Inflammation and Cancer: History
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Chronic inflammation exerts a pivotal role in cancer development, progression, and prognosis. This entry delves into the intricate association between inflammation and cancer, elucidating its triggers, mechanisms, and far-reaching consequences. Chronic infections, environmental pollutants, and lifestyle factors can initiate and sustain inflammation, while inflammatory cells, mediators, and pathways orchestrate cancer-related processes. This interplay molds the tumor microenvironment, fosters therapeutic resistance, and negatively impacts prognosis. Understanding inflammation's role in cancer not only enhances our comprehension of tumorigenesis but also offers potential avenues for novel prevention and treatment strategies, ultimately promising a brighter future in the fight against this formidable disease.

  • inflammation
  • cancer
  • signaling pathway

1. Introduction

Within the vast and intricate realm of human health and disease, few strands of research have woven a tapestry as compelling and vital as the entwined relationship between inflammation and cancer [1]. Over the years, a growing chorus of scientific inquiry has harmonized in unison to underscore the profound significance of chronic inflammation in shaping the trajectory of cancer, from its inception to its relentless progression, and even to its ominous prognosis [2]. The research endeavors to traverse the myriad facets of this dynamic interplay, unfurling before us the intricate tableau of triggers that set the stage, the intricate mechanisms orchestrating the drama, and the far-reaching consequences that reverberate throughout the intricate web of cancer's narrative. In this odyssey through the intersection of inflammation and cancer, we seek to illuminate the profound complexities and unveil the subtle nuances that underscore this critical association, ultimately enriching our understanding of this pivotal aspect of oncology.

2. Triggers of Inflammation in Cancer

Within the intricate context of cancer, chronic inflammation emerges as a multifaceted phenomenon ignited by a diverse array of triggers, collectively constituting significant contributors to an augmented risk of tumorigenesis. Among these triggers, infections, environmental factors, and lifestyle choices assert themselves as prominent instigators, orchestrating a complex interplay that amplifies the cancerous threat. These incendiaries, acting both independently and synergistically, conspire to create an inflammatory milieu that nurtures the malignant transformation of cells, underscoring the intricate dynamics between chronic inflammation and the intricate tapestry of cancer development and progression.

2.1. Infections

Certain chronic infections have been recognized as potent catalysts for inflammation and heightened cancer risk. Notable examples include hepatitis B and C viruses, human papillomavirus (HPV), and Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). These infections can initiate and sustain a state of chronic inflammation within affected tissues, creating a favorable environment for cancer development  [1].

2.2. Environmental Factors

Exposure to environmental pollutants, such as asbestos, represents another avenue through which chronic inflammation can arise. Inhalation or ingestion of these harmful substances triggers an immune response, leading to persistent inflammation and an increased susceptibility to cancer [1].

2.3. Lifestyle Factors

Unhealthy lifestyle choices can also set the stage for chronic inflammation and cancer. Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and obesity are well-established culprits in this regard. These behaviors perpetuate a state of chronic low-grade inflammation, predisposing individuals to various cancers  [1].

3. Mechanisms of Inflammation in Cancer

Delving into the intricate realms of cellular and molecular intricacies, we unveil the mechanisms underpinning the profound connection between inflammation and cancer, a web of intricacies that is both intricate and multifarious. At this microcosmic level, immune cells, inflammatory mediators, and intricate signaling pathways converge to collectively orchestrate the elaborate symphony of the inflammatory response and its intricate, multifaceted impact on tumorigenesis. This dynamic interplay unfolds a narrative of profound significance, wherein inflammation emerges as a potent force in shaping the destiny of cancer cells, offering a glimpse into the intricate ballet of cellular interactions that govern the complex relationship between inflammation and the multifaceted landscape of cancer.[3].

3.1. Inflammatory Cells

Immune cells, including macrophages, neutrophils, and T cells, are key players in the inflammatory response. Within the tumor microenvironment, these cells release cytokines and chemokines that fuel inflammation and promote cancer progression. Macrophages, in particular, have been implicated in the promotion of tumor growth and angiogenesis  [1].

3.2. Inflammatory Mediators

Cytokines such as interleukin-6 (IL-6), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), and transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β) play pivotal roles in the crosstalk between inflammation and cancer. These molecules can stimulate cancer cell growth, enhance their survival, facilitate invasion, and promote metastasis  [1].

3.3. Inflammatory Pathways

The activation of specific signaling pathways further underscores the connection between inflammation and cancer. Two noteworthy pathways are the nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB) pathway and the cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) pathway. These pathways contribute to the sustained inflammatory response and are often dysregulated in cancer  [1][4].

4. Consequences of Inflammation in Cancer

The ramifications of chronic inflammation within the intricate context of cancer are profound and extensive, spanning across the expansive domains of the tumor microenvironment, therapeutic response, and the overarching prognosis. This far-reaching impact ripples through the intricate landscape of cancer, molding the microenvironment in which tumors thrive, challenging the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions, and casting a long shadow over the overall prognosis of individuals grappling with this formidable disease. It is in these far-reaching consequences that we find the true gravity of the relationship between chronic inflammation and cancer, underscoring the imperative for comprehensive understanding and innovative strategies in the ongoing battle against this relentless adversary.[5].

4.1. Tumor Microenvironment

Chronic inflammation remodels the tumor microenvironment, creating an environment conducive to cancer progression. It fosters conditions that favor cancer cell growth, survival, invasion, and metastasis. Inflammatory cells and mediators within the microenvironment play active roles in shaping these malignant features  [1].

4.2. Therapeutic Resistance

Inflammation can confer resistance to cancer therapies through various mechanisms. It promotes the survival of cancer stem cells, induces DNA damage repair pathways, and activates pro-survival signaling cascades. Consequently, therapeutic interventions may encounter formidable obstacles in the presence of chronic inflammation [2].

4.3. Prognosis

Perhaps most significantly, inflammation emerges as a potent negative prognostic factor across a spectrum of cancers. Its presence is associated with diminished survival rates and an increased likelihood of cancer recurrence. In essence, chronic inflammation casts a shadow over the prognosis of cancer patients, highlighting its far-reaching impact on disease outcomes [2].

5. Conclusion

In conclusion, the intricate interplay between inflammation and cancer unveils a complex relationship with profound implications for both disease etiology and clinical management. Chronic inflammation serves as a critical driver in the initiation and progression of cancer, warranting close attention from researchers and clinicians alike. Understanding the triggers, mechanisms, and consequences of inflammation in the context of cancer not only enhances our comprehension of tumorigenesis but also opens doors to novel strategies for cancer prevention and treatment. This dynamic field of research continues to hold promise for improving the lives of individuals affected by cancer, offering hope for a future where the link between inflammation and cancer is better understood and effectively targeted.


  1. Singh N, Baby D, Rajguru JP, Patil PB, Thakkannavar SS, Pujari VB. Inflammation and cancer. Ann Afr Med. 2019 Jul-Sep;18(3):121-126. doi: 10.4103/aam.aam_56_18. PMID: 31417011; PMCID: PMC6704802.
  2. Greten FR, Grivennikov SI. Inflammation and Cancer: Triggers, Mechanisms, and Consequences. Immunity. 2019 Jul 16;51(1):27-41. doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2019.06.025. PMID: 31315034; PMCID: PMC6831096.
  3. Beyaert, R., Beaugerie, L., Van Assche, G. et al. Cancer risk in immune-mediated inflammatory diseases (IMID). Mol Cancer 12, 98 (2013).
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