氢在部门耦合中的作用: History
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  • sector coupling
  • hydrogen
  • chemical industry
  • steel industry
  • vehicles


德国2020年6月发布的国家氢能战略规划设定了到2030年国内电解槽产能达到500万千瓦、2040年达到1000万千瓦的目标[112 ]。然而,德国政府2021年12月签署的联盟协议将2030年目标修改为1000万千瓦电解槽容量,是原目标的两倍[ 113 ]。预计 2030 年德国的氢需求量将达到 64 至 1100 亿千瓦时,2045 年将达到 392 至 6570 亿千瓦时[ 114]]. It is estimated that German domestic capacity will only be able to meet approximately 15% of the demand by 2030. By 2050, the production of hydrogen is predicted to consume about a quarter of the EU’s renewable electricity. As an essential component of an integrated energy system, hydrogen and P2X will continue to gain importance.
To efficiently develop the hydrogen economy globally, renewable hydrogen, which is more expensive, should mainly be utilized in industries that cannot be directly electrified. Beyond electrolysis, alternative methods of producing green hydrogen are also being extensively explored [115]. For instance, recent research has discussed the potential of the aqueous phase reforming process in treating and valorizing carbon-laden industrial wastewater. This process, capable of converting oxygenated molecules into hydrogen under relatively mild conditions, is seen as a promising avenue for the development of a circular, low-waste economy, although challenges remain in fully realizing this process at an industrial scale [116]. Xie presented a novel method for direct seawater electrolysis for hydrogen production, effectively addressing the issues of electrode side reactions and corrosion triggered by seawater’s complex components. The authors successfully operated this system, demonstrating its high potential for practical applications, and enabling efficient and flexible seawater electrolysis with prospective applications in one-step water-based effluent treatment, resource recovery, and hydrogen production [117]. Despite years of research by public stakeholders in industry, science, and other relevant sectors, there are only five application areas currently considered safe for the use of hydrogen energy and P2X: the chemical industry, steel production, vehicles, maritime transport, and air transport.

2. Hydrogen in the Chemical Industry

Hydrogen serves as a crucial feedstock rather than a source of energy in the chemical industry, where it is utilized for the production of basic materials like industrial gases, fertilizers, and petrochemicals, and their derivatives [118]. In addition, as described in the previous sections, renewable hydrogen can be converted into various products via diverse processes, such as methanol and Fischer–Tropsch production followed by refining, yielding conventional transportation fuels. It is noteworthy that methanol is an essential precursor for the production of synthetic resins, with a worldwide production that represents 25% of total methanol production [119]. Although most basic chemicals and petrochemicals rely on carbon, ammonia production relies on nitrogen, where hydrogen energy serves as the input. Recent research explores its potential as a zero-carbon fuel, particularly in the shipping industry and stationary power generation [120,121,122,123]. In addition, the advantage that ammonia does not require carbon dioxide in the production process offsets its high toxicity and the danger it poses to the aquatic environment [124]. Germany is set to construct its first ammonia import terminal at Brunsbüttel, with RWE planning to import 300,000 tons of green ammonia annually to produce nitrogen fertilizers and mineral oil products at the River Elbe port [125].

3. Hydrogen in the Steel Industry

In 2022, German produced 32.1 million tons of crude steel, of which 70% were produced using blast furnaces and converters and the remaining 30% using electric arc furnaces [126]. As a result, direct CO2 emissions from the steel industry were approximately 43.7 million tons in the same year. The steel industry’s potential for reducing carbon emissions can be realized through three different approaches [127,128,129,130]:
  • Substituting fossil fuels like coal and natural gas with hydrogen in the deep processing of crude steel.
  • 提高使用可再生能源进行钢铁生产的电弧炉的比例,这需要在电弧炉的天然气燃烧器中长期使用气候中性的氢气。
  • 利用绿色氢和过渡性富氢燃料(例如天然气)直接还原,并利用碳捕获、利用和储存(CCUS)技术转向初级钢铁生产。与高炉路径相比,全绿色氢模型的CO 2减排潜力高出95%。
根据最近的估计,欧洲钢铁行业的氢需求可能会大幅增加,预计到 2030 年将增加到 450 亿千瓦时,到 2050 年将增加到 1230 亿千瓦时[131 ]。然而,为了鼓励钢铁行业投资低碳钢生产,需要进行有针对性的市场预测,这有助于开发绿色钢铁的销售市场。标准和产品标签的制定也是绿色钢铁销售市场发展的关键先决条件[ 132 ]。

4. 氢在汽车中的应用

传统的内燃机会导致车辆体积庞大且效率低下。相比之下,燃料电池电动汽车(FCEV)由氢提供动力,可以更有效地将能量转化为电能,并且副产品只有水。氢燃料电池的效率是内燃机的两到三倍,使其成为交通运输领域未来有前途的技术。与传统车辆 (CV) 相比,FCEV 有潜力将温室气体排放量减少 46.6% [ 133]。然而,氢在交通运输领域大规模使用的一个主要障碍是如何更有效地储存氢。由于密度低,氢需要压缩和冷却才能储存,不像传统化石燃料那样容易储存。物理密封存储方法,例如压缩罐,最有利于存储氢气,主要使用所有复合材料(IV 型),有时使用金属衬里复合材料(III 型)[134 ]。丰田 Mirai 作为首批商业销售的 FCEV 之一,于 2021 年 8 月脱颖而出,其第二代车型在一次加注 5.65 公斤氢气的情况下行驶 1,360 公里,创下了世界纪录 [ 135]。加氢站增强的燃料电池汽车由于其在实际应用中的高热效率而有望突破传统电池驱动汽车的里程限制[ 136 ]。

5. 氢气在海上运输中的应用

海上运输是全球贸易的关键,为全球80%以上的货运提供了便利[ 137 ]。为了到 2050 年将航运排放量比 2008 年减少 50%,国际海事组织 (IMO) 在其 2019 年温室气体战略中设定了目标 [ 138 ]。目前大多数海船依靠单一燃料柴油发动机,燃烧低硫燃油和瓦斯油,大多数新船订单也采用了这项技术。尽管液化天然气 (LNG) 是唯一可商用的替代燃料并且可以潜在地减少 CO 2排放量减少高达 25%,由于其降低温室气体排放的潜力有限且不完全甲烷燃烧排放的高风险,它被视为过渡燃料[ 139]。高能燃料(HEF)被认为是本世纪航运脱碳最可行的选择。目前,合成甲烷或液体费托燃料可用作双燃料船用发动机的替代燃料,甲醇燃料发动机已经上市,新型氨燃料发动机正在开发中,燃料电池提供了可能性直接利用氢能。然而,HEF 尚未商业化,无法与化石燃料竞争。考虑到燃料可用性、基础设施和储存、技术成熟度、能量密度、价格和环境友好性等因素,从各种替代燃料中选择合适的获胜者仍然具有挑战性。由于船舶的典型使用寿命为二十至三十年以及改装船舶燃料系统的高昂成本,船用燃料的未来具有高度不确定性。由于搁浅资产的风险,这种不确定性抑制了投资[140 ]。

6. 航空运输中的氢气

民航正在积极探索替代燃料,其中氢和电子煤油成为两种有前景的选择[ 141 ]。电子煤油是一种即用型燃料,由绿色氢与直接空气捕获 (DAC) 技术中的 CO 2反应生成,在其生命周期内产生的温室气体排放量比化石喷气燃料 A/A-1 少 90%。此外,与化石喷气燃料相比,电子煤油不含硫且燃烧产生的 NOx 排放量较低,有助于减轻非 CO 2效应[ 142 ]。然而,在考虑非 CO 2影响时,与化石航空燃料 A/A-1 相比,电子煤油的温室效应减少约为 50% [ 142]。利用绿色氢作为直接的最终能源载体有可能实现燃料燃烧产生的CO 2排放量减少100%。尽管直接使用氢气作为商业航空最终用途能源载体的可行性存在不确定性,但空中客车公司已宣布计划在 2035 年推出远程氢动力飞机[143 ]。然而,对于氢在航空中的作用存在不同意见,波音公司首席执行官表示,氢要到 2050 年才会发挥主要作用[ 144 ]。这些替代燃料的商业可行性取决于基础设施、技术成熟度、成本和环境影响等因素,需要进一步的研究和开发工作来应对这些挑战。

This entry is adapted from the peer-reviewed paper 10.3390/en16135226

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