Reconceptualising Disabilities and Inclusivity for the Postdigital Era: Comparison
Please note this is a comparison between Version 3 by Chinaza Uleanya and Version 2 by Chinaza Uleanya.

Most times, focus in terms of inclusivity in education lingers around people with physical disabilities, leaving out marginalized persons due to lack of technology savvy, whereas, in the 21st century and era of (post)digitalization, technology is crucial and being compliant in such is critical. Hence, this study iinvestigated the subject of inclusivity in distance education from the dimension of technology use, in the context of South Africa, with the intention and by extension that it would apply to developing and underdeveloped countries of the world where access to technology remains a struggle. The study was guided by a research question: What is inclusivity in distance education from the dimension of access to technology, technology disability and skills?



There is need for educational leaders to consider reconceptualising disabilities and inclusivity with regards to the postdigital era.

  • disability
  • inclusive education
  • inclusivity
  • technology use
  • scoping review
  • South Africa


Transforming the higher education sector in alignment with “the South African Constitution has led to increased enrollments of learners with disabilities” (Ntombela, 2020, 18). Similarly, Isaacs (2020) states that “over the last four decades, increasing numbers of disabled learners have entered institutions of higher education worldwide. Since 1994, the South African Government has been committed to transforming educational policy to redress the past oppression of disabled persons” (p. 58). This suggests following the long history of apartheid in South Africa prior to 1994, the extent to which the nation attempts to cater for persons with disabilities and ensuring inclusivity in the higher education sector. Also, it can be viewed from the perspective of the nation attempting to follow the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 of the United Nations (2015), which is targeted at ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all. In the South African context, McKenzie and Dalton (2020, 1) state that “South Africa has undertaken the implementation of inclusive education as a vehicle for achieving enhanced educational outcomes and equity”. This is indicative of the extent to which inclusive education is embraced and upheld in the nation. In congruence, Makuya and Sedibe (2021) emphasize that “the policy of inclusion is one of the key policies enacted by the Department of Education in South Africa since the demise of apartheid” (p. 561). In furtherance, from a historical point of view, McKenzie and Dalton (2020, 1), citing Gwalla-Ogisi, Nkabinde and Rodriguez (2006), state that “with the advent of democracy in South Africa, issues of curriculum change and provision of quality education to all children of all race groups assumed a high priority, largely because of the preferential treatment of white children under apartheid”. McKenzie and Dalton (2020) hold the view that “an overhaul of the entire education system was undertaken, and this included a reconsideration of special education and educational support” (p. 2). In South Africa, although schools as well as educators in the context of this study are doing their best to ensure inclusivity in education, certain challenges tend to affect efforts made (Shadaya & Mushoriwa, 2017). However, Morrison, Brand and Cilliers (2009) had earlier stated that “dealing with the special needs of learners with disabilities brings new challenges to institutions” (p. 202). This suggests that while challenges are being resolved, there are tendencies for more to emanate. Thus, schools which aim at receiving recognition for more inclusivity need a proactive approach which cuts across the entire institutional environment (Morrison, Brand & Cilliers, 2009). In order to achieve the aim of the study, the steps for scoping review as identified by Romund (2017) as well as Arksey and O’Malley (2005) were followed in the methodology:


Step 1: Identification of the research question(s) as well as the domain which needs exploration. The researcher identified the research question guiding the study which is: What is inclusivity in distance education from the dimension of access to technology, technology disability and skills? The author considers the identified question as a domain which needs to be explored.

Step 2: Find (search) phase: A search was done on two databases known as Scopus and Web of Science (WoS). These two databases were selected following the submission of scholars, which attributes them to being the big commercial, bibliographic databases for scholarly literature.

Step 3: Selection phase: For this study, the search terms were: “inclusive” AND “distance” AND “education” AND “disability” AND “South Africa”. Following the search, published articles and conference articles were included, while books and book chapters were excluded. The reason for the inclusion of published articles and conference articles was because of the review process involved in journal and conference articles. The researcher believes journal articles and conference proceedings go through rigorous review compared to books and book chapters. Furthermore, at this phase, the author eliminated certain articles which were considered irrelevant following certain criteria such as not being in the specific context of South Africa which is the focus of the study. Also, articles which did not have inclusive in the main texts but reference lists were excluded because it implied that they are not in the context of the study. Thus, articles which were in the context of South Africa and had inclusive in the main text, not necessarily reference list were included for analysis in the study.

Step 4: Extraction and/or chart phase: At this stage, the data from selected relevant studies are to be organised. In the context of this study, the researcher organised the final corpus of 18 relevant articles into how inclusion in education is considered and presented in different articles by various scholars. In the analysis of the final corpus of 18 articles adopted for this study, inclusion was presented and explained in the context of disabled persons. In the other three articles, inclusion was presented in each of them in the following contexts: inclusion as per teaching a particular subject considered difficult; inclusion in the context of rural schools and learners into learning activities amidst the COVID-19 pandemic; and inclusion in terms of social context.

Step 5: Collation or summary phase: At this stage, the author summarizes the findings of the study. It is at this stage that the data can be coded, categorised, thereafter theme generated for explanation. Thus, in the context of this study, from the analysed final corpus of relevant literature themes were generated following the coding, and categorization from the submission of the scholars. The identified themes which were discussed are: 1. Inclusivity in the context of historically disadvantaged (black) persons, 2. Inclusivity in the context of physically challenged (disabled) persons, 3. Inclusivity - for persons with special educational needs (SEN), 4. Way forward.


Sequel to the findings of the study and discussions, a submission is made. The scoping review shows that the focus on inclusivity in education as expected has been in the context of the disabled. Thus, the concept of inclusive education remains a term associated with physically challenged people; in other words, persons with disabilities. In the context of South Africa, inclusivity in education may be attributed to the context of two dimensions, particularly of historically disadvantaged persons who are predominantly from black areas, and physically impaired persons. The scoping review therefore presents that inclusivity in the digital and/or postdigital eras is to be reconsidered and redefined. In other words, the study indicated that the focus on inclusive education in the South African context is directed towards physically impaired or challenged persons.

New progress

Based on the findings of this study, the following recommendations are made to educational leaders in specific:

  • Distance education should be reconsidered to include issues revolving around lack of knowledge and skills in the use of technology. This could be as a result of learners’ lack of access to needed technological gadgets and technology such as computers, internet connectivity, technological skills and so forth.
  • Also, policies of inclusivity in education should be reviewed and revised to include persons who lack technological knowledge and skills.

Selected references / sources

Citation and link to actual paper which contains all the references and sources cited in the work:

Uleanya, C. Reconceptualising Disabilities and Inclusivity for the Postdigital Era: Recommendations to Educational Leaders. Educ. Sci. 2023, 13, 51.



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