The Soft Spreadable Cheese Xygalo Siteias: History
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The aim of cheese manufacturers is to produce high quality and safe products. Along the food chain of “milk to cheese and food products”, milk is collected, transferred, and managed in a standardized manner; processing results in safe, ready-to-eat products, of high nutritional quality. Soft, acid cheeses are prepared in various regions of Greece, mainly from ewe milk, goat milk, or their mixtures. They are produced from the rennet and/or acid coagulation of thermally-treated, full-fat milk undergoing acidification/curdling and ripening. Xygalo Siteias is a Greek soft cheese, produced in the area of Siteia, Crete, where it was recognized as PDO in 2011. It is close—more in texture and less in taste—with other cream cheeses PDO of Greece, such as Pichtogalo of Chania, and Katiki Domokou, still it differs in the preparation technique as well as in its physicochemical, biochemical, microbiological, and organoleptic characteristics.

  • food chain
  • dairy processing
  • soft cheese

1. Soft Spreadable Cheeses in Greece

The differences in cheese making processing form a variety of soft products, that when spreadable, have high moisture (60–80%) and fat on a dry basis (40–55%), rather low salt (0.8–1.8%) and pH ~4.5; some of them are under protected denomination of origin (PDO) cheeses, as, i.e., Anevato, Galotyri, Katiki Domokou, Kopanisti, Pichtogalo Chanion, as well as Xygalo Siteias [6]. Among them, Katiki Domokou is a soft cheese made in the Domokos area, as well as other parts of mountainous-mainland central Greece, derived from goat’s and ewe’s milk produced from local breeds. In the western Greece Aitoloakarnania-region, this cheese is also commonly known as “tsalafouti”. The milk is left at room temperature (at 20 to 22 °C) to sour and curdle with or without rennet addition. It is then mechanically drained in a cheese cloth, salt is added (1%), and then the cheese is kept refrigerated until it is retailed and consumed [7].
Pichtogalo Chanion is a soft and spreadable cheese manufactured from ewe’s milk or mixtures of ewe’s and goat’s milk, which is left to sour for 24 h. The cheese is drained, then salt is added at about 1%, and the product is ready for consumption. Pichtogalo Chanion is salty and sour in taste; it has a milky aftertaste and the aroma of yogurt. The product is made in the area of Chania, in the western part of the island of Crete. In 1996, Pichtogalo Chanion was granted PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) status [7].
Xygalo Siteias is a soft, fresh, and spreadable cheese, traditionally made in Crete, Greece [3,8,9]. It is a product of milk acidification, made in the area of Siteia, at Lasithi, in the eastern part of Crete. The milk mixture is optionally pasteurized, and then cooled to 25 °C. Salt (sodium chloride, NaCl) is added to a maximum of 2% by weight, as may be harmless acidic bacterial cultures, and small amounts of natural rennet from suckling lambs’ stomachs (mainly if the milk has been pasteurized), called “tirephtis” in the Cretan-shepherds’ idiom. Xygalo Siteias matures for at least 1 month, or even for 2 months, the latter especially if the milk was not pasteurized. It has a slightly sour taste, a characteristic aroma, a very bright-white nuance, and a creamy-full texture [8].

2. Xygalo Siteias Value Chain

2.1. A Traditional Product in Modern Market

This cheese is identified with an ancient name indicating milk acidification ‘Oξύγαλα’ (Oxygala or acid milk), or simpler ‘Ξύγαλο’ (Xygalo), whose production method goes back to the Hellenistic and Roman times. It remained an artisanal product for centuries. As an industrial product, it was first marketed at the beginning of the 1990s. Ever since, it has been largely accepted by the broader consumers’ population of Crete (especially in eastern Crete) and Greece (especially in Athens and Thessaloniki). Gastronomy initiatives which certify restaurants offering dishes in-line with the Cretan diet, recommend Xygalo as an excellent “hors d’oeuvre”, by the name “Xygalo Steiako” [8,9,10,11]. In the market of Crete in 2021, one can find at least three brands of xygalo, with the factories of two of them being very near the town of Siteia, one of them, the bigger, in the village of Hamezi. The third one lies in the broader Lasithi area, at Neapolis. Furthermore, numerous (we estimate in a few decades level) artisanal producers exist in the Siteia area, producing for local taverns and restaurants since there is a thriving local hospitality industry, as well as for families living in the area. The overall yield of cheeses produced in the area of Siteia, Lasithi Crete, is approximately 1300 tons per year. Of those, we estimate that Xygalo Siteias comprises roughly 60–100 tons per year; with processing of 150–200 tons of milk per year to supply this demand (Nikolaos Lapidakis MSc, personal communications with local producers and relevant authorities).

2.2. Area of Production

Processing of the milk, and production of Xygalo Siteias, must take place within the Siteia region, which is within the former Municipalities of Siteia, Makry Yialos, Itanos, Lefki, and all their municipal districts [3]. This is essentially a peninsula comprising the whole of the eastern end of Crete. It comprises mostly middle-mountain terrain (altitude of 300–1000 m, with small plateau), with less than 20% of lowland (under 300 m) and few upland areas (1000–1500 m). The Siteia region has lower rainfall, stronger winds, and higher temperatures than elsewhere in Crete at the same altitude. The number of hours of sunshine is particularly high, ranging from 2700 h per annum in the north, to over 3000 h in the south (highest in Greece). Sheep and goats are reared in many places, mainly in the middle-mountain areas and to a lesser extent in the lowlands [8,9,12].

2.3. Breeds That Produce the Milk for Xygalo Siteias

Studies in the 1960s [13,14] describe varieties of the Greek Zackel on the island of Crete—the Siteia, the Psiloriti (the name Psiloris also used), and the Sfakia. Mature rams of the Psiloriti and the Sfakia variety are estimated to be about 64–66 cm at the withers, compared to about 57 cm for the Sitia; ewes of the three varieties are about the same height, in the range of 52–55 cm. Owners and animal merchants who are knowledgeable of small ruminants on the Crete island, attribute the divergence in the size of the varieties to qualitative differences in the forage available in the respective areas they used to live, with the poorest grazing being in the eastern part of Crete (Lasithi), where the smallest of the three varieties, the Sitia variety, is found. It was noted that the muzzle of Psiloriti (or Psiloris) rams and ewes is straight; Sitia ewes have a straight profile also, but rams have a convex muzzle. Rams of the three varieties have laterally spiraled horns, and most ewes are polled. The fleece measurements of the Cretan Zackel are shown in Table 1 [15]. Since the 1970s, the Sfakia and Psiloriti (or Psiloris) varieties (or breeds) were not considered as threatened and constituted, with crossbreds, the majority of the 385,000 Cretan Zackel (as estimated in 1977) [15]. The Siteia breed, on the other hand, has been endangered ever since the late 70s. It was estimated, at the time of a relevant survey (January 1975), that crossbreeding, with transferred, from other parts of Crete, Sfakia and Psiloriti rams had reduced the number of the Sitia to less than 1000. There is no reason or information to believe that the decline has abated since then [15], so we better refer to “Siteia crossbreeds” with Psiloriti and Sfakia breeds.
Table 1. Fleece measurements of Cretan Zackel adopted/modified, from reference [15].
Breed Mean Staple Length
Overall Diameter Range
Mean of Diameter Modes
Breed Average Diameter
% Inactive Follicle S/P Follicle Ratio
Fleece Skin Primary Secondary
Sfakia 138 12–154 23.6 45.3 27.6 9 60 37 3.5
Sitia 150 14–126 23.0 36.8 14.0 0 82 48 2.8
Psiloriti 118 12–180 19.8 38.0 19.0 5 15 19 3.5
The raw material used to prepare Xygalo Siteias is fresh milk from healthy sheep and goats that are reared in the traditional manner within the Siteia region, entirely suited to the particular climate and flora; they stem from goat breeds indigenous to Greece and local sheep breeds (Siteia breeds, Psiloriti and Sfakia breeds, and mainly cross-breeds thereof). The ‘Siteia sheep’ is a subphylum of the Aegean Islands’ small mountain-breed sheep. It is suited to areas with limited vegetation and rainfall, such as the climate in Siteia, and is not reared for milk alone but also for meat and wool. Over the past 30 years, an increasing number of the Psiloriti and Sfakia breeds have also been reared; since they are also adequately suited to middle–high mountain conditions. These Cretan breeds are also cross-bred by shepherds with Siteia sheep to increase the latter’s milk yield. An overall population of 28,000–30,000 animals is estimated [8]. Studies suggest that the Siteia-breed sheep yields a relatively smaller quantity of milk per animal, i.e., 106–115 kg per annum per ewe on semi-intensive farms, and 72–80 kg on extensive farms, in Siteia; whereas, in comparison, the average yield for the whole of the island of Crete is 110–150 kg and 78–98 kg per annum per ewe, respectively [8]. The goats in the Siteia region (estimated as 18,000–20,000 animals) are breeds indigenous to Greece adapted to inaccessible areas with limited shrub-like vegetation. The sheep and goats in the Siteia area are reared in the traditional manner on extensive or, at most, semi-intensive farms, less on lowlands and more in middle–mountain areas (altitude of 300–1000 m), on grasslands with a multitude of indigenous and aromatic plants that give the milk particularly tasty characteristics. In the past 30 years, many farmers have built housing/milking installations near villages, moving towards semi-intensive farming, combining positive elements of extensive and intensive farming methods [8].

2.4. Local Flora, Pastries and Animal Husbandry in Siteia Area

The sheep and goats are reared extensively or, at most, semi-intensively in the traditional manner, in the lowlands and middle–mountain areas not exceeding 1000 m. In October and November (when the newborns are suckled), due to the sparsity of natural vegetation and the animals’ increased feeding needs, olive leaves and dried fodder (e.g., clover, hay, maize) are used at a rate of 30–40% depending on the year. From December to around April (higher milk production, after the newborns have been weaned), they feed on the local wild flora (grasses and bushes, mostly aromatic and indigenous), which is more abundant during winter and spring rainfall (sage, Salvia fruticosa and Salvia pomifera), rock-rose (‘aladania’—Cistus creticus), heather (Erica manipuliflora), Jerusalem sage (Phlomis lanata), spiny broom (Calycotome villosa), oak (Quercus coccifera), and others). Right up to the beginning of March, these are supplemented by branches and leaves leftover from the annual pruning and cleaning-up of olive trees. During the winter period, dried fodder is also supplied in quantities usually not exceeding 30% in total so that the animals’ needs are covered during the days of heavy rainfall, snow and frost. From May onwards and throughout the summer (reduced milk production), most flocks feed on various dried cereals originating in the area’s fields, sown specifically for this purpose by the farmers, and graze on grasslands covered with local flora. Depending on the year, dried fodder from other areas of Crete and Greece (e.g., hay, clover, and maize) may be given by way of supplement, at a rate of 30–40% [8].

2.5. Xygalo Siteias Production-Procedures

Xygalo Siteias is produced from goat milk or sheep milk, or a mixture of both [8]. Concerning the mixing of goat and sheep milk, in regions where small ruminants are important to the economy, the development of products that include different proportions of sheep and goats milk attracts more consumers and additionally improves the nutritional value of the product, mainly with respect to the variety of fatty acid and mineral contents [16]. Goat milk has a white-matte colour, does not contain β-carotene and has a sweet and pleasant distinctive “freshly milked taste”; however, it can sometimes, at the end of lactation or after a period of storage in a cold environment, acquire a certain flavor one can describe as “animalic”; called “katsikila” in the Cretan idiom. The goat milk has a density ranging between 1.026 and 1.042, with a pH ranging from 6.3 to 6.7; the distinct flavor of goat milk is possibly due to the release of short-chain fatty acids during the handling of milk. Sheep milk exhibits a more marked white opacity and has a characteristic “sheepy” smell [16]. This feature is relatively less-evident in milk that is stored in a good hygienic condition, i.e., put in refrigerated tanks after suction [16]. The milk processed to produce Xygalo should be the product of milking at least ten days after the animal has given birth; either the farmer transports the milk to the cheese production-plant or it is refrigerated in milk chillers and collected frequently (usually under the cheese-plant responsibility), in a suitable vehicle or a refrigerated tank [8].
The cheese Xygalo Siteias is a product of milk acidification. The milk mixture is pasteurized (optionally) and then cooled to 25 °C. Salt (NaCl) is added to a maximum of 2% weight by weight (w/w), as are common (mainly traditional yogurt) acidic bacterial cultures, and small amounts of natural rennet from animals’ stomachs (mainly if the milk has been pasteurized) [3,8]. Different cheese varieties need different salt contents, from 0.4% for Emmental cheese, up to 4%, or even 5% for blue cheeses. It is considered that through its influence on the growth of curd microorganisms, and the activity of enzymes such as rennet and microbial enzymes, salt modulates cheese ripening. Starter bacteria are more sensitive to salt than non-starter lactic-acid bacteria (NSLAB). Most Lactococci are inhibited from 4% salt-in-moisture, while Streptococcus thermophilus is inhibited at 2.3% [17]. Overall, salt slows-down proteolysis; while in moisture-concentrations of 2–6%, salt increases the swelling and the solubility of casein, thus promoting the fusion of the cheese curd, especially for cheeses with a low pH. Salt also prevents an unwelcome extensive separation of serum during the ripening process [17].
The production of Xygalo in the “traditional” way does not include the use of lactic acid culture, which is usually similar to that of yogurt (Streptococcus thermophilus—Lactobacillus bulgaricus), as well as the use of rennet (preparations of the milk-clotting enzyme chymosin or renin), but is based on the gradual coagulation of milk due to the native milk-flora (lactic-acid bacteria), which lasts a little longer than the industrial method. The process duration depends to a large extent on the ambient temperature, and for this reason, this method is usually carried out in the summer months. Initially, Xygalo was produced only during the summer, when goat and sheep milk was scarcer, and there was not enough milk to make hard cheeses, while the temperatures favored the natural acidification of the curd. Housewives, or traditional cheesemakers, used special clay pots (called “kouroupi” in the Cretan idiom), which when gently put upside down, helped to remove the serum without breaking the cheese gel. In addition, according to this “traditional” method, the raw milk is not pasteurized so that there is a sufficient amount of lactic-acid culture, which will cause its gradual coagulation (Lapidakis N., personal communications with local artisanal-Xygalo producers).
The industrial production process of Xygalo PDO Sitia (permitted by the PDO regulation) is: the milk is pasteurized (71.8 °C for 18 sec or at 65 °C for 30 min, or with any other combination of temperatures/time that will bring the desired result). It is then cooled to 30–35 °C, where the lactic-acid culture, based on local traditional-yogurt, is added. The amount of culture is 2–5% per 100 kg of milk. After 15–20 min, a minimum amount of liquid rennet (3–4 g per ton) is added, and at the end, the product is transferred to containers not tightly closed for a month at temperatures of 18–20 °C where it matures (Lapidakis N., personal communications with Xygalo producers). Authentic Greek yogurt with “tsipa” (the solid top-layer of semi-solid yogurt, in the Cretan idiom), a dairy product where the active bacteria S. thermophilus and L. bulgaricus are predominant, is usually also produced from sheep and goat milk, by exactly the same factories that produce Xygalo Siteias. Yoghurt may be considered a cheap source of starter cultures that contains adequate types of microorganism of which most are thermophilic and can be utilized in the production of cheese. The yogurt culture/starter can be used at concentrations of 0.5–2.5%. Increasing the culture concentration is considered to be associated with the development of higher acidity, creating unfavorable conditions for the microbes and enzymes to work efficiently and releasing more whey [18].
Following the above, the product is left to ferment naturally in metal or appropriate plastic food-grade containers that are kept stationary and covered, but not hermetically sealed, for seven to ten days at a temperature of 15–20 °C. The excess fat and butter are removed from the surface of the curd. Ripening continues in these containers for approximately one month at a temperature of 10–15 °C, with no stirring of the curds for the entire duration of the acidification-ripening process. Finally, the product is separated from the whey that is concentrated at the bottom of the containers; it is placed in food-grade casks and is refrigerated/kept at a temperature of under 4 °C.

This entry is adapted from the peer-reviewed paper 10.3390/pr10010080

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