Congenital Afibrinogenemia and Hypofibrinogenemia: History
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Congenital fibrinogen disorders are rare pathologies of the hemostasis, comprising quantitative (afibrinogenemia, hypofibrinogenemia) and qualitative (dysfibrinogenemia and hypodysfibrinogenemia) disorders. The clinical phenotype is highly heterogeneous, being associated with bleeding, thrombosis, or absence of symptoms. Afibrinogenemia and hypofibrinogenemia are the consequence of mutations in the homozygous, heterozygous, or compound heterozygous state in one of three genes encoding the fibrinogen chains, which can affect the synthesis, assembly, intracellular processing, stability, or secretion of fibrinogen. In addition to standard coagulation tests depending on the formation of fibrin, diagnostics also includes global coagulation assays, which are effective in monitoring the management of replacement therapy. Genetic testing is a key point for confirming the clinical diagnosis. The identification of the precise genetic mutations of congenital fibrinogen disorders is of value to permit early testing of other at risk persons and better understand the correlation between clinical phenotype and genotype. Management of patients with afibrinogenemia is particularly challenging since there are no data from evidence-based medicine studies. Fibrinogen concentrate is used to treat bleeding, whereas for the treatment of thrombotic complications, administered low-molecular-weight heparin is most often. This review deals with updated information about afibrinogenemia and hypofibrinogenemia, contributing to the early diagnosis and effective
treatment of these disorders

  • Congenital Fibrinogen
  • Genetic
  • Diagnosis
  • Treatment

1. Classification and Terminology of Congenital Fibrinogen Disorders

Diseases affecting fibrinogen can be inherited or acquired. Congenital fibrinogen disorders are a heterogeneous group of rare, inherited abnormalities of blood coagulation [1] and can be subclassified in type I and type II disorders. Type I disorders (afibrinogenemia and hypofibrinogenemia) influence the amount of fibrinogen in human blood (fibrinogen level decreased to less than 1.8 g/L), whereas type II (dysfibrinogenemia and hypodysfibrinogenemia) impact primarily the quality of fibrinogen in the circulation [1,2]. Following the laboratory parameters needed for definition of disease seriousness, suggested by the European Network of Rare Bleeding Disorders (EN-RBD) with the support of the International Society of Thrombosis and Hemostasis, quantitative fibrinogen deficiency may be classified into mild hypofibrinogenemia (lower limit of normal level—1.0 g/L), moderate hypofibrinogenemia (0.9–0.5 g/L), severe hypofibrinogenemia (0.5–0.1 g/L), and afibrinogenemia (unmeasurable fibrinogen level <0.1 g/L) [3,4]. The Orphanet classification of rare hematological diseases and the Orphanet classification of rare genetic diseases indicates afibrinogenemia (ORPHA98880) and congenital hypofibrinogenemia (ORPHA101041) [5,6]. According to the Factor XIII and Fibrinogen Subcommittee of the Scientific Standardization Committee of the ISTH, for congenital quantitative fibrinogen disorders, it is necessary to provide an accurate diagnosis and to classify the patients not only based on their fibrinogen levels but also according to their clinical phenotype.
The first remark on afibrinogenemia was made by Rabe and Salomon in 1920, when the authors discussed an unusual case of 9-year-old boy suffering from repeated bleeding episodes by gastrointestinal bleeding starting shortly after his birthday [4]. Later, Mosesson defined afibrinogenemia as a congenital bleeding disorder of fibrinogen influencing the amount of fibrinogen in human blood; along with other defects of fibrinogen, afibrinogenemia is considered a rare disorder [2,8,9]. Clinical signs of afibrinogenemia and hypofibrinogenemia are various, ranging from being asymptomatic to experiencing dangerous life-threatening bleeding or thromboembolic episodes [1,10,11,12].

5. Genetics of Afibrinogenemia and Hypofibrinogenemia

Afibrinogenemia (Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man, OMIM #202400) Afi is an autosomal recessive disorder, and it is the consequence of mutations in the homozygous or compound heterozygous state in one of the three genes encoding fibrinogen chains. Hypofibrinogenemia (OMIM + 134820, * 134830, and * 134850; dominant trait) has been traditionally considered as a distinct clinical entity from afibrinogenemia; however, it actually represents the phenotypic expression of the heterozygous condition for a single mutation occurring within the fibrinogen gene cluster. For both afibrinogenemia and hypofibrinogenemia, causative mutations can affect the synthesis, assembly, intracellular processing, stability, or secretion of the hexameric fibrinogen leading to decreased levels of circulating fibrinogen [53].
The Human Gene Mutation Database (HGMD) summarizes well the spectrum of mutations located in the FGA/FGB/FGG genes [2,19]. Other relevant sources of information are the LOVD (Leiden Open Variation database) pages dedicated to FGA/FGB/FGG genes (still under construction), which are curated by the European Association for Hemophilia and Allied Disorders (EAHAD), as well as the Human Fibrinogen Database (HFD) curated by the Groupe d’Etude sur l’Hemostase et la Thrombose. It is important to underline that all these sources of information indeed report on mutations in the fibrinogen cluster associated not only with afibrinogenemia and hypofibrinogenemia but also with other fibrinogen disorders (i.e., hypo-dysfibrinogenemia, dysfibrinogenemia, fibrinogen storage disease, and hereditary renal amyloidosis) [36].
By consulting the public version of the HGMD repository (accessed on 20 July 2021), the extreme allelic heterogeneity of congenital fibrinogen disorders is evident: a total of 363 mutations have been found in the fibrinogen gene cluster, of which 142 are in the FGA gene (39%), 90 in FGB (25%), and 131 in FGG (36%). These numbers are even higher when accessing the restricted section of this database (169, 107, and 153 genetic variants described in the FGA, FGB, and FGG genes, respectively).
The distribution of fibrinogen-related mutations, according to their type, is summarized in Table 1 and Table 2. Here, it is possible to appreciate from one side the high prevalence of missense mutations (especially in the FGG gene, where they reach the highest level, i.e., 76% of the total) and, on the other side, the low frequency of gross deletions/duplications/rearrangements (i.e., only nine pathogenic variants have been described collectively for the three genes).
Table 1. Mutational spectra of congenital fibrinogen disorders in the FGA, FGB, and FGG genes.
  Number of Mutations
Mutation Type FGA FGB FGG
Missense 54 55 100
Nonsense 25 12 4
Splicing 11 7 9
Regulatory 3 3 1
Small deletions 28 8 15
Small insertions 11 2 0
Small indels 4 1 1
Gross deletions 5 1 1
Gross insertions/duplications 1 0 0
Complex rearrangements 0 1 0
Total (public HGMD repository) 142 90 131
  (169) (107) (153)
Table 2. Distribution of mutations in the FGA, FGB, and FGG genes according to the associated phenotype.
  Number of Mutations
Disease/Phenotype FGA FGB FGG
Afibrinogenemia 55 24 14
Dysfibrinogenemia 38 17 50
Renal amyloidosis 14 0 0
Hypofibrinogenemia 13 30 41
Fibrinogen variant 4 3 7
Susceptibility to venous thromboembolism 3 0 0
Decreased fibrinogen levels? 2 0 0
Decreased fibrinogen levels 0 0 1
Hypodysfibrinogenemia 2 3 9
Afibrinogenaemia? 1 2 0
Afibrinogenemia/hypofibrinogenemia 1 1 1
Afibrinogenemia with recurrent venous thromboembolism 1 0 0
Amyloidosis, Ostertag-type 1 0 0
Deep vein thrombosis? 1 0 0
Dysfibrinogenemia? 1 0 1
Hemorrhages 1 3 0
Association with increased post-stroke mortality 1 0 0
Menorrhagia 1 0 1
Thrombosis 1 0 0
Venous thromboembolism? 1 0 0
Association with cerebral infarction 0 1 0
Epistaxis 0 1 1
Hypofibrinogenaemia? 0 1 1
Association with increased clot stiffness 0 1 0
Increased plasma fibrinogen levels 0 1 0
Thrombotic tendency 0 1 0
Protection against venous thromboembolism 0 1 0
Increased risk for deep venous thrombosis 0 0 1
Hypofibrinogenaemia with hepatic storage 0 0 3
Total (public HGMD repository) 142 90 131
The distribution of fibrinogen-related mutations according to the associated phenotype is reported in Table 2. From the table, it clearly emerges the great variety of phenotypes associated with variants in the fibrinogen genes; on the other hand, this also presents a difficulty for physicians to classify patients on the basis of their fibrinogen levels rather than of their symptoms. For instance, among the 93 listed afibrinogenemia-causing mutations, carrier patients were classified on the basis of plasma fibrinogen, but among them, it is possible to find those having experienced bleeding episodes, those that were asymptomatic, or even those with thrombotic phenotypes.
Notwithstanding this plethora of phenotypes, the great majority of mutations described in the fibrinogen cluster have been associated with “genuine” afibrinogenemia (93 mutations) or hypofibrinogenemia (84 mutations; Table 2). An additional 12 mutations can be easily reconducted to type I quantitative fibrinogen disorders (i.e., two associated with “Decreased fibrinogen levels?”, one with “Decreased fibrinogen levels”, three with “Afibrinogenaemia?”, three with “Afibrinogenaemia/hypofibrinogenemia”, one with “Afibrinogenemia with recurrent venous thromboembolism”, and two with “Hypofibrinogenaemia?”; see phenotypes listed in Table 2). Overall, since the description of the first afibrinogenemia-causing mutation 22 years ago (an 11-kb deletion affecting the FGA gene), ≈200 different pathogenic variants have been reported [76]. The majority of mutations leading to afibrinogenemia are located in FGA (55 out of 93, ≈60%), whereas hypofibrinogenemia-causing variants cluster in the FGG gene (41 out of 84, ≈49%; Table 2). It is also interesting to underline that the mutational spectrum of afibrinogenemia is characterized by the presence of at least two recurrent mutations, both located in FGA and both typical of Caucasian patients: the already mentioned 11-kb deletion and the c.510 + 1G > T splice site mutation; in a cohort of 74 unrelated probands, Casini and colleagues highlighted that these variants, respectively, represent 12.2 and 23.6% of the mutated alleles [77].

3. Genetic Diagnosis and Antenatal Diagnosis

DNA Sanger sequencing of the coding portions of FGA/FGB/FGG has been the gold standard in the last 20 years for the identification of molecular defects underlying afibrinogenemia and hypofibrinogenemia. This is due to the fact that these disorders show extreme allelic heterogeneity (with most mutations being “private” defects and only few being recurrent). Hence, genetic screenings have traditionally been performed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplifications of exons, splice sites, and promoter regions of the FGA/FGB/FGG genes, followed by direct sequencing of the amplified products. This approach has been coupled in some laboratories with a screening based on the Multiplex Ligation Probe Amplification (MLPA) method to search essentially for large deletions otherwise missed by Sanger sequencing.
The molecular screening based on Sanger sequencing has, of course, its pros and cons. In fact, despite its standardization, the ease of execution, and the relative ease of analyzing the results, Sanger sequencing can sometimes be costly, time consuming, and quite complicated (like in the case of large and multi-exonic genes; in the case of fibrinogen, there is the necessity to screen the entire cluster). In addition, it is possible to miss mutations lying deep in introns unless the entire gene is sequenced.
The advent of next-generation sequencing (NGS) techniques is, of course, changing the overall picture of genetic diagnosis, and “inherited bleeding, thrombotic, and platelet disorders” (collectively called BPDs and including a- and hypo-fibrinogenemia), are not exceptions. In this frame, a first seminal paper appeared in the literature in 2016: Simeoni and colleagues [78] developed a high-throughput sequencing platform targeting a total of 63 genes (the ThromboGenomics platform) and applied their design to 137 individuals with a suspect of BPD. The diagnostic yield was 46%, underlying that there is still a need for identifying novel molecular causes of BPDs. Similar results were later obtained by Downes et al. [79], who applied the same platformto screen 2396 BPD patients: they reached a diagnostic yield of 50%, identified hundreds of mutations (half of which novel), and also proposed an oligogenic model of inheritance for some patients.
Specifically concerning fibrinogen disorders, the largest study based on NGS screening of affected patients appeared in 2019 [80]. Here, a total of 17 Spanish patients (suffering from a-, hypo, or dys-fibrinogenemia) were screened by using a NGS approach based on sequencing the complete FGA, FGB and FGG genes (i.e., also including introns). All patients were associated with one/two mutations, thus underlying the overall good performance of the adopted strategy [80].
For the future, it is conceivable that—also thanks to the significant drop in costs—genetic diagnosis will be carried out by using more comprehensive NGS strategies, i.e., whole-exome sequencing (WES) or whole-genome sequencing (WGS). These approaches will offer novel intriguing possibilities: (i) to highlight the oligogenic nature of specific conditions/patients; (ii) as for WGS, to identify “elusive” mutations (large rearrangements, large deletions, deep-intonic mutations, mutations in enhancers, or other regulatory regions); and (iii) to identify modulators of the phenotype. In this last case, it could be possible to answer to open questions, such as the differences in the severity of hemorrhagic manifestations in individuals carrying the same mutation or the reason why some afibrinogenemic patients are susceptible to develop thrombosis. Of course, we are aware that these are currently speculations (and hopes). However, it should be noted that some encouraging examples related to congenital fibrinogen disorders come from the literature. For instance, dysfibrinogenemias are often related to pathogenic variants affecting residues p.Gly17, p.Pro18, p.Arg19, and p.Val20 in the amino-terminal region of the fibrinogen Aα-chain. However, while mutations at residues p.Gly17, p.Pro18, and p.Val20 are exclusively linked to bleeding tendency, the clinical phenotype of patients with mutations at amino acid p.Arg19 can vary from bleeding to thrombotic tendency [81]. In this frame, the case described by Bor and colleagues [81] is intriguing: they exome sequenced a Danish family with thrombotic episodes, revealing from one side the dysfibrinogenemia-causing mutation Aα-p.Arg19Gly and from the other a series of single-nucleotide polymorphisms located in FGA, FGB, and FGG. These polymorphisms are possibly responsible for an increased fibrin fiber thickness and fibrin mass-to-length ratio, thus suggesting that the combination of genotypes may contribute to the thrombogenic phenotype of these patients
A final thought concerns the management of recessively inherited coagulation disorders, which depends on two fundamental steps: genetic counseling in consanguineous marriages and prenatal diagnosis in families at risk for having members with severe form of the disorder. These approaches are not easily realizable in the praxis [31].
Pregnant women with a family history, predominantly those with a history of consanguinity, ought to be properly counseled with regard to risk of having a child with the disorder. If we know the mutation, prenatal analysis could be planned: in fact, for a disease such as afibrinogenemia, where bleeding after loss of the umbilical cord stump is frequent and, in some cases, lethal, the prenatal diagnosis of an affected infant can allow treatment immediately after birth and before the first bleeding manifestation. However, the issue of prenatal diagnosis in rare bleeding disorders is still under debate [82], especially considering that, in most cases, it is performed using invasive procedures (such as withdrawal of chorionic villi) that can have dramatic consequences on the fetus. The first prenatal diagnosis for afibrinogenemia was done for a Palestinian family with two affected daughters by Neerman-Arbez et al. in 2003 [83]. In babies of known/suspected carrier couples, cord blood detection of genetic mutations can be done. Indirect prenatal testing by the use of linkage analyses might be an option in rare inherited bleeding disorders, too [82].

4. Treatment

Substitution therapy is effective in the treatment of bleeding episodes in congenital fibrinogen disorders [55,75]. If possible, specific plasma-derived factor concentrate deprived of active viruses ought to be administered preferentially in rare bleeding diseases. Fresh frozen plasma (FFP) or cryoprecipitate should be administered in the unavailability of plasma-derived factor concentrate [3]. FFP has several disadvantages: the decreased amount of fibrinogen that is infused leads to the need to repeat the administration more times to achieve the appropriate fibrinogen level; in addition, there are transfusion-related risks (e.g., transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI) and transmission of virus infections) [75,76]. In addition, cryoprecipitate has many of these handicaps; it also needs compatibility testing, thawing, and it has a complicated application [76]. It is not provided in many Western European countries, but it is still administered in the United States and the United Kingdom [66]. A standard dose of 10–20 units (500–1000 mL) of methylene blue-cryoprecipitate is awaited to raise fibrinogen activity by 0.6–1.2 g/L in a 70 kg adult [84,85]. It may continue daily or every other day in the absence of consumption with frequent monitoring of the activity, according to the indication and reaction [76].
To date, we know six fibrinogen concentrates: RiaSTAP /Haemocomplettan® P (CSL Behring, Marburg, Germany), Fibryga® (Octapharma, Lachen, Switzerland), FibCLOT®/CLOTTAFACT® (LFB, Les Ullis, France), Fibrinogen HT® (Benesis, Osaka, Japan), FibroRAAS® (Shangai RAAS, Shangai, China), and FIB Grifols® (Grifols, Barcelona, Spain) [2,10,37,69,86,87].
Fibrinogen replacement treatment, especially the most frequently administered concentrate Haemocomplettan P/Riastap, is suggested as therapy for spontaneous bleeding events and as prophylaxis before surgical interventions or against unprovoked bleeds in individuals with congenital and acquired fibrinogen deficiency [56,62].
Safety (less frequent allergic reactions), accuracy, simple dosing in small amounts, and rapidity of administration are the primary reasons for the paramount use of fibrinogen concentrates [62,87]. On the other hand, venous or arterial thrombotic events were present in 30% of subjects with fibrinogen deficiency treated by fibrinogen concentrates, mostly in afibrinogenemics [3,63]. Moreover, the potential risk of prion-transmission or venous access complications are other side effects of their usage [2]. As the pharmacokinetic properties of fibrinogen after substitution show a large among-patients variability, tailoring of the prophylactic regimen to the pharmacokinetics of the individuals can be a possibility [87]. This is the reason why the individualized management is considered to be “a job of mastery".
According to the pharmacokinetics of fibrinogen described above, a standard dosage of fibrinogen concentrate of 4–6 g should raise plasma fibrinogen activity by 1.0–1.5 g/L in a 70 kg adult [3,63]. For a better calculation of the dosage, the following formula may be helpful: dose (g) = awaited increase in g/L x plasma volume. Plasma volume calculate: 0.07 × (1 − hematocrit) × weight (kg) [55]. Moreover, the fibrinogen dose using the FIBTEM assay can be calculated as follows: Fibrinogen concentrate dose (g) = (target FIBTEM MCF (mm) − actual FIBTEM MCF (mm)) × (body weight (kg)/70) × 0.5 g/mm [68].
For unprovoked hemorrhage, suggested fibrinogen concentrations are >1 g/L until hemostasis is normalized and >0.5 g/L until the bleeding surface is entirely restored [55]. Fibrinogen concentrate of 50–100 mg/kg every 2–4 days with resultant fibrinogen activity >1.0–1.5 g/L was normally needed to treat or prevent spontaneous or surgical hemorrhage [37,63]. Therefore, for these situations in afibrinogenemia, hypofibrinogenemia, or hemorrhagic dysfibrinogenemia, the United Kingdom Hemophilia Centre Doctors’ Organization guidelines suggest assessment of fibrinogen concentrate in the dose 50–100 mg/kg, with smaller doses repeated if needed at 2–4 day intervals to maintain fibrinogen activity >1.0 g/L [3].
Antifibrinolytics can be helpful in the cases of mucosal bleeding, but they ought to be used very carefully in subjects with a personal or family history of thrombotic episode. Estrogen/progesterone derivatives have been given in menorrhagia [3,76].
Moreover, in prevention, the trough fibrinogen level to be targeted is unknown because fibrinogen concentrate has been potentially linked to a risk of thrombosis.
For women with fibrinogen activity <0.5 g/L or with previous poor pregnancy outcomes, the prophylaxis during pregnancy with fibrinogen concentrate at firstly 50–100 mg/kg twice per week, tailored to retain trough fibrinogen activity >1 g/L is suggested [3,76].

Management of Thrombotic Complications

The management of thrombotic complications in patients with afibrinogenemia and hypofibrinogenemia is problematic because of their bleeding tendency. Antithrombotic treatment should be individualized and the potential risk of thrombosis weighed against the likely benefits of treatment. An accurate thromboprophylaxis with low molecular weight heparin should be considered in all patients with thrombotic history [6]. Some authors recommend use of compression stockings and low molecular weight heparin in patients with a history of thrombosis that undergo surgery [12]. In patients who develop thrombotic complications following replacement therapy, some authors continue the latter if indicated and co-administer low-molecular-weight or unfractionated heparin [5]. A case study also described the successful use of a new oral anticoagulant (rivaroxaban) for the anticoagulant management in patient with afibrinogenemia and severe hypofibrinogenemia [12,88]. The treatment of thrombotic episodes is very demanding due to the high risk of bleeding [5,16]. Further studies are required to determine the optimal postoperative thromboprophylaxis in CFD.

This entry is adapted from the peer-reviewed paper 10.3390/diagnostics11112140

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