1.2. Atrophy
Signs of atrophy are also typical in CNS imaging in pSS. Atrophy is not always present though: when directly measuring the cortical thickness of pSS patients, Segal et al. did not find any differences between pSS and healthy controls
[22][14]. Cortical atrophy of 2 patients is reported based on CT scans
[23][15]. The same condition was identified in 6 patients in an investigation involving 15 participants (31.25%). Focal alterations in the cortex were not seen
[24][16]. The lack of focal atrophy was confirmed and extended to the WM: Lauvsnes et al. reported general atrophy both in the grey and white matter without any focal enhancement
[25][17]. The mechanism of the atrophy is probably due to cortical hypoperfusion and the consequential lowered glucose metabolism that is present in pSS CNS. This hypoperfusion is established with SPECT studies
[8,21,26][4][13][18] and possibly can be derived back to the vascular pathology mentioned before. An important unanswered question regarding this hypoperfusion is the problem of lateralization: the hypoperfused areas are more common on the left side, exhibiting asymmetry
2. Volumetric and Morphometric MRI
The total volume of pSS patients’ brains is not significantly different compared to patients with migraine. However, ventricular volume was significantly higher in pSS with age covariation correction. This ventricular dilatation was associated with attention disturbance
[27][19]. These alterations correlate with neuropsychological and psychiatric symptoms; thus, together with the previously mentioned
single-photon emission computerized tomography (SPECT
) studies would support an organic aetiology for these manifestations of pSS. Tzarouchi et al. performed the first voxel-based morphometric study in pSS. According to the results, the volume of both grey and white matter is reduced in the pSS group. In the grey matter (GM), the cortical regions were bilaterally affected, mainly in the occipital, parietal and frontal lobes; furthermore, the thalamus, caudate nucleus and cerebellar hemispheres were diminished. As for the WM, small areas with decreased volume could be observed throughout the brain, especially in the frontal and occipital lobes, cerebellum and corpus callosum (splenium, genu)
[9]. On the contrary, a more recent study identified diffuse cerebral white matter loss in pSS patients but demonstrated the lack of GM or WM atrophy in specific areas of the brain
[25][17]. In the search for an association between fatigue and brain volume, Hammonds et al. found no structural changes either in GM or WM that could be related to fatigue. These results apply to global volumes and individual brain regions
3. DTI
Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is an MRI-based technology based on the diffusion of water molecules, arranging the measure of the microstructural integrity of fibre tracts. Subtle tissue alterations that impact the integrity of the brain’s structural networks and interregional information transfer are visualized via DTI
[28][20]. DTI revealed significant alterations between pSS patients with and without cognitive impairment and healthy controls in the inferior frontal WM. Lower fractional anisotropy (FA) and higher mean diffusivity (MD) reflecting the deterioration of physiological brain tissue microstructure were observed in the cognitively impaired pSS group
[22][14]. Compared with control subjects, pSS patients turned out to have decreased FA bilaterally in the corticospinal tract, superior longitudinal fasciculus, anterior thalamic radiation, inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus, uncinate fasciculus and inferior longitudinal fasciculus. Voxelwise-based group comparison of MD, axial diffusivity (AD) and radial diffusivity (RD) between patients and healthy controls showed increased MD and RD and decreased AD in the CNS of pSS patients in an extensive, diffuse pattern involving most of the major WM tracts throughout the brain
[29][21]. In another Greek study, pSS patients were divided into two groups: with and without depression. Patients with depression showed increased AD, RD and MD and decreased FA; those without depression showed decreased AD in major WM tracts (superior longitudinal fasciculus, inferior longitudinal fasciculus, corticospinal tract, anterior thalamic radiation, inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus, cingulum, uncinate fasciculus and forceps minor-major)
[10][6]. Finally, in a paper published this year focusing on structural connectivity (SC), 12 connections were significantly different between pSS patients and healthy controls. Decreased SC in the frontal and parietal lobes and some parts of the temporal and occipital lobes were present in pSS patients. Furthermore, increased SC between the right caudate nucleus and the right median cingulate/paracingulate gyri was reported. The reduced SC between the left middle temporal gyrus and the left middle occipital gyrus was negatively associated with WMHs
4. Resting-State fMRI
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has been crucial to the current understanding of brain function. During task performance or in response to a stimulus, specific regions of the brain are activated and detected by fMRI. More recently, the modality has been developed for use at rest, termed resting-state fMRI or functional connectivity (FC) MR imaging. Resting-state fMRI investigates synchronous activations between regions that are distinct in space, appearing without a task or stimulus, to identify resting-state networks
[31][23]. Thus, resting-state fMRI can provide valuable information about brain networks in pSS. The first fMRI study published on pSS was performed on 14 patients. The data were processed by regional homogeneity (ReHo) analysis. ReHo is the time consistency of the blood oxygenation level-dependent signal of local brain tissue
[32][24]. The ReHo values were increased in the right cerebral hemisphere, left limbic lobe, right middle temporal gyrus and the inferior parietal lobe in pSS patients compared to controls. However, ReHo values were significantly decreased in the right lingual gyrus, left cuneiform lobe, left superior occipital gyrus, bilateral middle occipital gyrus and the bilateral fronto-parietal junction area
[33][25]. Additionally, pSS patients were found to show decreased brain activation compared to controls in the sensorimotor network. No FC changes occurred when comparing patients with or without depression or fatigue and controls
[10][6]. Another study focusing on the hippocampus revealed that hippocampal FC is decreased between the left hippocampus and the right inferior occipital and inferior temporal cortex, as well as between the right hippocampus and right inferior occipital and middle occipital GM, left middle occipital and left middle temporal GM. In addition, increased hippocampal FCs were detected between the left hippocampus and left putamen, as well as between the right hippocampus and right cerebellar posterior lobe.
5. Summary
5.1. Etiopathogenesis of WMHs
The etiopathogenesis and exact histological structure and, thus, the possible classification of the WMHs remain controversial. It is complicated by the fact that WMH appearance is rather heterogenous in terms of their number, size and location. Many attempts have been made to find out the way of the emergence of these lesions. These theories included myelin pallor, dilatation of perivascular (Virchow–Robin) spaces, periventricular gliosis, arteriosclerosis and infarction
[6][2]. It has recently been established that the two main pathways, which most likely interfere, are the vascular and demyelinating/inflammatory pathways. Microinfarcts or microhaemorrhages associated with a small-vessel cerebral vasculopathy have been demonstrated as pathogenic factors of WMHs. It was described in the case of similar foci observed in MS; however, in their case, there was no clinical sign of demyelination
[36][26]. Abnormal cerebral blood flow was also detected in pSS: hypoperfusion in the parietal and temporal lobe was reported based on SPECT studies
[21,26][13][18]. The hypoperfusion is asymmetrical and focal
[8,20][4][12] and, due to the subsequent diminished glucose metabolism, is connected not only to WMHs but to atrophy too, which itself may be able to trigger WMH formation via Wallerian degeneration (see below). Cerebrovascular risk factors, such as hypertension, increase the incidence of WMHs, which also supports vascular origin
[14][10]. Haemodynamic changes are also registered in pSS brains: higher mean pulsatility index and systolic–diastolic ratio was found in patients compared to controls, in correlation with anti-SSA autoantibodies. This suggests that the autoimmune response is involved in early cerebral haemodynamic dysfunctions. Additionally, functional impairment of the endothelium was established, which is possibly responsible for vasomotor dysfunction before any organic damage
[13][8]. The importance of functional impairment prior to organic damage, and the role of the autoimmune response in CNS pathology is enhanced by a study examining somatosensory-evoked potentials (SEP) among 33 pSS patients without clinical features of CNS damage and normal head computed tomography scan. The relationship between SEP parameters and pSS disease duration, duration of arthralgia and presence of anti-SSA and SSB antibodies is also described in the study
[37][27]. The same research group revealed abnormal brainstem auditory-evoked potentials (BAEP) investigating pSS patients without CNS involvement
[38][28]. These bioelectrical activity dysfunctions may be a consequence of ongoing inflammatory and/or immunological processes, anticipating the detectable morphological changes. Vasculitis has been described in the brains of pSS patients
[39,40,41][29][30][31]. Therefore, one may consider vasculitis as a pathogenic factor for WMH formation. It probably has low importance though: pSS is not a vasculitic disease despite the occurrence of small vessel vasculitis in some cases. The fact that pSS patients do not have more cerebral infarcts than healthy controls also provides evidence against vasculitis as a pathogenic factor
[7,25][3][17]. In summary, vascular impairment is important but not the exclusive pathogenic mechanism in the aetiology of CNS involvement in pSS.
The other main pathway settles on inflammation and demyelination, with a high resemblance to MS
[14,29,44,49][10][21][32][33]. Although it may be difficult to distinguish between MS-like and true-MS symptoms based on MRI, it is crucial since MRI may be the most important diagnostic tool to rely on in the differential diagnosis, especially at the beginning of the symptoms
[50][34]. The differences in the etiopathogenesis of pSS and MS may also lead to different neuropathological and neuroradiological hallmarks: focal lesions are more common in pSS, as well as lesions of vascular origin without clinical signs of demyelination. Furthermore, demyelinating lesions are not necessarily present in the brain of pSS patients. Clinical investigations can support the differential diagnosis; cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis detects only one or two bands in pSS as opposed to the oligoclonal pattern found in MS
Young age and lower prevalence of hypertension are significant variables for inflammatory/demyelinating lesions when it comes to the differentiation between vascular and inflammatory/demyelinating WMHs
[14][10]. The presence of anti-aquaporin-4 (anti-AQP4) autoantibody in pSS is a predictive sign for demyelinating lesions; brain lesions fulfilling Barkhof’s criteria were found only in anti-AQP4 antibody-positive patients among 22 participants
Similarly to anti-AQP4 antibodies, which are direct insults to the myelin, the autoimmune response itself can damage the CNS-promoting WMH formation. B-cell dysfunction is a key feature of pSS. The excessive B-cell activating factor (BAFF) production is a pathological mechanism in pSS
[52][37]. Nonlymphoid cells, such as astrocytes, can express BAFF and trigger CNS manifestations.
5.2. MRI Findings and Cognitive Functions
The obvious neuropsychological and cognitive symptoms of pSS have drawn the attention of the scientific community in recent decades
[59,60][38][39]. There is a wide range of cognitive involvement in pSS, from mild cognitive impairment (MCI) to severe dementia. There have been studies analysing cognitive functions and MRI findings together. Their results, however, often contradict each other, which brings into question whether the cognitive impairments correlate with MRI abnormalities. On the other hand, there is concordance in the nature of cognitive manifestations in pSS. These are, for the most part, attention deficits, visual and verbal memory (working and long-term), psychomotor function and processing speed abnormalities. Possibly the immune system itself plays a role in these conditions; in patients with anti-SSA antibody positivity, higher cognitive function disorders can be observed
The correlation of the cognitive symptoms, MRI findings and the atrophy typical for pSS described above all support the organic origin of mental health impairment in the disease. The reason for the asymmetricity of the blood flow is an interesting and open question. Nevertheless, these procedures may cause detectable cognitive decline that can reach the threshold of clinical dementia
[20,57][12][42]. Nation-wide, population-based studies also have confirmed that pSS patients have a higher risk for dementia
5.3. Involvement of Brain Regions
A typical pattern or location of brain lesions has yet to be described in pSS. However, there are interesting findings regarding the involvement of certain territories of the brain. The first such area is the visual cortex, where Tzarouchi et al. found atrophy
[9], and Xing et al. detected abnormal brain activity with resting-state fMRI
[33][25]. This finding can be explained by the association of pSS and neuromyelitis optica (NMO)
[71][45], which may result in the degeneration of the entire circuitry
The other affected region to discuss is the cerebellum. Govoni et al. mentions a >1cm hyperlucent area in the left cerebellar hemisphere of one patient
[11][5]. The bilateral degeneration of cerebellar hemispheres with voxel-based morphometry is also described. WMHs can also appear in the cerebellum
[14][10]. An autopsy showed high Ro52/TRIM21 expression in the Purkinje cells in the histological sections of the cerebellum in a patient with cerebellar degeneration. This may indicate that anti-Ro/SSA antibodies are the antineuronal antibodies involved in the cerebellar degeneration of patients with SS. This finding, besides the possible use of CSF as a biomarker in pSS, suggests that the autoimmune response linked to pSS causes cerebellar degeneration
[73][46]. In conclusion, it is most likely that these are not sporadic cases; cerebellar impairment is possibly a rare but notable symptom of pSS.