The Concept of Sustainability in Civil Construction: History
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Subjects: Engineering, Civil

The concept of sustainability appeared with the creation of the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCCD) by the United Nations General Assembly in 1983.

  • sustainable development
  • rehabilitation
  • construction

1. Introduction

The concept of sustainability appeared with the creation of the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCCD) by the United Nations General Assembly in 1983 [24]. In 1987, the report “Our Common Future”, or the “Brundtland Report”, described, for the first time, the concept of sustainable development [25,26]. In 1992, the United Nations Conference on the Environment (ECO 92), held in Brazil, debated and updated the concept to expand environmental preservation and ensure a better quality of life for all humanity [27].
Chakravarty [28] says that sustainable development transcends environmental sustainability as it seeks to embrace economic and social sustainability and emphasizes adding value to the quality of life of individuals and communities. Mak and Peacock [29] include social issues in their definition, such as employment and income and environmental preservation.
The industrial environment faces, in general, the search for innovative technologies, with rationalization in the use of resources eliminating or reducing waste. For Caprian [30], improvement in the production system, or eco-efficiency, and its internal and external integration in the search for the necessary transformations in the current business environment is an accepted concept and refers to strategies that aim to maximize the efficiency of production processes and minimize the negative impact on the environment. Delgado [31] points out that the sustainable production method is the set of actions that implement conscious changes in nature to meet social needs. It also looks to preserve the environment, ensuring the ability to meet the needs of future generations and reducing the wastage of raw materials and inputs.

2. Environmental Sustainability

To minimize the environmental impacts caused by the construction industry, the paradigm of sustainable construction proposed by Kibert [32,33,34] emerged. There are authors that understand sustainable construction as the search for technologies and processes that aim to harmonize human interference in nature with construction involving low environmental impact and including recycling processes and the consideration of energy use. Brooks and Rich [35] say that among the goals of sustainability in civil construction is the reduction of energy and water consumption, both from the construction process and throughout the entire useful life of the building. Bohana [36] says that there should be concern regarding reduced emission of pollutants before, during, and after the completion of the work. It is for this reason that sustainability plays a significant role in construction. The sustainable construction method is the set of actions that implement conscious changes in nature aimed at social needs and the preservation of the environment, ensuring the ability to meet the needs of future generations [31].
It is clear that the construction industry is a sector with activities with a high impact on the environment and that the sector needs to adopt some strategic actions to minimize these impacts. The scope of these actions is related to the alignment of the sector with the concept of sustainable construction [1]. Sousa e Castro [37] defines sustainable constructions as those in which architects and engineers use practices and tools that preserve the environment in construction activities, through proper projects, and in the execution of works.
For Li and Achal [38], sustainability in the construction industry must be addressed not only in projects and works, but also considering the raw materials involved, including their capture, transformation, and the utilization process. That is why it is important to think and plan the entire process for the long term. Design the building to be energy efficient, and seek the proper and rational use of water [39]. Expand the search for environmentally correct materials, as well as achieve comfort and quality in built environments to preserve the environment throughout the life cycle of buildings.
According to ISO 15392:2019 [40], a sustainable building can moderately support or improve quality of life and harmonize with the climate, tradition, culture, and environment in the region in which it is located. At the same time, it conserves energy and natural resources, recycles materials, and reduces hazardous substances within local and global ecosystems throughout the building’s lifecycle. Silva [41] defines sustainable construction planning as general principles of sustainable construction: the passive use of natural resources; energy efficiency; water management and savings; waste management in buildings; the quality of the air and the indoor environment; thermoacoustic comfort; the rational use of materials; and sustainable planning of the work.
For sustainable construction that reduces the exploitation of natural resources, Lopes [42] says that civil engineers and architects must think about their projects considering the environmental aspects of the construction site and the sources of raw materials to be used, such as the composition of concrete, for example, which is an input highly demanded by civil construction and which produces a high environmental impact in its production chain.
The environmental impact of civil construction works begins with the subdivision of green areas to make room for the construction of buildings. Sakale [43] says that earthworks and the felling of trees are themselves the cause of enormous environmental impact. D’Adamo [44] remarks that the production of building materials and the consumption of water and electricity during the operation phase are other environmental factors.

3. Economic Sustainability

Economic sustainability means managing the economy as nature runs its own business. The concept of economic sustainability is based on the importance of balancing human well-being and the well-being of the environment. Phatak [45] emphasizes the need to move away from the conventional economic model, which presupposes unlimited access to natural resources, and to build a new vision in which the management of the use of materials and energy also prioritizes people and other forms of life on the planet. It is important to remember that the planet is an integrated system; for example, plants use carbon dioxide and nutrients to produce oxygen, and animals use this oxygen and create carbon dioxide, so nothing is wasted [46].
Economic sustainability, also known as the circular economy, is the opposite of the linear economy whose motto is “take, do, waste”. Aluchna and Rok [47] focus on the implementation of circular economy principles in businesses, highlighting the potential benefits in terms of resource efficiency, reduced environmental impact, cost reduction, and job creation.
It is possible to divide the materials that make up the cycle of the sustainable economy into two main categories: technical materials and biological materials. Technical materials have typical life cycles. They are raw materials extracted from nature, and the product is then manufactured and subsequently transported to be used until the end of its useful life [48]. Often, on this topic, the association between the end of life and the importance of recycling arises, but for the economy to be truly circular, that is, to be sustainable, some things must happen before the end of a product’s useful life.
Johnson [49] emphasizes the need for a cohesive management strategy, such as the Sustainability Improvement Program (SEP), to inform industrialists and guide sustainable product design and life cycle management. Sustainability in the life cycle starts with the use of resources that have already been extracted, i.e., already processed. For example, to make a product that has copper among its components, the industry must source copper from processed sources, such as cables or old wires, as this approach is better than extracting copper from the ground. When manufacturing a product, industries can design it so that disassembling the product is easy, meaning the copper in it can quickly be removed for recycling. They can also manufacture products with a longer service life, and there is the possibility of successfully assembling and repairing the same product. The industry also needs to design products whose production involves minimal energy consumption.
When the product has exhausted its useful life, it should be recycled. Recycling is a key point associated with the life cycle. Silva and Gouveia [50] discuss the need for reuse options in product design and the concept of a producer’s environmental responsibility to achieve higher levels of recycling and reuse. A necessary question is whether the recycled material keeps its quality when used in similar applications or faces downsizing to a lower-quality material. For example, Oksana [51] talks about the challenges faced by the plastic recycling industry in supporting high-quality recycling, especially for applications in direct contact with consumers. Thus, it is possible to declare that the concept of economic sustainability embeds the obligation to recycle all products, either for other functions or as part of returning to the same production chain so that, in short, nothing goes to waste and everything returns.
The second category of materials in the sustainable economy is biological, i.e., food grown or collected from nature that is processed and transported before reaching the consumer. Once consumed, they can be used as biogas or biochemicals or go through the composting process [52] to finally return to nature and restore ecosystems. Again, it is important to remember that in a sustainable economy, nothing goes to landfill. Two transition strategies can be extremely useful in creating a sustainable economy: substitution and dematerialization. Both substitution and dematerialization can be effective strategies for creating a sustainable economy. Kronenberg [53] concludes that the shift from material to non-material consumption can generate ecological and economic benefits. Substitution refers to the use of different resources to achieve the same goal, and dematerialization, in turn, refers to a decrease in the use of resources to serve the same economic function in society.
Spangenberg [54] advocates for an economy with limited resources, with a limit on the use of resources and alternative allocation mechanisms, because the creation of a truly sustainable economy is only one step towards global sustainability considering other broader aspects to achieve 100% sustainability, such as climate change, the search for sustainable energy, investment in sustainable agriculture, and social sustainability.
Economic sustainability recognizes the value of natural resources and ecological services that sustain life. It recognizes that the economy is part of society and that it is part of the environment. This means that all social and economic progress ultimately depends on the environment [55]. Figure 1 shows how to understand sustainability. The largest circle stands for the environment: the ecosystem services and natural resources necessary for humanity to live and thrive. The middle circle is society or human capital. The economy is the smallest circle, as it is governed, regulated, and structured by the other two circles. The economy depends on the ecosystem and human capital to thrive.
Figure 1. Sustainability circles.

4. Social Sustainability

The construction industry faces significant challenges in achieving social sustainability, as described by Neto and Farias [56] when talking about the dynamic nature of sustainability in this industry. Franco [57] discusses the potential of Industry 4.0 technologies to increase productivity, efficiency, and safety in construction, which can contribute to social sustainability. Majdalani [58] also highlights the importance of environmentally and economically sound design and development techniques that pursue sustainable construction.
There are different perspectives on social sustainability. Mak and Peacock [29] compared case studies in the UK, US, and Australia to examine the success factors for socially sustainable developments. Dunn [59] discusses the evolution of social sustainability and the challenge of a precise definition of the term. Bijl [60] emphasizes the importance of social aspects in sustainable development, including social capital and community actions. Social sustainability can be defined as the best way to meet human needs within a framework of ecological constraints.
Another theory about human needs was developed by Chilean economist Max-Neef [61]. In this work, the author points out that human needs are finite and can be classified into nine fundamental needs: (a) subsistence, such as food, water, and shelter; (b) protection, because every human being needs a safe place to live with social security; (c) affection, such as contact with friends and romantic relationships; (d) understanding, which involves critical awareness, respect, and tolerance; (e) participation in the community, since participating in decisions that affect society is a human need; (f) idleness, i.e., the need to have some free time to relax and time that leads to learning; (g) creativity, i.e., the capacity for innovation, which leads to problem solving; (h) identity, such as knowing one’s place and group of belonging; and (i) freedom, which is being able to make choices of one’s own free will. According to Max-Neef [61], these needs are constant in all human cultures and throughout different historical periods. What changes is how these needs are met.
While these needs are the same as those that the Romans and ancient peoples used to have thousands of years ago, some of how they are met today differs in some ways. For example, the need for protection, participation, or freedom is quite different when we think of a society that values free choice, the absence of compulsory labor, and the right to move around in public spaces [62]. While some factors satisfy only one need (for example, security supplies protection), other factors satisfy several needs at the same time, e.g., rehabilitation satisfies the need for protection and identity. These are called synergistic satisfiers. Max-Neef [61] also differentiates other types of factors called destroyers, which are those that supposedly, by satisfying one need, prevent the fulfillment of many others. For example, censorship aims to satisfy society’s need to protect itself from harmful information. However, at the same time, it impedes attention to the need for understanding, participation, creation, identity, and freedom.
Other factors are pseudo-satisfactory; for example, fashion and trends can generate a false sense of identity, but over time, when fashion passes, there is a loss of identity and belonging. Max-Neef [61] organized the satisfaction needs into four categories: being, having, doing, and interacting.
By working to reduce and eventually drop human contributions that systematically undermine people’s ability to meet their needs, there is a movement toward social sustainability [44]. First, by examining the activities, products, and services generated by human action through the lens of associated unsatisfactory, satisfying, pseudo-satisfying, and destructive human needs, this perspective may explain social sustainability differently. Second, when looking for ways to improve or replace an unsustainable practice, the need to step back on the actions taken and seek a distinct perspective may arise.
Thus, questions arise about products and services: Why is this product here? What needs does it satisfy? Can you also satisfy or enhance activities with other products or services? For example, a festival brings together tens of thousands of people to meet their needs for participation, creation, and identity, but is there a way to invent a separate way to satisfy the same needs with fewer carbon emissions and fewer impacts on local ecosystems? Yes, by inventing new ways to satisfy the needs of identities and freedom that do not require buying or consuming as much as possible. When a satisfactory sustainable factor is found, it can be improved by turning it into a synergistic factor [63].

5. Build Sustainable Strategies

Considering the robust scope involved in the concept of sustainability, a more sustainable building can encompass different strategies, ranging from the specification of materials to the urban scale, involving design, construction, and use, including the following strategies:
  • Energy saving through thermal insulation, high-performance windows, natural lighting, renewable energy generation capabilities, and energy-efficient equipment [5].
  • Thinking as a communitarian, valuing public transport, and easing pedestrian and bicycle traffic [64].
  • Reducing material consumption; optimizing designs to take advantage of small spaces and using materials more efficiently; and reducing waste as well as reducing costs [65].
  • Preserving or restoring the ecosystem and biodiversity. In damaged areas, trying to reintroduce native species. Further, protecting trees and topsoil [27].
  • Choosing low-impact materials and making projects that last and adapt. The longer a construction lasts, the longer the environmental impact period. Designing an adaptable building, especially if it is for commercial purposes [66].
  • Saving water and installing energy-efficient piping and equipment, as well as collecting and using rainwater and separating water from sinks and showers for reuse in garden irrigation [67].
  • Creating a safe and comfortable indoor environment, ensuring the health of its occupants. Allowing daylight to penetrate in as many rooms as possible and supplying continuous ventilation [68].
  • Minimizing construction and demolition waste so that separation and recycling pay off economically [69].
  • Creating environments that focus on the indoor environmental quality of occupants to ensure their health [70].
  • Specifying a risk-based approach tailored to each building, emphasizing heritage aspects. This approach should include constant vigilance, good cleaning practices, and improved fire protection measures [71].
  • Recycling or rehabilitating existing buildings instead of building new spaces [72].

This entry is adapted from the peer-reviewed paper 10.3390/su16020553

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