Government Incentives for Emission Reduction in Blockchain Era: History
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  • blockchain technology
  • green port
  • emission reduction
  • carbon trading
  • optimal control theory

1. 简介


2. 航运业的区块链技术

近年来,区块链技术在供应链管理中越来越受欢迎,引起了许多学者的关注(例如,Choi [10], Sun et al. [11], Shen et al. [12], Liu et al. [13], Guo et al. [14], Xu et al. [15])。同时,作为跨境贸易的重要载体,区块链技术应用于航运业的研究也逐渐成为热门话题[6]。相关研究主要包括两个方面。首先,一些学者重点分析了区块链技术在航运业的应用现状和未来发展前景。例如,Ying等人[16]指出,区块链技术通过推动航运业的数字化,可以帮助提高相关企业的运营效率,降低与贸易活动相关的风险和不必要的时间成本。为了分析区块链等新技术对造船业性能和可持续性的潜在影响,Ramirez等人[17]从工业4.0的角度开发了造船供应链的性能模型,探索了精益,敏捷,弹性和绿色的供应链管理模式,并提出了两个阶段来实现造船供应链4.0所需的整体可见性和连接性。为了探索区块链技术在港口物流管理中的潜在应用领域,Ahmad等人[4]进一步讨论了区块链在港口运营和物流管理中的应用和架构。此外,Pu等人[18]提出了区块链技术在海运业应用的概念框架,他们认为管理人员在采用该技术之前应充分了解区块链及其自身的具体问题和需求至关重要。随后,Balci和Surucu[19]以及Kapnissis等人[7]对区块链在航运业的采用进行了实证分析。他们调查了区块链采用障碍之间的关系,确定了在集装箱国际贸易中采用区块链的主要利益相关者,并描述了航运部门采用区块链技术的意图。

3. 港口减排和政府补贴

In addition, in order to further manage the emission reduction of port enterprises, some other scholars have considered the government’s implementation of carbon emission policies for the shipping industry, such as carbon trading and carbon tax policies. Zhong et al. [36] studied the specific impacts of the carbon trading mechanism on the optimal emission reduction strategies of container terminals by taking Nansha Terminal in China as an example. Yang et al. [37] analyzed the choice problem of ports and shipping companies for low-sulfur oils and on-shore power under the carbon trading mechanism. Zhong et al. [38] found that a carbon tax policy is a relatively direct and effective incentive to drive multi-modal transportation in the port hinterland towards greening. Li et al. [39] explored the impact of government intervention on the carbon emissions trading market, and suggested that excessive government intervention would lead to the failure of the carbon market mechanism. Wang et al. [40] analyzed the relationship between digital trade and carbon emissions, as well as the moderating role of industrial agglomeration and carbon emission trading mechanisms on the effect of digital trade in reducing carbon emissions.
Although the existing research on port emission reduction and government subsidy in the shipping industry has yielded important results and progress, this paper considers smart contracts, green certification, and market information disclosure of blockchain technology, studies the government’s dynamic incentive problem for port enterprises to reduce emissions from the perspective of the principal–agent, and analyzes the value and effect of carbon trading policy under blockchain technology, which has not been covered in the related studies cited above.

4. Incentive Contract Design

Our study is also related to the research of incentive contract design in operations management, which is a hot issue of academic concern and has a wider scope of research. Holmstrom and Milgrom [41] first proposed the principal–agent model and laid the foundation for the study of incentive contracts and incentive mechanisms. Subsequently, many scholars began to design contracts such as linear and commission to resolve conflicts of interest between principals and agents in different industries. For example, in the past, Zhou and Swan [42] investigated the optimality of piecewise linear incentive contracts and found evidence of the role of performance thresholds by examining Chief Executive Officer (CEO) compensation data. Yu and Kong [43] considered the ambiguity in the distribution of effort-related outputs and demonstrated that piecewise linear incentive contracts are uniquely optimal among salesperson compensation contracts. Gao and Tian [44] extended the single-period incentive contract model to the multi-period incentive contract model to constrain the behavior of the firms and motivate the firms to make greater efforts. Gao et al. [45] considered outsourcing a manufacturer to a supplier and proposed a quality incentive contract with asymmetric product manufacturability information. With the rise of the live-streaming industry, Zhang and Xu [46] discussed proportional incentive contracts based on target sales volume in the context of the live commerce supply chain and studied the optimization of contract design based on principal generation theory. They found that the optimal solution of the proportional incentive contract exists and is optimal under certain conditions. Meanwhile, Zhang et al. [47] further considered the moral hazard and adverse selection issues in contract design, studied incentive contracts in the live-streaming supply chain under the information asymmetry of streaming influence and recommendation efforts, and revealed that equilibrium contracts depend on the priori beliefs of Pinbo suppliers about streamer influence.
Since changes in the market environment are often dynamic, the design of the contract between the principal and the agent may not always be static, so some scholars have carried out research on the dynamic incentive contract. For example, Barbos [48] carved out the optimal contract realized under stochastic monitoring in a stochastic dynamic setting where the type of agent cost varies over time. Hori and Osano [49] explored how the timing of compensation payments and contract termination are jointly determined in a continuous-time principal–agent model when the agent has loss aversion preferences and the principal has a discretionary termination policy. Szydlowski and Yoon [50] studied a continuous-time principal–agent model in which the subject is ambiguous and unwilling to influence the agent’s cost of effort, and this robust contract produces a pay performance that appears to be overly sensitive. Zhu et al. [51] proposed a dynamic incentive and reputation mechanism to improve energy efficiency and training performance in federated learning. Xie et al. [52] analyzed the optimal contract in continuous time under the principal–multi-agent moral hazard environment based on the behavioral relationship between agents, and gave the optimal contract for the generalized principal–agent dynamic problem based on the stochastic optimal control theory, analyzed the optimal behavioral choices of the agents and incentive mechanisms. Tan et al. [53], motivated by information asymmetry that makes it difficult for recycling companies to determine incentive strategies for collectors, formulated a dynamic moral hazard model and found that collectors are always motivated to voluntarily maintain a high-quality supply of C&D waste under the optimal mechanism.
Unlike the above research, this paper follows the relevant research on dynamic decision models (e.g., Ma et al. [54], Meng et al. [31]), considers that the port emission reduction market is uncertain, and based on the dynamic equation of port emission reductions, studies the dynamic incentive contract design of the government (principal) for port enterprise (agent) to reduce emissions in the blockchain era.

This entry is adapted from the peer-reviewed paper 10.3390/su151612148

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