Nutrition by Design and Functional Foods: History
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Nutrition by design and functional foods are two interrelated concepts that share a common goal of optimizing human health through targeted nutrition. Nutrition by design emphasizes the customization of dietary patterns and nutrient intake to meet specific individual needs, while functional foods are defined as products that extend beyond their basic nutritional value, offering potential benefits in disease prevention and management. Various methods and processes are used, to obtain and design functional foods, for optimal human health.  

  • antioxidants
  • bioavailability
  • food legislation
  • methods
  • human health
  • bioactive compounds
  • designing

1. Introduction

In a world where health and well-being have become paramount concerns, the concept of functional foods has gained significant attention. They offer a promising path towards improving human health and preventing various diseases, all through the power of what we eat. Functional foods represent a bridge between the sustenance we seek from our daily meals and the therapeutic potential embedded within the foods we consume. In simple terms, these are foods intentionally designed or modified to offer additional health benefits beyond basic nutrition [1]. They are fortified with bioactive compounds, such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, probiotics, fatty acids, and phytochemicals, which play a pivotal role in promoting health and well-being. Functional foods are a powerful tool that can be used to enhance our health, representing the realization of Hippocrates’ ancient adage, “Let food be thy medicine”. They have a profound impact on human health when integrated into a balanced diet, offering a spectrum of health benefits that extend far beyond basic nutrition [2], enhancing the immune system, promoting digestive health, mitigating inflammation, enhancing cognitive function, and mitigating the risk of chronic diseases [3]. For instance, the omega-3 essential fatty acids from animal-derived products are renowned for their ability to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels, as reported in a clinical study [4]. In addition, the probiotics present in yogurt, which nurture gut health, help digestion, and extend beyond mere taste to functional excellence, are also beneficial. The antioxidants from berries protect brain cells from oxidative stress and may help to stave off age-related cognitive decline [5]. To obtain the benefits of functional foods, we need to incorporate them into our daily diets. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, berries, leaves, and plants are teeming with antioxidants [6], while many seeds like chia, flax, and almonds are veritable reservoirs of vitamins and heart-healthy fats [7]. In some cases, functional components are deliberately added to foods during processing or manufacturing to enhance their nutritional value. This approach is commonplace with staple foods like cereals, where vitamins and minerals are introduced to combat nutrient deficiencies [8]. In other situations where dietary intake falls short of meeting specific health goals, supplements emerge as a valuable source of functional components. Food waste as enrichment in bakery food formulation was also successfully achieved, while the by-products were used to obtain animal-derived products enriched with different essential nutrients [9][10].
To reach the full potential of functional foods, various methods, and operations are employed to enhance the contents of bioactive compounds, from technological, advanced, and digital to animal nutrition [11][12][13]. These methods underscore the dynamic nature of the functional food landscape, where scientific ingenuity, sustainable agriculture, and the principles of the circular economy converge to provide a wide range of options for health-conscious consumers in the farm-to-fork journey.

2. Methods and Processing Operations Used to Obtain Functional Foods

Obtaining functional foods involves a sophisticated interplay of methods and processing operations designed to obtain the full potential of natural ingredients. These techniques are integral to enhancing the bioavailability of bioactive compounds, ensuring that functional foods can truly deliver on their promise of promoting human health and well-being [14]. Various methods, including extraction, encapsulation, and fortification, play a pivotal role in the creation of functional foods by concentrating bioactive components and enhancing their absorption within the human body. From freeze-drying to fermentation, a diverse array of processing operations is employed to obtain functional foods, and each method is carefully selected to maximize the nutritional benefits and bioaccessibility of these health-promoting products [15]. However, when employing methodologies that enhance a firm’s comprehension of customer motivations and values, the food industry should consider numerous variables when developing or reengineering functional products, including sensory appeal, stability, pricing, chemical composition, functional properties, and convenience [14]. The process of creating functional foods involves an array of methods and processing operations, spanning traditional agricultural practices to cutting-edge technological innovations. According to the literature data, the most common methods and operations used to produce functional foods can be classified as presented here [16]. Going through all these methods and operations, technological methods are the easiest to use and apply, and, of the functional foods, milk and bakery products are among the most common and easily obtainable functional foods for several reasons. Milk is a staple in many diets worldwide, and bakery products such as bread, cereals, and pastries are also universal [17]. These foods have a long history of consumption, are generally well accepted by consumers, and encompass a wide range of items, from milk and yogurt to various types of bread, cereal, and pastries [18]. This diversity allows for the creation of a broad spectrum of functional options to cater to different consumer preferences and dietary needs. These products are also cheaper, spread worldwide, and hold cultural and dietary significance, further increasing their consumption which encourages the incorporation of functional variations into traditional diets. 
On the other hand, designing functional foods of animal origin through animal nutrition studies can be considered an advanced method because they offer unique advantages over certain technological methods [[19]]. Animal nutrition allows for the natural enrichment of animal-derived products through diet manipulation [20]. This means that the functional components are incorporated into the animal’s tissues in a biologically relevant and natural manner. For example, omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidant-rich diets used in poultry farming resulted in chicken or eggs naturally enriched with these health-promoting fats[6][9][21]. Animal nutrition studies also require a deep understanding of animal physiology, dietary requirements, and the interactions between nutrients and bioactive compounds. This knowledge is based on scientific research, precision, and design and is continuously evolving. In contrast, some technological methods focus on isolating specific compounds, potentially missing out on the benefits of natural combinations, which often work synergistically to enhance health benefits [22][23]. Animal nutrition studies involve precise control over the animal’s diet and nutritional intake to achieve the desired functional properties. This level of control allows for the targeted enrichment of specific bioactive compounds in animal-derived products. Products obtained through animal nutrition often receive positive consumer perception. Consumers are generally more receptive to naturally enriched products compared to those with added or fortified ingredients, which can be seen as less natural [24]. This natural enrichment is often valued by consumers seeking more minimally processed food products.
Animal nutrition studies can also play a role in improving the sustainability of animal farming, and reducing the environmental impact of livestock production, such as minimizing waste pollution or methane emissions, is an area of active research [25]. Further, in many cases, modifying animal diets to obtain functional foods can be a cost-effective approach compared to some technological methods that require specialized equipment and processes [26]. Lastly, designing animal nutrition studies also considers the health and welfare of the animals, ensuring that the dietary modifications do not harm the animals’ well-being and align with ethical and animal welfare concerns.

3. Nutrition by Design and Functional Foods

The field of nutrition has evolved significantly over the years, shifting its focus from merely meeting basic nutritional requirements to exploring the potential benefits of optimized animal diets and functional foods for human health. As the understanding of the intricate relationship between animal diet and human health continues to expand, researchers and nutritionists have started to embrace a new approach known as nutrition by design [27]. This approach entails the intentional and strategic formulation of enhanced animal diets and functional foods to promote optimal human health and well-being through the utilization of dietary by-products, which are often overlooked resources [28]. Functional foods, fortified with bioactive compounds and specific nutrients recycled from vegetable wastes, provide additional health benefits beyond basic nutrition, targeting specific areas such as immune function, cardiovascular health, and cognitive performance [29]. Animal diets, on the other hand, play a crucial role in enhancing the nutritional value of animal-derived products consumed by humans, such as meat, milk, and eggs. By optimizing animal nutrition through the inclusion of dietary by-products, the nutritional composition of these products can be enriched, obtaining a functional food of animal origin that further contributes to human health [30].

3.1. Nutrition by Design

The concept of nutrition by design, in the context of obtaining functional foods, revolves around the deliberate and strategic formulation of food products to deliver specific health benefits beyond their basic nutritional value. It entails a thorough understanding of the interactions between nutrients and bioactive compounds in food and their potential effects on human health. By incorporating these functional components into foods, nutrition by design aims to promote wellness, prevent diseases, and improve overall quality of life [31]. The idea of nutrition by design involves identifying and selecting specific nutrients or bioactive compounds with scientifically proven health-promoting properties that can be added into certain foods to enhance their functional characteristics [27][32]. A crucial aspect of nutrition by design is the integration of scientific research and evidence-based approaches to support health claims associated with functional foods. Rigorous studies have been conducted to understand the mechanisms of action, bioavailability, and bioefficiency of bioactive compounds [33][34]. This scientific foundation provides credibility to the claims made about the functional foods’ health benefits, enabling consumers to make informed choices about their dietary preferences. Nutrition by design involves identifying the most potent sources of these bioactive compounds like antioxidants, polyphenols, omega-3 fatty acids, and other phytochemicals, and optimizing their levels in food products to deliver targeted health benefits [35]. For instance, resveratrol is a polyphenol found in grapes, and it has been associated with various health benefits, including cardiovascular protection and anti-inflammatory properties. Omega-3 fatty acids are another example of bioactive compounds commonly used in functional food design, known for their role in supporting heart health, brain function, and reducing inflammation [36][37]. Apart from individual compounds, nutrition by design also explores the concept of food synergy which refers to the interaction of multiple nutrients and bioactive compounds in a whole food matrix, which can create enhanced health effects compared to isolated components [38]. For example, the combination of carotenoids, vitamin C, and fibre in fruits and vegetables exemplifies the power of food synergy in promoting antioxidant activity and overall health. Other examples are given by use of different combinations of by-products, wastes, or co-products, like flaxseed with sea buckthorn or rosehip [7][9], cranberry leaves and walnut meal [6], olive mill wastewater and grape pomace [39], and sea buckthorn leaf and chromium [40] as effective sources of essential nutrients and bioactive compounds in poultry products with additional dietary bioactive compounds. In the context of nutrition by design, it is essential to consider food processing techniques because some functional components may be sensitive to heat or other processing methods, affecting their bioavailability and potential health benefits [41]. Nutrition by design also considers the sensory attributes of functional foods like taste, texture, aroma, and appearance, which play vital roles in consumer acceptance and compliance. A food product may be packed with bioactive compounds, but if it lacks palatability, consumers may not incorporate it into their diets regularly [42]. Overall, this concept also recognizes the importance of personalized nutrition catering to individualized health needs based on genetic profiles, population incomes, and dietary preferences. By combining scientific knowledge, innovation, and consumer preferences, nutrition by design plays a vital role in developing functional foods that contribute to improved health and well-being.

3.2. Functional Foods

The concept of functional foods originated in Japan in the early 1980s, where the term “Foods for Specified Health Uses” (FOSHU) was introduced. FOSHU products underwent rigorous scientific evaluation to demonstrate their health-promoting properties. This approach paved the way for functional foods to enter the market and sparked interest worldwide [43]. In 1994, the International Food Information Council (IFIC) introduced the term “functional foods” to encompass similar products globally. However, in 2015, Japan introduced a novel food labelling system termed ‘Food with Function Claims (FFC)’. Under this system, industries and agricultural producers have the autonomy to evaluate the scientific evidence regarding their food products and their health-related claims [44]. This empowers consumers to make informed choices. This new approach led to the development of various functional foods with more flexible health claims compared to the FOSHU system, which did not require governmental approval for such claims. While the FOSHU system does not endorse structural–functional health claims, the FFC system permits them. This allows for the rewording of health claims, like changing ‘omega n-3 uptake’ in FOSHU to more appealing phrases such as ‘cardiovascular function’ or ‘heart function’ within the FFC system. Both FOSHU and FFC mandate substantial evidence from clinical studies. However, the FFC system adopts more adaptable protocols and does not necessitate dose-dependent studies. An analysis of the existing literature on functional foods has highlighted that although the term “functional food” has been defined multiple times, there is currently no universally accepted definition for this category of foods. In most countries, there is no legislative definition of the term, and drawing a clear distinction between conventional and functional foods presents a challenge, even for nutritionists and food experts. Furthermore, European legislation does not consider functional foods as specific food categories but rather as a concept. To date, various international authorities, academic bodies, and industry organizations have proposed definitions for functional foods, as reported here [16]. While some definitions simply suggest that any food, if marketed with appropriate positioning, can be considered a functional food, others are more complex and argue that only foods fortified, enriched, or improved with a component that provides a health benefit beyond basic nutrition can be classified as functional foods.

3.3. Nutrition by Design and Functional Foods Synergies 

Nutrition by design and functional foods are two interrelated concepts that share a common goal of optimizing human health through targeted nutrition. Nutrition by design emphasizes the customization of dietary patterns and nutrient intake to meet specific individual needs, while functional foods focus on incorporating bioactive compounds into the diet to provide additional health benefits beyond basic nutrition [30]. The link between these concepts highlights how they converge to promote personalized and proactive approaches to nutrition. Personalized nutrition based on factors such as age, sex, genetic predisposition, and existing health conditions aims to optimize nutrient intake to support overall health and well-being [45]. This approach considers the dynamic nature of nutritional needs and acknowledges the potential impact of dietary choices on disease prevention. Functional foods also serve as a practical application of nutrition by the design concept by providing a means to incorporate specific bioactive compounds into the diet in a convenient and palatable manner. The development and commercialization of functional foods aligned with nutrition by design principles require a comprehensive understanding of individual nutritional needs and evidence-based research to support health claims [46][47]. Personalized nutrition approaches, such as nutrigenomics, which examine how individual genetic variations influence nutrient metabolism and the response to specific bioactive compounds, play a pivotal role in this integration. Collaboration between food scientists, nutritionists, and healthcare professionals is essential to effectively implement nutrition by design and develop functional foods that align with individualized nutrition recommendations. The joint efforts of these disciplines can ensure that functional foods are not only scientifically validated but also practical, accessible, and appealing to consumers (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Graphical representation of functional foods obtained through animal nutrition by using food waste and dietary by-products.

4. Challenges and Future Directions

While functional foods hold great promise for improving public health, several challenges remain. In the global marketplace, there are efforts needed to harmonize regulations related to functional foods to facilitate trade while ensuring consumer safety. Organizations like the Codex Alimentarius Commission should also play a role in setting international standards for functional food regulations, safety, and quality. Harmonizing regulations and standards across countries will facilitate the development, marketing, and trade of functional foods, ensuring consumer safety and promoting international collaboration in this field.

This entry is adapted from the peer-reviewed paper 10.3390/foods12214001


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