Phytochemicals: History
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 The bioactive chemical compounds responsible for these benefits are known as phytochemicals (PHYs). Specifically, PHYs are defined as bioactive chemical compounds found in plants, such as fruits, vegetables, grains, and other plant-derived foods, that may supply health benefits beyond basic nutrition and could help to reduce the risk of major chronic diseases. PHYs are generally produced by plants to help themselves resist fungi, bacteria, and plant virus infections and also to hamper their consumption by insects and other animals

  • nanoemulsion techniques
  • bioactive constituents of plant
  • phytochemicals (PHYs)

1. Phytochemicals and Nutraceuticals: Not Quite the Same

Both PHYs, also known as phytonutrients, and nutraceuticals are bioactive compounds that can be found in edible products possessing beneficial properties capable of enhancing human health and are commonly ingested with the diet. Anyway, while nutraceuticals are essential nutrients for human life and are necessarily present in edible products derived from animals, plants, or fungi, PHYs are non-nutrients and exclusively originate from plants [1]. Although a lower intake of PHYs does not cause defects, these compounds can be invaluable to human health, and a diet rich in PHYs is strongly connected to better health [2]. In vitro studies have demonstrated that PHYs are multifunctional compounds with health-promoting properties like those of conventional drugs and can be considered “pharmaceutical-grade compounds”. They can improve the ability to detox, boost the immune system, and help to protect against age-related diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, and osteoporosis [2].

2. Phytochemicals: An Overview

It has been reported that scientists have already identified over 5000 different classes of PHYs. Anyway, many more remain undiscovered, and much more has to be learned about their potential benefits [3]. Although PHYs can derive from both edible and non-edible plants [4], all plant-based foods, including fruits, vegetables, nuts, and herbs, contain them. Generally, PHYs confer to the plant-derived food containing them a particular bright color, but foods without these characteristics can contain these healthy promoters, as well (Table 1). Green, purple, red, blue, or yellow vegetables and fruits contain colored PHYs [3][5][6], but non-brightly colored potatoes, cauliflower, nuts such as almonds, cashews, and hazelnuts, tea, and dark chocolate also contain several PHYs (Table 1) [3][7][8][9]. Moreover, essential oils (EOs), including those from pine needles, cedar, and lavender, are used as health promoters due to their PHY contents (Table 1) [10][11][12].
Table 1. Sources of PHYs and their main benefits.

2.1. Specific Sources and Benefits of the Main Types of PHYs

The most common PHYs are polyphenols, carotenoids, coumarins, indoles, organosulfur compounds, isothiocyanates, saponins, tannins, phenylpropanoids, anthraquinones, ginsenosides, terpenoids, etc. [23]. In Table 2 below, the most relevant PHYs, their sources, and the associated health-promoting effects were reported [24][25].
Table 2. Most relevant types of PHYs, their sources, and the associated beneficial health effects.
As mentioned above, the known PHYs are in the thousands. In Figure 1 and Figure 2, the chemical structures of the most common polyphenols (Figure 1) and of other relevant PHYs (Figure 2) with their properties [1][2][24][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53] were reported.
Figure 1. Structures and pharmacological properties of some plant-derived polyphenols. ROS = reactive oxygen species.
Figure 2. Chemical structures of some relevant PHYs.

2.2. Let Us Eat in Color

Since PHYs confer particular food colors, colored foods surely contain PHYs and possess the same benefits as PHYs having the same color. So, by eating foods from all of the different color groups, a wide range of different PHYs can be assumed, with a consequent broad spectrum of benefits [54]. Table 3 below reports the general subdivision of plant-related foods into the different color groups.
Table 3. General classification of the different color groups *.
Color Group Foods PHYs Properties Refs.
Green Asparagus, avocados, celery, cucumbers
Green beans, green peppers, kale, kiwi
Spinach, zucchini
EGCG, glucosinolates
Indoles, isoflavones
Isothiocyanates, lutein, and zeaxanthin
Promote wound healing and healthy gums
Support arteries, blood cells, eyes, liver, and lungs
Purple Black beans, blackberries
Eggplants, elderberries, plums
Purple cabbage, purple grapes, raisins
Anthocyanins, flavonoids, phenols
Tannins, RES
Protect against serious health issues
Support arteries, bones, brain, cognition, healthy aging, and heart
Red Cherries, cranberries, kidney beans
Red beans, strawberries, tomatoes
Anthocyanins, ellagic acid, eugenol
Lycopene, tannins, quercetin
Protect against heart disease and other serious health issues
Support prostate, urinary tract, and DNA health
Yellow Apricots, cantaloupe, carrots, grapefruit
Yellow pears, yellow peppers
Yellow winter squash
α-Carotene, β-carotene, β-cryptoxanthin, Lutein, zeaxanthin, hesperidin Boost the immune system, support heart and vision health [2][54]
White Apples, cauliflower
Great northern beans
Mushrooms, onions
Allicin, ECGC, glucosinolates, indoles Tannins, quercetin Protect against heart disease and
other serious health issues
Support arteries, bones, and circulation
* The present table was constructed by the authors using information found in the literature [2]; the row color reproduces the color of PHYs contained in the reported foods, which are responsible for the food’s coloration and appearance.

This entry is adapted from the peer-reviewed paper 10.3390/ijms24129824


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