establishing Spectrophotometer Performance Tests
  • E1867 - 18 Test Methods for Temperature Calibration of Dynamic Mechanical Analyzers
  • E1868 - 10(2015) Test Methods for Loss-On-Drying by Thermogravimetry
  • E1868-RU-RU - 10(2015) Стандартные методы испытания для определения потерь при сушке с использованием термогравиметрии
  • E1870 - 11(2019) Test Method for Odor and Taste Transfer from Polymeric Packaging Film
  • E1871 - 17 Guide for Serving Protocol for Sensory Evaluation of Foods and Beverages
  • E1874 - 14 Test Method for Recovery of Microorganisms From Skin using the Cup Scrub Technique
  • E1875 - 20 Test Method for Dynamic Young's Modulus, Shear Modulus, and Poisson's Ratio by Sonic Resonance
  • E1876 - 15 Test Method for Dynamic Young's Modulus, Shear Modulus, and Poisson's Ratio by Impulse Excitation of Vibration
  • E1876-RU-RU - 15 Стандартный метод определения динамического модуля Юнга, модуля сдвига и коэффициента Пуассона путем импульсного возбуждения вибрации
  • E1877 - 17 Practice for Calculating Thermal Endurance of Materials from Thermogravimetric Decomposition Data
  • E1878 - 97(2019) Specification for Laboratory Glass Volumetric Flasks, Special Use
  • E1879 - 20 Guide for Sensory Evaluation of Beverages Containing Alcohol
  • E1880 - 12(2020) Practice for Tissue Cryosection Analysis with SIMS
  • E1881 - 12(2020) Guide for Cell Culture Analysis with SIMS
  • E1883 - 02(2015) Test Method for Assessment of an Antibacterial Handwash Product by Multiple Basin Wash Technique
  • E1885 - 18 Test Method for Sensory Analysis—Triangle Test
  • E1886 - 19 Test Method for Performance of Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, Doors, and Impact Protective Systems Impacted by Missile(s) and Exposed to Cyclic Pressure Differentials
  • E1888/E1888M - 17 Practice for Acoustic Emission Examination of Pressurized Containers Made of Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic with Balsa Wood Cores
  • E1889 - 97(2019) Guide for Pavement Management Implementation
  • E1890 - 11(2015) Guide for Validating New Area Reference Skid Measurement Systems and Equipment
  • E1891 - 10a(2015) Guide for Determination of a Survival Curve for Antimicrobial Agents Against Selected Microorganisms and Calculation of a D-Value and Concentration Coefficient
  • E1892 - 15 Guide for Preparing Characterization Plans for Decommissioning Nuclear Facilities
  • E1893 - 15 Guide for Selection and Use of Portable Radiological Survey Instruments for Performing In Situ Radiological Assessments to Support Unrestricted Release from Further Regulatory Controls
  • E1894 - 18 Guide for Selecting Dosimetry Systems for Application in Pulsed X-Ray Sources
  • E1897 - 14(2018) Practice for Measuring and Compensating for Transmittance of an Attenuating Medium Using Infrared Imaging Radiometers
  • E1898 - 13 Test Method for Determination of Silver in Copper Concentrates by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
  • E1899 - 16 Test Method for Hydroxyl Groups Using Reaction with p-Toluenesulfonyl Isocyanate (TSI) and Potentiometric Titration with Tetrabutylammonium Hydroxide
  • E1901 - 18 Guide for Detection and Evaluation of Discontinuities by Contact Pulse-Echo Straight-Beam Ultrasonic Methods
  • E1903 - 19 Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Process
  • E1908 - 20 Practice for Sample Selection of Debris Waste from a Building Renovation or Lead Abatement Project for Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) Testing for Leachable Lead (Pb)
  • E1909 - 13(2017) Guide for Time-Intensity Evaluation of Sensory Attributes
  • E1910/E1910M - 15 Test Method for Agricultural pH Control Agents, Measurement of pH Change and Buffering Capacity
  • E1911 - 19 Test Method for Measuring Surface Frictional Properties Using the Dynamic Friction Tester
  • E1915 - 20 Test Methods for Analysis of Metal Bearing Ores and Related Materials for Carbon, Sulfur, and Acid-Base Characteristics
  • E1916 - 11(2019) Guide for Identification of Mixed Lots of Metals
  • E1917 - 13(2018) Test Method for Determination of Phosphorus in Nickel, Ferronickel, and Nickel Alloys by Phosphovanadomolybdate Spectrophotometry
  • E1918 - 16 Test Method for Measuring Solar Reflectance of Horizontal and Low-Sloped Surfaces in the Field
  • E1920 - 03(2014) Guide for Metallographic Preparation of Thermal Sprayed Coatings
  • E1921 - 20 Test Method for Determination of Reference Temperature, To, for Ferritic Steels in the Transition Range
  • E1922 - 04(2015) Test Method for Translaminar Fracture Toughness of Laminated and Pultruded Polymer Matrix Composite Materials
  • E1925 - 18 Specification for Engineering and Design Criteria for Rigid Wall Relocatable Structures
  • E1926 - 08(2015) Practice for Computing International Roughness Index of Roads from Longitudinal Profile Measurements
  • E1927 - 98(2018) Guide for Conducting Subjective Pavement Ride Quality Ratings
  • E1928 - 13(2019) Practice for Estimating the Approximate Residual Circumferential Stress in Straight Thin-walled Tubing
  • E1930/E1930M - 17 Practice for Examination of Liquid-Filled Atmospheric and Low-Pressure Metal Storage Tanks Using Acoustic Emission
  • E1931 - 16 Guide for Non-computed X-Ray Compton Scatter Tomography
  • E1932 - 12(2017) Guide for Acoustic Emission Examination of Small Parts
  • E1933 - 14(2018) Practice for Measuring and Compensating for Emissivity Using Infrared Imaging Radiometers
  • E1934 - 99a(2018) Guide for Examining Electrical and Mechanical Equipment with Infrared Thermography
  • E1935 - 97(2019) Test Method for Calibrating and Measuring CT Density
  • E1936 - 20 Reference Radiograph for Evaluating the Performance of Radiographic Digitization Systems
  • E1938 - 13(2018) Test Method for Determination of Titanium in Nickel Alloys by Diantipyrylmethane Spectrophotometry
  • E1941 - 10(2016) Test Method for Determination of Carbon in Refractory and Reactive Metals and Their Alloys by Combustion Analysis
  • E1941-RU-RU - 10(2016) Стандартный метод испытания для определения содержания углерода в тугоплавких и химически активных металлах и их сплавах посредством анализа метода сжигания образца
  • E1942 - 98(2018)e1 Guide for Evaluating Data Acquisition Systems Used in Cyclic Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics Testing
  • E1943 - 98(2015) Guide for Remediation of Ground Water by Natural Attenuation at Petroleum Release Sites
  • E1944 - 98(2013) Practice for Describing and Measuring Performance of Laboratory Fourier Transform Near-Infrared (FT-NIR) Spectrometers: Level Zero and Level One Tests
  • E1945 - 02(2016) Test Method for Percent Dispersibility
  • E1946 - 18 Practice for Measuring Cost Risk of Buildings and Building Systems and Other Constructed Projects
  • E1947 - 98(2014) Specification for Analytical Data Interchange Protocol for Chromatographic Data
  • E1948 - 98(2014) Guide for Analytical Data Interchange Protocol for Chromatographic Data
  • E1949 - 03(2014)e1 Test Method for Ambient Temperature Fatigue Life of Metallic Bonded Resistance Strain Gages
  • E1950 - 17 Practice for Reporting Results from Methods of Chemical Analysis
  • E1951 - 14(2019) Guide for Calibrating Reticles and Light Microscope Magnifications
  • E1951-RU-RU - 14(2019) Стандартное руководство по калибровке масштабной сетки и коэффициентов увеличения светового микроскопа
  • E1952 - 17 Test Method for Thermal Conductivity and Thermal Diffusivity by Modulated Temperature Differential Scanning Calorimetry
  • E1953 - 20 Practice for Description of Thermal Analysis and Rheology Apparatus
  • E1954 - 05(2017) Practice for Conduct of Research in Psychophysiological Detection of Deception (Polygraph)
  • E1955 - 20 Radiographic Examination for Soundness of Welds in Steel by Comparison to Graded ASTM Reference Radiographs
  • E1957 - 04(2018) Practice for Installing and Using Pneumatic Tubes With Roadway Traffic Counters and Classifiers
  • E1958 - 20 Guide for Sensory Claim Substantiation
  • E1960 - 07(2015) Practice for Calculating International Friction Index of a Pavement Surface
  • E1961 - 16 Practice for Mechanized Ultrasonic Testing of Girth Welds Using Zonal Discrimination with Focused Search Units
  • E1962 - 19 Practice for Ultrasonic Surface Testing Using Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducer (EMAT) Techniques
  • E1963 - 09(2014) Guide for Conducting Terrestrial Plant Toxicity Tests
  • E1965 - 98(2016) Specification for Infrared Thermometers for Intermittent Determination of Patient Temperature
  • E1966 - 15(2019) Test Method for Fire-Resistive Joint Systems
  • E1967 - 19 Test Method for the Automated Determination of Refractive Index of Glass Samples Using the Oil Immersion Method and a Phase Contrast Microscope
  • E1968 - 19 Practice for Microcrystal Testing in Forensic Analysis for Cocaine
  • E1969 - 19 Practice for Microcrystal Testing in Forensic Analysis for Methamphetamine and Amphetamine
  • E1970 - 16 Practice for Statistical Treatment of Thermoanalytical Data
  • E1971 - 19 Guide for Stewardship for the Cleaning of Commercial and Institutional Buildings
  • E1974 - 19 Specification for Shelter, Electrical Equipment S-250/G
  • E1975 - 18 Specification for Shelter, Electrical, Equipment S-280/G
  • E1976 - 19 Specification for Shelter, Tactical, Nonexpandable
  • E1977 - 18 Specification for Shelter, Tactical, Expandable, One-Side
  • E1978 - 18 Specification for Shelter, Tactical, Expandable, Two-Side
  • E1979 - 17 Practice for Ultrasonic Extraction of Paint, Dust, Soil, and Air Samples for Subsequent Determination of Lead
  • E1980 - 11(2019) Practice for Calculating Solar Reflectance Index of Horizontal and Low-Sloped Opaque Surfaces
  • E1981 - 98(2020) Guide for Assessing Thermal Stability of Materials by Methods of Accelerating Rate Calorimetry
  • E1982 - 98(2013) Practice for Open-Path Fourier Transform Infrared (OP/FT-IR) Monitoring of Gases and Vapors in Air
  • E1990 - 16 Guide for Performing Evaluations of Underground Storage Tank Systems for Operational Conformance with 40 CFR, Part 280 Regulations
  • E1993/E1993M - 98(2020) Specification for Bituminous Water Vapor Retarders Used in Contact with Soil or Granular Fill Under Concrete Slabs
  • E1994 - 09(2018) Practice for Use of Process Oriented AOQL and LTPD Sampling Plans
  • E1994-RU-RU - 09(2018) Cтандартное практическое руководство по применению ориентированных на AOQL и LTPD планов отбора проб
  • E1995 - 18 Test Method for Measurement of Smoke Obscuration Using a Conical Radiant Source in a Single Closed Chamber, With the Test Specimen Oriented Horizontally
  • E1996 - 20 Specification for Performance of Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, Doors, and Impact Protective Systems Impacted by Windborne Debris in Hurricanes
  • E1997 - 15 Practice for the Selection of Spacecraft Materials
  • E1998 - 11(2018) Guide for Assessing Depressurization-Induced Backdrafting and Spillage from Vented Combustion Appliances
  • E1999 - 18 Test Method for Analysis of Cast Iron by Spark Atomic Emission Spectrometry

1.3. E2000-E2999

  • E2001 - 18 Guide for Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy for Defect Detection in Both Metallic and Non-metallic Parts
  • E2002 - 15 Practice for Determining Total Image Unsharpness and Basic Spatial Resolution in Radiography and Radioscopy
  • E2003 - 20 Practice for Fabrication of the Neutron Radiographic Beam Purity Indicators
  • E2004 - 18 Test Method for Facing Cleavage of Sandwich Panels
  • E2005 - 10(2015) Guide for Benchmark Testing of Reactor Dosimetry in Standard and Reference Neutron Fields
  • E2006 - 16 Guide for Benchmark Testing of Light Water Reactor Calculations
  • E2007 - 10(2016) Guide for Computed Radiography
  • E2008 - 17 Test Methods for Volatility Rate by Thermogravimetry
  • E2009 - 08(2014)e1 Test Methods for Oxidation Onset Temperature of Hydrocarbons by Differential Scanning Calorimetry
  • E2011 - 13 Test Method for Evaluation of Hygienic Handwash and Handrub Formulations for Virus-Eliminating Activity Using the Entire Hand
  • E2012 - 06(2020) Guide for the Preparation of a Binary Chemical Compatibility Chart
  • E2013 - 20 Practice for Developing Functions, Constructing FAST Diagrams, and Performing Function Analysis During Value Engineering (VE)/Value Analysis (VA) Study
  • E2014 - 17 Guide on Metallographic Laboratory Safety
  • E2015 - 04(2014) Guide for Preparation of Plastics and Polymeric Specimens for Microstructural Examination
  • E2015-RU-RU - 04(2014) Стандартные практические указания по подготовке пластмассовых и полимерных образцов для исследования микроструктуры
  • E2016 - 20 Specification for Industrial Woven Wire Cloth
  • E2018 - 15 Guide for Property Condition Assessments: Baseline Property Condition Assessment Process
  • E2019 - 03(2019) Test Method for Minimum Ignition Energy of a Dust Cloud in Air
  • E2020 - 16 Guide for Data and Information Options for Conducting an Ecological Risk Assessment at Contaminated Sites
  • E2021 - 15 Test Method for Hot-Surface Ignition Temperature of Dust Layers
  • E2022 - 16 Practice for Calculation of Weighting Factors for Tristimulus Integration
  • E2023 - 19 Practice for Fabrication of Neutron Radiographic Sensitivity Indicators
  • E2024/E2024M - 11(2019) Practice for Atmospheric Leaks Using a Thermal Conductivity Leak Detector
  • E2026 - 16a Guide for Seismic Risk Assessment of Buildings
  • E2027 - 17e1 Practice for Conducting Proficiency Tests in the Chemical Analysis of Metals, Ores, and Related Materials
  • E2029 - 11(2019) Test Method for Volumetric and Mass Flow Rate Measurement in a Duct Using Tracer Gas Dilution
  • E2031 - 99(2016) Practice for Quality Control of Psychophysiological Detection of Deception (Polygraph) Examinations
  • E2032 - 09(2017) Guide for Extension of Data From Fire Resistance Tests Conducted in Accordance with ASTM E 119
  • E2033 - 17 Practice for Radiographic Examination Using Computed Radiography (Photostimulable Luminescence Method)
  • E2033-RU-RU - 17 Стандартное практическое руководство по радиографическому контролю с использованием компьютерной радиографии (Фотостимулируемый метод люминесценции)
  • E2034 - 99(2017) Practices for Simulating Truck Response to Longitudinal Profiles of Vehicular Traveled Surfaces
  • E2035 - 12(2017) Terminology Relating to Forensic Psychophysiology
  • E2036 - 15 Test Method for Nitrogen Trichloride in Liquid Chlorine by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
  • E2037 - 15 Test Method for Bromine Chloride in Liquid Chlorine by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
  • E2040 - 19 Test Method for Mass Scale Calibration of Thermogravimetric Analyzers
  • E2041 - 13(2018) Test Method for Estimating Kinetic Parameters by Differential Scanning Calorimeter Using the Borchardt and Daniels Method
  • E2042/E2042M - 09(2016) Practice for Cleaning and Maintaining Controlled Areas and Clean Rooms
  • E2043 - 99(2017) Test Method for Nonvolatile Matter of Agricultural Adjuvant Solutions by Thermogravimetry
  • E2044 - 99(2019) Test Method for Spreading of Liquid Agricultural Spray Mixtures
  • E2045 - 99(2014) Practice for Detailed Clinical Observations of Test Animals
  • E2046 - 19 Test Method for Reaction Induction Time by Thermal Analysis
  • E2047 - 10(2019) Test Method for Wet Insulation Integrity Testing of Photovoltaic Arrays
  • E2049 - 20 Guide for Quantitative Attribute Evaluation of Fragrance/Odors for Hair-care Products by Trained Assessors
  • E2050 - 17 Test Method for Determination of Total Carbon in Mold Powders by Combustion
  • E2056 - 04(2016) Practice for Qualifying Spectrometers and Spectrophotometers for Use in Multivariate Analyses, Calibrated Using Surrogate Mixtures
  • E2057 - 10(2015) Specifications for Preparation of Laboratory Analysis Requests in Sexual Assault Investigations
  • E2058 - 19 Test Methods for Measurement of Material Flammability Using a Fire Propagation Apparatus (FPA)
  • E2059 - 20 Practice for Application and Analysis of Nuclear Research Emulsions for Fast Neutron Dosimetry
  • E2060 - 06(2014) Guide for Use of Coal Combustion Products for Solidification/Stabilization of Inorganic Wastes
  • E2061 - 20 Guide for Fire Hazard Assessment of Rail Transportation Vehicles
  • E2062 - 11(2017) Guide for PDD Examination Standards of Practice
  • E2063 - 12(2017) Practice for Calibration and Functionality Checks Used in Forensic Psychophysiological Detection of Deception (Polygraph) Examinations
  • E2064 - 00(2014) Guide for Minimum Continuing Education of Individuals Involved in Psychophysiological Detection of Deception (PDD)
  • E2067 - 20 Practice for Full-Scale Oxygen Consumption Calorimetry Fire Tests
  • E2068 - 00(2016) Test Method for Determination of Operating Force of Sliding Windows and Doors
  • E2069 - 19 Test Method for Temperature Calibration on Cooling of Differential Scanning Calorimeters
  • E2070 - 13(2018) Test Methods for Kinetic Parameters by Differential Scanning Calorimetry Using Isothermal Methods
  • E2071 - 00(2015) Practice for Calculating Heat of Vaporization or Sublimation from Vapor Pressure Data
  • E2072 - 14 Specification for Photoluminescent (Phosphorescent) Safety Markings
  • E2073 - 19a Test Method for Photopic Luminance of Photoluminescent (Phosphorescent) Markings
  • E2075/E2075M - 15(2020) Practice for Verifying the Consistency of AE-Sensor Response Using an Acrylic Rod
  • E2076/E2076M - 15 Practice for Examination of Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Fan Blades Using Acoustic Emission
  • E2077 - 00(2016) Specification for Analytical Data Interchange Protocol for Mass Spectrometric Data
  • E2078 - 00(2016) Guide for Analytical Data Interchange Protocol for Mass Spectrometric Data
  • E2079 - 19 Test Methods for Limiting Oxygen (Oxidant) Concentration in Gases and Vapors
  • E2080 - 14 Guide for Clinical Psychophysiological Detection of Deception (PDD) Examinations for Sex Offenders
  • E2081 - 00(2015) Guide for Risk-Based Corrective Action
  • E2082 - 12(2020) Guide for Descriptive Analysis of Shampoo Performance
  • E2083 - 05(2016) Classification for Building Construction Field Requirements, and Office Overhead & Profit
  • E2088 - 06(2015) Practice for Selecting, Preparing, Exposing, and Analyzing Witness Surfaces for Measuring Particle Deposition in Cleanrooms and Associated Controlled Environments
  • E2089 - 15(2020) Practices for Ground Laboratory Atomic Oxygen Interaction Evaluation of Materials for Space Applications
  • E2090 - 12(2020) Test Method for Size-Differentiated Counting of Particles and Fibers Released from Cleanroom Wipers Using Optical and Scanning Electron Microscopy
  • E2091 - 19 Guide for Use of Activity and Use Limitations, Including Institutional and Engineering Controls
  • E2092 - 18a Test Method for Distortion Temperature in Three-Point Bending by Thermomechanical Analysis
  • E2093 - 12(2016) Guide for Optimizing, Controlling and Assessing Test Method Uncertainties from Multiple Workstations in the Same Laboratory Organization
  • E2096/E2096M - 16 Practice for In Situ Examination of Ferromagnetic Heat-Exchanger Tubes Using Remote Field Testing
  • E2097 - 00(2014) Guide for Determining the Impact of Extractables from Non-Metallic Materials on the Safety of Biotechnology Products
  • E2098/E2098M - 13(2018) Test Method for Determining Tensile Breaking Strength of Glass Fiber Reinforcing Mesh for Use in Class PB Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems (EIFS), after Exposure to a Sodium Hydroxide Solution
  • E2099 - 00(2014)e1 Practice for the Specification and Evaluation of Pre-Construction Laboratory Mockups of Exterior Wall Systems
  • E2101 - 15(2020) Test Method for Measuring the Frictional Properties of Winter-Contaminated Pavement Surfaces Using an Averaging-Type Spot Measuring Decelerometer
  • E2102 - 17 Test Method for Measurement of Mass Loss and Ignitability for Screening Purposes Using a Conical Radiant Heater
  • E2103/E2103M - 19 Classification for Bridge Elements—UNIFORMAT II
  • E2104 - 15 Practice for Radiographic Examination of Advanced Aero and Turbine Materials and Components
  • E2105 - 00(2016) Practice for General Techniques of Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) Coupled With Infrared Analysis (TGA/IR)
  • E2105-RUS - 00(2016) Стандартная общая методика термогравиметрического анализа (ТГА), совмещенного с инфракрасным анализом (ТГА/ИК)
  • E2106 - 00(2019) Practice for General Techniques of Liquid Chromatography-Infrared (LC/IR) and Size Exclusion Chromatography-Infrared (SEC/IR) Analyses
  • E2107 - 20 Practice for Environmental Regulatory Compliance Audits
  • E2108 - 16 Practice for Calibration of the Electron Binding-Energy Scale of an X-Ray Photoelectron Spectrometer
  • E2109 - 01(2014) Test Methods for Determining Area Percentage Porosity in Thermal Sprayed Coatings
  • E2110 - 17 Terminology for Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems (EIFS)
  • E2111 - 12(2018) Quantitative Carrier Test Method to Evaluate the Bactericidal, Fungicidal, Mycobactericidal, and Sporicidal Potencies of Liquid Chemicals
  • E2112 - 19c Practice for Installation of Exterior Windows, Doors and Skylights
  • E2113 - 18 Test Method for Length Change Calibration of Thermomechanical Analyzers
  • E2114 - 19 Terminology for Sustainability Relative to the Performance of Buildings
  • E2115 - 19 Guide for Conducting Lead Hazard Assessments of Dwellings and of Other Child-Occupied Facilities
  • E2119 - 20 Practice for Quality Systems for Conducting In Situ Measurements of Lead Content in Paint or Other Coatings Using Field-Portable X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Devices
  • E2120 - 10(2016) Practice for Performance Evaluation of the Portable X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer for the Measurement of Lead in Paint Films
  • E2121 - 13 Practice for Installing Radon Mitigation Systems in Existing Low-Rise Residential Buildings
  • E2122 - 02(2013) Guide for Conducting In-situ Field Bioassays With Caged Bivalves
  • E2123 - 20 Practice for Preservation of Evidence in Sexual Violence Investigation
  • E2124 - 20 Specification for Equipment and Supplies in Sexual Violence Investigations
  • E2125 - 19 Practice for Microcrystal Testing in Forensic Analysis for Phencyclidine and Its Analogues
  • E2126 - 19 Test Methods for Cyclic (Reversed) Load Test for Shear Resistance of Vertical Elements of the Lateral Force Resisting Systems for Buildings
  • E2127 - 01A(2015)e1 Methods of Static Load Test for Combined Tensile and Transverse Load Resistance of Paneled Wall Systems in Building Construction
  • E2128 - 20 Guide for Evaluating Water Leakage of Building Walls
  • E2129 - 18 Practice for Data Collection for Sustainability Assessment of Building Products
  • E2131 - 16 Practice for Addressing and Reporting Losses of Tangible Property
  • E2132 - 17 Practice for Inventory Verification: Electronic and Physical Inventory of Assets
  • E2133 - 03(2020) Test Method for Using a Rolling Inclinometer to Measure Longitudinal and Transverse Profiles of a Traveled Surface
  • E2134/E2134M - 14(2018) Test Method for Evaluating the Tensile-Adhesion Performance of an Exterior Insulation and Finish System (EIFS)
  • E2135 - 10A(2017)e1 Terminology for Property and Asset Management
  • E2136 - 04(2013) Guide for Specifying and Evaluating Performance of Single Family Attached and Detached Dwellings—Durability
  • E2137 - 17 Guide for Estimating Monetary Costs and Liabilities for Environmental Matters
  • E2139 - 05(2018) Test Method for Same-Different Test
  • E2140 - 01(2017) Test Method for Water Penetration of Metal Roof Panel Systems by Static Water Pressure Head
  • E2141 - 14 Test Method for Accelerated Aging of Electrochromic Devices in Sealed Insulating Glass Units
  • E2142 - 08(2015) Test Methods for Rating and Classifying Inclusions in Steel Using the Scanning Electron Microscope
  • E2143 - 01(2013) Test Method for Using Field-Portable Fiber Optics Synchronous Fluorescence Spectrometer for Quantification of Field Samples for Aromatic and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
  • E2144 - 11(2016) Practice for Personal Sampling and Analysis of Endotoxin in Metalworking Fluid Aerosols in Workplace Atmospheres
  • E2147 - 18 Specification for Audit and Disclosure Logs for Use in Health Information Systems
  • E2148 - 16 Guide for Using Documents Related to Metalworking or Metal Removal Fluid Health and Safety
  • E2149 - 20 Test Method for Determining the Antimicrobial Activity of Antimicrobial Agents Under Dynamic Contact Conditions
  • E2150 - 17 Classification for Life-Cycle Environmental Work Elements—Environmental Cost Element Structure
  • E2152 - 12(2017) Practice for Computing the Colors of Fluorescent Objects from Bispectral Photometric Data
  • E2153 - 01(2017) Practice for Obtaining Bispectral Photometric Data for Evaluation of Fluorescent Color
  • E2154 - 15a Practice for Separation and Concentration of Ignitable Liquid Residues from Fire Debris Samples by Passive Headspace Concentration with Solid Phase Microextraction (SPME)
  • E2156 - 04(2013) Guide for Evaluating Economic Performance of Alternative Designs, Systems, and Materials in Compliance with Performance Standard Guides for Single-Family Attached and Detached Dwellings
  • E2157 - 15(2019) Test Method for Measuring Pavement Macrotexture Properties Using the Circular Track Meter
  • E2159 - 15 Guide for Selection, Assignment, and Monitoring of Persons To Be Utilized as Assessors/Auditors or Technical Experts
  • E2160 - 04(2018) Test Method for Heat of Reaction of Thermally Reactive Materials by Differential Scanning Calorimetry
  • E2161 - 21 Terminology Relating to Performance Validation in Thermal Analysis and Rheology
  • E2163 - 06(2014) Guide for Minimum Training Requirements for Examiners Conducting Psychophysiological Detection of Deception (PDD) Testing of Sex Offenders in Treatment, Probation or Other Similar Programs
  • E2164 - 16 Test Method for Directional Difference Test
  • E2166 - 16 Practice for Organizing and Managing Building Data
  • E2168 - 10(2016) Classification for Allowance, Contingency, and Reserve Sums in Building Construction Estimating
  • E2169 - 17 Practice for Selecting Antimicrobial Pesticides for Use in Water-Miscible Metalworking Fluids
  • E2172 - 01(2014) Guide for Conducting Laboratory Soil Toxicity Tests with the Nematode Caenorhabditis elegans
  • E2173 - 16 Guide for Disclosure of Environmental Liabilities
  • E2174 - 20a Practice for On-Site Inspection of Installed Firestop Systems
  • E2175 - 01(2013) Practice for Specifying the Geometry of Multiangle Spectrophotometers
  • E2177 - 20 Test Method for Measuring the Coefficient of Retroreflected Luminance (RL) of Pavement Markings using the Bucket Method in a Condition of Wet Recovery
  • E2178 - 13 Test Method for Air Permeance of Building Materials
  • E2179 - 03(2016) Test Method for Laboratory Measurement of the Effectiveness of Floor Coverings in Reducing Impact Sound Transmission Through Concrete Floors
  • E2180 - 18 Test Method for Determining the Activity of Incorporated Antimicrobial Agent(s) In Polymeric or Hydrophobic Materials
  • E2181/E2181M - 19 Specification for Compacted Mineral-Insulated, Metal-Sheathed, Noble Metal Thermocouples and Thermocouple Cable
  • E2186 - 02a(2016) Guide for Determining DNA Single-Strand Damage in Eukaryotic Cells Using the Comet Assay
  • E2187 - 20a Test Method for Measuring the Ignition Strength of Cigarettes
  • E2188 - 19 Test Method for Insulating Glass Unit Performance
  • E2189 - 19 Test Method for Testing Resistance to Fogging in Insulating Glass Units
  • E2190 - 19 Specification for Insulating Glass Unit Performance and Evaluation
  • E2191/E2191M - 16 Practice for Examination of Gas-Filled Filament-Wound Composite Pressure Vessels Using Acoustic Emission
  • E2192 - 13(2018) Guide for Planar Flaw Height Sizing by Ultrasonics
  • E2193 - 16 Test Method for Ultraviolet Transmittance of Monoethylene Glycol (using Ultraviolet Spectrophotometry)
  • E2194 - 14(2017) Test Method for Multiangle Color Measurement of Metal Flake Pigmented Materials
  • E2196 - 17 Test Method for Quantification of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilm Grown with Medium Shear and Continuous Flow Using Rotating Disk Reactor
  • E2197 - 17e1 Quantitative Disk Carrier Test Method for Determining Bactericidal, Virucidal, Fungicidal, Mycobactericidal, and Sporicidal Activities of Chemicals
  • E2201 - 13(2020) Terminology for Coal Combustion Products
  • E2201 - 13(2020) Terminology for Coal Combustion Products
  • E2202 - 02(2016) Practice for Measurement of Equipment-Generated Continuous Noise for Assessment of Health Hazards
  • E2203 - 14(2018) Specification for Dense Thermoplastic Elastomers Used for Compression Seals, Gaskets, Setting Blocks, Spacers and Accessories
  • E2204 - 15(2020)e1 Guide for Summarizing the Economic Impacts of Building-Related Projects
  • E2205/E2205M - 02(2014) Guide for Risk-Based Corrective Action for Protection of Ecological Resources
  • E2206 - 11(2015) Test Method for Force Calibration of Thermomechanical Analyzers
  • E2207 - 15 Practice for Strain-Controlled Axial-Torsional Fatigue Testing with Thin-Walled Tubular Specimens
  • E2207-RU-RU - 15 Стандартное практическое руководство по проведению испытания на усталость при осевом и крутящем нагружении с тонкостенными трубными образцами при контролируемой деформации
  • E2208 - 02(2018)e1 Guide for Evaluating Non-Contacting Optical Strain Measurement Systems
  • E2209 - 13 Test Method for Analysis of High Manganese Steel by Spark Atomic Emission Spectrometry
  • E2210 - 12 Specification for Guideline Elements Model version 3 (GEM III)—Document Model for Clinical Practice Guidelines
  • E2213 - 03(2018) Specification for Telecommunications and Information Exchange Between Roadside and Vehicle Systems — 5-GHz Band Dedicated Short-Range Communications (DSRC), Medium Access Control (MAC), and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications
  • E2214 - 20 Practice for Specifying and Verifying the Performance of Color-Measuring Instruments
  • E2215 - 19 Practice for Evaluation of Surveillance Capsules from Light-Water Moderated Nuclear Power Reactor Vessels
  • E2216 - 02(2020) Guide for Evaluating Disposal Options for Concrete from Nuclear Facility Decommissioning
  • E2217 - 12(2019) Practice for Design and Construction of Aerospace Cleanrooms and Contamination Controlled Areas
  • E2218 - 15 Test Method for Determining Forming Limit Curves
  • E2223 - 13(2018)e1 Practice for Examination of Seamless, Gas-Filled, Steel Pressure Vessels Using Angle Beam Ultrasonics
  • E2224 - 19 Guide for Forensic Analysis of Fibers by Infrared Spectroscopy
  • E2225 - 19a Guide for Forensic Examination of Fabrics and Cordage
  • E2226 - 15b(2019) Practice for Application of Hose Stream
  • E2227 - 13 Guide for Forensic Examination of Non-Reactive Dyes in Textile Fibers by Thin-Layer Chromatography
  • E2228 - 19 Guide for Microscopical Examination of Textile Fibers
  • E2229 - 09(2018) Practices for Interpretation of Psychophysiological Detection of Deception (Polygraph) Data
  • E2230 - 13 Practice for Thermal Qualification of Type B Packages for Radioactive Material
  • E2231 - 19 Practice for Specimen Preparation and Mounting of Pipe and Duct Insulation Materials to Assess Surface Burning Characteristics
  • E2232 - 16 Guide for Selection and Use of Mathematical Methods for Calculating Absorbed Dose in Radiation Processing Applications
  • E2234 - 09(2018) Practice for Sampling a Stream of Product by Attributes Indexed by AQL
  • E2235 - 04(2020) Test Method for Determination of Decay Rates for Use in Sound Insulation Test Methods
  • E2236 - 10(2019) Test Methods for Measurement of Electrical Performance and Spectral Response of Nonconcentrator Multijunction Photovoltaic Cells and Modules
  • E2239 - 20 Practice for Record Keeping and Record Preservation for Lead Hazard Activities
  • E2242 - 13 Test Method for Column Percolation Extraction of Mine Rock by the Meteoric Water Mobility Procedure
  • E2243 - 13(2019) Guide for Use of Coal Combustion Products (CCPs) for Surface Mine Reclamation: Re-contouring and Highwall Reclamation
  • E2244 - 11(2018) Test Method for In-Plane Length Measurements of Thin, Reflecting Films Using an Optical Interferometer
  • E2245 - 11(2018) Test Method for Residual Strain Measurements of Thin, Reflecting Films Using an Optical Interferometer
  • E2246 - 11(2018) Test Method for Strain Gradient Measurements of Thin, Reflecting Films Using an Optical Interferometer
  • E2247 - 16 Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Process for Forestland or Rural Property
  • E2248 - 18 Test Method for Impact Testing of Miniaturized Charpy V-notch Specimens
  • E2249 - 19 Test Method for Laboratory Measurement of Airborne Transmission Loss of Building Partitions and Elements Using Sound Intensity
  • E2251 - 14 Specification for Liquid-in-Glass ASTM Thermometers with Low-Hazard Precision Liquids
  • E2252 - 18 Practice for Selection of Lead Hazard Reduction Methods for Identified Risks in Residential Housing or Child Occupied Facilities
  • E2253 - 16 Test Method for Temperature and Enthalpy Measurement Validation of Differential Scanning Calorimeters
  • E2254 - 18 Test Method for Storage Modulus Calibration of Dynamic Mechanical Analyzers
  • E2255/E2255M - 18a Practice for Conducting Visual Assessments for Lead Hazards in Buildings
  • E2256 - 19 Guide for Hydraulic Integrity of New, Repaired, or Reconstructed Aboveground Storage Tank Bottoms for Petroleum Service
  • E2257 - 17 Test Method for Room Fire Test of Wall and Ceiling Materials and Assemblies
  • E2259 - 03a(2018) Guide for Archiving and Retrieving Intelligent Transportation Systems-Generated Data
  • E2260 - 03(2012)e1 Guide for Repointing (Tuckpointing) Historic Masonry
  • E2261/E2261M - 17 Practice for Examination of Welds Using the Alternating Current Field Measurement Technique
  • E2262 - 03(2020) Practice for Estimating Thurstonian Discriminal Distances
  • E2263 - 12(2018) Test Method for Paired Preference Test
  • E2264 - 05(2013) Practice for Determining the Effects of Temperature Cycling on Fenestration Products
  • E2265 - 17 Terminology for Anchors and Fasteners in Concrete and Masonry
  • E2266 - 11(2019) Guide for Design and Construction of Low-Rise Frame Building Wall Systems to Resist Water Intrusion
  • E2267 - 04(2013) Guide for Specifying and Evaluating Performance of Single Family Attached and Detached Dwellings—Indoor Air Quality
  • E2268 - 04(2016) Test Method for Water Penetration of Exterior Windows, Skylights, and Doors by Rapid Pulsed Air Pressure Difference
  • E2269 - 14 Test Method for Determining Argon Concentration in Sealed Insulating Glass Units using Gas Chromatography
  • E2270 - 14(2019) Practice for Periodic Inspection of Building Facades for Unsafe Conditions
  • E2271/E2271M - 18 Practice for Clearance Examinations Following Lead Hazard Reduction Activities in Multifamily Dwellings
  • E2273 - 18 Test Method for Determining the Drainage Efficiency of Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems (EIFS) Clad Wall Assemblies
  • E2274 - 16 Test Method for Evaluation of Laundry Sanitizers and Disinfectants
  • E2275 - 19 Practice for Evaluating Water-Miscible Metalworking Fluid Bioresistance and Antimicrobial Pesticide Performance
  • E2276 - 10(2019) Test Method for Determining the Bacteria-Eliminating Effectiveness of Hygienic Handwash and Handrub Agents Using the Fingerpads of Adults
  • E2277 - 14(2019) Guide for Design and Construction of Coal Ash Structural Fills
  • E2278 - 13(2019) Guide for Use of Coal Combustion Products (CCPs) for Surface Mine Reclamation: Revegetation and Mitigation of Acid Mine Drainage
  • E2279 - 20 Practice for Establishing the Guiding Principles of Property Asset Management
  • E2280 - 17 Guide for Fire Hazard Assessment of the Effect of Upholstered Seating Furniture Within Patient Rooms of Health Care Facilities
  • E2281 - 15(2020) Practice for Process Capability and Performance Measurement
  • E2282 - 14(2019) Guide for Defining the Test Result of a Test Method
  • E2283 - 08(2019) Practice for Extreme Value Analysis of Nonmetallic Inclusions in Steel and Other Microstructural Features
  • E2292 - 14 Guide for Field Investigation of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Incidents
  • E2293 - 19 Practice for Drying of Metal Bearing Ores, Concentrates, and Related Metallurgical Materials for the Determination of Mercury
  • E2294 - 03(2013) Practice for Proof Silver Corrections in Metal Bearing Ores, Concentrates, and Related Materials by Fire Assay Gravimetry
  • E2294-RU-RU - 03(2013) Стандартное практическое руководство по введению поправок на серебро металлоносных руд, концентратов и сопутствующих материалов пробирно-гравиметрическим методом
  • E2295 - 13 Practice for Fire Assay Silver Corrections in Analysis of Metal Bearing Ores, Concentrates, and Related Metallurgical Materials by Silver Determination in Slags and Cupels
  • E2295-RU-RU - 13 Стандартное практическое руководство по введению поправок на серебро при пробирном анализе металлоносных руд, концентратов и сопутствующих материалов посредством оценки содержания серебра в шлаке и капелях
  • E2296 - 03(2013) Practice for Silver Corrections in Metal Bearing Ores, Concentrates, and Related Metallurgical Materials by Fire Assay Slag Recycling and Cupel Proof Gravimetry
  • E2296-RU-RU - 03(2013) Стандартное практическое руководство по введению поправок на серебро в металлоносных рудах, концентратах и сопутствующих металлургических материалах посредством пробирно-гравиметрического анализа переработанного шлака и купелирования контрольного серебра
  • E2297 - 15 Guide for Use of UV-A and Visible Light Sources and Meters used in the Liquid Penetrant and Magnetic Particle Methods
  • E2298 - 18 Test Method for Instrumented Impact Testing of Metallic Materials
  • E2298-RUS - 18 Стандартный метод инструментальных испытаний металлических материалов на механическую прочность при ударе1
  • E2299 - 13 Guide for Sensory Evaluation of Products by Children and Minors
  • E2300 - 09(2017) Specification for Highway Traffic Monitoring Devices
  • E2301 - 12(2017) Test Method for Daytime Colorimetric Properties of Fluorescent Retroreflective Sheeting and Marking Materials for High Visibility Traffic Control and Personal Safety Applications Using 45°:Normal Geometry
  • E2302 - 03a(2016) Test Method for Measurement of the Luminance Coefficient Under Diffuse Illumination of Pavement Marking Materials Using a Portable Reflectometer
  • E2306 - 18 Guide for Disposal of Personal Property Assets
  • E2307 - 20 Test Method for Determining Fire Resistance of Perimeter Fire Barriers Using Intermediate-Scale, Multi-story Test Apparatus
  • E2309/E2309M - 20 Practices for Verification of Displacement Measuring Systems and Devices Used in Material Testing Machines
  • E2310 - 04(2015) Guide for Use of Spectral Searching by Curve Matching Algorithms with Data Recorded Using Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy
  • E2311 - 04(2016) Practice for QCM Measurement of Spacecraft Molecular Contamination in Space
  • E2312 - 11(2019) Practice for Tests of Cleanroom Materials
  • E2313 - 20 Test Method for Aldehydes in Mono-, Di-, and Triethylene Glycol (using Spectrophotometry)
  • E2314 - 03(2014) Test Method for Determination of Effectiveness of Cleaning Processes for Reusable Medical Instruments Using a Microbiologic Method (Simulated Use Test)
  • E2315 - 16 Guide for Assessment of Antimicrobial Activity Using a Time-Kill Procedure
  • E2316 - 14(2019)e1 Test Method for Determination of Particles Resulting from the Attrition of Granular Pesticides
  • E2317 - 04(2012) Guide for Conducting Renewal Microplate-Based Life-Cycle Toxicity Tests with a Marine Meiobenthic Copepod
  • E2319 - 04(2019) Test Method for Determining Air Flow Through the Face and Sides of Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors Under Specified Pressure Differences Across the Specimen
  • E2320 - 19 Classification for Serviceability of an Office Facility for Thermal Environment and Indoor Air Conditions
  • E2321 - 03(2019) Practice for Use of Test Methods for Determining the Water Vapor Transmission (WVT) of Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems (EIFS)
  • E2322 - 03(2015) Test Method for Conducting Transverse and Concentrated Load Tests on Panels used in Floor and Roof Construction
  • E2324 - 04(2017) Guide for PDD Paired Testing
  • E2326 - 14 Practice for Education and Training of Seized-Drug Analysts
  • E2327 - 15e1 Practice for Quality Assurance of Laboratories Performing Seized-Drug Analysis
  • E2329 - 17 Practice for Identification of Seized Drugs
  • E2330 - 19 Test Method for Determination of Concentrations of Elements in Glass Samples Using Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) for Forensic Comparisons
  • E2334 - 09(2018) Practice for Setting an Upper Confidence Bound for a Fraction or Number of Non-Conforming items, or a Rate of Occurrence for Non-Conformities, Using Attribute Data, When There is a Zero Response in the Sample
  • E2335 - 17 Guide for Laboratory Monitors
  • E2336 - 20 Test Methods for Fire Resistive Grease Duct Enclosure Systems
  • E2338 - 17 Practice for Characterization of Coatings Using Conformable Eddy Current Sensors without Coating Reference Standards
  • E2339 - 15 Practice for Digital Imaging and Communication in Nondestructive Evaluation (DICONDE)
  • E2340/E2340M - 11(2015) Test Method for Measuring the Skid Resistance of Pavements and Other Trafficked Surfaces Using a Continuous Reading, Fixed-Slip Technique
  • E2341/E2341M - 05(2019) Test Method for Determining the Stopping Distance Number by Initial Speed and Stopping Distance at Traffic Incident Sites
  • E2342/E2342M - 10(2020) Test Method for Durability Testing of Duct Sealants
  • E2346/E2346M - 15 Guide for Sensory Evaluation of Household Hard Surface-Cleaning Products with Emphasis on Spray Triggers
  • E2347 - 16 Test Method for Indentation Softening Temperature by Thermomechanical Analysis
  • E2348 - 17 Guide for Framework for a Consensus-based Environmental Decision-making Process
  • E2349 - 19 Practice for Safety Requirements in Metal Casting Operations: Sand Preparation, Molding, and Core Making; Melting and Pouring; and Cleaning and Finishing
  • E2350 - 19 Guide for Integration of Ergonomics/Human Factors into New Occupational Systems
  • E2351 - 04a(2013) Guide for Specifying and Evaluating Performance of Single Family Attached and Detached Dwellings—Functionality
  • E2352 - 19 Practice for Aerospace Cleanrooms and Associated Controlled Environments—Cleanroom Operations
  • E2353 - 16 Test Methods for Performance of Glazing in Permanent Railing Systems, Guards, and Balustrades
  • E2356 - 18 Practice for Comprehensive Building Asbestos Surveys
  • E2357 - 18 Test Method for Determining Air Leakage Rate of Air Barrier Assemblies
  • E2358 - 17 Specification for Performance of Glazing in Permanent Railing Systems, Guards, and Balustrades
  • E2359/E2359M - 13(2018) Test Method for Field Pull Testing of an In-Place Exterior Insulation and Finish System Clad Wall Assembly
  • E2361 - 13 Guide for Testing Leave-On Products Using In-Situ Methods
  • E2362 - 15 Practice for Evaluation of Pre-saturated or Impregnated Towelettes for Hard Surface Disinfection
  • E2363 - 14 Terminology Relating to Process Analytical Technology in the Pharmaceutical Industry
  • E2365 - 14 Guide for Environmental Compliance Performance Assessment
  • E2367 - 05(2019) Test Method for Measurement of Nighttime Chromaticity of Pavement Marking Materials Using a Portable Retroreflection Colorimeter
  • E2368 - 10(2017) Practice for Strain Controlled Thermomechanical Fatigue Testing
  • E2368-RU-RU - 10(2017) Стандартное практическое руководство по проведению испытаний на термомеханическую усталость при контролируемой деформации
  • E2369 - 12 Specification for Continuity of Care Record (CCR)
  • E2371 - 13 Test Method for Analysis of Titanium and Titanium Alloys by Direct Current Plasma and Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry (Performance-Based Test Methodology)
  • E2373/E2373M - 19 Practice for Use of the Ultrasonic Time of Flight Diffraction (TOFD) Technique
  • E2374 - 16 Guide for Acoustic Emission System Performance Verification
  • E2375 - 16 Practice for Ultrasonic Testing of Wrought Products
  • E2375-RU-RU - 16 Стандартное практическое руководство по ультразвуковому контролю кованых изделий
  • E2377 - 18 Specification for Shelter, Electrical Equipment, Lightweight
  • E2378 - 19 Practice for the Recognition of Impaired or Retired Property Assets
  • E2380/E2380M - 15(2019) Test Method for Measuring Pavement Texture Drainage Using an Outflow Meter
  • E2382 - 04(2020) Guide to Scanner and Tip Related Artifacts in Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy
  • E2385 - 11(2016) Guide for Estimating Wildlife Exposure Using Measures of Habitat Quality
  • E2386 - 04(2017) Guide for Conduct of PDD Screening Examinations
  • E2387 - 19 Practice for Goniometric Optical Scatter Measurements
  • E2392/E2392M - 10(2016) Guide for Design of Earthen Wall Building Systems
  • E2393 - 20a Practice for On-Site Inspection of Installed Fire Resistive Joint Systems and Perimeter Fire Barriers
  • E2394 - 11(2020)e1 Practice for Maintenance, Renovation, and Repair of Installed Asbestos Cement Products
  • E2395 - 18 Specification for Voluntary Security Performance of Window and Door Assemblies with Glazing Impact
  • E2396/E2396M - 19 Test Method for Saturated Water Permeability of Granular Drainage Media [Falling-Head Method] for Vegetative (Green) Roof Systems
  • E2397/E2397M - 19 Practice for Determination of Dead Loads and Live Loads Associated with Vegetative (Green) Roof Systems
  • E2398/E2398M - 19 Test Method for Water Capture and Media Retention of Geocomposite Drain Layers for Vegetative (Green) Roof Systems
  • E2399/E2399M - 19 Test Method for Maximum Media Density for Dead Load Analysis of Vegetative (Green) Roof Systems
  • E2400/E2400M - 19 Guide for Selection, Installation, and Maintenance of Plants for Vegetative (Green) Roof Systems
  • E2402 - 19 Test Method for Mass Loss, Residue, and Temperature Measurement Validation of Thermogravimetric Analyzers
  • E2403 - 06(2018) Test Method for Sulfated Ash of Organic Materials by Thermogravimetry
  • E2404 - 17 Practice for Specimen Preparation and Mounting of Textile, Paper or Polymeric (Including Vinyl) and Wood Wall or Ceiling Coverings, Facings and Veneers, to Assess Surface Burning Characteristics
  • E2406 - 16 Test Method for Evaluation of Laundry Sanitizers and Disinfectants for Use in High Efficiency Washing Operations
  • E2407 - 04(2015) Test Method for Effectiveness of Defoaming Agents
  • E2408 - 04(2015) Test Method for Relative Extensional Viscosity of Agricultural Spray Tank Mixes
  • E2409 - 20a Test Method for Glycol Impurities in Mono-, Di-, Tri- and Tetraethylene Glycol and in Mono- and Dipropylene Glycol(Gas Chromatographic Method)
  • E2412 - 10(2018) Practice for Condition Monitoring of In-Service Lubricants by Trend Analysis Using Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) Spectrometry
  • E2412-SP - 10(2018)
  • E2412-POR - 10(2018) Prática padrão para Prática para monitoramento de condições de lubrificantes em serviço por análise de tendência utilizando espectrometria de infravermelho por transformada de Fourier (FT-IR)
  • E2415 - 05(2018) Practice for Installing Piezoelectric Highway Traffic Sensors
  • E2420 - 15 Guide for Post-Deactivation Surveillance and Maintenance of Radiologically Contaminated Facilities
  • E2421 - 15 Guide for Preparing Waste Management Plans for Decommissioning Nuclear Facilities
  • E2422 - 17 Digital Reference Images for Inspection of Aluminum Castings
  • E2425 - 16 Test Method for Loss Modulus Conformance of Dynamic Mechanical Analyzers
  • E2426 - 10(2019) Practice for Pulse Counting System Dead Time Determination by Measuring Isotopic Ratios with SIMS
  • E2427 - 18 Test Method for Acceptance by Performance Testing for Sieves
  • E2428 - 15a Practice for Calibration and Verification of Torque Transducers
  • E2430/E2430M - 19 Specification for Expanded Polystyrene (“EPS”) Thermal Insulation Boards for Use in Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems (“EIFS”)
  • E2431 - 12(2020) Practice for Determining the Resistance of Single Glazed Annealed Architectural Flat Glass to Thermal Loadings
  • E2432 - 19 Guide for General Principles of Sustainability Relative to Buildings
  • E2435 - 05(2020) Guide for Application of Engineering Controls to Facilitate Use or Redevelopment of Chemical-Affected Properties
  • E2439 - 09(2016) Guide for Instrumentation, Sensors and Operating Software Used in Forensic Psychophysiological Detection of Deception (Polygraph) Examinations
  • E2443 - 05(2018)e1 Guide for Verifying Computer-Generated Test Results Through The Use Of Standard Data Sets
  • E2444 - 11(2018) Terminology Relating to Measurements Taken on Thin, Reflecting Films
  • E2445/E2445M - 20 Practice for Performance Evaluation and Long-Term Stability of Computed Radiography Systems
  • E2446 - 16 Practice for Manufacturing Characterization of Computed Radiography Systems
  • E2446-RU-RU - 16 Стандартное практическое руководство по определению технологических характеристик компьютерных рентгенографических систем
  • E2448 - 18 Test Method for Determining the Superplastic Properties of Metallic Sheet Materials
  • E2450 - 16 Practice for Application of CaF2(Mn) Thermoluminescence Dosimeters in Mixed Neutron-Photon Environments
  • E2451 - 13 Practice for Preserving Ignitable Liquids and Ignitable Liquid Residue Extracts from Fire Debris Samples
  • E2452 - 12(2019) Practice for Equipment Management Process Maturity (EMPM) Model
  • E2453 - 19 Practice for Estimating the Life-Cycle Cost of Ownership of Property Assets
  • E2454 - 20 Guide for Sensory Evaluation Methods to Determine Sensory Shelf Life of Consumer Products
  • E2455 - 06(2013) Guide for Conducting Laboratory Toxicity Tests with Freshwater Mussels
  • E2456 - 06(2020) Terminology Relating to Nanotechnology
  • E2457 - 07(2013) Terminology for Healthcare Informatics
  • E2458 - 17 Practices for Bulk Sample Collection and Swab Sample Collection of Visible Powders Suspected of Being Biological Agents and Toxins from Nonporous Surfaces
  • E2459 - 05(2016) Guide for Measurement of In-Duct Sound Pressure Levels from Large Industrial Gas Turbines and Fans
  • E2461 - 12(2017) Practice for Determining the Thickness of Glass in Airport Traffic Control Tower Cabs
  • E2462 - 18 Performance Specification for Cargo Bed Cover (CBC) HMMWV, Type I
  • E2463 - 19 Performance Specification for Cargo Bed Cover (CBC) M105A2 Trailer, Type II
  • E2465 - 19 Test Method for Analysis of Ni-Base Alloys by Wavelength Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry
  • E2467 - 05(2018) Practice for Developing Axle Count Adjustment Factors
  • E2468 - 05(2018) Practice for Metadata to Support Archived Data Management Systems
  • E2469 - 16 Test Method for Chloride in Mono-, Di- and Tri-ethylene Glycol by Ion Chromatography
  • E2470 - 09(2015)e1 Specification for Polyester Grade Ethylene Glycol
  • E2471 - 05(2016) Test Method for Using Seeded-Agar for the Screening Assessment of Antimicrobial Activity In Carpets
  • E2472 - 12(2018)e1 Test Method for Determination of Resistance to Stable Crack Extension under Low-Constraint Conditions
  • E2475 - 10(2016) Guide for Process Understanding Related to Pharmaceutical Manufacture and Control
  • E2476 - 16 Guide for Risk Assessment and Risk Control as it Impacts the Design, Development, and Operation of PAT Processes for Pharmaceutical Manufacture
  • E2478 - 11(2016) Practice for Determining Damage-Based Design Stress for Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic (GFRP) Materials Using Acoustic Emission
  • E2479 - 16 Practice for Measuring the Ultrasonic Velocity in Polyethylene Tank Walls Using Lateral Longitudinal (LCR) Waves
  • E2480 - 12(2017) Practice for Conducting an Interlaboratory Study to Determine the Precision of a Test Method with Multi-Valued Measurands
  • E2481 - 12(2018) Test Method for Hot Spot Protection Testing of Photovoltaic Modules
  • E2484 - 08(2015) Specification for Multi-Story Building External Evacuation Controlled Descent Devices
  • E2485/E2485M - 13(2018) Test Method for Freeze/Thaw Resistance of Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems (EIFS) and Water Resistive Barrier Coatings
  • E2486/E2486M - 13(2018) Test Method for Impact Resistance of Class PB and PI Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems (EIFS)
  • E2488 - 09(2014) Guide for the Preparation and Evaluation of Liquid Baths Used for Temperature Calibration by Comparison
  • E2489 - 16 Practice for Statistical Analysis of One-Sample and Two-Sample Interlaboratory Proficiency Testing Programs
  • E2490 - 09(2015) Guide for Measurement of Particle Size Distribution of Nanomaterials in Suspension by Photon Correlation Spectroscopy (PCS)
  • E2491 - 13(2018) Guide for Evaluating Performance Characteristics of Phased-Array Ultrasonic Testing Instruments and Systems
  • E2495 - 18 Practice for Prioritizing Asset Resources in Acquisition, Utilization, and Disposition
  • E2497 - 11(2017) Practice for Calculation of Asset Movement Velocity (AMV)
  • E2499 - 18 Practice for Classification of Asset Location Information
  • E2500 - 20 Guide for Specification, Design, and Verification of Pharmaceutical and Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Systems and Equipment
  • E2501 - 11(2017) Specification for Light Source Products for Inspection of Fluorescent Coatings
  • E2503 - 13(2020) Practice for Qualification of Basket and Paddle Dissolution Apparatus
  • E2505 - 07(2014)e1 Practice for Industrial Rope Access
  • E2506 - 15(2020)e1 Guide for Developing a Cost-Effective Risk Mitigation Plan for New and Existing Constructed Facilities
  • E2509 - 14 Test Method for Temperature Calibration of Rheometers in Isothermal Mode
  • E2510 - 20 Test Method for Torque Calibration or Conformance of Rheometers
  • E2511 - 17 Guide for Detailing of EIFS-Clad Barrier and Drainage Wall Assemblies
  • E2513 - 07(2019)e1 Specification for Multi-Story Building External Evacuation Platform Rescue Systems
  • E2514 - 15(2020) Practice for Presentation Format of Elemental Cost Estimates, Summaries, and Analyses
  • E2515 - 11(2017) Test Method for Determination of Particulate Matter Emissions Collected by a Dilution Tunnel
  • E2516 - 11(2019) Classification for Cost Estimate Classification System
  • E2517 - 13 Specification for Cargo Bed Cover, Type III (M35A2, 2 1/2 Ton Cargo Truck/M1078, 2 1/2 Ton Lightweight Medium Tactical Vehicle (LMTV)/ M1082, 2 1/2 Ton LMTV Trailer)
  • E2518 - 19 Specification for Cargo Bed Cover, Type IV (M923, 5 Ton Cargo Truck/M1083, 5 Ton Medium Tactical Vehicle (MTV)/M1082, 5 Ton MTV Trailer)
  • E2520 - 15 Practice for Measuring and Scoring Performance of Trace Explosive Chemical Detectors
  • E2521 - 16 Terminology for Evaluating Response Robot Capabilities
  • E2521-RU-RU - 16 Стандартная терминология для оценки возможностей роботов для работы в экстремальных условиях
  • E2522 - 07(2013) Guide for Quality Indicators for Health Classifications
  • E2523 - 13(2018) Terminology for Metalworking Fluids and Operations
  • E2524 - 08(2013) Test Method for Analysis of Hemolytic Properties of Nanoparticles
  • E2525 - 08(2013) Test Method for Evaluation of the Effect of Nanoparticulate Materials on the Formation of Mouse Granulocyte-Macrophage Colonies
  • E2526 - 08(2013) Test Method for Evaluation of Cytotoxicity of Nanoparticulate Materials in Porcine Kidney Cells and Human Hepatocarcinoma Cells
  • E2527 - 15(2019) Test Method for Electrical Performance of Concentrator Terrestrial Photovoltaic Modules and Systems Under Natural Sunlight
  • E2529 - 06(2014) Guide for Testing the Resolution of a Raman Spectrometer
  • E2531 - 06(2020) Guide for Development of Conceptual Site Models and Remediation Strategies for Light Nonaqueous-Phase Liquids Released to the Subsurface
  • E2532 - 09(2017) Test Methods for Evaluating Performance of Highway Traffic Monitoring Devices
  • E2533 - 17e1 Guide for Nondestructive Testing of Polymer Matrix Composites Used in Aerospace Applications
  • E2534 - 20 Practice for Targeted Defect Detection Using Process Compensated Resonance Testing Via Swept Sine Input for Metallic and Non-Metallic Parts
  • E2535 - 07(2018) Guide for Handling Unbound Engineered Nanoscale Particles in Occupational Settings
  • E2536 - 15a Guide for Assessment of Measurement Uncertainty in Fire Tests
  • E2537 - 16 Guide for Application of Continuous Process Verification to Pharmaceutical and Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing
  • E2539 - 14(2017) Test Method for Multiangle Color Measurement of Interference Pigments
  • E2540 - 16e1 Test Method for Measurement of Retroreflective Signs Using a Portable Retroreflectometer at a 0.5 Degree Observation Angle
  • E2542 - 08(2014) Specification for Portable Water Heaters Used at Personnel Decontamination Stations
  • E2543 - 08(2014) Specification for Portable Air Heaters Used at Personnel Decontamination Stations and Shelters
  • E2544 - 11a(2019) Terminology for Three-Dimensional (3D) Imaging Systems
  • E2546 - 15 Practice for Instrumented Indentation Testing
  • E2548 - 16 Guide for Sampling Seized Drugs for Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis
  • E2549 - 14 Practice for Validation of Seized-Drug Analytical Methods
  • E2550 - 17 Test Method for Thermal Stability by Thermogravimetry
  • E2550-RU-RU - 17 Стандартный метод испытания для определения термической стойкости с использованием термогравиметрии
  • E2551 - 20 Test Methods for Humidity Calibration (or Conformation) of Humidity Generators for Use with Thermogravimetric Analyzers
  • E2552 - 16 Guide for Assessing the Environmental and Human Health Impacts of New Compounds for Military Use
  • E2553 - 07(2013) Guide for Implementation of a Voluntary Universal Healthcare Identification System
  • E2554 - 18e1 Practice for Estimating and Monitoring the Uncertainty of Test Results of a Test Method Using Control Chart Techniques
  • E2555 - 07(2018)e1 Practice for Factors and Procedures for Applying the MIL-STD-105 Plans in Life and Reliability Inspection
  • E2556/E2556M - 10(2016) Specification for Vapor Permeable Flexible Sheet Water-Resistive Barriers Intended for Mechanical Attachment
  • E2557 - 16a Practice for Probable Maximum Loss (PML) Evaluations for Earthquake Due-Diligence Assessments
  • E2558 - 13 Test Method for Determining Particulate Matter Emissions from Fires in Wood-Burning Fireplaces
  • E2560 - 17 Specification for Data Format for Pavement Profile
  • E2561 - 07a(2018) Practice for the Installation of Inductive Loop Detectors
  • E2562 - 17 Test Method for Quantification of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilm Grown with High Shear and Continuous Flow using CDC Biofilm Reactor
  • E2563 - 18 Practice for Enumeration of Non-Tuberculosis Mycobacteria in Aqueous Metalworking Fluids by Plate Count Method
  • E2564 - 18 Practice for Enumeration of Mycobacteria in Metalworking Fluids by Direct Microscopic Counting (DMC) Method
  • E2565 - 20 Guide for Consensus-Based Process for an Occupational Safety and Health Standard That Includes an Occupational Exposure Guideline
  • E2566 - 17a Test Method for Evaluating Response Robot Sensing: Visual Acuity
  • E2566-RU-RU - 17a Стандартный метод испытаний для оценки чувствительности робота. Острота зрения
  • E2567 - 16a Test Method for Determining Nodularity And Nodule Count In Ductile Iron Using Image Analysis
  • E2568 - 17a Specification for PB Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems
  • E2570/E2570M - 07(2019) Test Methods for Evaluating Water-Resistive Barrier (WRB) Coatings Used under Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems (EIFS) or EIFS with Drainage
  • E2573 - 19 Practice for Specimen Preparation and Mounting of Site-Fabricated Stretch Systems to Assess Surface Burning Characteristics
  • E2574/E2574M - 17 Test Method for Fire Testing of School Bus Seat Assemblies
  • E2575 - 19 Test Method for Determination of Oxygen in Copper and Copper Alloys by Inert Gas Fusion
  • E2578 - 07(2018) Practice for Calculation of Mean Sizes/Diameters and Standard Deviations of Particle Size Distributions
  • E2579 - 20 Practice for Specimen Preparation and Mounting of Wood Products to Assess Surface Burning Characteristics
  • E2580 - 17 Practice for Ultrasonic Testing of Flat Panel Composites and Sandwich Core Materials Used in Aerospace Applications
  • E2581 - 14(2019) Practice for Shearography of Polymer Matrix Composites and Sandwich Core Materials in Aerospace Applications
  • E2582 - 19 Practice for Infrared Flash Thermography of Composite Panels and Repair Patches Used in Aerospace Applications
  • E2583 - 07(2020) Test Method for Measuring Deflections with a Light Weight Deflectometer (LWD)
  • E2584 - 20 Practice for Thermal Conductivity of Materials Using a Thermal Capacitance (Slug) Calorimeter
  • E2585 - 09(2015) Practice for Thermal Diffusivity by the Flash Method
  • E2586 - 19e1 Practice for Calculating and Using Basic Statistics
  • E2587 - 16 Practice for Use of Control Charts in Statistical Process Control
  • E2587-RU-RU - 16 Стандартное практическое руководство по использованию контрольных карт в статистическом контроле процесса
  • E2589 - 11(2016) Terminology Relating to Nonsieving Methods of Powder Characterization
  • E2590 - 15 Guide for Conducting Hazard Analysis-Critical Control Point (HACCP) Evaluations
  • E2591 - 07(2013) Guide for Conducting Whole Sediment Toxicity Tests with Amphibians
  • E2592 - 16 Practice for Evaluating Response Robot Capabilities: Logistics: Packaging for Urban Search and Rescue Task Force Equipment Caches
  • E2593 - 17 Guide for Accuracy Verification of Industrial Platinum Resistance Thermometers
  • E2594 - 20 Test Method for Analysis of Nickel Alloys by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry (Performance-Based)
  • E2594-RU-RU - 20 Стандартный метод испытания для анализа никелевых сплавов посредством атомно-эмиссионной спектрометрии с индуктивносвязанной плазмой (на основе показателей)
  • E2597/E2597M - 14 Practice for Manufacturing Characterization of Digital Detector Arrays
  • E2597/E2597M-RU-RU - 14 Стандартное практическое руководство по определению характеристик матриц цифровых детекторов в процессе производства
  • E2598/E2598M - 13 Practice for Acoustic Emission Examination of Cast Iron Yankee and Steam Heated Paper Dryers
  • E2599 - 18 Practice for Specimen Preparation and Mounting of Reflective Insulation, Radiant Barrier and Vinyl Stretch Ceiling Materials for Building Applications to Assess Surface Burning Characteristics
  • E2600 - 15 Guide for Vapor Encroachment Screening on Property Involved in Real Estate Transactions
  • E2601 - 15 Practice for Radiological Emergency Response
  • E2602 - 09(2015) Test Methods for the Assignment of the Glass Transition Temperature by Modulated Temperature Differential Scanning Calorimetry
  • E2602-RUS - 09(2015) Стандартные методы определения температуры стеклования с помощью дифференциальной сканирующей калориметрии с модуляцией по температуре
  • E2603 - 15 Practice for Calibration of Fixed-Cell Differential Scanning Calorimeters
  • E2604 - 15 Practice for Data Characteristics of Equipment Asset Record
  • E2605 - 13(2019) Practice for Receiving Assets
  • E2606 - 18 Practice for Receipt Notification as a Result of Tangible Asset Movement
  • E2607 - 08(2013) Practice for Cannibalization/Reclamation of Serviceable Equipment Components to Support Demand Requirements
  • E2608 - 20 Practice for Equipment Control Matrix (ECM)
  • E2609 - 08(2016) Test Method for Odor or Flavor Transfer or Both from Rigid Polymeric Packaging
  • E2610 - 18 Test Method for Sensory Analysis—Duo-Trio Test
  • E2611 - 19 Test Method for Normal Incidence Determination of Porous Material Acoustical Properties Based on the Transfer Matrix Method
  • E2613 - 14 Test Method for Determining Fungus-Eliminating Effectiveness of Hygienic Handwash and Handrub Agents Using Fingerpads of Adults
  • E2614 - 15(2020)e1 Guide for Evaluation of Cleanroom Disinfectants
  • E2616 - 09(2020) Guide for Remedy Selection Integrating Risk-Based Corrective Action and Non-Risk Considerations
  • E2617 - 17 Practice for Validation of Empirically Derived Multivariate Calibrations
  • E2618 - 13(2019) Test Method for Measurement of Particulate Emissions and Heating Efficiency of Solid Fuel-Fired Hydronic Heating Appliances
  • E2619/E2619M - 17 Practice for Measuring and Calculating Building Loss Features That Take Up Floor Area in Buildings
  • E2620 - 15(2020) Classification for Program and Project Estimate Summaries
  • E2623 - 14 Practice for Reporting Thermometer Calibrations
  • E2624 - 17 Practice for Torque Calibration of Testing Machines
  • E2625 - 19 Practice for Controlling Occupational Exposure to Respirable Crystalline Silica for Construction and Demolition Activities
  • E2627 - 13(2019) Practice for Determining Average Grain Size Using Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) in Fully Recrystallized Polycrystalline Materials
  • E2629 - 20 Guide for Verification of Process Analytical Technology (PAT) Enabled Control Systems
  • E2630 - 08(2013) Test Method for Luminance Ratio of a Fluorescent Specimen using a Narrow Band Source
  • E2631 - 20 Practice for Physical Placement of an Entity-Controlled Supplemental Identification Label
  • E2632/E2632M - 20 Test Method for Evaluating the Under-Deck Fire Test Response of Deck Materials
  • E2634 - 18 Specification for Flat Wall Insulating Concrete Form (ICF) Systems
  • E2635 - 14 Practice for Water Conservation in Buildings Through In-Situ Water Reclamation
  • E2637 - 17 Guide for Utilizing the Environmental Cost Element Structure Presented by Classification
  • E2638 - 10(2017) Test Method for Objective Measurement of the Speech Privacy Provided by a Closed Room
  • E2639 - 12(2018) Test Method for Blast Resistance of Trash Receptacles
  • E2641 - 09(2017) Practice for Best Practices for Safe Application of 3D Imaging Technology
  • E2642 - 09(2015) Terminology for Scientific Charge-Coupled Device (CCD) Detectors
  • E2647 - 20 Test Method for Quantification of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilm Grown Using Drip Flow Biofilm Reactor with Low Shear and Continuous Flow
  • E2649 - 20 Test Method for Determining Argon Concentration in Sealed Insulating Glass Units Using Spark Emission Spectroscopy
  • E2651 - 19 Guide for Powder Particle Size Analysis
  • E2652 - 18 Test Method for Assessing Combustibility of Materials Using a Tube Furnace with a Cone-shaped Airflow Stabilizer, at 750 °C
  • E2653 - 15 Practice for Conducting an Interlaboratory Study to Determine Precision Estimates for a Fire Test Method with Fewer Than Six Participating Laboratories
  • E2655 - 14(2020) Guide for Reporting Uncertainty of Test Results and Use of the Term Measurement Uncertainty in ASTM Test Methods
  • E2656 - 16 Practice for Real-time Release Testing of Pharmaceutical Water for the Total Organic Carbon Attribute
  • E2657 - 16 Practice for Determination of Endotoxin Concentrations in Water-Miscible Metalworking Fluids
  • E2658 - 15 Practices for Verification of Speed for Material Testing Machines
  • E2658-RU-RU - 15 Стандартные практические руководства по верификации скорости машин для испытания материалов
  • E2659 - 18 Practice for Certificate Programs
  • E2660 - 17 Digital Reference Images for Investment Steel Castings for Aerospace Applications
  • E2661/E2661M - 20e1 Practice for Acoustic Emission Examination of Plate-like and Flat Panel Composite Structures Used in Aerospace Applications
  • E2662 - 15 Practice for Radiographic Examination of Flat Panel Composites and Sandwich Core Materials Used in Aerospace Applications
  • E2663 - 14(2018) Practice for Digital Imaging and Communication in Nondestructive Evaluation (DICONDE) for Ultrasonic Test Methods
  • E2664 - 16 Test Method for Methanol Wall Wash of Marine Vessels Handling Polyester Grade Monoethylene Glycol
  • E2665 - 08(2017) Specification for Archiving ITS-Generated Traffic Monitoring Data
  • E2666 - 09(2019) Practice for Correlations of Mu Values of Continuous Friction Measurement Equipment to Determine Maintenance Levels for Use at Airports
  • E2667 - 09(2017) Practice for Acquiring Intersection Turning Movement Traffic Data
  • E2669 - 16e1 Digital Reference Images for Titanium Castings
  • E2671 - 10(2016) Practice for Defining Movements, Shipments, and Transfers of Tangible Property
  • E2672 - 16 Practice for Identification and Categorization of Tooling
  • E2675 - 09(2014) Practice for Property Management System Outcomes
  • E2676 - 09(2020) Practice for Tangible Property Mobility Index (MI)
  • E2677 - 20 Test Method for Estimating Limits of Detection in Trace Detectors for Explosives and Drugs of Interest
  • E2678 - 09(2014) Guide for Education and Training in Computer Forensics
  • E2679 - 09(2016)e1 Test Method for Acidity in Mono-, Di-, Tri- and Tetraethylene Glycol byNon-Aqueous Potentiometric Titration
  • E2680 - 16 Test Method for Appearance of Clear, Transparent Liquids (Visual Inspection Procedure)
  • E2681 - 13 Guide for Environmental Management of Underground Storage Tank Systems Storing Hazardous Substances or Petroleum
  • E2682 - 09(2014) Guide for Developing a Disaster Recovery Plan for Medical Transcription Departments and Businesses
  • E2683 - 17 Test Method for Measuring Heat Flux Using Flush-Mounted Insert Temperature-Gradient Gages
  • E2684 - 17 Test Method for Measuring Heat Flux Using Surface-Mounted One-Dimensional Flat Gages
  • E2685 - 15(2019) Specification for Steel Blades Used with the Photovoltaic Module Surface Cut Test
  • E2686 - 09(2015) Test Method for Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Solvents Absorbed/Adsorbed By Simulated Soil Impacted by Pesticide Emulsifiable Concentrate (EC) Applications
  • E2688 - 18 Practice for Specimen Preparation and Mounting of Tapes to Assess Surface Burning Characteristics
  • E2690 - 17b Practice for Specimen Preparation and Mounting of Caulks and Sealants to Assess Surface Burning Characteristics
  • E2691 - 20 Practice for Job Productivity Measurement
  • E2692 - 10(2018) Test Method for Structural Performance of Thermal Barriers in Fenestration Products
  • E2693 - 19 Practice for Prevention of Dermatitis in the Wet Metal Removal Fluid Environment
  • E2694 - 16 Test Method for Measurement of Adenosine Triphosphate in Water-Miscible Metalworking Fluids
  • E2696 - 09(2018) Practice for Life and Reliability Testing Based on the Exponential Distribution
  • E2698 - 18e1 Practice for Radiographic Examination Using Digital Detector Arrays
  • E2698-RU-RU - 18e1 Стандартное практическое руководство по радиографическому исследованию с использованием цифровых детекторных решеток
  • E2699 - 20 Practice for Digital Imaging and Communication in Nondestructive Evaluation (DICONDE) for Digital Radiographic (DR) Test Methods
  • E2700 - 20 Practice for Contact Ultrasonic Testing of Welds Using Phased Arrays
  • E2706 - 18 Practice for Equipment Technology and Operations for Mobile and Plant-Based Secure Destruction Safety Requirements
  • E2707 - 15 Test Method for Determining Fire Penetration of Exterior Wall Assemblies Using a Direct Flame Impingement Exposure
  • E2708 - 18a Terminology for Accreditation and Certification
  • E2709 - 19 Practice for Demonstrating Capability to Comply with an Acceptance Procedure
  • E2712 - 15 Test Methods for Bulge-Forming Superplastic Metallic Sheet
  • E2713 - 18 Guide to Forensic Engineering
  • E2714 - 13(2020) Test Method for Creep-Fatigue Testing
  • E2715 - 17 Practice for Moveable Property Storage
  • E2716 - 09(2014) Test Method for Determining Specific Heat Capacity by Sinusoidal Modulated Temperature Differential Scanning Calorimetry
  • E2716-RU-RU - 09(2014) Стандартный метод испытания на определение удельной теплоемкости методом дифференциальной сканирующей калориметрии при синусоидальной модулированной температуре
  • E2717 - 18 Practice for Estimating the Environmental Load of Residential Wastewater
  • E2718 - 16 Guide for Financial Disclosures Attributed to Climate Change
  • E2719 - 09(2014) Guide for Fluorescence—Instrument Calibration and Qualification
  • E2720 - 16 Practice for Evaluation of Effectiveness of Decontamination Procedures for Air-Permeable Materials when Challenged with Biological Aerosols Containing Human Pathogenic Viruses
  • E2721 - 16 Practice for Evaluation of Effectiveness of Decontamination Procedures for Surfaces When Challenged with Droplets Containing Human Pathogenic Viruses
  • E2722 - 14 Test Method for Using Seeded-Agar for the Screening Assessment of Antimicrobial Activity in Fabric and Air Filter Media
  • E2725 - 19 Guide for Basic Assessment and Management of Greenhouse Gases
  • E2726/E2726M - 12a(2017) Test Method for Evaluating the Fire-Test-Response of Deck Structures to Burning Brands
  • E2727 - 18 Practice for Assessment of Rainwater Quality
  • E2728 - 19 Guide for Water Stewardship in the Design, Construction, and Operation of Buildings
  • E2729 - 16 Practice for Rectification of Spectrophotometric Bandpass Differences
  • E2730 - 10(2015)e2 Practice for Calibration and Use of Thermocouple Reference Junction Probes in Evaluation of Electronic Reference Junction Compensation Circuits
  • E2733 - 10(2015) Guide for Investigation of Equipment Problems and Releases for Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Systems
  • E2734/E2734M - 10(2018) Specification for Dimensions of Knife-Edge Flanges
  • E2735 - 14(2020) Guide for Selection of Calibrations Needed for X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) Experiments
  • E2736 - 17 Guide for Digital Detector Array Radiography
  • E2736-RU-RU - 17 Стандартное руководство по радиографии с применением цифровой детекторной решетки
  • E2737 - 10(2018) Practice for Digital Detector Array Performance Evaluation and Long-Term Stability
  • E2737-RU-RU - 10(2018) Стандартное практическое руководство по оценке технических характеристик и долговременной стабильности цифровой детекторной решетки
  • E2738 - 18 Practice for Digital Imaging and Communication in Nondestructive Evaluation (DICONDE) for Computed Radiography (CR) Test Methods
  • E2740 - 12(2018) Specification for Trash Receptacles Subjected to Blast Resistance Testing
  • E2744 - 16e1 Test Method for Pressure Calibration of Thermal Analyzers
  • E2748 - 12a(2017) Guide for Fire-Resistance Experiments
  • E2749 - 15a(2019) Practice for Measuring the Uniformity of Furnace Exposure on Test Specimens
  • E2750 - 17 Guide for Extension of Data from Penetration Firestop System Tests Conducted in Accordance with ASTM
  • E2751/E2751M - 17a Practice for Design and Performance of Supported Laminated Glass Walkways
  • E2752 - 10(2015) Guide for Evaluation of Residual Effectiveness of Antibacterial Personal Cleansing Products
  • E2755 - 15 Test Method for Determining the Bacteria-Eliminating Effectiveness of Healthcare Personnel Hand Rub Formulations Using Hands of Adults
  • E2756 - 19 Terminology Relating to Antimicrobial and Antiviral Agents
  • E2758 - 15a Guide for Selection and Use of Wideband, Low Temperature Infrared Thermometers
  • E2759 - 10(2018) Practice for Highway Traffic Monitoring Truth-in-Data
  • E2760 - 19e1 Test Method for Creep-Fatigue Crack Growth Testing
  • E2762 - 10(2020) Practice for Sampling a Stream of Product by Variables Indexed by AQL
  • E2766 - 13(2019) Practice for Installation of Roof Mounted Photovoltaic Arrays on Steep-Slope Roofs
  • E2767 - 13(2018) Practice for Digital Imaging and Communication in Nondestructive Evaluation (DICONDE) for X-ray Computed Tomography (CT) Test Methods
  • E2768 - 11(2018) Test Method for Extended Duration Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials (30 min Tunnel Test)
  • E2769 - 18 Test Method for Elastic Modulus by Thermomechanical Analysis Using Three-Point Bending and Controlled Rate of Loading
  • E2770 - 17 Guide for Operational Guidelines for Initial Response to Suspected Biological Agents and Toxins
  • E2771 - 11(2019) Terminology for Homeland Security Applications
  • E2772 - 13e1 Specification for Evaluation and Selection of Accommodations for Environmentally Sustainable Meetings, Events, Trade Shows, and Conferences
  • E2775 - 16 Practice for Guided Wave Testing of Above Ground Steel Pipework Using Piezoelectric Effect Transduction
  • E2776 - 20 Guide for Correlation of Results of Solid Particle Size Measurement Instruments
  • E2777 - 20 Guide for Vegetative (Green) Roof Systems
  • E2778 - 14 Specification for Custom Tiled/Mortared Masonry Heaters (Stoves)
  • E2779 - 10(2017) Test Method for Determining Particulate Matter Emissions from Pellet Heaters
  • E2780 - 10(2017) Test Method for Determining Particulate Matter Emissions from Wood Heaters
  • E2781 - 16 Practice for Evaluation of Methods for Determination of Kinetic Parameters by Calorimetry and Differential Scanning Calorimetry
  • E2781-RUS - 16 Стандартная методика оценки методов определения кинетических параметров с помощью калориметрии и дифференциальной сканирующей калориметрии
  • E2782 - 17 Guide for Measurement Systems Analysis (MSA)
  • E2783 - 11(2016) Test Method for Assessment of Antimicrobial Activity for Water Miscible Compounds Using a Time-Kill Procedure
  • E2784 - 10(2015) Test Method for Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Handwash Formulations Using the Paper Towel (Palmar) Method of Hand Contamination
  • E2785 - 14 Test Method for Exposure of Firestop Materials to Severe Environmental Conditions
  • E2786 - 10(2019) Test Methods for Measuring Expansion of Intumescent Materials Used in Firestop and Joint Systems
  • E2787 - 11(2016) Test Method for Determination of Thiodiglycol in Soil Using Pressurized Fluid Extraction Followed by Single Reaction Monitoring Liquid Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS/MS)
  • E2788/E2788M - 18 Specification for Use of Expanded Shale, Clay and Slate (ESCS) as a Mineral Component in the Growing Media and the Drainage Layer for Vegetative (Green) Roof Systems
  • E2789 - 10(2015) Guide for Fretting Fatigue Testing
  • E2790 - 20 Guide for Identifying and Complying With Continuing Obligations
  • E2792 - 13 Test Method for Determination of Hydrogen in Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys by Inert Gas Fusion
  • E2793 - 16 Guide for Evaluation, Calibration, and Correlation of E274 Friction Measurement Systems and Equipment
  • E2797 - 15 Practice for Building Energy Performance Assessment for a Building Involved in a Real Estate Transaction
  • E2798 - 19 Test Method for Characterization of Performance of Pesticide Spray Drift Reduction Adjuvants for Ground Application
  • E2799 - 17 Test Method for Testing Disinfectant Efficacy against Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilm using the MBEC Assay
  • E2800 - 11(2017) Practice for Characterization of Bacillus Spore Suspensions for Reference Materials
  • E2801 - 11(2020) Test Method for Evaluating Emergency Response Robot Capabilities: Mobility: Confined Area Obstacles: Gaps
  • E2802 - 11(2020) Test Method for Evaluating Emergency Response Robot Capabilities: Mobility: Confined Area Obstacles: Hurdles
  • E2803 - 11(2020) Test Method for Evaluating Emergency Response Robot Capabilities: Mobility: Confined Area Obstacles: Inclined Planes
  • E2804 - 11(2020) Test Method for Evaluating Emergency Response Robot Capabilities: Mobility: Confined Area Obstacles: Stairs/Landings
  • E2805 - 18 Practice for Measurement of the Biological Activity of Ricin
  • E2807 - 11(2019) Specification for 3D Imaging Data Exchange, Version 1.0
  • E2808 - 19e1 Guide for Microspectrophotometry in Forensic Paint Analysis
  • E2809 - 13 Guide for Using Scanning Electron Microscopy/X-Ray Spectrometry in Forensic Paint Examinations
  • E2810 - 19 Practice for Demonstrating Capability to Comply with the Test for Uniformity of Dosage Units
  • E2811 - 17 Practice for Management of Low Risk Property (LRP)
  • E2812 - 17 Practice for Uniform Data Management in Asset Management Records Systems
  • E2813 - 18 Practice for Building Enclosure Commissioning
  • E2814 - 18 Specification for Industrial Woven Wire Filter Cloth
  • E2816 - 20a Test Methods for Fire Resistive Metallic HVAC Duct Systems
  • E2817 - 11(2018) Test Method for Test Fueling Masonry Heaters
  • E2818 - 11(2019) Practice for Determination of Quasistatic Fracture Toughness of Welds
  • E2819 - 11(2015) Practice for Single- and Multi-Level Continuous Sampling of a Stream of Product by Attributes Indexed by AQL
  • E2820 - 13(2019) Test Method for Evaluating Thermal EMF Properties of Base-Metal Thermocouple Connectors
  • E2821 - 20 Specification for Compacted Mineral-Insulated, Metal-Sheathed Cable Used in Industrial Resistance Thermometers
  • E2823 - 17 Test Method for Analysis of Nickel Alloys by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (Performance-Based)
  • E2824 - 18a Test Method for Determination of Beryllium in Copper-Beryllium Alloys by Phosphate Gravimetry
  • E2825 - 19 Guide for Forensic Digital Image Processing
  • E2826/E2826M - 20 Test Method for Evaluating Response Robot Mobility Using Continuous Pitch/Roll Ramp Terrains
  • E2827/E2827M - 20 Test Method for Evaluating Response Robot Mobility Using Crossing Pitch/Roll Ramp Terrains
  • E2828/E2828M - 20 Test Method for Evaluating Response Robot Mobility Using Symmetric Stepfields Terrains
  • E2829 - 11(2020) Test Method for Evaluating Emergency Response Robot Capabilities: Mobility: Maneuvering Tasks: Sustained Speed
  • E2830 - 11(2020) Test Method for Evaluating the Mobility Capabilities of Emergency Response Robots Using Towing Tasks: Grasped Sleds
  • E2831/E2831M - 11(2018) Guide for Deployment of Blast Resistant Trash Receptacles in Crowded Places
  • E2832 - 12(2017) Test Method for Measuring the Coefficient of Retroreflected Luminance of Pavement Markings in a Standard Condition of Continuous Wetting (RL-2)
  • E2833 - 12(2018) Practice for Certification Bodies that Certify Personnel Engaged in Inspection and Testing of Construction Activities and Materials Used in Construction, Including Special Inspection
  • E2834 - 12(2018) Guide for Measurement of Particle Size Distribution of Nanomaterials in Suspension by Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA)
  • E2835 - 11(2020) Test Method for Measuring Deflections Using a Portable Impulse Plate Load Test Device
  • E2837 - 13(2017) Test Method for Determining the Fire Resistance of Continuity Head-of-Wall Joint Systems Installed Between Rated Wall Assemblies and Nonrated Horizontal Assemblies
  • E2838 - 11(2016) Test Method for Determination of Thiodiglycol on Wipes by Solvent Extraction Followed by Liquid Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS/MS)
  • E2839 - 18 Practice for Production and Storage of Spores of C. difficile for Use in Efficacy Evaluation of Antimicrobial Agents
  • E2840 - 11(2019) Practice for Pavement Condition Index Surveys for Interlocking Concrete Roads and Parking Lots
  • E2841 - 19 Guide for Conducting Inspections of Building Facades for Unsafe Conditions
  • E2842 - 14 Guide for Credentialing for Access to an Incident or Event Site
  • E2843 - 17 Specification for Demonstrating That a Building is in Walkable Proximity to Neighborhood Assets
  • E2844 - 15e1 Specification for Demonstrating That a Building’s Location Provides Access to Public Transit
  • E2846 - 20 Guide for Thermocouple Verification
  • E2847 - 14 Test Method for Calibration and Accuracy Verification of Wideband Infrared Thermometers
  • E2848 - 13(2018) Test Method for Reporting Photovoltaic Non-Concentrator System Performance
  • E2849 - 18 Practice for Professional Certification Performance Testing
  • E2851/E2851M - 13 Specification for Ruggedness Requirements for HAZMAT Instrumentation
  • E2852 - 13 Guide for Acquisition, Maintenance, Storage, and Use of Hazardous Material Detection Instrumentation
  • E2853 - 12 Test Method for Evaluating Emergency Response Robot Capabilities: Human-System Interaction (HSI): Search Tasks: Random Mazes with Complex Terrain
  • E2853-RU-RU - 12 тандартный метод испытаний для оценки возможностей роботов для работы в экстремальных условиях. Взаимодействие человека с роботом. Поисковые задачи. Произвольные лабиринты со сложным рельефом
  • E2854 - 12 Test Method for Evaluating Emergency Response Robot Capabilities: Radio Communication: Line-of-Sight Range
  • E2854-RU-RU - 12 Стандартный метод испытаний для оценки возможностей роботов для работы в экстремальных условиях. Радиосвязь. Зона прямой видимости
  • E2855 - 12 Test Method for Evaluating Emergency Response Robot Capabilities: Radio Communication: Non-Line-of-Sight Range
  • E2855-RU-RU - 12 Стандартный метод испытаний для оценки возможностей роботов для работы в экстремальных условиях. Радиосвязь. Вне зоны прямой видимости
  • E2856 - 13 Guide for Estimation of LNAPL Transmissivity
  • E2857 - 11(2016) Guide for Validating Analytical Methods
  • E2857-RU-RU - 11(2016) Стандартное руководство по валидации аналитических методов
  • E2858 - 12(2020) Practice for Sales of Personal Property
  • E2859 - 11(2017) Guide for Size Measurement of Nanoparticles Using Atomic Force Microscopy
  • E2860 - 12 Test Method for Residual Stress Measurement by X-Ray Diffraction for Bearing Steels
  • E2861 - 16(2020) Test Method for Measurement of Beam Divergence and Alignment in Neutron Radiologic Beams
  • E2862 - 18 Practice for Probability of Detection Analysis for Hit/Miss Data
  • E2863 - 17 Practice for Acoustic Emission Examination of Welded Steel Sphere Pressure Vessels Using Thermal Pressurization
  • E2864 - 18 Test Method for Measurement of Airborne Metal Oxide Nanoparticle Surface Area Concentration in Inhalation Exposure Chambers using Krypton Gas Adsorption
  • E2865 - 12(2018) Guide for Measurement of Electrophoretic Mobility and Zeta Potential of Nanosized Biological Materials
  • E2866 - 12(2016) Test Method for Determination of Diisopropyl Methylphosphonate, Ethyl Methylphosphonic Acid, Isopropyl Methylphosphonic Acid, Methylphosphonic Acid and Pinacolyl Methylphosphonic Acid in Soil by Pressurized Fluid Extraction and Analyzed by Liquid Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometry
  • E2867 - 14(2019) Practice for Estimating Uncertainty of Test Results Derived from Spectrophotometry
  • E2868 - 17 Digital Reference Images for Steel Castings up to 2 in. (50.8 mm) in Thickness
  • E2868-RU-RU - 17 Стандартные цифровые эталонные изображения для стальных отливок толщиной до 2 дюймов (50,8 мм)
  • E2869 - 17 Digital Reference Images for Magnesium Castings
  • E2870 - 19 Practice for Evaluating Relative Effectiveness of Antimicrobial Handwashing Formulations using the Palmar Surface and Mechanical Hand Sampling
  • E2871 - 19 Test Method for Determining Disinfectant Efficacy Against Biofilm Grown in the CDC Biofilm Reactor Using the Single Tube Method
  • E2872 - 14(2019) Guide for Determining Cross-Section Averaged Characteristics of a Spray Using Laser-Diffraction Instruments in a Wind Tunnel Apparatus
  • E2874 - 19 Test Method for Determining the Fire-Test Response Characteristics of a Building Spandrel-Panel Assembly Due to External Spread of Fire
  • E2875/E2875M - 12(2021) Guide for Personal Protective Equipment for the Handling of Flat Glass
  • E2876 - 13(2020) Guide for Integrating Sustainable Objectives into Cleanup
  • E2877 - 12(2019) Guide for Digital Contact Thermometers
  • E2880 - 16b Terminology Related to Biorationals
  • E2881 - 18 Test Method for Extraction and Derivatization of Vegetable Oils and Fats from Fire Debris and Liquid Samples with Analysis by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  • E2882 - 19 Guide for Analysis of Clandestine Drug Laboratory Evidence
  • E2883 - 13(2019) Guide for Evaluation and Calibration, Continuous Friction Measurement Equipment (CFME)
  • E2884 - 17 Guide for Eddy Current Testing of Electrically Conducting Materials Using Conformable Sensor Arrays
  • E2885 - 13 Specification for Handheld Point Chemical Vapor Detectors (HPCVD) for Homeland Security Applications
  • E2886/E2886M - 20 Test Method for Evaluating the Ability of Exterior Vents to Resist the Entry of Embers and Direct Flame Impingement
  • E2888 - 12(2019) Practice for Process for Inactivation of Rodent Retrovirus by pH
  • E2889 - 12(2017) Practice for Control of Respiratory Hazards in the Metal Removal Fluid Environment
  • E2890 - 12(2018) Test Method for Kinetic Parameters for Thermally Unstable Materials by Differential Scanning Calorimetry Using the Kissinger Method
  • E2891 - 20 Guide for Multivariate Data Analysis in Pharmaceutical Development and Manufacturing Applications
  • E2892 - 15 Test Method for Odor and Flavor Transfer from Materials in Contact with Municipal Drinking Water
  • E2893 - 16e1 Guide for Greener Cleanups
  • E2894 - 13 Test Method for Applying Aerosolized Bacillus Spores as Dry Inocula to Inanimate Surfaces
  • E2895 - 19 Practice for Producing High Titers of Viable and Semi-Purified Spores of Clostridium difficile using a Liquid Medium
  • E2897 - 12(2017) Guide for Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Hand Hygiene Topical Antimicrobial Products using ex vivo Porcine Skin
  • E2898 - 20a Guide for Risk-Based Validation of Analytical Methods for PAT Applications
  • E2899 - 19e1 Test Method for Measurement of Initiation Toughness in Surface Cracks Under Tension and Bending
  • E2900 - 19 Practice for Spacecraft Hardware Thermal Vacuum Bakeout
  • E2903 - 18 Test Method for Measurement of the Effective Focal Spot Size of Mini and Micro Focus X-ray Tubes
  • E2904 - 17 Practice for Characterization and Verification of Phased Array Probes
  • E2905/E2905M - 20 Practice for Examination of Mill and Kiln Girth Gear Teeth—Electromagnetic Methods
  • E2906/E2906M - 18 Practice for Acoustic Pulse Reflectometry Examination of Tube Bundles
  • E2907/E2907M - 13(2019) Practice for Examination of Paper Machine Rolls Using Acoustic Emission from Crack Face Rubbing
  • E2908 - 12(2018) Guide for Fire Prevention for Photovoltaic Panels, Modules, and Systems
  • E2909 - 13 Guide for Investigation/Study/Assay Tab-Delimited Format for Nanotechnologies (ISA-TAB-Nano): Standard File Format for the Submission and Exchange of Data on Nanomaterials and Characterizations
  • E2910 - 12(2018) Guide for Preferred Methods for Acceptance of Product
  • E2911 - 13 Guide for Relative Intensity Correction of Raman Spectrometers
  • E2912 - 17 Test Method for Fire Test of Non-Mechanical Fire Dampers Used in Vented Construction
  • E2913/E2913M - 19 Practice for Hotplate Digestion of Lead from Composited Wipe Samples
  • E2914/E2914M - 19 Practice for Ultrasonic Extraction of Lead from Composited Wipe Samples
  • E2915 - 13(2020) Guide for Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Management
  • E2916 - 19e1 Terminology for Digital and Multimedia Evidence Examination
  • E2917 - 19a Practice for Forensic Science Practitioner Training, Continuing Education, and Professional Development Programs
  • E2918 - 18a Test Method for Performance Validation of Thermomechanical Analyzers
  • E2919 - 14 Test Method for Evaluating the Performance of Systems that Measure Static, Six Degrees of Freedom (6DOF), Pose
  • E2920 - 19 Guide for Recording Occupational Injuries and Illnesses
  • E2921 - 16a Practice for Minimum Criteria for Comparing Whole Building Life Cycle Assessments for Use with Building Codes, Standards, and Rating Systems
  • E2922 - 15 Guide for The Use of Standard Test Methods and Practices for Evaluating Antibacterial Activity on Textiles
  • E2923 - 14(2019) Practice for Longevity Assessment of Firestop Materials Using Differential Scanning Calorimetry
  • E2924 - 14(2020) Practice for Intumescent Coatings
  • E2925 - 19a Specification for Manufactured Polymeric Drainage and Ventilation Materials Used to Provide a Rainscreen Function
  • E2926 - 17 Test Method for Forensic Comparison of Glass Using Micro X-ray Fluorescence (µ-XRF) Spectrometry
  • E2927 - 16e1 Test Method for Determination of Trace Elements in Soda-Lime Glass Samples Using Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry for Forensic Comparisons
  • E2928/E2928M - 17 Practice for Examination of Drillstring Threads Using the Alternating Current Field Measurement Technique
  • E2929 - 18 Practice for Guided Wave Testing of Above Ground Steel Piping with Magnetostrictive Transduction
  • E2930 - 13 Practice for Pressure Decay Leak Test Method
  • E2931 - 13(2019) Test Method for Limiting Oxygen (Oxidant) Concentration of Combustible Dust Clouds
  • E2933 - 13 Specification for Stationary Point Chemical Vapor Detectors (SPCVD) for Homeland Security Applications
  • E2934 - 14(2018) Practice for Digital Imaging and Communication in Nondestructive Evaluation (DICONDE) for Eddy Current (EC) Test Methods
  • E2935 - 20 Practice for Conducting Equivalence Tests for Comparing Testing Processes
  • E2936 - 20 Guide for Contractor Self-Assessment for U.S. Government Asset Management Systems
  • E2937 - 18 Guide for Using Infrared Spectroscopy in Forensic Paint Examinations
  • E2938 - 15 Test Method for Evaluating the Relative-Range Measurement Performance of 3D Imaging Systems in the Medium Range
  • E2939 - 13(2018) Practice for Determining Reporting Conditions and Expected Capacity for Photovoltaic Non-Concentrator Systems
  • E2941 - 14 Practices for Extraction of Elements from Ores and Related Metallurgical Materials by Acid Digestion
  • E2942 - 17 Guide for Security of Tank Farm Installations for Compliance with Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure Plan (SPCC) Regulations
  • E2943 - 15 Guide for Two-Sample Acceptance and Preference Testing with Consumers
  • E2945 - 14 Test Method for Film Permeability Determination Using Static Permeability Cells
  • E2946 - 13 Test Method for Determining the Bacteria-Reducing Effectiveness of Food-Handler Handwash Formulations Using Hands of Adults
  • E2947 - 16a Guide for Building Enclosure Commissioning
  • E2948 - 16a Test Method for Conducting Rotating Bending Fatigue Tests of Solid Round Fine Wire
  • E2950 - 14(2020) Specification for Metal Canopy Systems
  • E2951 - 13(2020)e1 Guide for Community Emergency Preparedness for Persons with Disabilities
  • E2952 - 17 Specification for Air-Purifying Respiratory Protective Smoke Escape Devices (RPED)
  • E2953 - 14(2020)e1 Specification for Evaluating Accelerated Aging Performance of Electrochromic Devices in Sealed Insulating Glass Units
  • E2954 - 15 Test Method for Axial Compression Test of Reinforced Plastic and Polymer Matrix Composite Vertical Members
  • E2954-RU-RU - 15 Стандартный метод испытания на осевое сжатие вертикальных элементов из армированной пластмассы и композитных материалов с полимерной матрицей
  • E2955 - 13(2019) Practice for Simulating Profilograph Response to Longitudinal Profiles of Traveled Surfaces
  • E2956 - 14 Guide for Monitoring the Neutron Exposure of LWR Reactor Pressure Vessels
  • E2957 - 17 Test Method for Resistance to Wildfire Penetration of Eaves, Soffits and Other Projections
  • E2958 - 19 Test Methods for Kinetic Parameters by Factor Jump/Modulated Thermogravimetry
  • E2962 - 14(2020) Guide for Fleet Management
  • E2963 - 16 Test Method for Laboratory Measurement of Acoustical Effectiveness of Ship Noise Treatments Laboratory Measurement of Acoustical Effectiveness for Marine Bulkhead and Deck Treatments
  • E2964 - 19 Test Method for Measurement of the Normalized Insertion Loss of Doors
  • E2965 - 17 Test Method for Determination of Low Levels of Heat Release Rate for Materials and Products Using an Oxygen Consumption Calorimeter
  • E2966 - 14(2019) Test Method for Quantitative Assessment of Sanitizing Solutions for Carpet
  • E2967 - 15 Test Method for Assessing the Ability of Pre-wetted Towelettes to Remove and Transfer Bacterial Contamination on Hard, Non-Porous Environmental Surfaces Using the Wiperator
  • E2968 - 14 Guide for Application of Continuous Processing in the Pharmaceutical Industry
  • E2969 - 18 Test Methods for Transverse Load Tests on Panels Used in Wall Construction
  • E2970 - 15 Practice for Specifying Color by the Natural Colour System (NCS)
  • E2971 - 16(2020) Test Method for Determination of Effective Boron-10 Areal Density in Aluminum Neutron Absorbers using Neutron Attenuation Measurements
  • E2972 - 15(2019) Guide for Production, Testing, and Value Assignment of In-House Reference Materials for Metals, Ores, and Other Related Materials
  • E2973 - 15 Digital Reference Images for Inspection of Aluminum and Magnesium Die Castings
  • E2975 - 16e1 Test Method for Calibration or Calibration Verification of Concentric Cylinder Rotational Viscometers
  • E2977 - 15 Practice for Measuring and Reporting Performance of Fourier-Transform Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (FT-NMR) Spectrometers for Liquid Samples
  • E2978 - 15 Guide for Screening and Training of Assessors and a General Approach for the Sensory Evaluation of Toothpaste Appearance, Flavor, and Texture
  • E2979 - 18 Classification for Discarded Materials from Manufacturing Facilities and Associated Support Facilities
  • E2980 - 20 Test Methods for Estimating Average Particle Size of Powders Using Air Permeability
  • E2981 - 15e1 Guide for Nondestructive Testing of the Composite Overwraps in Filament Wound Pressure Vessels Used in Aerospace Applications
  • E2982 - 14e1 Guide for Nondestructive Testing of Thin-Walled Metallic Liners in Filament-Wound Pressure Vessels Used in Aerospace Applications
  • E2983 - 14(2019) Guide for Application of Acoustic Emission for Structural Health Monitoring
  • E2984/E2984M - 14 Practice for Acoustic Emission Examination of High Pressure, Low Carbon, Forged Piping using Controlled Hydrostatic Pressurization
  • E2985/E2985M - 14(2019) Practice for Determination of Metal Purity Based on Elastic Constant Measurements Derived from Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy
  • E2986 - 18 Guide for Evaluation of Environmental Aspects of Sustainability of Manufacturing Processes
  • E2987/E2987M - 20 Terminology for Sustainable Manufacturing
  • E2988 - 17 Practice for Specimen Preparation and Mounting of Flexible Fibrous Glass Insulation for Metal Buildings to Assess Surface Burning Characteristics
  • E2989 - 19a Guide for Assessment of Continued Applicability of Reaction to Fire Test Reports Used in Building Regulation
  • E2991/E2991M - 17 Test Method for Evaluating Response Robot Mobility: Traverse Gravel Terrain
  • E2991/E2991M-RU-RU - 17 Стандартный метод испытаний для оценки проходимости роботов для работы в экстремальных условиях. Движение по гравию
  • E2992/E2992M - 17 Test Method for Evaluating Response Robot Mobility: Traverse Sand Terrain
  • E2992/E2992M-RU-RU - 17 Стандартный метод испытаний для оценки проходимости роботов для работы в экстремальных условиях. Движение по песку
  • E2993 - 16 Guide for Evaluating Potential Hazard as a Result of Methane in the Vadose Zone
  • E2994 - 16 Test Method for Analysis of Titanium and Titanium Alloys by Spark Atomic Emission Spectrometry and Glow Discharge Atomic Emission Spectrometry (Performance-Based Method)
  • E2995 - 15a(2020) Specification for ASTM Thermohydrometers with Integral Low-Hazard Thermometers
  • E2996 - 20 Guide for Workforce Education in Nanotechnology Health and Safety
  • E2997 - 16 Test Method for Analysis of Biodiesel Products by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  • E2998 - 16 Practice for Characterization and Classification of Smokeless Powder
  • E2999 - 17 Test Method for Analysis of Organic Compounds in Smokeless Powder by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy

1.4. E3000-E3999

  • E3000 - 18 Guide for Measuring and Tracking Performance of Assessors on a Descriptive Sensory Panel
  • E3001 - 20 Practice for Workforce Education in Nanotechnology Characterization
  • E3002 - 15 Practice for Assessing the Comparative Efficacy of Products Used for the Decontamination of Chemical Warfare Agents (CWAs) on Skin
  • E3003 - 20 Practice for Body Armor Wearer Measurement and Fitting of Armor
  • E3004 - 20a Specification for Preparation and Verification of Clay Blocks Used in Ballistic-Resistance Testing of Torso Body Armor
  • E3005 - 20 Terminology for Body Armor
  • E3006 - 20 Practice for Ultraviolet Conditioning of Photovoltaic Modules or Mini-Modules Using a Fluorescent Ultraviolet (UV) Lamp Apparatus
  • E3007 - 15 Practice for Kinetic Values Used to Evaluate the Study of Decomposition Reactions by Thermogravimetry
  • E3008/E3008M - 16e1 Classification for Transportation Surface Elements—UNIFORMAT II
  • E3009 - 15e1 Test Method for Sensory Analysis—Tetrad Test
  • E3010 - 15(2019) Practice for Installation, Commissioning, Operation, and Maintenance Process (ICOMP) of Photovoltaic Arrays
  • E3011 - 15 Test Method for In vitro production of Clostridium Difficile Spores
  • E3012 - 20 Guide for Characterizing Environmental Aspects of Manufacturing Processes
  • E3013/E3013M - 17 Test Method for Evaluating Concrete Pavement Dowel Bar Alignment Using Magnetic Pulse Induction
  • E3014 - 15 Practice for Managing Sustainability in Dentistry
  • E3015 - 15(2020) Guide for Management of Customer-Owned Property Assets in Possession of Supplier, Contractor or Subcontractor
  • E3016 - 18 Guide for Establishing Confidence in Digital and Multimedia Evidence Forensic Results by Error Mitigation Analysis
  • E3017 - 19 Practice for Examining Magnetic Card Readers
  • E3020 - 16a Practice for Ignition Sources
  • E3021/E3021M - 15(2019) Guide for Evaluating the Relative Effectiveness of Building Systems to Resist the Passage of Products of Combustion Based on the Aggregation of Leakage Rates
  • E3022 - 18 Practice for Measurement of Emission Characteristics and Requirements for LED UV-A Lamps Used in Fluorescent Penetrant and Magnetic Particle Testing
  • E3023 - 15 Practice for Probability of Detection Analysis for â Versus a Data
  • E3024/E3024M - 19 Practice for Magnetic Particle Testing for General Industry
  • E3025 - 16 Guide for Tiered Approach to Detection and Characterization of Silver Nanomaterials in Textiles
  • E3026 - 15 Guide for Readily Observable Moisture Affected Materials and Conditions Conducive to Elevated Moisture in Commercial Buildings: Visual Moisture Assessment Process
  • E3027 - 18a Guide for Making Sustainability-Related Chemical Selection Decisions in the Life-Cycle of Products
  • E3028 - 16e1 Practice for Computing Wheelchair Pathway Roughness Index as Related to Comfort, Passability, and Whole Body Vibrations from Longitudinal Profile Measurements
  • E3029 - 15 Practice for Determining Relative Spectral Correction Factors for Emission Signal of Fluorescence Spectrometers
  • E3030 - 19 Digital Reference Images for Heavy-Walled (2 to 412 in. (50.8 to 114 mm)) Steel Castings
  • E3031 - 20 Practice for Determination of Antibacterial Activity on Ceramic Surfaces
  • E3032 - 15e1 Guide for Climate Resiliency Planning and Strategy
  • E3033 - 16 Guide for Beneficial Use of Landfills and Chemically Impacted Sites
  • E3034 - 20 Guide for Workforce Education in Nanotechnology Pattern Generation
  • E3035 - 15(2020) Classification for Facility Asset Component Tracking System (FACTS)
  • E3036 - 15 Guide for Notating Facade Conditions in the Field
  • E3037 - 20 Test Method for Measuring Relative Movement Capabilities of Through-Penetration Firestop Systems
  • E3038 - 20 Practice for Assessing and Qualifying Candidates as Inspectors of Firestop Systems and Fire-Resistive Joint Systems
  • E3039 - 20 Test Method for Determination of Crack-Tip-Opening Angle of Ferritic Steels Using DWTT-Type Specimens
  • E3040 - 18 Practice for Evaluation of Instrumental Color Difference with a Gray Scale
  • E3041 - 17 Guide for Selecting and Using Scales for Sensory Evaluation
  • E3042 - 16 Practice for Process Step to Inactivate Rodent Retrovirus with Triton X-100 Treatment
  • E3044/E3044M - 16e1 Practice for Ultrasonic Testing of Polyethylene Butt Fusion Joints
  • E3045 - 16 Practice for Crack Detection Using Vibroacoustic Thermography
  • E3046 - 15 Guide for Core Competencies for Mobile Phone Forensics
  • E3047 - 16 Test Method for Analysis of Nickel Alloys by Spark Atomic Emission Spectrometry
  • E3047-RU-RU - 16 Стандартный метод испытаний для анализа никелевых сплавов с помощью атомно-эмиссионной спектрометрии с искровым источником
  • E3048 - 19a Test Method for Determination of Time to Burn-Through Using the Intermediate Scale Calorimeter (ICAL) Radiant Panel
  • E3050 - 16 Specification for Denatured Ethanol for Use as Cooking and Appliance Fuel
  • E3051 - 16 Guide for Specification, Design, Verification, and Application of Single-Use Systems in Pharmaceutical and Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing
  • E3052 - 16 Practice for Examination of Carbon Steel Welds Using Eddy Current Array
  • E3053 - 18e1 Test Method for Determining Particulate Matter Emissions from Wood Heaters Using Cordwood Test Fuel
  • E3054/E3054M - 16 Guide for Characterization and Use of Hygrothermal Models for Moisture Control Design in Building Envelopes
  • E3056 - 16 Guide for Strategic Warehousing
  • E3057 - 19 Test Method for Measuring Heat Flux Using Directional Flame Thermometers with Advanced Data Analysis Techniques
  • E3058 - 16 Test Method for Determining the Residual Kill Activity of Hand Antiseptic Formulations
  • E3059 - 16 Guide for Workforce Education in Nanotechnology Infrastructure
  • E3060 - 16 Guide for Subvisible Particle Measurement in Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Using Dynamic (Flow) Imaging Microscopy
  • E3061 - 17 Test Method for Analysis of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry (Performance Based Method)
  • E3062/E3062M - 20 Specification for Indoor Ballistic Test Ranges for Small Arms and Fragmentation Testing of Ballistic-resistant Items
  • E3063 - 17 Test Method for Antimony Content Using Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA)
  • E3064 - 16 Test Method for Evaluating the Performance of Optical Tracking Systems that Measure Six Degrees of Freedom (6DOF) Pose
  • E3066 - 20 Practice for Evaluating Relative Sustainability Involving Energy or Chemicals from Biomass
  • E3068 - 20 Test Method for Contact Measurement of Backface Deformation in Clay Backing During Body Armor Testing
  • E3069 - 19a Guide for Evaluation and Rehabilitation of Mass Masonry Walls for Changes to Thermal and Moisture Properties of the Wall
  • E3070 - 18 Test Method for Shear Thinning Index of Non-Newtonian Liquids Using a Rotational Viscometer
  • E3071 - 16 Guide for Nanotechnology Workforce Education in Materials Synthesis and Processing
  • E3072 - 19 Terminology for Industrial Biotechnology
  • E3073 - 17 Guide for Development of Waste Management Plan for Construction, Deconstruction, or Demolition Projects
  • E3074/E3074M - 20 Practice for Clearance Examinations Following Lead Hazard Reduction Activities in Single Family Dwellings, in Individual Units of Multifamily Dwellings, and in Other Child-Occupied Facilities
  • E3075 - 18 Test Method for Water Immersion and Drying for Evaluation of Flood Damage Resistance
  • E3076 - 18 Practice for Determination of the Slope in the Linear Region of a Test Record
  • E3077 - 17e2 Guide for Raw Material eData Transfer from Material Suppliers to Pharmaceutical & Biopharmaceutical Manufacturers
  • E3078/E3078M - 20 Practice for Conditioning of Hard Armor Test Items
  • E3080 - 19 Practice for Regression Analysis with a Single Predictor Variable
  • E3081 - 16 Practice for Outlier Screening Using Process Compensated Resonance Testing via Swept Sine Input for Metallic and Non-Metallic Parts
  • E3082 - 20 Test Methods for Determining the Effectiveness of Fire Retardant Treatments for Natural Christmas Trees
  • E3083 - 17 Terminology Relating to Radiation Processing: Dosimetry and Applications
  • E3084 - 17 Practice for Characterizing Particle Irradiations of Materials in Terms of Non-Ionizing Energy Loss (NIEL)
  • E3085 - 17 Guide for Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy in Forensic Tape Examinations
  • E3086 - 20 Practice for Creating Appliques for Use in Testing of Nonplanar Soft Body Armor Designed for Females
  • E3087 - 18 Test Method for Measuring Capture Efficiency of Domestic Range Hoods
  • E3089 - 17 Guide for Nanotechnology Workforce Education in Material Properties and Effects of Size
  • E3090/E3090M - 20 Test Methods for Strength Properties of Metal Ceiling Suspension Systems
  • E3091 - 17 Specification for Systems to Measure Sound Levels
  • E3092 - 18 Practice for Evaluating Efficacy of Vaporous Decontaminants on Materials Contaminated with Bacillus Spores and Contained Within 0.2 µm Filter-Capped Tubes
  • E3093 - 20 Guide for Structured Small Group Product Evaluations
  • E3095 - 17 Guide for Surrogate Materials for Field Evaluation of Nucleic Acid-Based On-Site Biological Assessment Technologies
  • E3096 - 18 Guide for Definition, Selection, and Organization of Key Performance Indicators for Environmental Aspects of Manufacturing Processes
  • E3097 - 17 Test Method for Mechanical Uniaxial Constant Force Thermal Cycling of Shape Memory Alloys
  • E3098 - 17 Test Method for Mechanical Uniaxial Pre-strain and Thermal Free Recovery of Shape Memory Alloys
  • E3100 - 17 Guide for Acoustic Emission Examination of Concrete Structures
  • E3101 - 18 Practice for Microwave Examination of Polyethylene Butt Fusion Joints
  • E3102 - 18 Practice for Microwave Examination of Polyethylene Electrofusion Joints Used in Piping Application
  • E3104 - 17 Specification for Strippable & Removable Coatings to Mitigate Spread of Radioactive Contamination
  • E3105 - 17 Specification for Permanent Coatings Used to Mitigate Spread of Radioactive Contamination
  • E3106 - 18e1 Guide for Science-Based and Risk-Based Cleaning Process Development and Validation
  • E3107/E3107M - 20 Test Method for Resistance to Penetration and Backface Deformation for Ballistic-resistant Torso Body Armor and Shoot Packs
  • E3108 - 18 Practice for Conformity Assessment of Protective Gloves Worn by Law Enforcement and Corrections Officers
  • E3109 - 18 Specification for Protective Gloves Worn by Law Enforcement and Corrections Officers
  • E3110/E3110M - 20 Test Method for Collection of Ballistic Limit Data for Ballistic-resistant Torso Body Armor and Shoot Packs
  • E3111/E3111M - 18 Test Method for Ballistic Resistant Head Protection
  • E3112/E3112M - 20 Test Method for Ballistic-resistant Products and Shoot Packs
  • E3113 - 18 Specification for Ballistic-resistant Vehicle Door Panels Used by Public Safety Agencies
  • E3115 - 17 Guide for Capturing Facial Images for Use with Facial Recognition Systems
  • E3116 - 18 Test Method for Viscosity Measurement Validation of Rotational Viscometers
  • E3118/E3118M - 20 Test Methods to Evaluate Seismic Performance of Suspended Ceiling Systems by Full-Scale Dynamic Testing
  • E3119 - 19 Test Method for Accelerated Aging of Environmentally Controlled Dynamic Glazing
  • E3120 - 19 Specification for Evaluating Accelerated Aging Performance of Environmentally Controlled Dynamic Glazings
  • E3121/E3121M - 17 Test Methods for Field Testing of Anchors in Concrete or Masonry
  • E3123 - 18 Guide for Recognition and Derecognition of Environmental Liabilities
  • E3124 - 17 Test Method for Measuring System Latency Performance of Optical Tracking Systems that Measure Six Degrees of Freedom (6DOF) Pose
  • E3125 - 17 Test Method for Evaluating the Point-to-Point Distance Measurement Performance of Spherical Coordinate 3D Imaging Systems in the Medium Range
  • E3130 - 18 Guide for Developing Cost-Effective Community Resilience Strategies
  • E3131 - 17 Specification for Nucleic Acid-Based Systems for Bacterial Pathogen Screening of Suspicious Visible Powders
  • E3132/E3132M - 17 Practice for Evaluating Response Robot Logistics: System Configuration
  • E3133 - 18e1 Test Method for Laboratory Measurement of Floor Impact Sound Radiation Using the Tapping Machine
  • E3134 - 20 Specification for Transportation Tunnel Structural Components and Passive Fire Protection Systems
  • E3135 - 18 Practice for Determining Antimicrobial Efficacy of Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation Against Microorganisms on Carriers with Simulated Soil
  • E3136 - 18 Guide for Climate Resiliency in Water Resources
  • E3137/E3137M - 18 Specification for Heat Meter Instrumentation
  • E3140 - 19 Guide for Asset Management Career Development, Education, and Training
  • E3141/E3141M - 18 Test Method for Ballistic Resistant Shields for Law Enforcement
  • E3142 - 18a Test Method for Thermal Lag of Thermal Analysis Apparatus
  • E3143 - 18b Practice for Performing Cryo-Transmission Electron Microscopy of Liposomes
  • E3144 - 19 Guide for Reporting the Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Nano-Objects
  • E3145 - 19 Test Method for User-Level Calibration of Dynamic Friction Tester (DF Tester)
  • E3146 - 20 Test Method for Determination of Carbonyls in Pyrolysis Bio-Oils by Potentiometric Titration
  • E3147 - 18 Practice for Evaluating DICONDE Interoperability of Nondestructive Testing and Inspection Systems
  • E3148 - 18 Guide for Postmortem Facial Image Capture
  • E3149 - 18 Guide for Facial Image Comparison Feature List for Morphological Analysis
  • E3150 - 18 Guide for Forensic Audio Laboratory Setup and Maintenance
  • E3151 - 18 Test Method for Determining Antimicrobial Activity and Biofilm Resistance Properties of Tube, Yarn, or Fiber Specimens
  • E3152 - 18 Guide for Standard Test Methods and Practices Available for Determining Antifungal Activity on Natural or Synthetic Substrates Treated with Antimicrobial Agents
  • E3155 - 19 Guide for Assessing Mammal Health at Chemically Contaminated Terrestrial Sites Using Rodent Sperm Analysis
  • E3157 - 20 Guide for Understanding and Using Information Related to Installation of Firestop Systems
  • E3158 - 18 Test Method for Measuring the Air Leakage Rate of a Large or Multizone Building
  • E3159 - 18 Guide for General Reliability
  • E3160 - 18 Test Method for Quantitative Evaluation of the Antibacterial Properties of Porous Antibacterial Treated Articles
  • E3161 - 18 Practice for Preparing a Pseudomonas aeruginosa or Staphylococcus aureus Biofilm using the CDC Biofilm Reactor
  • E3162 - 18 Practice Measuring the Durability of Antibacterial Agents Applied to Textiles under Simulated Home Laundering Conditions
  • E3163 - 18 Guide for Selection and Application of Analytical Methods and Procedures Used during Sediment Corrective Action
  • E3164 - 18 Guide for Sediment Corrective Action – Monitoring
  • E3165 - 18 Test Method for Nighttime Retroreflected Chromaticity of Retroreflective Sheeting
  • E3166 - 20e1 Guide for Nondestructive Examination of Metal Additively Manufactured Aerospace Parts After Build
  • E3167/E3167M - 18 Practice for Conventional Pulse-Echo Ultrasonic Testing of Polyethylene Electrofusion Joints
  • E3168 - 20a Practice for Determining Low-Contrast Visual Acuity of Radiographic Interpreters
  • E3169 - 18 Guide for Digital Imaging and Communication in Nondestructive Evaluation (DICONDE)
  • E3170/E3170M - 18 Practice for Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing of Polyethylene Electrofusion Joints
  • E3172 - 18 Guide for Reporting Production Information and Data for Nano-Objects
  • E3173 - 18 Guide for Decommissioning and Disposal of Medical Equipment
  • E3174 - 20 Practice for Determination of Kinetic Reaction Model Using Differential Scanning Calorimetry
  • E3176 - 20 Guide for Forensic Engineering Expert Reports
  • E3177 - 18 Guide on Sampling for Process Analytical Technology
  • E3178 - 18 Practice for Evaluating Static and Cidal Chemical Decontaminants against Bacillus Spores using Centrifugal Filtration Tubes
  • E3179 - 18 Test Method for Determining Antimicrobial Efficacy of Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation against Influenza Virus on Fabric Carriers with Simulated Soil
  • E3180 - 18 Test Method for Quantification of a Bacillus subtilis Biofilm Comprised of Vegetative Cells and Spores Grown Using the Colony Biofilm Model
  • E3181 - 20 Practice for Determination of the Converted Fraction of Starch and Cellulosic Content From a Fuel Ethanol Production Facility
  • E3182 - 20 Practice for Preparing an Occupant Exposure Screening Report (OESR) for Substances in Installed Building Products
  • E3183 - 19 Guide for Harvesting Coal Combustion Products Stored in Active and Inactive Storage Areas for Beneficial Use
  • E3186 - 19 Guide for Use and Testing of Dry-Block Temperature Calibrators
  • E3187/E3187M - 19 Specification for Less Lethal Aerosol Devices Used by Law Enforcement, Corrections, and Other Public Safety Officers
  • E3188 - 19 Terminology for Aircraft Braking Performance
  • E3189 - 19 Practice for Separation of Ignitable Liquid Residues from Fire Debris Samples by Static Headspace Concentration onto an Adsorbent Tube
  • E3190 - 19 Practice for Preparation of Fixed Radiological/Surrogate Contamination on Porous Test Coupon Surfaces for Evaluation of Decontamination Techniques
  • E3191 - 18 Specification for Permanent Foaming Fixatives Used to Mitigate Spread of Radioactive Contamination
  • E3192/E3192M - 20 Practice for Soft Armor Conditioning by Tumbling
  • E3193 - 20 Test Method for Measurement of Lead (Pb) in Dust by Wipe, Paint, and Soil by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (FAAS)
  • E3195 - 19 Guide for Body Armor Program Management
  • E3197 - 20 Terminology Relating to Examination of Fire Debris
  • E3202 - 19e1 Practice for Specimen Preparation and Mounting of Plastic Composites for Use as Deck Boards, Stair Treads, Guards or Handrails to Assess Surface Burning Characteristics
  • E3203 - 19a Test Method for Determination of Lead in Dried Paint, Soil, and Wipe Samples by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES)
  • E3205 - 20 Test Method for Small Punch Testing of Metallic Materials
  • E3206 - 19 Guide for Reporting the Physical and Chemical Characteristics of a Collection of Nano-Objects
  • E3208 - 20 Specification for Minimum Equipment Requirements for Mobile Surface Contaminant Classification and Measurement Equipment
  • E3209/E3209M - 20 Test Method for Pavement Thickness by Magnetic Pulse Induction
  • E3210 - 20 Practice for Infrastructure Management
  • E3212 - 19 Guide for Selection and Procurement of Protective Gloves Worn by Law Enforcement and Corrections
  • E3213 - 19 Practice for Part-to-Itself Examination Using Process Compensated Resonance Testing Via Swept Sine Input for Metallic and Non-Metallic Parts
  • E3214 - 19 Classification for Industrial Microorganisms
  • E3215 - 19a Practice for Certification of Less Lethal Aerosol Devices Used by Law Enforcement, Corrections, and Other Public Safety Officers
  • E3218 - 19 Test Method for Quantitative Method for Testing Antimicrobial Agents against Spores of C. difficile on Hard, Nonporous Surfaces
  • E3219 - 20 Guide for Derivation of Health-Based Exposure Limits (HBELs)
  • E3220 - 20 Guide for Characterization of Graphene Flakes
  • E3221 - 19 Guide for Motorized Equipment
  • E3222 - 20a Classification for Determination of High-frequency Impact Sound Ratings
  • E3223/E3223M - 20 Guide for Specifying and Testing Field-Constructed Exterior Building Wall System Mockups in New Construction
  • E3224 - 19 Guide for Building Energy Performance and Improvement Evaluation in the Assessment of Property Condition
  • E3225 - 20 Practice for Performing a Liquid Test of Spill Prevention Equipment and Containment Sumps Used for Interstitial Monitoring of Piping by Visual Examination
  • E3226 - 19 Test Method for Processing Cellulose Sponge-wipes to Detect Bacillus anthracis Spores Sampled from Environmental Surfaces
  • E3228 - 19 Guide for Environmental Knowledge Management
  • E3230 - 20 Practice for Extraction of Particulate Matter from the Surfaces of Single-Use Components and Assemblies Designed for Use in Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing
  • E3231 - 19 Guide for Cell Culture Growth Assessment of Single-Use Material
  • E3233 - 20 Practice for Forensic Tape Analysis Training Program
  • E3234 - 20 Practice for Forensic Paint Analysis Training Program
  • E3236/E3236M - 20 Specification for Ballistic-resistant Barriers Used in Homeland Security or Public Safety Applications
  • E3237 - 19 Specification for Undenatured Ethanol from Biomass for Use in Industrial Applications
  • E3238 - 20 Test Method for Quantitative Measurement of the Chemoattractant Capacity of a Nanoparticulate Material in vitro
  • E3240 - 20 Guide for Risk-Based Corrective Action for Contaminated Sediment Sites
  • E3241 - 20 Guide for Coordination and Cooperation between Facilities, Local Emergency Planning Committees, and Emergency Responders
  • E3242 - 20 Guide for Determination of Representative Sediment Background Concentrations
  • E3244 - 20 Practice for Integrity Assurance and Testing of Single-Use Systems
  • E3245 - 20e1 Guide for Systematic Approach to the Extraction, Analysis, and Classification of Ignitable Liquids and Ignitable Liquid Residues in Fire Debris Samples
  • E3247 - 20 Test Method for Measuring the Size of Nanoparticles in Aqueous Media Using Dynamic Light Scattering
  • E3248 - 20 Guide for NAPL Mobility and Migration in Sediment – Conceptual Models for Emplacement and Advection
  • E3251 - 20 Test Method for Microbial Ingress Testing on Single-Use Systems
  • E3255 - 21 Practice for Quality Assurance of Forensic Science Service Providers Performing Forensic Chemical Analysis
  • E3256 - 20 Practice for Reference Scenarios When Evaluating the Relative Sustainability of Bioproducts
  • E3263 - 20 Practice for Qualification of Visual Inspection of Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Equipment and Medical Devices for Residues
  • E3265 - 20 Guide for Evaluating Water-Miscible Metalworking Fluid Foaming Tendency
  • E3266 - 20 Guide for Friction-Limited Aircraft Braking Measurements and Reportin

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