Increased Crop Genetic Diversity in the Fields: Comparison
Please note this is a comparison between Version 2 by Camila Xu and Version 1 by Dejene Mengistu.

Crop genetic diversity is the most important factor for a long-term sustainable production system. Breeding and production strategies for developing and growing uniform and homogenous varieties have created many problems. Such populations are static and very sensitive to unpredictable stresses.

  • evolutionary population
  • informal seed system
  • landrace
  • resilience

1. Introduction

Crop genetic diversity has been created by nature, and managed, utilized and maintained by farmers across the world. Farmers always transfer their crop diversity to the next generations and other farming communities [1,2][1][2]. Before the green revolution, genetic diversity was very high in the fields. Even in Nepal, where the modern varieties have not reached, there is higher genetic diversity being maintained by farmers compared to farming areas of modern varieties. It is commonly said by agriculturists that native landraces perform poorly and cannot meet the demands of the human population in the world. As advances have been made in agriculture, the grain yields of a few crops have increased significantly; however, crop genetic diversity in the fields is decreasing [3] and some farmers’ rights are being transferred partly to other institutes. Genetic diversity has now been confined in buildings with static conditions and is being exploited by agricultural researchers, especially by plant breeders for their business. For example, the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) has more than 700,000 crop accessions collected from different parts of countries. CGIAR uses this diversity for developing better genotypes and then transfers them to farming areas. There are many other private and public organizations that are doing similar business.
Crop genetic diversity in the fields is the most important factor for sustainable and secured agriculture. Farmers have realized the demerits of cultivating uniform and mono-genotyped varieties in a large area. There are many cases of failures of modern crop varieties. Farmers have many traditional practices that help to maintain and increase the crop genetic diversity in the fields. However, these practices are not now in practice in many areas after modern varieties have been adopted. Only a few varieties dominate the farming areas, e.g., the Srijana tomato variety, the Mansuli rice variety, etc., in Nepal. This system also replaced many native and localized crop landraces. Realizing the genetic erosion from the fields, some organizations started working on increasing the genetic diversity in the fields and have developed different approaches that also help to conserve genetic diversity in a dynamic state [4,5,6,7][4][5][6][7]). These approaches are also good for strengthening agroecological services [8,9][8][9] as well as for diversifying the produce in households and markets.

2. Crop Genetic Diversity

Crop genetic diversity includes diversity from domesticated species to alleles. Farmers mostly diversify production domains by using different species, crops, varieties, landraces and trait-specific genotypes. Crop genetic diversity is defined as any variation within and between crop cultivars, including their genotypic and phenotypic characters. Crops are domesticated plants used extensively for human benefit and managed by humans in their agricultural systems, e.g., rice, bean, apple, potato, forage species, etc. Cultivars are crop genotypes that are subject to cultivation practices, and this includes both varieties and landraces. Varieties are crop genotypes developed by breeders and cultivated in farming areas. Landraces are traditional genotypes, locally adapted, genetically altered by nature and maintained by farmers over a long period, and also called farmer’s variety. Diversity can be of different types, e.g., intra and inter crop diversity, intra and inter cultivar diversity, intra and inter varietal diversity, intra and inter landrace diversity, etc. Within cultivars, there are two types based on genetic diversity. One is called a monomorphic cultivar, and is uniform, homozygous and morphologically and genetically the same. The other is polymorphic, which is heterozygous with more than one type or different types of forms at both phenotypic and genotypic levels. The variability in these genetic resources (which is governed by many drivers) can be measured using different approaches at different levels [12][10]. Major drivers of crop genetic diversity are land type, season, market demand, family demand, technology availability, and incentives, etc. Crop genetic diversity has been considered very important for food, nutrition, business, health and environmental security.

3. Diversity in Research and Production Systems

Agricultural researchers collect germplasm (basket of genetic diversity), both native and exotic, including wild relatives from fields and institutes. They also create and maintain diversity through hybridization, mutation, genetic engineering, etc. Much of the diversity has been mostly confined in the buildings, e.g., gene banks or other reservoirs, and only a few selective lines have been used for cultivation purposes due to their high production performance, which has resulted in the narrowing down of crop genetic diversity in the field [2,13][2][11]. More-importantly, genotypes in research fields have much less interaction with environmental factors in conventional breeding systems, as most of the research activities are carried out within the research stations. Conversely, participatory plant breeding allows a high level of acclimatization of variety with the target environment as most of the research activities are conducted in the farmers’ field. In formal cases, the genotypes are mostly handled and exposed to the chemical production system, i.e., chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The advancement of genotypes is based on a single trait and targeted to make them homozygous and uniform. The various diverse genotypes are discarded, and only a few selected genotypes are used in the research fields. This has resulted in the loss of allelic diversity from the gene pool shared by landraces and other crop cultivars. Thousands of diverse genotypes are discarded each year in the research stations, and therefore a very narrow genetic base population and genotypes are then tested in farmers’ fields. In contrast to the research station, diversity is very high in the farmer-managed production system. Any genotypes have to interact with many different environmental factors for their adoption, as the cultivars ultimately have to be grown in open field conditions. Due to diverse factors in the production fields and households, farmers consider multiple traits. Farmers generally allow nature to select the genotypes for next season’s planting. The diversity found, therefore, is higher in crops managed by farmers from seeding to storing seeds by themselves in comparison to crops that are taken from a formal seed system. Phenotypic variability, including off-types (of the same crop), is continuously retained in informal seed systems, which helps to create and maintain genetic diversity. Additionally, in the production system managed through the formal seed system, some farmers’ rights have been knowingly or unknowingly transferred to other seed companies, e.g., the production and marketing rights of seeds of different classes. In this system, seeds are produced in different locations, other than grain production sites, (which may be far from the grain production domain). This may sometimes cause an environmental shock to varieties in the production system.

4. Approaches for Increasing Diversity

During the field visit, focus group discussions, and interaction with farmers, several different approaches and methods (Table 1) were found in farming and research areas to increase genetic diversity in many different crops. Some approaches are traditional, and some have been developed by researchers and transferred to farmers. These approaches are practiced by farmers mainly on rice, wheat, maize, bean, oilseed crops, vegetables, finger millet, foxtail millet, barely, proso millet, amaranths, soybean and other grain legumes. Some approaches look very simple but help significantly to maintain and increase the diversity in the fields. Farmers, growers and researchers who love genetic diversity are following these approaches and producing benefits. These approaches look highly practicable for the on-farm conservation and restoration of crop biodiversity. Germplasm exchange and repatriation based on climate analog tools are also very effective to obtain higher production and conservation of diversity in the fields. Multiple approaches might be good to use even in a single landrace for producing higher benefits as well as to accelerate their conservation on-farm [14,15][12][13].
Table 1.
Approaches for increasing crop diversity in the fields.
For increasing diversity, farmers’ practices are, relatively, better than modern agricultural practices. When creating diversity in the fields, different multiple traits should be considered for the selection of genotypes. Trait-based selection for mixing landraces and varieties depends on the biotic and abiotic stresses (Table 2). For example, different root-length cultivars are suitable for cultivation in drought areas. However, maturity and cooking methods should be the same for all mixed landraces and varieties. In the case of the in-determinant type, maturity is not applicable for consideration.
Table 2.
Important traits for mixing cultivars (landraces and varieties) against different conditions.
Figure 1. Advantages and disadvantages of polymorphic and uniform cultivars. Arrows indicate either an increase (up arrow) or decrease (down arrow) in the trait included in the arrow box.
Figure 2. Genetic diversity in the field: (A) Crop mixture (rice + foxtail millet + brinjal and others) in Humla district, (B) three sister crops (maize, pumpkin and bean) in East Nepal, (C) two bean landraces in Jumla and Rukum districts, (D) evolutionary rice population in Jumla district (50 rice landraces).
Table 3.
Farmers’ practices of mixing landraces and varieties of bean, finger millet and rice in Nepal.


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