Fretting Corrosion at Microgrooved Taper of Hip Implants: Comparison
Please note this is a comparison between Version 4 by Reza Hashemi and Version 3 by Lindsay Dong.

Fretting corrosion at the head–neck interface of modular hip implants, scientifically termed trunnionosis/taperosis, mamay cause regional inflammation, metallosis, a and adverse local tissue reactions. The severity of such a deleterious process depends on various design parameters. In this review, the influence ofAmong others, surface topography (in some cases, called microgrooves/ridges) on the overall performance of the microgrooved head–neck junctions is investigatcan influence the severity of this type of damage. The literature for this influence is summarised and discussed. The methodologies together with the assumptions and simplifications, as well as the main findings from both the experimental observations (retrieval and in vitro) and the nand numerical approaches used in previous sstudies, are presented and discussed. The performance of the microgrooved junctions is compared to those with a smooth surface finish in two main categoriesthen evaluated using two criteria: stability and integrity; wear, corrosion, and material loss. Existing contradictions and disagreements among the reported results are reported and discussed in order to present a comprehensive picture of the microgrooved junctions. The current reFinally, the current research needs and possible future research directions on the microgrooved junctions are also identified and presented.

  • microgrooves
  • stability
  • fretting corrosion
  • head-neck junction
  • hip implant
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