Revolutionising the 4D BIM Process in Modular Construction: History
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Given the heightened importance of revolutionising 4D BIM-based construction scheduling in modular construction, it has become vital to explore how 4D-BIM could be integrated with the lean concept. Lean-integrated 4D BIM in modular construction have different considerations when compared with component/object-based scheduling. A lean-integrated 4D BIM process model was developed from the analysis and it was validated using an interactive workshop with eight participants from two UK construction companies and two modular construction manufacturers. 

  • 4D BIM
  • lean
  • scheduling
  • modular

1. Introduction

In construction projects, scheduling construction activities has continually been an interest for many researchers and practitioners given its significance towards achieving project objectives. In the realm of construction scheduling, various methodologies, notably the Critical Path Method (CPM) and the Project Evaluation Review Technique (PERT), are employed to effectively organise project activities and communicate them across stakeholders [1]. However, the complex nature of construction projects requires the need to communicate project information more effectively and efficiently [2]. Hence, Building Information Modelling (BIM) has emerged as an integrated and technologically supported process that can typically be deemed as an effective mechanism to foster a collaborative approach to handle interdisciplinary information efficiently [3,4]. As one of the BIM technologies, 4D BIM was introduced as an effective mechanism that integrates 3D digital construction models with time or schedule-related information, providing an efficient tool for project management and planning in the construction industry. This technology enables stakeholders to visualise the construction process over time, enhancing decision-making and communication throughout the project lifecycle. In addition, and over the years, 4D BIM applications have been extended to cover aspects beyond scheduling, including logistics management, space management and even site development [5,6]. Although 4D BIM provides such extensive technological benefits to the construction industry, there is no known study on how 4D BIM can be revolutionised to support scheduling and planning for construction projects by eradicating non-value-adding activities from the construction schedules [7], and more importantly, to improve the decision-making process [8].

2. 4D BIM: The Concept and Application

The term ‘4D BIM’ simply refers to linking a schedule of activities to a 3D model to produce a dynamic visual representation of construction activities [16]. A 4D model requires a 3D geometric model with building components, a construction schedule/programme and a 4D environment (e.g., a software application or an appropriate interface) that enables linking the 3D model with the construction schedule to create the 4D simulation [17]. Over the years, 4D BIM has benefited the construction industry in terms of enhancing the coordination and visualisation of the schedule for both existing and new projects [18], which enables professionals to communicate through a digital model [19], creates interactive simulations for construction progress, supports managing different aspects including logistics and site facilities, and provides a more proactive mechanism to communicate with the client.
More precisely, as a significant element of 4D BIM, the visualisation functionality was used to detect conflicts between workspaces, analyse progress, and provide space management [20,21,22]. In fact, some research efforts showed that 4D BIM can support more informed decision making, which can be in terms of site layout [20], logistics and space management and can even extend to the analysis of constructability [6]. It can be stated that 4D BIM acts as an effective mechanism to support project goals, provide more transparency and for more informed coordination of site activities. Although some research attempts are continuing to demonstrate the potential of 4D BIM, most of the developed tools are context specific [7,16,23,24]. Recent research showed that there is a need to advance the use of 4D BIM so that its value can be maximised in construction projects [7,24,25]. The value of 4D BIM can be maximised in the planning and scheduling process by avoiding non-value-adding activities, so-called wastes from construction schedules. However, there is an absence of literature on how to eradicate non-value-adding activities from construction schedules and optimise the 4D BIM-based scheduling and planning process. In this regard, lean construction concepts could play a vital role given their strong focus on waste elimination and achieving perfection, described as follows.

3. Lean Construction: Concept and Application

In construction, the use of “lean” is a thought process often targeted but rarely fully achieved. It is a thinking methodology that can be applied to construction and design principles to minimise material waste, and generate maximum value output, whilst enhancing the efficiency of activities on site [25]. Broadly, lean is underlined by many principles, which is often abstracted through many processes [11,26]. There are 11 core principles within lean: reduce non-value-adding activities, increase output through systematic consideration of consumer requirements, reduce variability, reduce cycle times, simplify by minimising the number of steps, parts and linkages, increase output flexibility, increase process transparency, focus control on the complex process, build continuous improvement in the process, balance flow improvement with conversion improvement and setting a benchmark [12]. The literature also abstracted lean principles into six processes: defining the value stream, eliminating waste, monitoring work processes, pull planning and scheduling, identifying value from a customer point of view and continually improving processes. Perhaps the core principles of reducing, eliminating and improving can be used as the underlying principles for embedding lean within construction projects.
In construction projects, applying lean is not restricted to a particular stage or phase, but it can be a running thread from pre-design, procurement, construction processes and even operation. There are many techniques that can be applied during design (e.g., cross-functional teams, set-based design and design for buildability), procurement (e.g., supplier training, work packaging), material handling (e.g., just-in-time and elimination of packaging) and operation (e.g., multiskilled craftworkers) [27]. Although these techniques were outlined over two decades, a recent review revealed that many of nowadays’ obstacles to implementing lean in construction projects can be traced to the lack of understanding of basic principles [28]. As such, it is essential to have a better idea of how to implement lean effectively within the construction project processes. In addition, lean is widely applied and established in the manufacturing industry given its significant merits in production performance improvement. Therefore, it is well applicable to the modular construction processes as the modules are manufactured at prefabrication factories and follow a similar manufacturing workflow. Further, there are several advantages of deploying lean-integrated 4D BIM in modular construction projects as discussed below.
It can be stated that ‘lean’ principles in construction represent a transformative approach, yet achieving its full potential remains a challenge. Lean methodology, with its emphasis on minimising waste and maximising value, fundamentally alters on-site efficiency. However, its application extends beyond theoretical principles; it requires a nuanced understanding of the construction environment. The core principles of lean, ranging from reducing non-value activities to fostering continuous improvement, are not just theoretical constructs but practical tools for enhancing construction processes. While principles such as reducing cycle times and increasing process transparency are universally applicable, their impact is contingent upon the project’s context and scale. A critical gap often lies in the translation of these principles into actionable strategies during different construction phases, from design to operation. Moreover, the evolving landscape of construction, marked by a heightened focus on sustainability and digital integration, demands an adaptive approach to lean methodologies. This aligns with recent literature which indicates a gap in understanding and implementing lean, pointing to a need for more tailored, context-specific applications in construction projects.

4. Lean Integrated with 4D BIM for Modular Construction

Modular construction falls within off-site manufacturing (OSM), which is economically beneficial, provide efficient speed for installation on site, and improves quality and quality control. According to Lawson et al. (2014), off-site manufacturing support many module units, and in some cases produces a completion of up to 95%, before being shipped and installed on site, to add the final finishes of 5% [29]. More importantly, it creates an optimisation culture of efficiency, technology integration, speed, labour, resource and cost [30]. The practical implications of off-site manufacturing are that it potentially supports minimising the programme and scheduling time by reducing the installation of many components on site. Bearing this in mind, there are still risk factors associated, which include damage during transit and the potential for cost-saving materials to be used, which may not be as robust as other materials. Nevertheless, recent research showed that as a result of off-site manufacturing methods such as modular construction, the level of productivity and process efficiency in construction projects have increased [31,32]. To create a meaningful synthesis, and for this research, Figure 1 shows synthesis from the literature connecting lean concepts to modular construction components where impacts on cost and activity planning would be.
Figure 1. Synthesis of lean concepts, modular construction illustrating where implications on cost and activity planning would be.
In the context of BIM, there is a growing interest in integrating the use of 4D in lean construction. For instance, a study by [33] proposed a BIM-based Last Planner System (LPS), which enable project managers to visualise processes and operations generated in the schedule with their corresponding BIM objects. Another study by [34] highlighted that 4D BIM for modular units should aim towards improved management of tasks on site. The study highlighted the necessity to align 4D capabilities to support critical operations such as crane lifting, safety monitoring and motion of heavy machinery. A recent study by [35] suggested the need to identify 4D BIM objectives in a project in order to structure appropriate workflows that responds to project requirements. The above studies, whilst illustrating significant advancements in 4D BIM, portray that defining 4D objectives in a project is paramount, and this necessitates the need to insightfully explore it within the context of modular construction.
Modular construction, as a subset of off-site manufacturing (OSM), presents unique opportunities for the integration of lean principles, especially when combined with 4D BIM technologies. The literature shows that an appropriate optimisation in modular construction lies in the intersection of lean practices with 4D BIM. This integration not only streamlines the manufacturing process but also enhances on-site installation efficiency. The real-time visualisation and planning capabilities of 4D BIM, when aligned with lean’s waste reduction and process optimisation strategies, could potentially address common challenges in modular construction, such as logistical complexities and on-site assembly inefficiencies. However, this integration is not without its challenges; it necessitates a nuanced understanding of both lean principles and 4D BIM capabilities. While current research highlights the productivity benefits of such integration, there is a need to explore how this synergy can be tailored to different scales and types of construction projects. The potential for lean-integrated 4D BIM in modular construction is immense, yet its application must be contextually grounded and adaptive to the evolving technological landscape in construction.
For methodology, results and analysis, please refer to the full paper at:

5. Discussion

5.1. 4D BIM: Beyond Scheduling Potential

From the analysis, it can be summarised that, from the participants’ perspectives, the use of 4D BIM, if utilised, must be driven from the beginning of a project and should be perceived as a culture. It is only at the point at which the use of 4D BIM becomes a culture that all information sharing, collecting and updating will be directed through the BIM process and model [16,36]. The 4D BIM process exists primarily to enable improved coordination between site teams to be able to visually see the construction process of a project. This in essence enables “coordinated project information repository”, which contributes towards a better understanding of the plan, the time parameters and the timeframes involved from “calculations of durations using automated quantity extraction processes”, and the sequence involved, whilst identifying the risks through model assessment and discussion, increasing collaboration and giving opportunity for those involved to share ideas or concerns [37]. In fact, and reviewing the literature, it can be realised that over the years, whilst the application and potential of 4D BIM are on the rise [7,16,18,38], the analysis from this article revealed that considerations towards 4D BIM for modular construction need to differ when compared with traditional construction. In the context of modular construction, the analysis revealed that 4D BIM enables teams to visualise the assembly and integration of prefabricated modules, aligning with lean’s emphasis on efficient workflow and continuous improvement. Moreover, it facilitates better planning and coordination of the off-site fabrication of modules with on-site activities, ensuring a smoother integration of components. This is particularly beneficial in identifying potential logistical challenges and bottlenecks, which are critical in modular construction due to its reliance on timely delivery and assembly of modules.
It is therefore essential to position the method of construction as the primary driver towards the use and consideration behind 4D BIM in a project. In that respect, there are some recent studies (e.g., [23]) that began to look into modular-specific considerations in 4D BIM such as safety management for assembly [7,16,18,23]. The adoption of lean principles (e.g., eliminate, reduce and improve) through 4D BIM in modular construction also aids in streamlining supply chain management. The visualisation and scheduling capabilities of 4D BIM enable precise forecasting of material requirements and just-in-time delivery, which are key tenets of lean. This integration not only reduces storage and holding costs but also minimises the risk of material damage and loss. In essence, the fusion of 4D BIM with lean principles in modular construction transcends traditional scheduling benefits. It fosters a culture of efficiency, precision, and continuous improvement, making it an indispensable tool in modern construction methodologies. The next section elaborates further on the recommendations towards deploying a more effective and efficient utilisation of 4D BIM within modular construction-based projects.

5.2. Lean-Integrated 4D BIM in Modular Construction

Based on the primary data analysis, this research proposes a process model that outlines the considerations for lean-integrated 4D BIM in modular construction (see Figure 5). The analysis highlighted that 4D BIM considerations for modular construction differ to those that concern component/object-based approach (e.g., assigning a 3D model component to a construction activity). The research also elaborated on considerations for modular units within 4D BIM environments, which are often concerned with aspects such as constructability, health and safety, operations and also time. To convey meaningful outcomes from the presented research, considerations identified, based on synthesis from the literature and primary data analysis, were structured in a logical order to inform the 4D BIM process in modular-based projects. Figure 5 provides a basis to support lean-integrated 4D BIM in modular construction and lays a more informed ground for scheduling considerations. This process model can also complement many on-going efforts (e.g., [23,32,39]) that looked into 4D BIM in modular projects. The approach in this research further sheds light on object-based complexities in 4D BIM and more importantly overcomes many of the design inefficiencies [7,40].
Figure 5. The proposed process model to revolutionise 4D BIM for modular construction.
Figure 5 shows the proposed process model that supports achieving a modular-based scheduling and planning process using 4D BIM. To develop the proposed process model, the authors synthesised findings from the primary data and relevant studies from the literature. The three themes identified a number of considerations including complexities related to the implementation of 4D BIM and parameters that impact modular construction on site. Additionally, an in-depth literature review was conducted (using studies mentioned in the previous section) to understand existing frameworks and practices in lean construction and 4D BIM, focusing on modular construction. Based on the synthesis conducted, the process model highlights considerations for lean-integrated 4D BIM, where the considerations identified were constructability, operations, health and safety risks and time. The constructability analysis can support identifying complex modular units. This can mitigate many of the issues that can be faced when planning different operations (e.g., logistics and resources) for assembling and installing modular units on site. In a recent study by [34], it was indicated that modular units in 4D BIM should focus on complexity of the object, location, installation requirements and even movement of lifting equipment. Following the identification of operations-related concerns, potential health and safety risks can be highlighted and appropriately updated within the 4D BIM model. This will support efficient and more informed construction schedules by removing unnecessary activities or re-arranging activities so that delays can potentially be reduced. This proposed model, therefore, avoids potential duplication of activities and reduces clashes that can occur, especially during assembly on site.

This entry is adapted from the peer-reviewed paper 10.3390/su16020476

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