Low-Carbon Lifestyles beyond Decarbonisation: History
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There is a growing recognition of the urgent need to change citizens’ lifestyles to realise decarbonised societies. Consumption-based accounting (carbon footprinting) is a helpful indicator for measuring the impacts of peoples’ consumption on climate change by capturing both direct and embedded carbon emissions. Carbon footprinting can propose impactful behaviour changes to reduce carbon footprints immediately, it may deflect people’s attention from the much needed but time-consuming efforts to reshape the “systems of provisions” to enable decarbonised living.

  • carbon footprinting
  • systemic changes
  • citizens’ engagement

1. Introduction

Consumption-based accounting (carbon footprinting) is a helpful indicator in measuring the impacts of demand-side activities on climate change. As it enables us to visualise the amount of energy use and carbon emissions transferred or “leaked” by international trade [1][2][3], it is good at highlighting the sharp difference between developed and developing countries [4][5][6][7] and urban and rural areas in the same country [8][9][10]. Additionally, CFP can also be measured at the scales of organisations or households [11][12][13]. Therefore, CFP can indicate which regions, sectors or people’s behaviours should be targeted to mitigate GHGs most effectively. However, several challenges remain for the practical application of CFPs in supporting demand-side mitigation, particularly in promoting changes in people’s behaviour and lifestyles. CFP can be calculated in many scopes, from countries, cities, and organisations, to households, and can cover many sectors and various time frames. The practical use of CFPs requires us to clarify the objectives and steps for action. Moreover, it is necessary to consider the means and purposes of using quantitative data effectively to promote changes in citizens and communities. Methods to encourage consumers to change their behaviour by visualising their environmental impacts have been developed in areas such as energy conservation. Nevertheless, it is also known that simply presenting information does not have long-lasting effects on behaviour change [14][15][16][17].

2. Consumption-Based Accounting

National climate targets have traditionally focused on CO2 emissions produced on a country’s territory, following a production-based accounting method. While production-based accounting covers direct emissions from domestic production activities within geographical boundaries and offshore activities, it fails to capture the emissions embodied in international trade [1][18][19]. The consumption-based analysis captures direct and embodied emissions along the entire value chain, including imported products. This is critical in addressing the carbon leakage issue associated with production-based accounting [1][2][3]. For this reason, CPF helps us understand the effects of globalisation and economic growth in each country on GHG emissions over time. Developed countries, including the EU [5] and Japan [6], and especially the G7 countries [7], have larger CFPs than direct emissions in the region. The transfer of industrial production with high carbon intensity from developed countries to emerging and developing countries accounts for this imbalance. However, consumption-based emissions have also increased in developed countries and emerging economies while their economic growth and the rise of the middle class have led to increased imports [20][21][22][23]. A similar structure can be observed domestically. Recent studies identified disparities in consumption-based emissions between urban and rural areas [8][9][10] and issues of domestic relocation of carbon emissions [16]. While consumption-based accounting reveals the flows and imbalances of GHG emissions along with the domestic and international value chains, some forecast that it may lead to changes in urban design, economic growth, and governance regimes, such as attracting investment in urban design and business activities that can meet demand in a less CFP-intensive way [24]. Several cities have set mitigation targets covering the emissions embodied in urban consumption [25]. In April 2022, the Swedish parliament proposed the world’s first reduction target as a nation which covers the emissions reduction targets associated with imported products [26].
Another attribute of CFP is its ability to show the impacts of household and organisational unit consumption on climate change. This measurement tool is vital in tackling the carbon-intensive lifestyles of wealthier people in cities and developed countries relying on importing tremendous volumes of products from developing countries. CFP allows consumers to visualise sources of GHG emissions along the value chain, shows which segments of the population and which behaviours have the largest impacts on climate change, and identifies the most effective alternatives [27][28]. For instance, applying the CFP to different socioeconomic segments of the population confirms the considerable influence of the world’s wealthiest on climate change [29]. It also opens up the possibility of examining the composition of households and the reasons for increases and decreases. For example, the relationship between social attitudes held by families and individuals and GHG emissions [30], the background behind increases or decreases in household CFPs when comparing specific countries [31], and the relationship between daily household habits, demographic characteristics and CFPs [32] were studied. The ability to cover the entire value chain and to associate carbon emissions with the final consumption can help stakeholders, such as city governments, urban/community residents and the business sector, to link climate mitigation issues with individuals’ day-to-day behaviours. CFP also highlights the influence of a broad range of behaviours beyond the direct consumption of fossil fuels or electricity [1][11][13][28][33][34]. Analysis has been developed for specific sector behaviours, for example, food [35][36][37][38][39][40] and mobility and travel [41]. Furthermore, the impact of reduction actions can be visualised and reflected in the projected effects of actions. For example, there are studies on possible actions in the EU [42], Japan, Finland, India, etc. [12][13]. Grabs and colleagues have studied the effects of adopting a vegetarian diet [43] and actions increasing well-being [34]. According to Mulrow et al., as of 2017, more than 30 online CFP calculators were available in the United States alone, presenting analyses that businesses and others can use [44].
CFP has already been used in practice in policymaking, businesses and civic actions addressing climate change, with different purposes and scopes of “changes” to be pursued. Some notable differences among the policies, businesses and civic activities utilising CFP include the following:
Geographical scale: Existing works address different targets, i.e., behaviours, practices, or lifestyles of other groups. Many studies, including the ones mentioned above, analyse the average CFP in specific countries or cities. However, some pay attention to people, such as income groups [23][29] or engagement with grassroot environmental movements [45].
Time frame: CFP evaluates the immediate past status of value chains and consumption patterns. Conducting a CFP analysis of specific behaviours or products provides appropriate data to recommend immediate behaviour changes, such as reducing the use of private vehicles [12]. However, some research tries to expect future changes in CFP [29].

3. Impact Messaging and Its Limitations

To further consider the potential drawbacks of applying CFP in promoting changes in individuals’ high-impact behaviours, the section reflects on the ways of utilising numerical data in engaging with citizens on climate change action. We can learn from existing research on providing electricity consumption data to encourage households to save energy behaviour about the potential ineffectiveness of presenting such data or to divert attention from needed changes. Feedback services for energy conservation are probably the most popular method. Household energy conservation encouragement using smart meters and in-home displays has been deployed in many countries [46][47][48][49][50][51]. In the UK, plans are being made to roll out to all households and small businesses [47]. These impact messages [52] began with simply showing information, but in recent years have also incorporated techniques, such as gamification [53][54]. While much research has accumulated on the methods and effectiveness of impact messages, it has been reported that the behavioural change effects are often small or short-lived [14][15][16][17][53]. Some have suggested linking the information to pricing to cause more practical effects [55]. However, the assumption behind the approach, namely, the deficit model [56][57], which assumes that giving individuals knowledge will change their behaviour, is the reason for the ineffectiveness. Research revealed that giving normative information or environmental education has little effect on behaviour change [58]. Over the past two decades, research has shown that behaviours are not the direct consequences of people’s values and intentions, as are often believed [59]. People’s practices are entangled with various elements, such as social norms and values, institutional arrangements, personal and shared competencies, and material conditions, such as the natural environment, built infrastructures and available products [60][61][62][63][64]. Several cases illustrating such entanglements can be considered. 
Similarly, encouraging behaviours, such as energy conservation and car replacement, that can be immediately effective for individuals can easily divert attention from the issues of power and unequal distribution of resources involved in the transformation [65]. For example, the transition from ICE vehicles to EVs entails potential inequalities regarding freedom of movement among rural and urban citizens. Subsidies applied for purchasing EVs are sources from the tax that poorer citizens who cannot afford private vehicles also pay [66][67]. The energy transition also entails injustice, notably in the unemployment of those involved in the oil industry and power generation, land access and landscape in areas where new renewable energy generation is developed, and changes in electricity prices [68][69][70][71]. Practitioners and researchers involved in community transformation have noted that many people are interested in these potential impacts. Although they should be able to play a role in creating a more general view of future societies [72], simple behaviour change recommendations do not always facilitate discussions of injustice, risk, and the potential for more inclusive change [73].
Most impact messages on energy conservation and other issues provide information to individuals and households [74], with limited application to community projects [75][76][77]. However, some report the positive impacts of using messages at community-level actions. For example, according to Vita, participants in grassroots activities tend to have smaller CFPs [45]. Burchell observed that feedback services linked to community actions resulted in more proactive engagement from participants among women [76]. Information provision targeted to communities, such as neighbourhoods, workplaces, or other specific groups, combined with collective learning and actions, may have room for further pursuit.

4. Toward More Creative Use of Data for a Deeper Engagement with Citizens

To further consider the effectiveness of promoting collaboration and mutual learning through the provision of information to groups, the researchers would like to focus on the discussion of what communication is for, in what areas, and what roles scientists, citizens, and other actors play in the provision and use of information.
The purposes and approaches of utilising data differ according to the various forms of citizens’ engagement. Fischer et al., 2021, reviewed 67 peer-reviewed academic papers and identified the four typical patterns of communication; namely, communication as an approach to (1) behaviour change, (2) self-empowerment, (3) systems change, and (4) reflection on current discourses and practices around sustainable consumption [78]. This categorisation helps us understand the broad directions of communication, but it can further consider the specific purposes of communication with data. Concerning (1) behaviour change, it is helpful to show data on the current consumption behaviours with associated climate impacts to identify whose consumption behaviours should be addressed and what are the most impactful behaviours [28]. Concerning this approach and (2) self-empowerment, it is helpful to show the future benefits of the new practices or policies when governments ask for citizens’ cooperation to take up new behaviours, participate in grassroots collaborations, or accept new policies that influence their ways of living [79]. On (4) reflection on current discourses and practices, practitioners, policymakers, and citizens can use data to understand the status of society or nature, such as the total carbon emissions, atmospheric carbon concentrations, or the increase in extreme weather events associated with climate change, to share their understanding of climate change, and share the visions and stories of the desired societal transformation [42][45].
For such varying approaches to communication, actors adopt different roles in creating and sharing data. Scientific data are presented for descriptive communication of facts or the current status and for normative communication to describe the benefits and costs associated with specific behavioural patterns and alternative patterns of desired behaviours [58]. Data are not always created by scientists and communicated to “lay people” in an easy-to-digest manner [80]. Participants in collective actions in cities and communities, such as food waste reduction activities, often play a central role in measuring progress and achievements [81][82]. Citizen science has gained momentum globally where experts and local people jointly create shared understandings of their environment, benefits and costs of their socioeconomic practices, such as conventional production methods and alternative practices [83][84][85][86]. Finally, data can be created and edited into different scales and scopes. To communicate about climate change, the general status of the global climate change or the country is often used [87][88]. However, such general data are often insufficient in shortening people’s “psychological distance” from climate change [88][89]. Thus, more localised or personalised information is developed and provided [80][90].
Such differences in purposes (approaches), actors’ roles in creating and sharing, and scopes and data scales reflect a wide array of citizens’ engagement in climate change actions. Research has identified various areas where citizens’ roles are vital in addressing climate change. In public spaces, citizens can drive political movements, take position on key political matters by voting in elections, and participate in citizens’ assemblies or public consultation meetings [56][91][92][93]. Citizens can lead collaborative actions for sustainable production and consumption, formulate collective visions, goals and activities, and co-create knowledge on climate change and desired actions [56][94][95][96][97]. Citizens can also adopt climate mitigation actions in their private life by changing their consumption behaviours and learning and sharing knowledge with others [56][98]. As mentioned above, the usages of numerical data cover all these domains of citizens’ engagement, namely private, collective, and public [56]. Table 1 below summarises illustrative cases of applying numerical data in citizens’ engagement in the private, collective and public domains.
Table 1. Illustrative types of data provision for engaging citizens with climate mitigation in the private, collective, and public domains.
In summary, numerical data can help various types of citizens’ engagement in climate actions by promoting individual behaviour changes, encouraging collective actions, and inviting people into decision-making. However, the interventions based on the “deficit model”, which assumes information will lead to changes in cognition and behaviours, are ineffective in facilitating change, as they deflect our attention from the opportunities for systemic transformation requiring deeper engagement and from the inequalities and injustice associated with sociotechnical transitions. Thus, such approaches are not likely to cause the transformation of systems of provision [99]. Three points should be considered to utilize scientific data, such as CFPs, for deeper transformational engagement.

This entry is adapted from the peer-reviewed paper 10.3390/su15054681


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