Yang I. Pachankis is born by the name Yang Cao, and entered a religion-based marriage with John E. Pachankis and Greg E. Dufner by the Separation of Church and State in customary international law. [1][2] He was victimized by PRC military and state sponsored human trafficking in his graduate research in Communication University of China, and later acknowledged by the international academic community Masters & Ph.D. in global governance, cosmology. [3][4] Yang's independent research, apart from paralleled focused on democratization, after graduation in 2010 from the same university was in nonproliferation, arms control, and disarmament, along with LGBTQIA+ marriage. [5] He mainly depended on film editing for income sources and has been active in contemporary arts. [6][7]
Yang is a multi- and trans-disciplinary all-science researcher. His high school theory on black hole and white hole thermonuclear binding was only published after the empirical evidence emergence in 2021, and contributed to the findings on the fifth cosmic force. [4][8][9] He is also member of the European Psychiatric Association and seeks to bridge cosmology with the merging of psychiatry and psychology in reducing subjective bias in cosmological science. [10][11] He has raised the theory on extremal nucleon heuristics to psychiatry for the physical basis in taking cosmology as an environmental factor to neural science. [12][13]
Yang's research trajectory is consistent of a human rights concentration. He refused to follow the militant path with his talent ever since high school in a dictatorial country, and developed his talent in the arts and the humanities. [14] He received his B.A. in 2010 yet still managed to maintain a nuclear paradigm with the cinematic arts' imaging plates, resulting in his video art Soiled Tattered Tissue exhibited in Amsterdam in 2010 in communicating the proliferation issues in Beijing. [6][15][16][17] After graduation, he worked freelance in the cinematic industry and contemporary arts, while doing research in his available time [7]. Yang's early research mainly focused on democratization with human rights basis before victimization by military and state sponsored human trafficking [2][18].
While his democratization research later developed into international relations, multilateralism, global economy, and legal studies, Yang's research in nonproliferation, arms control, and disarmament developed into nuclear medicine and public health research [19][20][21]. His research stability is backed by his psychoanalysis background with technological perspectives, and has been merging psychoanalysis with psychiatry by his cosmological perspective [22][23][24]. In the public health researches, Yang advocates for the acknowledgement of the autoimmune disease nature of COVID-19, and investigated on the institutional factors on the crimes against humanity [25][26][27][28].