Designing Novel Animal Models for Pathology Research: History
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Subjects: Pathology

The development of animal models for the study of pathological conditions is a cornerstone of biomedical research. These models offer invaluable insights into disease mechanisms, potential therapeutic interventions, and the fundamental biology of various pathologies. In this comprehensive review, we explore the intricate process of designing and implementing a novel animal model for pathology research. Beginning with the definition of research objectives, we delve into the critical considerations and methodologies involved in creating an effective and ethical animal model. From selecting the appropriate animal species to conducting rigorous validation and experimental design, this review aims to provide a thorough guide for researchers embarking on this complex journey.

  • Animal Model Design
  • Pathology Research
  • Genetic Manipulation


Animal models have played a pivotal role in advancing our understanding of human diseases, from cancer to neurological disorders. These models serve as indispensable tools for testing hypotheses, exploring disease mechanisms, and evaluating potential therapeutic interventions. While existing animal models have significantly contributed to biomedical research, there is often a need to design new models that more closely mimic specific human pathologies [1]. This entry aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the key steps and considerations involved in designing a novel animal model for pathology research.

1. Define Research Objectives:

The foundation of any successful animal model development begins with a clear definition of research objectives. Researchers must articulate the specific pathology they intend to study and identify the fundamental questions they aim to answer. For instance, are you interested in modeling the early stages of Alzheimer's disease to explore potential prevention strategies, or do you want to create a model to test a novel treatment for a late-stage cancer type? Defining your research objectives sets the stage for subsequent decisions in the model development process.

2. Select the Animal Species:

Choosing the most appropriate animal species for your research is a pivotal decision. Several factors should be considered, including genetic similarity to humans, physiological relevance, ease of breeding, availability, and ethical considerations [2].

Genetic Similarity:

Opting for an animal species with genetic and physiological similarities to humans is often advantageous. Mice and rats are commonly chosen for their genetic tractability, short reproductive cycles, and cost-effectiveness. However, for diseases with complex neural or immune system involvement, non-human primates may offer a closer approximation to human physiology [2].

Physiological Relevance:

Consider the specific physiological systems involved in the pathology you are studying. For cardiovascular diseases, pigs or rabbits may be more appropriate due to their cardiovascular similarities to humans. For neurodegenerative diseases, rodent models are often used due to their manageable size and cost [2].

Ethical Considerations:

Ethical considerations, such as minimizing animal suffering and adhering to relevant regulations, should guide your choice of species. Additionally, consider the potential impact on the environment and ecosystem when selecting a species for your animal model [3].

3. Genetic Manipulation or Natural Models:

The next decision revolves around whether to create a genetically modified animal model or to work with naturally occurring models.

Genetic Manipulation:

Creating a genetically modified animal model involves intentionally introducing specific genetic alterations to mimic the genetic basis of the pathology under investigation. Techniques such as CRISPR-Cas9 have revolutionized the precision and efficiency of genetic manipulation, allowing researchers to tailor animal models to their research needs. This approach provides control over the genetic variables, enabling the study of specific gene functions and pathways implicated in the disease [4].

Natural Models:

Alternatively, natural models are animals with naturally occurring genetic mutations or traits that spontaneously mimic the desired pathology. Natural models may provide insights into the disease's natural progression and offer advantages in terms of modeling genetic heterogeneity within populations. These models often require less genetic engineering but may have limitations in terms of controllability and reproducibility [5].

4. Genetic Targeting:

If you opt for genetic manipulation, selecting the genes to target is a critical step. This decision should be based on a thorough understanding of the genetic associations with the pathology you are modeling.

Identifying Relevant Genes:

Comprehensive literature review and genomic studies are essential for identifying the genes and genetic variants associated with the pathology. Collaborating with experts in the field can aid in selecting the most relevant genetic targets [6].

CRISPR-Cas9 Technology:

Utilize advanced genetic engineering techniques like CRISPR-Cas9 to introduce precise genetic modifications. CRISPR technology allows for the deletion, insertion, or modification of specific genes, making it a powerful tool for creating disease-relevant genetic alterations [6].

Validation and Characterization :

Once you've developed your animal model, rigorous validation and characterization are essential to ensure it exhibits the desired pathology phenotype.

Validation Criteria:

Establish clear criteria for validation, including molecular, histological, and functional assessments. For example, if you are modeling a neurodegenerative disease, validate the model by assessing changes in relevant biomarkers, cognitive function, and motor skills [7].

Longitudinal Studies:

Conduct longitudinal studies to track disease progression over time. This helps establish the model's relevance to the human condition and allows for the investigation of disease dynamics [7].

Ethical Considerations :

Throughout the model development and experimentation phases, ethical considerations must be paramount.

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees (IACUC):

Obtain approvals from your institution's IACUC or equivalent regulatory bodies. These committees ensure that your research involving animals adheres to ethical and legal standards, focusing on animal welfare and humane treatment [8].

Minimizing Suffering:

Implement strategies to minimize animal suffering, such as appropriate anesthesia, analgesia, and euthanasia procedures. Continuously monitor the animals' well-being throughout the study [8].

Experimental Design:

Effective experimental design is essential for generating meaningful data from your animal model.

Sample Size and Power Analysis:

Determine the appropriate sample size to achieve statistical significance. Conduct power analyses to ensure your study has sufficient statistical power to detect meaningful differences [1].

Randomization and Blinding:

Randomize the assignment of animals to treatment groups to reduce bias. Implement blinding procedures to ensure objectivity in data collection and analysis [4].

Data Collection and Analysis:

Collecting and analyzing data in a systematic and rigorous manner is crucial for drawing valid conclusions.

Data Collection Techniques:

Utilize a range of data collection techniques, including imaging, histology, molecular assays, behavioral assessments, and physiological measurements, depending on the nature of the pathology being studied.

Statistical Analysis:

Apply appropriate statistical methods to analyze the data, considering factors such as variance, effect size, and multiple comparisons. Collaborate with statisticians if needed to ensure robust data analysis.

Iterative Improvements:

Be prepared to make iterative improvements to your animal model and experimental design as new findings emerge.

Refinement and Optimization:

Refine the model and experimental protocols based on emerging data and unanticipated challenges. This may involve modifying genetic alterations, refining validation criteria, or adjusting experimental procedures.

Ethical Disposal:

After completing your study, ensure ethical disposal of animals in accordance with regulations and ethical guidelines. This may involve euthanasia and proper disposal procedures to minimize suffering [8].

Publication and Sharing:

Share your findings with the scientific community through peer-reviewed publications and presentations. Disseminating your research contributes to the collective knowledge base and encourages collaboration and further research in the field.

Consider Alternatives:

Continually explore and consider alternative methods to animal testing to reduce the use of animals in research. Ethical and scientific considerations have led to the development and adoption of alternative approaches, such as in vitro models, computer simulations, and organ-on-a-chip technology.

In Vitro Models:

In vitro models involve studying cells or tissues outside of the living organism. They offer the advantage of reduced ethical concerns and precise control over experimental conditions. For example, researchers can use human cell lines to study disease mechanisms or test drug candidates. However, in vitro models may not capture the complexity of the whole organism and may have limitations in mimicking physiological responses [2].

Computer Simulations:

Computational modeling and simulations provide a virtual platform for studying disease processes. These models can be used to simulate complex biological systems, drug interactions, and disease progression. While computational models can provide valuable insights, they are reliant on accurate input data and assumptions [5].

Organ-on-a-Chip Technology:

Organ-on-a-chip technology involves microfluidic systems that mimic the structure and function of organs. These models allow for the study of specific organ systems and their interactions. They offer the potential to reduce the reliance on animal models, particularly for drug testing and toxicity assessments [9].

Combining Approaches:

Consider combining animal models with alternative approaches to enhance the translational relevance of your research. For example, you can use in vitro models for preliminary drug screening before validating the results in animal models. Integrating multiple methodologies can provide a more comprehensive understanding of the pathology.

Conclusion :

Designing a novel animal model for pathology research is a multifaceted and intricate process that demands meticulous planning, ethical considerations, and a commitment to advancing our understanding of disease. Researchers must begin by defining clear research objectives and selecting the most appropriate animal species. The choice between genetic manipulation and natural models should be guided by the specific research goals. Rigorous validation, ethical considerations, and thoughtful experimental design are essential components of the model development process. As scientific knowledge advances, it is crucial to continually explore and adopt alternative methods to reduce the use of animals in research while maintaining the highest standards of scientific rigor and ethical responsibility. By following the guidelines outlined in this review and considering alternative approaches, researchers can contribute to the development of innovative models that enhance our understanding of pathology, improve preclinical testing, and ultimately benefit human health.


  1. Charan J, Kantharia ND. How to calculate sample size in animal studies? J Pharmacol Pharmacother. 2013 Oct;4(4):303-6. doi: 10.4103/0976-500X.119726. PMID: 24250214; PMCID: PMC3826013.
  3. Madden JC, Enoch SJ, Paini A, Cronin MTD. A Review of In Silico Tools as Alternatives to Animal Testing: Principles, Resources and Applications. Altern Lab Anim. 2020 Jul;48(4):146-172. doi: 10.1177/0261192920965977. Epub 2020 Oct 29. PMID: 33119417.
  4. Ericsson AC, Crim MJ, Franklin CL. A brief history of animal modeling. Mo Med. 2013 May-Jun;110(3):201-5. PMID: 23829102; PMCID: PMC3979591
  5. Overall KL. Natural animal models of human psychiatric conditions: assessment of mechanism and validity. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 2000 Jul;24(5):727-76. doi: 10.1016/s0278-5846(00)00104-4. PMID: 11191711.
  6. Lee H, Yoon DE, Kim K. Genome editing methods in animal models. Anim Cells Syst (Seoul). 2020 Feb 17;24(1):8-16. doi: 10.1080/19768354.2020.1726462. PMID: 32158611; PMCID: PMC7048190.
  7. Willner P. Validation criteria for animal models of human mental disorders: learned helplessness as a paradigm case. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 1986;10(6):677-90. doi: 10.1016/0278-5846(86)90051-5. PMID: 3809518.
  9. Leung, C.M., de Haan, P., Ronaldson-Bouchard, K. et al. A guide to the organ-on-a-chip. Nat Rev Methods Primers 2, 33 (2022).
  11. Leung, C.M., de Haan, P., Ronaldson-Bouchard, K. et al. A guide to the organ-on-a-chip. Nat Rev Methods Primers 2, 33 (2022).
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