Continuous Heart Rate Monitoring of Livestock: History
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For all homoeothermic living organisms, heart rate (HR) is a core variable to control the metabolic energy production in the body, which is crucial to realize essential bodily functions. Consequently, HR monitoring is becoming increasingly important in research of farm animals, not only for production efficiency, but also for animal welfare. Real-time HR monitoring for humans has become feasible though there are still shortcomings for continuously accurate measuring. This paper is an effort to estimate whether it is realistic to get a continuous HR sensor for livestock that can be used for long term monitoring. The review provides the reported techniques to monitor HR of living organisms by emphasizing their principles, advantages, and drawbacks. Various properties and capabilities of these techniques are compared to check the potential to transfer the mostly adequate sensor technology of humans to livestock in term of application. Based upon this review, we conclude that the photoplethysmographic (PPG) technique seems feasible for implementation in livestock. Therefore, we present the contributions to overcome challenges to evolve to better solutions. Our study indicates that it is realistic today to develop a PPG sensor able to be integrated into an ear tag for mid-sized and larger farm animals for continuously and accurately monitoring their HRs.

  • livestock
  • hear rate monitoring
  • photoplethysmography (PPG)
  • electrocardiography (ECG)
  • photoplethysmographic imaging (PPGI)
  • precision livestock farming (PLF)


    The world needs livestock products to feed all people, and the total meat production was over 342.4 million tons in 2018 [1]. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) estimates that the worldwide meat consumption may increase to 73% by 2050 [2], thus the food production, animal industry in particular, must become more sustainable. Currently, precision livestock farming (PLF) is regarded as the heart of the biological engineering endeavor towards sustainability in food production, using image and sound analysis, sensors, information technology, and decision-making to monitor, model, and manage animal production, reproduction, health, welfare, and environmental impact. Europe is considered the birthplace of PLF research, and it still continues strongly with over three decades of research and innovation through at least 4 EU-funded (EU-PLF, BioBusiness, AllSmartPigs, BrightAnimal) and many other national projects[3]. Current agricultural research agendas in the EU[4]and US [5]have evidenced that the importance of PLF is growing worldwide. Faced with the large worldwide demand for animal products, the question becomes: how many of these animals have a life worth living? This high number of animals is an opportunity to create sensors and hardware that can be very cheap per unit so they change the efficiency of the livestock sector and the animal welfare as described in many papers on PLF.
    All humans and homoeothermic animals generate metabolic energy to live and to reproduce. For over 95% of their life, most of these living organisms generate their energy in the aerobic mode, by breathing air to lungs and by heart beats transporting the oxygen rich blood to the cells to produce metabolic energy. For homoeothermic living organisms, the heart rate (HR) is a crucial variable to control the metabolic energy production in the body by controlling the components in the metabolic energy balance. This includes the basal metabolism which refers to the minimum energy needed to keep all organs functioning in an extremely quiet state and thus to stay alive, the thermal component to control body temperature, the physical component, as well as the mental component, which is a key component in transferring feed energy efficiently into production and to prevent depression of the immune system due to stress. The less efficiently the metabolic energy is used in the body, the more feed energy will be wasted in manure, emissions, stress systems, etc. Therefore, HR is becoming increasingly important in research of farm animals, and so far it remains a challenge to monitor HR accurately and continuously by a reliable, affordable sensor on the animal or with a remote sensing technique. Current HR monitors for animals, such as implantable transmitters and externally-mounted equipment, are mainly used in research settings with the intentions of analyzing physiological responses, diseases, psychological and environmental stress, or individual characteristics, for instance the temperament and its coping strategies. They are however inconvenient and inappropriate for long-term continuous monitoring. In recent years, HR monitoring for humans has become feasible though there are still drawbacks in continuous and accurate measurement. In this paper, we present a comparative review of current techniques to measure HR on living organisms, with focus on their advantages and drawbacks, and discuss the potential to transfer some of the techniques that have been successfully applied in humans to livestock. 



This entry is adapted from the peer-reviewed paper 10.3390/s20082291


  1. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). FAOSTAT. Livestock Primary, 2018. Availabe online: (accessed on 2 February 2020).
  2. McLeod, A. World Livestock 2011-Livestock in Food Security; Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Rome, Italy , 2011.
  3. Norton, T.; Berckmans, D.; Engineering advances in Precision Livestock Farming. Biosyst. Eng. 2018, 173, 1–3, 10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2018.09.008.
  4. European Commission. Horizon 2020, Work Programme 2018–2020. Food Security, Sustainable Agriculture and Forestry, Marine, Maritime and Inland Water Research and the Bioeconomy. European Commission: Brussels, Belgium, 2018.
  5. National Academics of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Science Breakthroughs to Advance Food and Agricultural Research by 2030; The National Academies Press: Washington, DC, USA, 2018.
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