Human-Centric Approach in Healthcare 4.0: Comparison
Please note this is a comparison between Version 3 by Lindsay Dong and Version 2 by Lindsay Dong.

The cyberspace depicts an increasing number of difficulties related to security, especially in healthcare. This is evident from how vulnerable critical infrastructures are to cyberattacks and are unprotected against cybercrime. Users, ideally, should maintain a good level of cyber hygiene, via regular software updates and the development of unique passwords, as an effective way to become resilient to cyberattacks. Cyber security breaches are a top priority, and most users are aware that their behaviours may put them at risk; however, they are not educated to follow best practices, such as protecting their passwords. Mass cyber education may serve as a means to offset poor cyber security behaviours; however, mandatory education becomes a questionable point if the content is not focused on human factors, using human-centric approaches and taking into account end users’ behaviours, which is currently the case. The nature of the present p Paper is largely exploratory, and the purpose is two-fold: To present and explore the cyber hygiene definition, context and habits of end users in order to strengthen our understanding of users. Our paper reports the best prs report the best practices that should be used by healthcare organisations and healthcare professionals to maintain good cyber hygiene and how these can be applied via a healthcare use case scenario to increase awareness related to data privacy and cybersecurity. This is an issue of great importance and urgency considering the rapid increase of cyberattacks in healthcare organisations, mainly due to human errors. Further to that, based on human-centric approaches, ourthe long-term vision and future work involves facilitating the development of efficient practices and education associated with cybersecurity hygiene via a flexible, adaptable and practical framework.

  • cyber hygiene
  • cyberattacks
  • healthcare
  • human factors

1. Introduction

The rapid evolution of cyberspace, over the last two decades, has had an impact on every facet of human life. The increase in the range, volume and speed of communications, which are offered within the cyberspace, have beyond doubt affected the way people are governed, how companies deliver their services and, overall, how societies interact. The cyberspace also depicts an increasing number of difficulties related to security. This is evident from how vulnerable critical infrastructures are to cyberattacks, while the global economy is unprotected against cybercrime and cyber-espionage. Damages of great value occur from spam, sophisticated Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, viruses and worms. As a result, member states have a well-defined cyberspace in their security doctrines and military as a new domain of protection, investigation and conflict. Organisations, for example EU and NATO, treat cybersecurity as an issue of great importance affecting the defence and security of member states and the organisations per se [1].
The terms Healthcare 4.0, Health 4.0, Medical Industry 4.0 and Healthcare Industry 4.0 are associated with 4IR in healthcare [2]. Technologies related to 4IR are manufacturing systems, cloud-based design and the industrial Internet of Things. The common major challenge with these internet technologies is the applicability of cyber security and data privacy [3].
Users, ideally, should maintain a good level of cyber hygiene, via regular software updates and development of unique passwords, as an effective way to become resilient to cyberattacks. Cyber hygiene refers to keeping proper guidelines and norms and involves establishing healthy cyber behaviours within the cyberspace to protect any available data from hackers [4]. However, it is evident from the high volume of attacks that many users keep poor cyber hygiene, as they share personal information via social networks and freely share passwords as well [5]. Hackers know well that the easiest way to access a system is to find a technical vulnerability or steal an individual’s information. There is an urgent need to help individuals improve their behavioural responses and cyber hygiene.

2. Cyber Hygiene in the Cyberspace

Cyber hygiene originates from the concept of personal hygiene in the public health domain. In an extensive report exploring cyber hygiene practices across various nations, the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) [6] introduced that “cyber hygiene should be viewed in the same manner as personal hygiene and, once properly integrated into an organisation will be simple daily routines, good behaviours and occasional check-ups to make sure the organisations online health is in optimum condition”. Research in social sciences on cyber security has been focused on the security behaviours and risk factors of the end–end users, while there is limited research on developing measurements of cyber hygiene. In particular, according to previous approaches that assume that the end users are aware of cyber safety behaviours, they, therefore, focus on measuring the frequency of enactment of these behaviours [7]. It is of high importance to understand the role of how end users are processing information and their interpretation within a cybersecurity framework in an organisation. For instance, researchers have empirically demonstrated that individuals who systematically process information are less likely to get victimised during a spear phishing attack [8]. Therefore, plenty of cybersecurity awareness programs aim to enhance the ability of the users to process better information. The lack of cyber hygiene leads to a number of cyber threats and cyberattacks. The recent WannaCry Ransomware cyberattack [9], which targeted, on a large scale, the Microsoft Windows operating system, had a severe impact on the systems. This occurred due to the organisations and individuals not having updated their software security versions as of the month of March, even though the more recent version had been released in 2014. This is why unlicensed Windows software and systems with outdated software versions became vulnerable and easy to exploit in this attack. The healthcare ecosystem was particularly affected by CT and MRI scanners being exploited in hospitals, among banking, business and corporate sectors worldwide. Around 300,000 computer systems in 150 countries were affected.

3. Human Behaviours: The Weakest Link in Cyberattacks

A significant number of cyberattacks are directed towards the users through distorted means, such as malicious emails and masqueraded applications. Though cyberattacks are aiming to exploit either the technical vulnerabilities of networks and systems, or the errors due to human behaviour, it is the latter that remains as the weakest link in these cyberattacks [10][11]. Attackers most often employ methods exploiting weak cyber behaviours, defined as social engineering. Studies historically confirm that social engineering approaches account for the majority of total cyber security attacks. Bowen et al. [12] showed that 28% of the total attacks were due to social engineering, and in 2016, 97% of malware attacks targeted human behaviour. A more recent report estimated that 95% of cyberattacks were again attributed to human errors and risky behaviour [13]. Looking in the literature at the types of risky behaviours and human errors, one can identify the most common, including the use of infected memory disks, sharing of passwords, reusing the same passwords for different platforms, not updating software, unauthorised disclosure of personal information, accessing fake emails and installing software from unverified sources [14][15][16][17][18].

4. Cyber Threats and Countermeasures in Healthcare 4.0

There are several attacks that occur daily within healthcare 4.0. However, as found in the literature, there are six main types of cyber threats that can be identified in the cyberspace, and are directly applied in healthcare 4.0, accompanied by appropriate countermeasures [4], which are presented in detail in Table 1.
Table 1. Cyber Threats in the Cyberspace.
Cyber Threat Description
. These types of attacks can be tackled by carrying out countermeasures, as for example, software isolation; “secured boot”, meaning that when any malicious activities are carried out in the system, after rebooting the system, it then does not turn on and all the available data in the system becomes resilient to the attacker; and/or software update, which maintains the software and its system updated with the latest version available on the market.
Security Misconfiguration
This type of attack is being performed due to inattentiveness or carelessness. The moment when it has been observed to occur is when handling the security changes of the software, as the security changes become misconfigured and provide the attackers with the right opportunity to attack the devices and extract the available data from them. Hence, the most significant countermeasure is that the security changes ought to be carried out with extreme care and with proper decryption encryption techniques as well [21].
It is essential to ensure aspects, such as higher confidentiality, resilience, and integrity levels, to tackle such attacks. Consideration of the human aspects would be key to build these aspects within healthcare 4.0.

5. Towards a Human-Centric Approach to Security

Human behaviour is the weakest link in cybersecurity; it is the employees of any organisation that should be involved and engaged within cybersecurity awareness and the development of mitigation approaches. 

Furthermore, as a result of the global COVID-19 pandemic, new working trends have been introduced, where employees working flexibly use their own devices or are using work devices outside the office, resulting in blurred lines between personal and business limits, exacerbating the risky behaviours. As a result, any measures to mitigate the cyber risks need to go beyond the software updating and hardware maintenance to a more human-centric approach. Human-centric cyber security is still a new domain, which is an intangible concept and is challenging to define and to be understood, not only by the lay end user, but also by specialists in cyberspace. The reason is that it sits at the intersection of human behaviour, computing and security systems. Grobler et al. (2021) [24] defined human-centric cyber security as involving all aspects of cyber security, with a particular focus on the human involvement in the system and processes. They propose for the design, implementation and assessment of holistic human centric cyber security systems, three components of what they define as the 3U’s, User, Usage and Usability, with each one of them including further subsections, as seen in Table 2.
Table 2. Design, implementation and assessment of holistic human-centric cyber security systems.
Component Description
Attacks on Hosted Components These types of attacks include destructive software injection to a targeted system, for example, cross-site scripting, SQL injection and related techniques, which threaten the access and/or authentication controls. This may occur in cloud-based control systems handling big volumes of sensitive data. Here, the countermeasures include mainly role-based approaches, creating awareness in order to protect towards impersonation at the cloud level and API authentication.
  • Demography and Culture
  • Situational Awareness
  • Psychology and Behaviour
  • Cognitive Factors
Social Engineering It refers to the attacks performed on the “weakest link” in the security supply chain. This is achieved by psychologically manipulating individuals to perform malicious actions or share confidential information. Common techniques used for this manipulation are shoulder surfing, diversion theft, “dumpster diving”, impersonation of help desk calls, phishing and/or personal blackmailing [19][20]. Social engineering is one of the major reasons why even security-aware and well-equipped companies fall victims to cyberattacks. Hackers identify the weakest link in the security supply chain in which they can insert the malicious software or the virus into the targeted system. Therefore, it is of great importance to identify and further secure the weakest link in the security chain. Some of the initial countermeasures, which can be adopted to prevent upcoming attacks, include block Wi-Fi connections to unsecured networks, block network connections related to malicious content, stop using non-secure web pages and websites and performing actions on them. Further approaches, which can be taken to reduce the high level of cyberattacks, include mitigating known threats in the systems and applications, regularly patching vulnerable systems and/or keeping the company’s devices up-to-date with the latest version.
  • Functional Measures
  • Technical Measures
  • Legislation, Regulations and Policies
Physical Attack
UsabilityPhysical attacks are mostly carried out in fields involving several Internet of Things (IoT) applications since they are connected to a number of components and hardware devices. These are easily located by hackers since they cannot be monitored at a single location and are kept far away from each other [21]
  • Experience Factors
[22]. The main countermeasures in such cases include trusted platform modules to enable storage of the data on separate platforms securely, file system encryption meaning proper algorithms and encryption decryption techniques shall be used so the data can be stored and secured properly, and lastly remote attestation meaning attesting a remote to each hardware device, which is located far in order to be controlled from faraway locations as well.
  • Interaction Factors
Network Compromise These attacks are known as ‘middle way attacks’ where the hackers use a number of techniques, for example, altering or blocking communications between hardware devices and their cloud-based controller session and/or hijacking to enter and disrupt a network. The countermeasures that can be offered here include performing regular updates on the software and use of proper file decryption and encryption techniques while sending and receiving sensitive data between the end-to-end users.
Hacked Device Software In these attacks, the hacker accesses the software at the device level and then it carries out several fraudulent activities and techniques. Such activities and techniques target to take control of the data in the system and include elevation of privileges, denial of service, malware injection and/or false identification [23

6. Best Practices and Education of Cybersecurity Hygiene for Healthcare Professionals

Cyber threats are rapidly increasing across various business sectors and the incidents in data privacy and cybersecurity breaches are also rising alongside them, particularly in the healthcare domain. In response to the rising threats and incidents, healthcare organisations adopt technical measures, such as the use of firewalls, antivirus and software/firmware patches, aiming to preserve and protect the business continuity of healthcare services. Regardless of such efforts, cybersecurity threats are rising, and the adopted measures have been proven insufficient to respond to cyberattacks. This is often because the important role that the personnel play in this supply chain, related to cyber defence, is not being considered. In practice, healthcare organisations are encouraged to adopt general data privacy and cybersecurity guidelines that have, as a focal point, the human factor. Nevertheless, there is limited research within the literature on collective practical cyber hygiene guidelines and best practices, which can help healthcare organisations to apply specific interventions, such as training programs and awareness activities, which at the same time are measurable to the healthcare professionals. With that being said, structured best practices that would assist the higher management to choose the optimal number of security controls that will be most efficient for healthcare organisations and professionals are yet not available and, at the same time, are highly desirable. Cybersecurity hygiene best practices and education are linked to individual differences aiming to improve cybersecurity. Even though Internet security guidelines for users are widely available, it is doubtful how many consumers understand and apply these reports and if the available security guidelines are written in a lay language for both tech laggards and tech savvy users [25]. One feasible solution in order to overcome the educational gap in cybersecurity would be to establish best practices and mandatory cyber hygiene education for users, including both non-cyber and cyber professionals [26][27]. Best practices and mass cyber education may contribute to discourage poor cybersecurity behaviours; however, to achieve the most optimal results, the content should shift its focus to human factors and use behaviours. It is evident that most available courses and/or training do not address explicitly human cognition and behaviours. The baseline cyber hygiene involves several basic steps that are required for cyber defence. The baseline practices are mostly rooted in frameworks, such as, for example, the NIST cybersecurity framework. It helps organisations, including the healthcare supply chain, to have a detailed and clear set of best practices to show and modify how cybersecurity is being performed and measured regularly [28]. While there are not standardised best practices for healthcare, a basic set of methods to maintain cyber hygiene in business has been presented in the literature [29][30]. All organisations and cyber users need to take responsibility for their browsing in both their personal and professional space. Individuals must take ownership of maintaining sufficient cyber hygiene and safeguarding, by using best practices, against cyberattacks [4]. Best practices, as collected from the literature, are presented in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Best practices for general cyber hygiene.
Jointly with other best practices, the deficiency of essential techniques, such as the above, may lead to poor cyber hygiene. Additional recommended set of best practices for small business enterprises targeting cyber risks have been introduced [27]. Meanwhile, cyber hygiene best practices, which can be used by healthcare staff to maintain privacy and security, are illustrated in Figure 2 [31][32].
Figure 2. Cyber hygiene best practices for healthcare staff.
The current literature suggests the need [29][30] for organisations to align and comply with the NIST’s cybersecurity framework in order to promote cyber hygiene. The NIST Framework’s main aim is to provide a detailed outline for businesses and organisations to improve ways to identify, prevent and mitigate various cyber incidents [33]. The NIST framework includes five fundamental categories and functions for cyber threats, which are to identify, detect, protect, respond and recover [34].
Every fundamental component plays a crucial role in promoting good practice while maintaining a balanced cyber hygiene at all levels. In order to comply with the “identify” main element, the asset’s responsibility, leading role and vulnerability and risks to cyberattacks need to be understood. With this implementation of this fundamental function, each organisation would more easily establish the rules and policies that will help them improve good cyber hygiene and remain protected against cyber threats [29][30].
The second fundamental element is to “protect” the organisations by applying sufficient counter measures to safeguard against potential malicious cybersecurity attacks. In this phase, organisations should provide essential education and training related to cybersecurity measures. The third phase includes steps to continuously “detect” cybersecurity incidents and to monitor cyber threats. The fourth phase involves the development of a “response” plan, which will establish the communication channels, clearly mitigating the cyber incidents. The last phase is to “recover” the damaged services whose damages were caused by cyber incidents and to prioritise cyber-related activities [35].
When organisations and businesses are not compliant with the five fundamental elements of the NIST CSF, it becomes extremely challenging to properly handle cyber incidents. In addition, organisations and businesses tend to become vulnerable to cyber incidents, which could potentially affect their continuity. It is suggested that all organisations adopt human-centric approaches alongside with a detailed and clear mitigation plan to promote cyber hygiene and address cyber incidents.


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