Compared to other analytical methods, the main advantages of IR spectroscopy are its speed, relatively low price of the instrument, and the fact that it is typically non-destructive and non-invasive, lowering or eliminating sample preparation time
[3][4][3,4]. Furthermore, IR spectroscopy is highly sensitive, requires a small amount of sample and allows users to analyse samples from a wide variety of matrix types, including solids, powders, films, gels, liquids and gases
[3], and does not produce any waste
[5]. Conversely, the challenges involve interpreting spectra from complex mixtures and the need to create and maintain robust calibration models for quantitative analysis
[3]. Briefly, a robust model refers to one which can be used year-after-year without losing accuracy over time, or when applied to different population groups (e.g., different varieties, different geographic locations).
In addition, IR spectroscopy—particularly NIRS—is best suited for the analysis of macroconstituents (usually those present at concentrations of ~0.5% or higher). Below this concentration range, it is difficult to separate out the signal of the analyte from the rest of the spectral peaks. In many cases reporting the detection of analytes at much lower concentrations, it is likely that NIRS is actually detecting a different analyte present at macro-levels—the concentration of which is correlated with the targeted analyte. This is known as a secondary, or surrogate, correlation
[4]. In many cases, this correlation may be unavoidable due to both analytes absorbing in similar regions
[6]. In other situations, it may be the only way through which IR spectroscopy can be used to estimate the microconstituent concentration. The use of such secondary correlations is acceptable in many cases—as long as the correlation holds true for all samples analysed. Some publications have reported that these correlations may change between different sample populations or harvest years
[6], which may explain the poor performance of independent test sets found in some studies using IR spectroscopy for the analysis of microconstituents.
2. Sample Presentation
In order to gain an accurate assessment of the sample matrix using infrared spectroscopy techniques, it is essential that the portion of the sample that the instrument “sees” is representative of the whole sample. Furthermore, due to the wide range of sample types which can be analysed using IR spectroscopy (such as solids, liquids, films, gels and powders), there are a variety of sample presentation methods that have been adopted for IR spectroscopy.
Perhaps the simplest form of sample presentation is the full transmittance mode (180° light-sample-detector). This is also the only method for which the Beer–Lambert law holds true. In this presentation mode, the IR light enters one side of the sample and some wavelengths are absorbed by the sample, with the remaining light measured as it exits the other side of the sample. As long as the length of the light path is sufficiently low, transmittance mode ensures that the emitted light has an opportunity to interact with nearly all of the analytes present in the light path. Consequently, it is usually quite representative of the true matrix composition. However, it is only suitable for analysing relatively thin samples due to the high level of absorbance in aqueous-based matrices. As shown by Beer–Lambert’s law, increasing the light path length will proportionally increase the absorbance, making it more difficult to detect the signal of the resultant spectra. For example, a path length of only a few millimetres is often required when using transmittance NIR spectroscopy for the analysis of aqueous-based solutions. Due to path length limitations, the use of transmittance spectroscopy for the analysis of solid or powder substances can be more challenging compared to reflectance modes; however, analysis of whole fruits is possible using higher incidence light intensities and more sensitive detectors
One variation of the full transmittance mode is partial transmission spectroscopy, also known as interactance spectroscopy. This refers to the mode where the infrared light is partially transmitted through the sample matrix, before being detected by another sensor at the matrix surface, but located adjacent to the source. These instruments utilise a physical barrier between the light source and detector to prevent the detector from receiving any IR light reflected from the sample surface. The benefits of this method are a reduced path length compared to full transmittance mode, and increased interaction between the IR light and the sample matrix compared to reflectance geometry.
Reflectance mode is one of the most commonly used presentation modes in IR spectroscopy applications, particularly for NIRS. In this mode, the infrared light enters one side of the sample and interacts with the sample matrix as it penetrates into the sample. The majority of non-absorbed light is then reflected back to the surface of the sample, where it is detected by the instrument sensor. Some non-absorbance scattering of the IR light can also occur, which can bias the resultant spectra. One of the main advantages of reflectance mode is its one-dimensionality (i.e., the instrument only needs access to the sample surface in one location, as opposed to transmittance spectroscopy where both sides of the sample must be accessible), allowing it to be used in a much broader range of applications compared to transmittance spectroscopy. However, it is reliant on the assumption that the composition of the surface material is representative of the entire sample matrix
Within the food sector, reflectance NIR spectroscopy is widely reported in publications for the analysis of horticultural produce
[9][10][13,14] and in the grains industry
[11][12][15,16]. There are no commercial instruments designed to use this geometry mode for the analysis of whole fruits, as fruit skin composition (e.g., thickness, starch/fibre content, chlorophyll content) can change in populations from year to year, depending on other variables such as rainfall, amount of sunlight, application of fertiliser, etc. In turn, this variability in skin composition would interfere with the NIR spectra and reduce the robustness of the model, which is designed to only measure the internal composition of the fruit. However, reflectance NIR spectroscopy is commonly used for the analysis of ground grain products in industry/commercial settings, as the surfaces of these samples are generally quite representative of the entire sample.
3. Data Processing
The final stage in the use of infrared spectroscopy for analytical purposes is the processing of the spectral data. In many cases, the signal of the desired analyte may be obscured by other matrix components present in much higher concentrations, such as water or carbohydrate-based structures. The use of modern mathematical data analysis techniques—termed chemometrics—can aid in uncovering minor analyte signals and developing optimum models for the quantification of the analytes. However, it is important to note that no amount of data analysis or chemometrics can “uncover” an analyte if the signal from the analyte is either not present or too low to be detected by the instrument.
3.1. Spectral Pre-Processing
Typically, IR spectra are subjected to pre-processing before they can be used for quantitative analytical purposes. The aim of this procedure is to remove spectroscopic artefacts from the measurement process, such as random noise, scatter or baseline drift
[13][14][19,20]. The effects of these artefacts are particularly detrimental when attempting to analyse complex mixtures or analytes present in very low concentrations
A variety of spectral pre-processing methods are available. These include smoothing, multiplicative scatter-correction (MSC), standard normal variate (SNV), normalisation by range (NBR) and the calculation of derivatives
Standard normal variate (SNV) is a normalisation-based pre-processing method. In this pre-processing method, the mean value of each spectrum is calculated and this constant value is subtracted across the entire spectrum, before the spectrum is divided by the standard deviation of the entire spectrum.
Calculating the derivative of spectra is another common approach to account for baseline shift or amplitude differences in the spectra. First and second derivatives are the most commonly used. Although higher order derivatives, such as the third derivative, have been successfully used in some applications
[17][18][19][25,26,27], there is an accompanying decrease in the signal-to-noise ratio as the derivative order increases
Finally, it is important to note that pre-processing methods are often combined. For example, typical pre-processing of spectra for use in analytical spectroscopy could involve calculating the SNV of the spectra, before subsequently calculating the first derivative of the SNV-processed spectra.
The choice of optimum spectral pre-processing methods is poorly defined and strongly dependent upon both the matrix type and analyte of interest. Furthermore, the need for and choice of pre-processing method may also vary with the sample size of the population
[15][21]. In the absence of definitive guidelines, trial and error is often the best approach when developing new applications for infrared spectroscopy.
3.2. Data Analysis Methods
For quantitative applications of IR spectroscopy, regression modelling is among the most commonly used data analysis methods. One of the first chemometric methods applied in quantitative IR spectroscopy applications was multiple linear regression (MLR), which attempts to predict the analyte concentration from the spectral absorbance at several different wavelengths. However, it cannot be used for the analysis of entire spectra, due to the high multicollinearity of the datapoints comprising the spectra.
Partial least squares (PLS) regression is a derivative of MLR suited to datasets with high levels of multicollinearity, such as infrared spectra
[20][28]. Through a variety of algorithms, the key contributing variables are identified and weighted such that the wavelengths most closely correlated with the analyte concentration have the greatest contribution to the PLS model
[20][28]. PLS regression is widely used for the development of IR spectroscopy models across the food science sector
In recent years, there has also been an emerging interest in machine learning techniques, such as artificial neural networks (ANNs), support vector machine (SVM) and deep learning
[24][25][26][27][32,33,34,35]. These non-linear techniques look for patterns within the data in order to optimise model weighting and extract the desired information from the data. As more datapoints are added to the dataset, the model can update over time in order to provide more accurate prediction results.